X robots tag to noindex a single pdf file - seo

I need tour help. I have the need to noindex a single pdf file. I know that if i wanted to noindex all pdf files it would be great to use the x-robots tag
<FilesMatch ".pdf$">
Header set X-Robots-Tag "noindex, noarchive, nosnippet"
What about if i want to leave all the other pdf indexed and i want to noindex just one pdf file? the path of the file woul be something like that www.dominio.it/file.pdf
I know that using the robot.txt is not a solution since it just prevent the crawling but not the indexing. Thx in advace to whoever will help me.


What is the correct .tpl file to edit the footer links in Prestashop

I need to edit the footer links in my Prestashop template ( just to add a wrapper). That's the link list that comes afterthe block-contact. This is the block that shows links to special offers, product categories, best sales...and then comes another block of links related to CMS pages.
Do you know which files i have to edit?
Well finally i got it, for anyone who had the same issue, here's the correct .tpl :

how to stop crawl for specific pages in jomres?

How to stop stop google crawl for this page https://www.example.com/index.php/en/component/jomres/?Itemid=0&task=search&page=1&towns%5B0%5D=calangute in jomres, is it possible to do in robot.txt file or any other solution?
Yes you can through robots.txt for this page by adding the below line
Disallow : /index.php/en/component/jomres/?Itemid=0&task=search&page=1&towns%5B0%5D=calangute
The above line will block only this page, if you want to block all the pages with the above parameters, use the this one
Disallow : /index.php/en/component/jomres/?Itemid=*&task=*&page=*&towns%5B0%5D=*
Here we changed the dynamic values to stars *, you can customize it as you want and for any specific case.

How do I render a PDF from HTML with working named anchors?

Is there a way for a bunch of named anchors in a large html to be clickable within a PhantomJs generated PDF file?
I.e. say I have a table of contents or a list of FAQ questions. When clicking on the question/title - I'm taken to its answer/content within the same HTML file which is great but when the same HTML is rendered into a PDF each named anchor becomes an absolute URL (i.e. http://example.com/render.html#anchor_1) so clicking on it opens a browser with that URL instead of jumping to its content within the PDF file.
So, basically, is it possible (and how?) for a markup like this - https://fiddle.jshell.net/jyjuaaog/ to work within the generated PDF?
BTW, this works great when "printing as a PDF file" in Google Chrome but links end up broken when rendered in PhantomJs so there must be something I'm missing that I can't seem to find in the docs.
Any ideas?
Apparently there's a bug in PhantomJs preventing this. As suggested by PhantomJsCloud a quick-and-dirty workaround would be to replace the links with page links.

Change mime type for html files under certain path

we are having an issue with our CDN billing us for page views and they are considering all text/html mime types as an html page and a page view. however, we actually have java (jsp's) that are obviously text/html which do relate to a page view but we also have small .html files which get loaded by javascript into the page for dynamic content which is business controlled. I quick dirty way to fix the billing without having to go rewrite the whole contract with the vendor would be to change the mime type for the html files under a certain directory to something other then text/html. I was going to do with by editing the apache config. I a few question i have for this is:
1) What if i change the mime type to text/plain or something else for these files? is there any impact of doing this?
2) Is there any other valid html mime type thats nots text/html? I assume no.
3) Any other ideas to fixing this issue?
I was thinking about changing the html file to be served as application/javascript. What is the impact of doing this? Anything?
1) What if i change the mime type to text/plain or something else for these files? is there any impact of doing this?
If you change the mime type, the browser will not render it properly.
2) Is there any other valid html mime type thats nots text/html? I assume no.
AddType text/x-server-parsed-html .shtml .sht
AddHandler server-parsed .shtml .sht
3) Any other ideas to fixing this issue?
Convert the small HTML files into JSON or XHTML5.
Are you sure akamai is charging you based on pageviews and not on bandwidth utilized ? You may want to talk to your akamai contact on this.

How do I tell search engines about my flash content?

I use the embed & object tag combo to display SWF's. Just like we use alt for img, how do I tell search engines what content my SWF contains?
Lately google introduced indexing swf text content, and maybe other engines will follow.
For details see http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/2008/06/improved-flash-indexing.html
AFAIK there's no "ALT" specific for SWF. Google can read the contents just fine though, as long as you don't hide it behind Javascript (generating the tags on the fly or upon page load).