Error in emotion/styled package, cannot find answer ANYWHERE - npm

I keep getting the following error, I'm using meteor 2.1 currently
Error: A new entrypoint in the #emotion/styled package, #emotion/styled/base, has replaced the #emotion/styled-base package. Please remove this package and use #emotion/styled/base instead.
i cannot find ANY way to install this #emotion/styled/base package. #emotion/styled-base is installed and i cannot create a build suddenly.
any suggestions???
I'm using react.js

#emotion/styled/base isn't a package you need to install, but rather its a submodule of the #emotion/styled package.
I have a hunch that you are not using #emotion/styled-base directly, so most likely what you have is a version mismatch where you have a newer version of #emotion/styled installed, but that package is written for an older version. You'll probably just need to locate this offending package and update it.
If this isn't the case, then you'll just need to replace your imports for #emotion/styled-base with ones for #emotion/styled/base


facing error while stencil bundle command

currently i update my node and npm version for stencil bigcommerce when i make bundle for my old project i'm facing this type of problem. can anyone solve my this issue?
Error: No input specified: provide a file name or a source string to process
We are currently in the process of deprecating node-sass fork
Your scss files were compiled using latest node-sass version
This error might indicate that your scss file is not compatible with it.
There is still an option to compile scss file old fork by using --use-old-node-sass-fork.
But note, that this will lead to 500 error in production in near future.
The best solution would be to resolve the SCSS errors in your files that are causing a failure.
However, a quick solution may be to roll back your stencil version. Try npm install -g #bigcommerce/stencil-cli#3.12 and then try bundling your theme. Note: you will need to be on Node v12 for this.
I solved this error, their were no node or big commerce CLI version issue, I had to just upgrade my bootstrap version in Base.html file and the error was solved.

Yum package dependency error not allowing package install

I'm trying to install rpm-build, but it seems there is some problems with dependencies:
The package that's installed is coming from a repo which is no longer available (linuxcoe_update_errata), I don't know what happened to it but the URL is no longer accessible, and the package that it wants to install is coming from another repo called core (this repo works just fine)
Seems like rpm-build need a lower version for rpm, which apparently should be not a problem. I tried dowgrading the version but is not working, again more conflicts, I tried to remove that package, but maybe because the repo that installed it is no longer available it does not uninstall anything.
How can I fix this? I need to install rpm-build in this machine, can't do it on another, but is not letting me. I think the problem has to be related to the repo which the package came from not being available anymore (linuxcoe_update_errata). I tried enabling notify_only=1 in /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/search-disabled-repos.conf so yum can try to resolve the error but itself, but still nothing. Any ideas? I'm really confused about this,

How to install other package version than default in buildroot?

I need to use python3.7m instead of default python3.8 in my buildroot project. Is there a solution for that or only way is get older buildroot version?
You do not have to downgrade Buildroot. You can always add a custom python3 package based on an older version, e.g.:
Here the documentation on how to add a package:
One possibility is to add a custom package with a different python version, as #Ezra Bühler explained. However, that custom package must have a different name than python3, which means that you also need to make custom versions of all packages that use python3.
Therefore, a simpler possibility is to modify the Buildroot code itself. There's normally no need to go back to an older Buildroot version - instead, you can take just copy and overwrite python3 from an older version that still has python 3.7. Of course, this is a completely untested configuration so you might encounter some breakage, but it's usually doable. If you take that route, you'll want to also update python to the latest (currently python 3.7.11).

Install Prefer `devDependencies` Over Conflicting `dependencies`

I have a scenario where I want to develop/QA against a different version of the same package that is used on production. I'm trying to manage this in a single package.json file. However, when I add a package to dependencies and devDependencies with different versions, the npm install command prefers the version specified at dependencies. Is there a way to get it to prefer the version installed at devDependencies? Or is there perhaps a different/better way to manage this scenario?
npm link is the preferred solution to this problem.

Error in eclipse helios whenever i try to install any plugin

even when i try to install the required dependent error, another same typer error comes!
Pl give me so solution for this screenshot of error type
The plug-in you're trying to install requires at least Indigo. Helios is too old.