Numpy broadcasting comparison report "'bool' object has no attribute 'sum'" error when dealing with large dataframe - pandas

I use numpy broadcasting to get the differences matrix from a pandas dataframe. I find when dealing with large dataframe, it reports "'bool' object has no attribute 'sum'" error. While dealing with small dataframe, it runs fine.
I post the two csv files in the following links:
large file
small file
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df_small = pd.read_csv(r'test_small.csv',index_col='Key')
a_small = df_small.to_numpy()
matrix = pd.DataFrame((a_small != a_small[:, None]).sum(2), index=df_small.index, columns=df_small.index)
when running this, I could get the difference matrix.
when switch to large file, It reports the following error. Does anybody know why this happens?
EDIT:The numpy version is 1.19.5


Dataframe conversion from pandas to polars -- difference in the final dimensions

I'm trying to convert a Pandas Dataframe to a Polar one.
I simply used the function result_polars = pl.from_pandas(result). Conversion proceeds well, but when I check the shape of the two dataframe I get that the Polars one has half the size of the original Pandas Dataframe.
I believe that 4172903059 in length is almost the maximum dimension that the polars dataframe allows.
Does anyone have suggestions?
Here a screenshot of the shape of the two dataframes.
Here a Minimum working example
import polars as pl
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((4292903069,1), dtype=np.uint8))
df_polars = pl.from_pandas(df)
Using these dimensions the two dataframes have the same size. If instead I put the following:
import polars as pl
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((4392903069,1), dtype=np.uint8))
df_polars = pl.from_pandas(df)
The Polars dataframe has much smaller dimension (97935773).
The default polars wheel retrieved with pip install polars "only" allows for 2^32 e.g. ~4.2 billion rows.
Do you need more than that install pip install polars-u64-idx and uninstall the previous installation.

joblib.Memory and pandas.DataFrame inputs

I've been finding that joblib.Memory.cache results in unreliable caching when using dataframes as inputs to the decorated functions. Playing around, I found that joblib.hash results in inconsistent hashes, at least in some cases. If I understand correctly, joblib.hash is used by joblib.Memory, so this is probably the source of the problem.
Problems seem to occur when new columns are added to dataframes followed by a copy, or when a dataframe is saved and loaded from disk. The following example compares the inconsistent hash output when applied to dataframes, or the consistent results when applied to the equivalent numpy data.
import pandas as pd
import joblib
df = pd.DataFrame({'A':[1,2,3],'B':[4.,5.,6.], })'MyInd'
df['B2'] = df['B']**2
df_copy = df.copy()
df_fromfile = pd.read_csv('df.csv').set_index('MyInd')
print("DataFrame Hashes:")
def _to_tuple(df):
return (df.values, df.columns.values, df.index.values,
print("Equivalent Numpy Hashes:")
results in output:
DataFrame Hashes:
Equivalent Numpy Hashes:
The "Equivalent Numpy Hashes" is the behavior I'd like. I'm guessing the problem is due to some kind of complex internal metadata that DataFrames utililize. Is there any canonical way to use joblib.Memory.cache on pandas DataFrames so it will cache based upon the data values only?
A "good enough" workaround would be if there is a way a user can tell joblib.Memory.cache to utilize something like my _to_tuple function above for specific arguments.

MATLAB .mat in Pandas DataFrame to be used in Tensorflow

I have gone days trying to figure this out, hopefully someone can help.
I am uploading a .mat file into python using, placing the struct into a dataframe, which will then be used in Tensorflow.
from import loadmat
import pandas as pd
import numpy as p
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#import TF
path = '/home/anthony/PycharmProjects/Deep_Learning_MATLAB/circuit-data/for tinghao/template1-lib5-eqns-CR-RESULTS-SET1-FINAL.mat'
raw_data = loadmat(path, squeeze_me=True)
data = raw_data['Graphs']
df = pd.DataFrame(data, dtype=int)
The out put is:
A object
Ln object
types object
nz int64
np int64
dtype: object
Process finished with exit code 0
The struct is (43249x6). Each cell in the 'A' column is a different sized matrix, i.e. 18x18, or 16x16 etc. Each cell in "Ln" is a row of letters each in their own separate cell. Each cell in 'Types' contains 12 columns of numbers, and 'nz' and 'np' i have no issues with.
I want to put all columns into a dataframe, and use column A or LN or Types as the 'Labels' and nz and np as 'features', again i do not have issues with the latter. Can anyone help with this or have some kind of work around.
The end goal is to have tensorflow train on nz and np and give me either a matrix, Ln, or Type.
What type of data is your .mat file of ? Is your application very time critical?
If you can collect all your data in a struct you could give jsonencode a try, make the struct a json file and load it back into python via json (see json documentation on loading data).
Then you can create a pandas dataframe via
Of course this would only be a workaround. Still you would have to ensure your data in the MATLAB struct is correctly orderer to be then imported and transferred to a df.
raw_data = loadmat(path, squeeze_me=True)
data = raw_data['Graphs']
graph_labels = pd.DataFrame()
graph_labels['perf'] = raw_data['Objective'][0:1000]
graph_labels['np'] = data['np'][0:1000]
The code above helped out. Its very simple and drawn out, but it got the job done. But, it does not work in tensorflow because tensorflow does not accept this format, and that was my main issue. I have to convert adjacency matrices to networkx graphs, then upload them into stellargraph.

Convert Breeze Matrix to Numpy Array

Is it possible to convert a breeze dense matrix to numpy array using spark?
I have here a breeze dense matrix I want to convert to numpy array.
Here is a way that works correctly but is slow / inefficient (creates multiple copies). i used zeppelin spark and pyspark interpreters (i guess toree should also be possible):
in spark:
import breeze.linalg._
import breeze.numerics._
z.put("matrix", DenseMatrix.eye[Double](4));
then in python:
import numpy as np
def breeze2numpy(breeze_matrix):
data = list(breeze_matrix.copy().data())
return np.array(data).reshape(breeze_matrix.rows(), breeze_matrix.cols(), order='F')
this works but will be impractical for big datasets (because of the multiple copies involved via a python list). it would be nice to have a zero-copy method using python's buffer protocol like there is for C++ Eigen matrix --> numpy array.

Fastest way to load multiple numpy arrays into spark rdd?

I'm new to Spark. In my application, I would like to create an RDD from many numpy arrays. Each numpy array is (10,000, 5,000). Currently, I'm trying the following:
rdd_list = []
for np_array in np_arrays:
pandas_df = pd.DataFrame(np_array)
spark_df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(pandas_df) ##SLOW STEP
big_rdd = sc.union(rdd_list)
All of the steps are fast, except converting the Pandas dataframe to Spark dataframe is very slow. If I use a subset of the numpy array, such (10,000, 500), it takes a couple minutes to convert it to a Spark dataframe. But if I use the full numpy array (10,000, 5,000), it just hangs.
Is there anything I can do to speed up my workflow? Or should I be doing this in a completely different way? (FYI, I'm kind of stuck with the initial numpy arrays.)
For my application I had used the class ArrayRDD from the sparkit-learn project for loading numpy arrays into spark RDDs. I had no complaints but your mileage may vary.