Gitlab-CI stop stage if multiline script returns an exit code not equal to zero - gitlab-ci

Is a multiline script block in a gitlab-ci pipeline immediately aborted if a call within these instructions returns an exit code that is not equal to zero?
stage: test
- export ENVIRONMENTS=$(cat $STAGE-environments.txt)
- |
echo "create tests for stage '$STAGE' and environment '$ENVIRONMENT'"
The two calls "create_test" and "fill_test" are two bash script functions that return an exit code not equal to zero in the event of an error. If this happens, I want the gitlab-ci stage "test" to stop immediately and mark the job as failed.
Do I have to adapt the multiline script for this?


Merge requests can be merged during a deploy freeze if it has a passed pipeline from before the freeze

I am having a problem where an MR can still be merged during freeze period if it has a passing pipeline from before the freeze.
I have set up my .gitlab-ci.yml like below:
stage: test
- echo "No merge should happen during a freeze period"
- exit 1
- if: $CI_DEPLOY_FREEZE != null
It behaves as expected, failing the pipeline during a freeze period.
Is there a method besides manually running the pipeline to make sure the MR has a failing pipeline during freeze periods?

How to call a process in workflow.onError

I have this small pipeline:
process test {
echo 'hello'
exit 1
workflow.onError {
process finish_error{
echo 'blablabla'
I want to trigger a python script in case the pipeline has an error using the finish error process, but this entire process does not seem to be triggered even when using a simple echo blabla example.
nextflow run
N E X T F L O W ~ version 20.10.0
Launching `` [cheesy_banach] - revision: 9020d641ca
executor > local (1)
[56/994298] process > test [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1 ✘
[- ] process > finish_error [ 0%] 0 of 1
Error executing process > 'test'
Caused by:
Process `test` terminated with an error exit status (1)
Command executed:
echo 'hello'
exit 1
Command exit status:
Command output:
Command wrapper:
Work dir:
Tip: when you have fixed the problem you can continue the execution adding the option `-resume` to the run command line
How can I trigger this finish_error process, and how can I view its output?
The onError handler is invoked when a process causes pipeline execution to terminate prematurely. Since a Nextflow pipeline is really just a series of processes joined together, launching another pipeline process from within an event handler doesn't make much sense to me. If your python script should be run using the local executor, you can just execute it in the usual way. This example assumes your script is executable and has an appropriate shebang:
process test {
echo 'hello'
exit 1
workflow.onError {
def proc = "${baseDir}/".execute()
println proc.text
Run using:
nextflow run -ansi-log false

How to change variable in gitlab cicd pipeline depending on branch

I need to call a bash script from my gitlab cicd pipeline. When I call it, the input parameter needs to change depending on whether or not this is a merge into master. Basically what I want is this:
if master:
stage: test
- INPUT="foo"
- $( $INPUT)
if NOT master:
stage: test
- INPUT=""
- $( $INPUT)
I'm trying to figure out a way to set INPUT depending on which branch the pipeline is running on. I know there are rules as well as only/except, but they don't seem to allow you to set variable, only test them. I know the brute force way is to just write this twice, one with "only master" and another with "except master", but I would really like to avoid that.
I implement this kind of thing using yml anchors to extend tasks.
I find it easier to read and customization can include other things, not only variables.
For example:
stage: test
- echo ${MESSAGE}
- bash
test stable:
<<: *test_my_software
MESSAGE: testing stable code!
- /stable.*/
<<: *test_my_software
MESSAGE: testing our code!
- /stable.*/
you get the idea...
Why not have two jobs to run the script and use rules to control when they are ran against master:
stage: test
- if [$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME == 'master']; then export INPUT="foo"; else INPUT=""; fi
- $( $INPUT)

Gitlab-CI runner hangs after makefile test fails

I am using Gitlab-CI for my build tests. I have a very simple test which compares the output of the test install/build with the known output. I put the test in a makefile.
The Makefile entry looks like this:
make install DESTDIR=$(TEST_DIR)
$(TEST_DIR)/path/to/executable > $(TEST_DIR)/tmp.out
diff test/test.result $(TEST_DIR)/tmp.out
When the diff passes, an exit code of 0 is returned, a exit code of 1 is returned if the diff shows a difference in the files.
What I've tried:
Running make test from any shell runs the tests and exits, regardless of diff result
Running make test from the shell as gitlab_ci_runner runs the tests and exists regardless of diff result
When ran from Gitlab-CI, and the diff exit status is 0, the build returns success
The problem:
When ran in the Gitlab-CI and the diff exit status is non-0, the build hangs.
The output on the build screen is the output of the diff, and the last line is the expected error: make: *** [test] Error 1
After that, the cycle symbol keeps on, the runner does not exit with a build fail.
Any ideas? I thought that it might be something with Makefiles, but the Gitlab-CI will exit with a fail status if the Make exits with Error 1 for any other test. I can only see it happening on the output of the diff.
Also posted this to the GitLab mailinglist

cron script to act as a queue OR a queue for cron?

I'm betting that someone has already solved this and maybe I'm using the wrong search terms for google to tell me the answer, but here is my situation.
I have a script that I want to run, but I want it to run only when scheduled and only one at a time. (can't run the script simultaneously)
Now the sticky part is that say I have a table called "myhappyschedule" which has the data I need and the scheduled time. This table can have multiple scheduled times even at the same time, each one would run this script. So essentially I need a queue of each time the script fires and they all need to wait for each one before it to finish. (sometimes this can take just a minute for the script to execute sometimes its many many minutes)
What I'm thinking about doing is making a script that checks myhappyschedule every 5 min and gathers up those that are scheduled, puts them into a queue where another script can execute each 'job' or occurrence in the queue in order. Which all of this sounds messy.
To make this longer - I should say that I'm allowing users to schedule things in myhappyschedule and not edit crontab.
What can be done about this? File locks and scripts calling scripts?
add a column exec_status to myhappytable (maybe also time_started and time_finished, see pseudocode)
run the following cron script every x minutes
pseudocode of cron script:
[create/check pid lock (optional, but see "A potential pitfall" below)]
get number of rows from myhappytable where (exec_status == executing_now)
if it is > 0, exit
begin loop
get one row from myhappytable
where (exec_status == not_yet_run) and (scheduled_time <= now)
order by scheduled_time asc
if no such row, exit
set row exec_status to executing_now (maybe set time_started to now)
execute whatever command the row contains
set row exec_status to completed
(maybe also store the command output/return as well, set time_finished to now)
end loop
[delete pid lock file (complementary to the starting pid lock check)]
This way, the script first checks if none of the commands is running, then runs first not-yet run command, until there are no more commands to be run at the given moment. Also, you can see what command is executing by querying the database.
A potential pitfall: if the cron script is killed, a scheduled task will remain in "executing_now" state. That's what the pid lock at beginning and end is for: to see if the cron script terminated properly. pseudocode of create/check pidlock:
if exists pidlockfile then
check if process id given in file exists
if not exists then
update myhappytable set exec_status = error_cronscript_died_while_executing_this
where exec_status == executing_now
delete pidlockfile
else (previous instance still running)
create pidlockfile containing cron script process id
You can use the at(1) command inside your script to schedule its next run. Before it exits, it can check myhappyschedule for the next run time. You don't need cron at all, really.
I came across this question while researching for a solution to the queuing problem. For the benefit of anyone else searching here is my solution.
Combine this with a cron that starts jobs as they are scheduled (even if they are scheduled to run at the same time) and that solves the problem you described as well.
At most one instance of the script should be running.
We want to cue up requests to process them as fast as possible.
ie. We need a pipeline to the script.
Create a pipeline to any script. Done using a small bash script (further down).
The script can be called as
./pipeline "<any command and arguments go here>"
./pipeline sleep 10 &
./pipeline shabugabu &
./pipeline single_instance_script some arguments &
./pipeline single_instance_script some other_argumnts &
./pipeline "single_instance_script some yet_other_arguments > output.txt" &
The script creates a new named pipe for each command. So the above will create named pipes: sleep, shabugabu, and single_instance_script
In this case the initial call will start a reader and run single_instance_script with some arguments as arguments. Once the call completes, the reader will grab the next request off the pipe and execute with some other_arguments, complete, grab the next etc...
This script will block requesting processes so call it as a background job (& at the end) or as a detached process with at (at now <<< "./pipeline some_script")
#!/bin/bash -Eue
# Using command name as the pipeline name
pipeline=$(basename $(expr "$1" : '\(^[^[:space:]]*\)')).pipe
function _pipeline_cleanup {
if $is_reader; then
rm -f $pipeline
rm -f $pipeline.lock
trap _pipeline_cleanup INT TERM EXIT
# Dispatch/initialization section, critical
lockfile $pipeline.lock
if [[ -p $pipeline ]]
echo "$*" > $pipeline
mkfifo $pipeline
echo "$*" > $pipeline &
rm -f $pipeline.lock
# Reader section
while read command < $pipeline
echo "$(date) - Executing $command"
($command) &> /dev/null