LINQ or Navigation Properties command to retrieve 1 to many data - sql

I am looking for help with a LINQ SQL query please.
I have a blazor application that gets data from an Azure SQL database. I am seeking to get a dataset from the database for linking to a datagrid, where each row is a record from the main table joined with a record from the second table. The second table has millions of records, it needs to join one record which has the same key (securityId) and with the date being the record with the nominated date, or with the last date before the nominated date.
Because of the size of the 2nd file, I need an efficient query. Currently I am using the following, but I believe there must be more efficient ways to do it without the lag. Also tried Navigation Properties but couldn't get to work
reviewdateS is the date that I want the 2nd record to match or be the latest date prior to that date
result = (from cmpn in _ctx.MstarCompanies
join prcs in _ctx.MstarPrices
on cmpn.securityId equals prcs.securityId into cs
from c in cs.DefaultIfEmpty()
where c.date01 == reviewDateS
select new ClsMarketPrices { })
Following are the 3 relevant classes. ClsMarketPrices does not relate to a database table, it is simple a class that combines the other 2 classes which may not be necessary but with my limited knowledge it is how it is working.
_ctx is a repository that links to the data context.
public MySQLRepositories(ApplicationDbContext ctx)
_ctx = ctx;
public class ClsMarket
public int CompanyId { get; set; } = 0;
public string securityId { get; set; } = "";
public string companyName { get; set; } = "";
public string mic { get; set; } = "";
public string currency { get; set; } = "";
public virtual ICollection<ClsPrices> Prices { get; set; }
public class ClsMarketPrices
public int CompanyId { get; set; } = 0;
public string companyName { get; set; } = "";
public string period { get; set; } = "";
public string mic { get; set; } = "";
public class ClsPrices
public int PricesId { get; set; }
public string securityId { get; set; } = "";
public string mic { get; set; } = "";
public string date01 { get; set; } = "";
public virtual ClsMarket ClsMarket {get; set;}

I want to get a record from the 1st file joined with a record from the 2nd file where that record from the 2nd file has a date equal to or the last before the nominated date.
So we are talking about files, not a database! This is important, because this means that your local process will execute the LINQ, not a database management system. In other words: the LINQ will be IEnumerable, not IQueryable.
This is important, because as Enumerable, you will be able to define your own LINQ extension methods.
Although you supplied an enormous amount of irrelevant properties, you forgot to give us the most important things: you were talking about two files, you told us that you have two classes with a one-to-many relation, but you gave us three classes. Which ones do have the relation that you are talking about?
I think that every object of ClsMarketPrices has zero or more ClsPrices, and that every ClsPrice is one of the prices of a ClsMarketPrices, namely the ClsMarketPrices that the foreign key SecurityId (rather confusing name) refers to.
First of all, let's assume you already have procedures to read the two sequences from your files. And of course, these procedures won't read more than needed (so don't read the whole file if you will only use the first ClsMarket). I assume you already know how to do that:
IEnumerable<ClsMarketPrices> ReadMarketPrices();
IEnumerable<ClsPrices> ReadPrices();
So you've go a DateTime reviewDate. Every MarketPrice has zero or more Prices. Every Price has a DateTime property DateStamp. You want for every MarketPrice the Price that has the largest value for DateStamp that is smaller or equal to reviewDate.
If a MarketPrice doesn't have such a Prices, for instance because it doesn't have a Price at all, or all its Prices have a DateStamp larger than reviewDate, you want a value null.
You didn't say what you want if a MarketPrice has several Prices with equal largest DateStamp <= reviewDate. I assume that you don't care which one is selected.
The straighforward LINQ method would be to use GroupJoin, Where, Orderby and FirstOrDefault:
DateTime reviewDate = ...
IEnumerable<ClsMarketPrices> marketPricess = ReadMarketPrices();
IEnumerable<ClsPrices> prices = ReadPrices().Where(price => price.DateStamp <= reviewDate);
// GroupJoin marketPrices with prices:
var result = markets.GroupJoin(prices,
marketPrice => marketPrice.CompanyId, // from every MarketPrice take the primary key
price => price.CompanyId, // from every price take the foreign key to its market
// parameter resultSelector: from every market, with its zero or more matching prices
// make one new:
(marketPrice, pricesOfThisMarketPrice) => new
// select the marketPrice properties that you plan to use:
Id = marketPrice.CompanyId,
Name = ...
// from all prices of this marketPrice, take the one with the largest DateStamp
// we know there are no marketPrices with a DataStamp larger than reviewData
LatestPrice = pricesOfThisMarketPrice.OrderbyDescending(price => price.DateStamp)
.Select(price => new
// Select the price properties you plan to use;
Id = price.PricesId,
Date = price.DateStamp,
The problem is: this must be done efficiently, because you have an immense amount of Markets and MarketPrices.
Althoug we already limited the amount of prices to sort by removing the prices that are after reviewDate, it is still a waste to order all Dates if you will only be using the first one.
We can optimize this, by using Aggregate for pricesOfThisMarketPrice. This will assert that pricesOfThisMarketPrice will be enumerated only once.
Side remarks: Aggregate only works on IEnumerable, not on IQueryable, so it won't work on a database. Furthermore, pricesOfThisMarketPrice might be an empty sequence; we have to take care of that.
LatestPrice = pricesOfThisMarketPrice.Any() ?
// select the one with the largest value of DateStamp:
(latestPrice, nextPrice) => nextPrice.DateStamp >= latesPrice.DateStamp) ? nextPrice : latestPrice)
// do not do the aggregate if there are no prices at all:
: null,
Although this Aggregate is more efficient than OrderBy, your second sequence will still be enumerated more than once. See the source code of Enumerable.GroupJoin.
If you really want to enumerate your second source once, and limit the number of enumerations of the first source, consider to create an extension method. This way you can use it as any LINQ method. If you are not familiar with extension methods, see extension methods demystified.
You can create an extension method for your ClsPrices and ClsPrice, however, if you think you will need to "find the largest element that belongs to another element" more often, why not create a generic method, just like LINQ does.
Below I create the most extensive extension method, one with a resultSelector and equalityComparers. If you will use standard equality, consider to add an extension method without these comparers and let this extension method call the other extension method with null value for the comparers.
For examples about the overloads with and without equality comparers see several LINQ methods, like ToDictionary: there is a method without a comparer and one with a comparer. This first one calls the second one with null value for comparer.
I will use baby steps, so you can understand what happens.
This can slightly be optimized.
The most important thing is that you will enumerate your largest collection only once.
IEnumerable<TResult> TakeLargestItem<T1, T2, TKey, Tproperty, TResult>(
this IEnumerable<T1> t1Sequence,
IEnumerable<T2> t2Sequence,
// Select primary and foreign key:
Func<T1, TKey> t1KeySelector,
Func<T2, TKey> t2KeySelector,
// Select the property of T2 of which you want the largest element
Func<T2, TProperty> propertySelector,
// The largest element must be <= propertyLimit:
TProperty propertyLimit,
// From T1 and the largest T2 create one TResult
Func<T1, T2, TResult> resultSelector,
// equality comparer to compare equality of primary and foreign key
IEqualityComparer<TKey> keyComparer,
// comparer to find the largest property value
IComparer<TProperty> propertyComparer)
// TODO: invent a property method name
// TODO: decide what to do if null input
// if no comparers provided, use the default comparers:
if (keyComparer == null) keyComparer = EqualityComparer<TKey>.Default;
if (propertyComparer == null) propertyComparer = Comparer<TProperty>.Default;
// TODO: implement
The implementation is straightforward:
put all T1 in a dictionary t1Key as key, {T1, T2} as value, keyComparer as comparer
then enumerate T2 only once.
check if the property <= propertyLimit,
if so, search in the dictionary for the {T1, T2} combination with the same key
check if the current t2Item is larger than the T2 in the {T1, T2} combination
if so: replace
We need an internal class:
class DictionaryValue
public T1 T1 {get; set;}
public T2 T2 {get; set;}
The code:
IDictionary<TKey, DictionaryValue> t1Dict = t1Sequence.ToDictionary(
t1 -> t1KeySelector(t1),
t1 => new DictionaryValue {T1 = t1, T2 = (T2)null },
The enumeration of t2Sequence:
foreach (T2 t2 in t2Sequence)
// check if the property is <= propertyLimit
TProperty property = propertySelector(t2);
if (propertyComparer.Compare(property, propertyLimit) < 0)
// find the T1 that belongs to this T2:
TKey key = keySelector(t2);
if (t1Dict.TryGetValue(key, out DictionaryValue largestValue))
// there is a DictionaryValue with the same key
// is it null? then t2 is the largest
// if not null: get the property of the largest value and use the
// propertyComparer to see which one of them is the largest
if (largestValue.T2 == null)
largestValue.T2 = t2;
TProperty largestProperty = propertySelector(largestValue.T2);
if (propertyComparer.Compare(property, largestProperty) > 0)
// t2 has a larger property than the largestValue: replace
largestValue.T2 = t2,
So for every t1, we have found the largest t2 that has a property <= propertyLimit.
Use the resultSelector to create the results.
IEnumerable<TResult> result = t1Dict.Values.Select(
t1WithLargestT2 => resultSelector(t1WithLargestT2.T1, t1WithLargestT2.T2));
return result;


Entity Framework 4.1 Eager Loading on complext object

In a current MVC4.0 project I am using Entity Framework 4.1 Database first model.
Part of this structure includes the following tables
compGroupData and SurveyData are not joined in the database
SecondaryData is joined to SurveyData on a one to one relationship via a Foreign Key SurveyData.surveydatakey = SecondaryData.surveydatakey
In my project I have a class ComparisonWithData defined as:
public class ComparisonWithData
public compGroupData compgrp { get; set; }
public SurveyData surveydata { get; set; }
public ComparisonWithData()
compgrp = new compGroupData();
surveydata = new SurveyData();
This gives me a result set for a specific Comparison group and the data that matches this.
In the past I have retrieved the data for this via the following query:
List<ComparisonWithData> comparisonwithdata = ((from compgrp in db.compGroupDatas
where compgrp.grpYear == rptyear && compgrp.CompGroupID == ccompgrp.CompGrpID
join surveydata in db.SurveyDatas on new { compgrp.companyid, SurveyYear = (Int32)compgrp.SurveyYear } equals new { companyid = surveydata.companyid, SurveyYear = surveydata.surveyyear }
select new ComparisonWithData
compgrp = compgrp,
surveydata = surveydata,
With a recent change in data I now need to also reference the SecondaryData but due to the number of records really need this to load Eagerly instead of Lazy. (Lazy loading during the loop results in thousands of DB calls)
I have looked at using the "Include" method on surveydata as well as casting the initial query as an ObjectQuery and doing the Include off that.
The first method doesn't eager load and the second method seems to always return a null object as a result.
Is there a method to Eager load the SecondaryData for SurveyData or should I be looking at a different approach all together.
My only restriction on this is that I can't go up to EF5 because of a limitation we have on .Net 4.5
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
You could try to project into an anonymous object first and use also SecondaryData in that projection, materialize this result and then project again into your final result object. Automatic Relationship Fixup that the EF context provides should populate the navigation property surveyData.SecondaryData of your ComparisonWithData object (as long as you don't disable change tracking in your query):
var data = (( // ... part up to select unchanged ...
select new // anonymous object
compgrp = compgrp,
surveydata = surveydata,
secondarydata = surveydata.SecondaryData
// part until here is DB query, the rest from here is query in memory
List<ComparisonWithData> comparisonwithdata =
(from d in data
select new ComparisonWithData
compgrp = d.compgrp,
surveydata = d.surveydata

Get a value from array based on the value of others arrays (VB.Net)

Supposed that I have two arrays:
Dim RoomName() As String = {(RoomA), (RoomB), (RoomC), (RoomD), (RoomE)}
Dim RoomType() As Integer = {1, 2, 2, 2, 1}
I want to get a value from the "RoomName" array based on a criteria of "RoomType" array. For example, I want to get a "RoomName" with "RoomType = 2", so the algorithm should randomize the index of the array that the "RoomType" is "2", and get a single value range from index "1-3" only.
Is there any possible ways to solve the problem using array, or is there any better ways to do this? Thank you very much for your time :)
Note: Code examples below using C# but hopefully you can read the intent for
Well, a simpler way would be to have a structure/class that contained both name and type properties e.g.:
public class Room
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Type { get; set; }
public Room(string name, int type)
Name = name;
Type = type;
Then given a set of rooms you can find those of a given type using a simple linq expression:
var match = rooms.Where(r => r.Type == 2).Select(r => r.Name).ToList();
Then you can find a random entry from within the set of matching room names (see below)
However assuming you want to stick with the parallel arrays, one way is to find the matching index values from the type array, then find the matching names and then find one of the matching values using a random function.
var matchingTypeIndexes = new List<int>();
int matchingTypeIndex = -1;
matchingTypeIndex = Array.IndexOf(roomType, 2, matchingTypeIndex + 1);
if (matchingTypeIndex > -1)
} while (matchingTypeIndex > -1);
List<string> matchingRoomNames = matchingTypeIndexes.Select(typeIndex => roomName[typeIndex]).ToList();
Then to find a random entry of those that match (from one of the lists generated above):
var posn = new Random().Next(matchingRoomNames.Count);

Hibernate Criteria - Restricting Data Based on Field in One-to-Many Relationship

I need some hibernate/SQL help, please. I'm trying to generate a report against an accounting database. A commission order can have multiple account entries against it.
class CommissionOrderDAO {
int id
String purchaseOrder
double bookedAmount
Date customerInvoicedDate
String state
static hasMany = [accountEntries: AccountEntryDAO]
SortedSet accountEntries
static mapping = {
version false
cache usage: 'read-only'
table 'commission_order'
id column:'id', type:'integer'
purchaseOrder column: 'externalId'
bookedAmount column: 'bookedAmount'
customerInvoicedDate column: 'customerInvoicedDate'
state column : 'state'
accountEntries sort : 'id', order : 'desc'
class AccountEntryDAO implements Comparable<AccountEntryDAO> {
int id
Date eventDate
CommissionOrderDAO commissionOrder
String entryType
String description
double remainingPotentialCommission
static belongsTo = [commissionOrder : CommissionOrderDAO]
static mapping = {
version false
cache usage: 'read-only'
table 'account_entry'
id column:'id', type:'integer'
eventDate column: 'eventDate'
commissionOrder column: 'commissionOrder'
entryType column: 'entryType'
description column: 'description'
remainingPotentialCommission formula : SQLFormulaUtils.AccountEntrySQL.REMAININGPOTENTIALCOMMISSION_FORMULA
The criteria for the report is that the commissionOrder.state==open and the commissionOrder.customerInvoicedDate is not null. And the account entries in the report should be between the startDate and the endDate and with remainingPotentialCommission > 0.
I'm looking to display information on the CommissionOrder mainly (and to display account entries on that commission order between the dates), but when I use the following projection:
def results = accountEntryCriteria.list {
projections {
like ("entryType", "comm%")
ge("eventDate", beginDate)
le("eventDate", endDate)
gt("remainingPotentialCommission", 0.0099d)
and {
commissionOrder {
eq("state", "open")
order("id", "asc")
I get the correct accountEntries with the proper commissionOrders, but I'm going in backwards: I have loads of accountEntries which can reference the same commissionOrder. Aut when I look at the commissionOrders that I've retrieved, each one has ALL its accountEntries not just the accountEntries between the dates.
I then loop through the results, get the commissionOrder from the accountEntriesList, and remove accountEntries on that commissionOrder after the end date to get the "snapshot" in time that I need.
def getCommissionOrderListByRemainingPotentialCommissionFromResults(results, endDate) {
log.debug("begin getCommissionOrderListByRemainingPotentialCommissionFromResults")
int count = 0;
List<CommissionOrderDAO> commissionOrderList = new ArrayList<CommissionOrderDAO>()
if (results) {
CommissionOrderDAO[] commissionOrderArray = new CommissionOrderDAO[results?.size()];
Set<CommissionOrderDAO> coDuplicateCheck = new TreeSet<CommissionOrderDAO>()
for (ae in results) {
if (!coDuplicateCheck.contains(ae?.commissionOrder?.purchaseOrder) && ae?.remainingPotentialCommission > 0.0099d) {
CommissionOrderDAO co = ae?.commissionOrder
CommissionOrderDAO culledCO = removeAccountEntriesPastDate(co, endDate)
def lastAccountEntry = culledCO?.accountEntries?.last()
if (lastAccountEntry?.remainingPotentialCommission > 0.0099d) {
commissionOrderArray[count++] = culledCO
log.debug("Count after clean is ${count}")
if (count > 0) {
commissionOrderList = Arrays.asList(ArrayUtils.subarray(commissionOrderArray, 0, count))
log.debug("commissionOrderList size = ${commissionOrderList?.size()}")
log.debug("end getCommissionOrderListByRemainingPotentialCommissionFromResults")
return commissionOrderList
Please don't think I'm under the impression that this isn't a Charlie Foxtrot. The query itself doesn't take very long, but the cull process takes over 35 minutes. Right now, it's "manageable" because I only have to run the report once a month.
I need to let the database handle this processing (I think), but I couldn't figure out how to manipulate hibernate to get the results I want. How can I change my criteria?
Try to narrow down the bottle neck of that process. If you have a lot of data, then maybe this check could be time expensive.
in Set contains have O(n) complexity. You can use i.e. Map to store keys that you would check and then search for "ae?.commissionOrder?.purchaseOrder" as key in the map.
The second thought is that maybe when you're getting ae?.commissionOrder?.purchaseOrder it is always loaded from db by lazy mechanism. Try to turn on query logging and check that you don't have dozens of queries inside this processing function.
Finally and again I would suggest to narrow down where is the most expensive part and time waste.
This plugin maybe helpful.

NHibernate: Add criteria if param not null

I'm trying to retrieve a list of orders based on parameters specified by a user (basic search functionality). The user will enter either an orderId or a bunch of other params, those will get wrapped up into a message, and eventually make their way to the method below. My question is, how do I only look at the parameters that actually have values? So if a user were to enter a received date range and a store number and all other fields were null, I want to return orders for stores received in the date range and ignore all the null parameters. At first I was thinking I could use a conjunction, but I can't see a way to ignore the null parameters. Then I started splitting things out into the if statements below the main expression, but I don't want to look at those criteria if the user provides an externalId. Is there a simple way to do this?
public IList<Core.Order> GetOrderByCriteria
string ExternalId,
int? Store,
int? Status,
DateTime? beforeTransmissionDate, DateTime? afterTransmissionDate,
DateTime? beforeAllocationProcessDate, DateTime? afterAllocationProcessDate,
DateTime? beforeReceivedDate, DateTime? afterReceivedDate
NHibernate.ICriteria criteria = NHibernateSession.CreateCriteria(typeof(Core.Order))
Expression.Like("ExternalId", ExternalId),
.Add(Expression.Between("ReceivedDate", beforeReceivedDate, afterReceivedDate))
.Add(Expression.Between("TransmissionDate", beforeTransmissionDate, afterTransmissionDate))
.Add(Expression.Between("AllocationProcessDate", beforeAllocationProcessDate, afterAllocationProcessDate))
criteria.Add(Expression.Eq("Status", Status));
criteria.Add(Expression.Eq("Store", Store));
return criteria.List<Core.Order>();
catch (NHibernate.HibernateException he)
DataAccessException dae = new DataAccessException("NHibernate Exception", he);
throw dae;
I wound up dropping the whole conjunction thing and replacing the code in the try block with the code below. I also used joins which reduced the number of db accesses and reduced the amount of code needed.
NHibernate.ICriteria criteria = NHibernateSession.CreateCriteria(typeof(Core.Order));
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ExternalId))
criteria.Add(Expression.Like("ExternalId", ExternalId));
if (beforeReceivedDate != null && afterReceivedDate != null)
criteria.Add(Expression.Between("ReceivedDate", beforeReceivedDate, afterReceivedDate));
if (beforeTransmissionDate != null && afterTransmissionDate != null)
criteria.Add(Expression.Between("TransmissionDate", beforeTransmissionDate, afterTransmissionDate));
if (beforeAllocationProcessDate != null && afterAllocationProcessDate != null)
criteria.Add(Expression.Between("AllocationProcessDate", beforeAllocationProcessDate, afterAllocationProcessDate));
if (Store.HasValue)
criteria.CreateCriteria("Store", "Store").Add(Expression.Eq("Store.LocationNumber", Store.Value));
return criteria.List<Core.Order>();
I had to do something similar not long ago. I'm pretty sure you can modify this to fit your needs.
private ICriteria AddSearchCriteria(ICriteria criteria, string fieldName, string value)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldName))
return criteria;
return criteria;
criteria.Add(Expression.Like(fieldName, "%" + value + "%"));
return criteria;
The code calling the method ended up looking like this:
var query = session.CreateCriteria(typeof (User));
AddSearchCriteria(query, "FirstName", form["FirstName"]);
AddSearchCriteria(query, "LastName", form["LastName"]);
var resultList = new List<User>();
return resultList;
Leave it up to the function to determine if the input is valid and whether to return the unmodified ICriteria or to add another Expression before returning it.

Nhibernate Criteria: 'select max(id)...'

Can I use a Criteria to execute a t-sql command to select the max value for a column in a table?
'select #cus_id = max(id) + 1 from customers'
Use Projection:
.SetProjection( Projections.Max("Id") )
. UniqueResult();
Max(id) + 1 is a very bad way to generate ids. If that's your goal, find another way to generate ids.
Edit: in answer to LnDCobra:
it's bad because it's hard to make sure that the max(id) you got is still the max(id) when you do the insert. If another process inserts a row, your insert will have the same id, and your insert will fail. (Or, conversely, the other process's insert will fail if your insert happened first.)
To prevent this, you have to prevent any other inserts/make your get and subsequent insert atomic, which generally means locking the table, which will hurt performance.
If you only lock against writes, the other process gets max(id), which is the same max(id) you got. You do your insert and release the lock, it inserts a duplicate id and fails. Or it tries to lock too, in which case it waits on you. If you lock against reads too, everybody waits on you. If it locks against writes also, then it doesn't insert the duplicate id, but it does wait on your read and your write.
(And it breaks encapsulation: you should let the rdbms figure out its ids, not the client programs that connect to it.)
Generally, this strategy will either:
* break
* require a bunch of "plumbing" code to make it work
* significantly reduce performance
* or all three
and it will be slower, less robust, and require more hard to maintain code than just using the RDBMS's built in sequences or generated autoincrement ids.
Best approach is to make additional Sequences table.
Where you can maintain sequence target and value.
public class Sequence : Entity
public virtual long? OwnerId { get; set; }
public virtual SequenceTarget SequenceTarget { get; set; }
public virtual bool IsLocked { get; set; }
public virtual long Value { get; set; }
public void GenerateNextValue()
public class SequenceTarget : Entity
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
public long GetNewSequenceValueForZZZZ(long ZZZZId)
var target =
.Where(st => st.Name == "DocNumber")
if (target == null)
throw new EntityNotFoundException(typeof(SequenceTarget));
return GetNewSequenceValue(ZZZZId, target);
protected long GetNewSequenceValue(long? ownerId, SequenceTarget target)
var seqQry =
.Where(seq => seq.SequenceTarget == target);
if (ownerId.HasValue)
seqQry.Where(seq => seq.OwnerId == ownerId.Value);
var sequence = seqQry.SingleOrDefault();
if (sequence == null)
throw new EntityNotFoundException(typeof(Sequence));
// re-read sequence, if it was in session
// update IsLocked field, so we acuire lock on record
// configure dynamic update , so only 1 field is being updated
sequence.IsLocked = !sequence.IsLocked;
// force update to db
// now we gained block - re-read record.
// generate new value
// set back dummy filed
sequence.IsLocked = !sequence.IsLocked;
// update sequence & force changes to DB
return sequence.Value;
OwnerId - when you need to maintain different sequences for same entity, based on some kind of owner. For example you need to maintain numbering for document within contract, then OwnerId will be = contractId