Wikidata Virtuoso SPARQL Endpoint - How to get more than 100,000 results - sparql

I need to get Wikidata artifacts (instance-types, redirects and disambiguations) for a project.
As the original Wikidata endpoint has time constraints when it comes to querying, I have come across Virtuoso Wikidata endpoint.
The problem I have is that if I try to get for example the redirects with this query, it only returns 100,000 results at most:
CONSTRUCT {?resource owl:sameAs ?resource2}
?resource owl:sameAs ?resource2
I’m writing to ask if you know of any way to get more than 100,000 results. I would like to be able to achieve the maximum number of possible results.
Once the results are obtained, I must have 3 files (or as few files as possible) in the Ntriples format: wikidata_intance_types.nt, wikidata_redirecions.nt and wikidata_disambiguations.nt.
Thank you very much in advance.
All the best,
Jose Manuel

Please recognize that in both cases (Wikidata itself, and the Virtuoso instance provided by OpenLink Software, my employer), you are querying against a shared resource, and various limits should be expected.
You should space your queries out over time, and consider smaller chunks than the 100,000 limit you've run into -- perhaps 50,000 at a time, waiting for each query to finish retrieving results, plus another second or ten, before issuing the next query.
Most of the guidance in this article about working with the DBpedia public SPARQL endpoint is relevant for any public SPARQL endpoint, especially those powered by Virtuoso. Specific settings on other endpoints will vary, but if you try to be friendly — by limiting the rate of your queries; limiting the size of partial result sets when using ORDER BY, LIMIT, and OFFSET to step through to get a full result set for a query that overflows the instance's maximum result set size; and the like — you'll be far more successful.

You can get and host your own copy of wikidata as explained in
There are also alternatives to get a partial dump of wikidata e.g. with
Or ask for access to one of the non public copies we run by sending me a personal e-mail via my RWTH Aachen i5 account


Limit in SPARQL results

I run a SPARQL query in graphDB from an API REST and I get only the first 1000 rows back. I am not using a LIMIT clause at the end of my query. I found in the documentation that number is a default result set limit but how can it be overridden without download the data? Because that is the solution what graphDB team propose.
Some sparql endpoints have a limit to the data you can fetch with one query. It can change from endpoint to endpoint, generally it is 10,000 triples. You can still use pagination to get more results. In the SPARQL language you should use OFFSET. Here you can find documentation on how to use it:

Local Wikidata Instance contains data but returns no results

I've been working extensively with Wikidata for about a year now and have installed a local Wikidata instance a handful of times as per the directions found in the official mediaWiki article on Wikidata. I decided to install an instance afresh just recently and have encountered a puzzling problem. After running the command, the wikidata.jnl database was about 560G which is big but not as big as I expected it to be so I tried to query the database using a Python script and the SPARQLWrapper package but no query returned any results. Even the following query returned no results:
?item ?prop ?val.
There were no errors, so the connection to the database was created, but still no results. If I change the name of the endpoint variable in my python script to a different host at my lab that is running an outdated Wikidata service, the query returns results. Clearly the issue is with this new, potentially incomplete instance.
How could my wikidata.jnl file contain 560G worth of data but not contain a single RDF-triple? This has never happened before to me.

How do triple stores use linked data?

Lets say I have the following scenario:
I have some different ontology files hosted somewhere on the web on different domains like _, _ etc.
I also have a triple store in which I want to insert instances based on the ontology files mentioned like this:
<> a <>.
<> a <>.
<> a <>.
Lets say that _ is a subclass of _ defined within the same ontology.
And after the insert if I run a SPARQL query like this:
select ?a
?a rdf:type ?type.
?type rdfs:subClassOf* <> .
the result would be:
and not:
as it should be. This is happening because the ontology file _ is not imported into the triple store.
My question is:
Can we talk in this example about "linked" data? Because it seems to me that it is not linked at all. It has to be imported locally into a triple store, and after that you can start querying.
Lets say if you want to run a query on some complex data that is described by 20 ontology files, then all 20 ontology files would need to be imported.
Isn't this a bit disappointing?
Do I misunderstood triple stores and linked data and how they work together?
as it should be.
I'm not certain that should is the right term here. The semantics of the SPARQL query is to query the data stored in a particular graph stored at the endpoint. IRIs are more or less opaque identifiers; just because they might also be URLs from which additional data can be retrieved doesn't obligate any particular system to actually do that kind of retrieval. Doing that would easily make query behavior unpredictable: "this query worked yesterday, why doesn't it work today? oh, a remote website is no longer available…".
Lets say that _ is a subclass of _ defined within the same ontology.
Remember, since IRIs are opaque, anyone can define a term in any ontology. It's always possible for someone else to come along and say something else about a resource. You have no way of tracking all that information. For instance, if I go and write an ontology, I can declare as a class and assert that it's equivalent to Should the system have some way to know about what I did someplace else, and even if it did, should it be required to go and retrieve information from it? What if I made an ontology that's 2GB in size? Surely your endpoint can't be expected to go and retrieve that just to answer a quick query?
Can we talk in this example about "linked" data? Because it seems to
me that it is not linked at all. It has to be imported locally into a
triple store, and after that you can start querying.
Lets say if wan to run a query on some complex data that is describe
by 20 ontology files, in this case I have to import all 20 ontology
This is usually the case, and the point about linked data is that you have a way to get more information if you choose to, and that you don't have to do as much work in negotiating how to identify resources in that data. However, you can use the service keyword in SPARQL to reference other endpoints, and that can provide a type of linking. For instance, knowing that DBpedia has a SPARQL endpoint, I can run a local query that incorporates DBpedia with something like this:
select ?person ?localValue ?publicName {
?person :hasLocalValueOfInterest ?localValue
service <> {
?person foaf:name ?publicName
You can use multiple service blocks to aggregate data from multiple endpoints; you're not limited to just one. That seems pretty "linked" to me.

Unable to use SPARQL SERVICE with FactForge

I am trying to access FactForge from Sesame triplestore. This is the query:
select *
?s ?p ?o
The query doesn't get executed. The same structure works with DBpedia. FactForge's SPARQL endpoint on the web is working. What do I need to do to access the endpoint successfully from Sesame?
What you need to do is write a more meaningful (or at least more constrained) query. Your query is just selecting all possible triples, which presumably puts a lot of stress on the factforge endpoint (which contains about 3 billion triples). The reason your query "does not get executed" (which probably means that you are just waiting forever for the query to return a result) is that it takes the SPARQL endpoint a very long time to return its response.
The LIMIT 100 you put on the query is outside the scope of the SERVICE clause, and therefore not actually communicated to the remote endpoint you're querying. While in this particular case it would be possible for Sesame's optimizer to add that (since there are no additional constraints in your query outside the scope of the SERVICE clause), unfortunately it's currently not that smart - so the query sent to factforge is without a limit, and the actual limit is only applied after you get back the result (which, in the case of your "give me all your triples" query, naturally takes a while).
However, demonstrably the SERVICE clause does work for FactForge when used from Sesame, because if you try a slightly more constrained query, for example a query selecting all companies:
PREFIX dbp-ont: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
select *
?s a dbp-ont:Company
} LIMIT 100
it works fine, and you get a response.
More generally speaking, I should recommend that if you want to do queries that are specifically to a particular SPARQL endpoint, you should use a SPARQL endpoint proxy (which is one of the repository types available in Sesame) instead of using the SERVICE clause. SERVICE is only really useful when trying to combine data from your local repository with that of a remote endpoint in a single query. Using a SPARQL endpoint proxy allows you to make sure LIMIT clauses are actually communicated to the endpoint, and just generally will give you better performance than a SERVICE query will.

DBPedia queries missing certain chemical compounds

I am running this query to get list of all compounds from the DBPedia public SPARQL endpoint.
?y rdf:type dbpedia-owl:Drug.
?y rdfs:label ?Name .
OPTIONAL {?y dbpedia-owl:iupacName ?iupacname} .
OPTIONAL {?y dcterms:subject ?y1}
FILTER (langMatches(lang(?Name),"en"))
LIMIT 50000
I am downloading in batches of 50000 (2 files) using offset parameter.
Somehow Isopropyl_alcohol is not getting covered in this even where page exists at
and it has the properties that I am searching for?
There are two issues here. The first is that DBpedia Live and DBpedia do not have exactly the same content. According to the DBpedia live webpage
Wikipedia users constantly revise Wikipedia articles with updates
happening almost each second. Hence, data stored in the official
DBpedia endpoint can quickly become outdated, and Wikipedia articles
need to be re-extracted. DBpedia Live enables such a continuous
synchronization between DBpedia and Wikipedia.
That page also lists two SPARQL endpoints for DBpedia Live:
However, you'll run into issues on both. Isopropyl_alcohol is in DBpedia, and its URI is (which, when using a web browser, redirects to
Looking there, we see that Isopropyl alcohol doesn't have rdf:type dbpedia-owl:Drug, but only
so you won't be able to find it with your query on DBpedia, because it doesn't have the type `dbpedia-owl:Drug. Now, Isopropyl_alcohol also exists in DBpedia live, and its URL is, which redirects to
but it only has the folllowing rdf:types:
so it won't be found by your query on DBpedia Live, for the same reason.
The second issue is the one that AndyS pointed out. Even if the query would select Isopropyl_alcohol in DBpedia or DBpedia Live, unless you provide an ordering constraint, the limit/offset combination won't be guaranteed to return it, since without an ordering constraint, the server could legitimately return the same set of 50000 results to you every time.
Maybe it is not finding it in the LIMIT/OFFSET combination you are using. The server is not obliged to answer queries in the same order everytime unless you use ORDER BY so maybe the slices you have are not in fact all results.
Maybe the SPARQL site and live.dbpedia are not in step.
Try asking directly for Isopropyl_alcohol.