MVC Entity Framework, Query returns null - sql

Hi guys can you help me understand why i keep getting a null instead of get the value.
Need to receive the saidaservicoid to be able to update. I receive the value from the view but can't update elemento. Stays null.
Thanks in advance for the help.
public async Task UpdateElementoSaidaServicosAsync(AddSaidasServicoViewModel model)
var saidaServico = await _context.SaidaServicos.FindAsync(model.SaidaServicoId);
var elemento = await _context.Elementos.FindAsync(model.ElementoId);
if (elemento == null)
var updateElementoSaida = _context.Elementos.Where(e => e.Id == model.ElementoId).FirstOrDefault();
if (updateElementoSaida == null)
updateElementoSaida = new Elemento
saidaServico = saidaServico,
int SaidaServicos = model.SaidaServicoId;
updateElementoSaida.saidaServico = saidaServico;
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

Ok. the best way that i found to solve this issue was to get the last ID.
int SaidaServicos = _context.SaidaServicos.Max(item => item.Id);


Best practice to check duplicate string data before insert data using Entity Framework Core in C#

I need an advice for my code. What I want to do is insert a row into a table using Entity Framework Core in ASP.NET Core.
Before inserting new data, I want to check if email and phone number is already used or not.
I want to return specifically, example if return = x, email used. If return = y, phone used.
Here's my code
public int Insert(Employee employee)
var checkEmail = context.Employees.Single(e => e.Email == employee.Email);
if (checkEmail != null)
var checkPhone = context.Employees.Single(e => e.Phone == employee.Phone);
if (checkPhone != null)
return 1;
return 2;
return 3;
I'm not sure with my code, is there any advice for the best practice in my case?
I just don't like these "magic numbers" that indicate the result of your checks.... how are you or how is anyone else going to know what 1 or 2 means, 6 months down the road from now??
I would suggest to either at least create a constants class that make it's more obvious what these numbers mean:
public class CheckConstants
public const int Successful = 1;
public const int PhoneExists = 2;
public const int EmailExists = 3;
and then use these constants in your code:
public int Insert(Employee employee)
var checkEmail = context.Employees.Single(e => e.Email == employee.Email);
if (checkEmail != null)
var checkPhone = context.Employees.Single(e => e.Phone == employee.Phone);
if (checkPhone != null)
return CheckConstants.Successful;
return CheckConstants.PhoneExists;
return CheckConstants.EmailExists;
and also in any code that calls this method and need to know about the return status code.
Alternatively, you could also change this to an enum (instead of an int):
public enum CheckConstants
Successful, PhoneExists, EmailExists
and then just return this enum - instead of an int - from your method:
public CheckConstants Insert(Employee employee)
var checkEmail = context.Employees.Single(e => e.Email == employee.Email);
if (checkEmail != null)
var checkPhone = context.Employees.Single(e => e.Phone == employee.Phone);
if (checkPhone != null)
return CheckConstants.Successful;
return CheckConstants.PhoneExists;
return CheckConstants.EmailExists;
merge two database check to one Query
use SingleOrDefault instance of Single
public int Insert(Employee employee)
var checkEmail = context.Employees.Select (e=>new {e.Email , e.Phone }).SingleOrDefault(e => e.Email == employee.Email || e.Phone == employee.Phone);
if (checkEmail == null)
return 1;
else if (checkEmail.Email == employee.Email)
return 3;
return 2;

Inserting Nested Objects EF Core 5

I have the following entities:
A batch contains many samples. A sample contains many SampleContainers and many SampleTests.
I am trying to make a copy of batch and insert into database.
Attempt #1: get function in repository:
return await context.Set<TEntity>().FindAsync(id);
var coc = await repository.Get(batchId);
coc.BatchStatusId = (int)Enums.BatchStatus.InProgress;
coc.IsTemplate = false;
coc.Id = 0;
var b = await repository.Add(coc);
Here only batch object was duplicated but related samples and containers were not duplicated/inserted.
Attempt #2: I changed my Get function as follows:
public async override Task<Batch> Get(int id)
return await context.Set<Batch>()
.Include(p => p.Samples)
.FirstOrDefaultAsync(p => p.Id == id);
This time batch was duplicated but samples and containers and tests were all updated with new batchId/FK (I wanted them all to be duplicated).
Attempt #3: following this, I implemented as follows:
public async Task<int> DuplicateBatch([FromBody]int batchId)
var coc = await repository.Get(batchId);
coc.BatchStatusId = (int)Enums.BatchStatus.InProgress;
coc.IsTemplate = false;
coc.Id = 0;
var samples = coc.Samples.ToList();
var b = await repository.Add(coc);
var allSampleTests = await sampleTestRepo.GetAll();
var allSampleContainers = await sampleContainersRepo.GetAll();
var sampletests = from st in allSampleTests
join s in samples on st.SampleId equals s.Id
select st;
var sampleContainers = from sc in allSampleContainers
join s in samples on sc.SampleId equals s.Id
select sc;
foreach (var s in samples)
s.BatchId = b.Id;
var sample = await sampleRepo.Add(s);
foreach (var st in sampletests)
st.SampleId = sample.Id;
await sampleTestRepo.Add(st);
foreach(var sc in sampleContainers)
sc.SampleId = sample.Id;
await sampleContainersRepo.Add(sc);
return 1;
catch (Exception ex)
return 0;
This time I am facing the following exception as soon as I reach Detach function:
{"The property 'Batch.Id' is part of a key and so cannot be modified
or marked as modified. To change the principal of an existing entity
with an identifying foreign key, first delete the dependent and invoke
'SaveChanges', and then associate the dependent with the new
This is how I did it, most of it is self explanatory.
public async Task<int> DuplicateBatch([FromBody]int batchId)
//STEP 1: Fetch the entities
var coc2 = await repository.Get(batchId);
var samples = coc2.Samples.ToList();
var allSampleTests = await sampleTestRepo.GetAll();
var allSampleContainers = await sampleContainersRepo.GetAll();
var sampletests = samples.SelectMany(st => st.SampleTests).ToList();
var samplecontainers = samples.SelectMany(st => st.SampleContainers).ToList();
//STEP 2: Detach
var coc = repository.DetachEntity(coc2);
var samplesDetached = sampleRepo.DetachEntities(samples);
var sampleTestsDetached = sampleTestRepo.DetachEntities(sampletests);
var sampleContianersDetached = sampleContainersRepo.DetachEntities(samplecontainers);
//STEP 3: Update object
coc2.BatchStatusId = (int)Enums.BatchStatus.InProgress;
coc2.IsTemplate = false;
var b = await repository.Add(coc);
return 1;
catch (Exception ex)
return 0;

Convert EntityFramework to Raw SQL Queries in MVC

I am trying to make a crud calendar in my .net, my question is, How do make the below entity framework codes to SQL queries?
public JsonResult SaveEvent(Event e)
var status = false;
using (MyDatabaseEntities dc = new MyDatabaseEntities())
if (e.EventID > 0)
//Update the event
var v = dc.Events.Where(a => a.EventID == e.EventID).FirstOrDefault();
if (v != null)
v.Subject = e.Subject;
v.Start = e.Start;
v.End = e.End;
v.Description = e.Description;
v.IsFullDay = e.IsFullDay;
v.ThemeColor = e.ThemeColor;
status = true;
return new JsonResult { Data = new { status = status } };
Thanks guys
You can run raw query in entity framework with dc.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand() command like below:
var status = false;
using (MyDatabaseEntities dc = new MyDatabaseEntities())
if (e.EventID > 0)
SET Subject = {e.Subject},
Start = {e.Start},
End = {End},
Description = {Description},
IsFullDay = {IsFullDay},
ThemeColor = {ThemeColor},
WHERE EventID = {e.EventID}
INSERT INTO Events (EventID, Subject, Start, End, Description, IsFullDay, ThemeColor)
VALUES ({e.EventID}, {e.Subject}, ...)
status = true;
return new JsonResult { Data = new { status = status }

Moq + xunit + core: service return null value

I use xUnit as test runner in my core application.
Here is my test theory:
[Theory(DisplayName = "Search advisors by advisorId"),
public async void SearchAdvisors_ByAdvisorId(int brokerDealerId, FilterParams filter)
// Arrange
var _repositoryMock = new Mock<IRepository>();
// Do this section means we bypass the repository layer
.Setup(x => x.SearchAdvisors(filter.CID.Value, new AdvisorSearchOptions
SearchKey = filter.SeachKey,
AdvisorId = filter.AdvisorId,
BranchId = filter.BranchId,
City = filter.City,
Skip = filter.Skip,
Limit = filter.Limit,
RadiusInMiles = filter.Limit,
Longitude = filter.Longitude,
Latitude = filter.Latitude
new SearchResults<Advisor>()
Count = 1,
Limit = 0,
Skip = 0,
ResultItems = new List<SearchResultItem<Advisor>>() {
//some initialize here
_advisorService = new AdvisorService(_repositoryMock.Object, _brokerDealerRepositoryMock, _brokerDealerServiceMock);
// Action
var model = await _advisorService.Search(brokerDealerId, filter);
Assert.True(model.AdvisorResults.Count == 1);
Assert.True(model.AdvisorResults[0].LocationResults.Count > 0);
The service like this
public async Task<ViewModelBase> Search(int brokerDealerId, FilterParams filter)
var opts = new AdvisorSearchOptions
SearchKey = filter.SeachKey,
AdvisorId = filter.AdvisorId,
BranchId = filter.BranchId,
City = filter.City,
Skip = filter.Skip,
Limit = filter.Limit,
RadiusInMiles = filter.Limit,
Longitude = filter.Longitude,
Latitude = filter.Latitude
var searchResults = await _repository.SearchAdvisors(filter.CID.Value, opts); // line 64 here
if (searchResults.Count == 0 && Utils.IsZipCode(filter.SeachKey))
//Some other code here
return model;
The issue was after run line 64 in the service. I always get null value of searchResults although I already mocked _repository in the test.
What was my wrong there?
Thank in advance.
Argument matcher for SearchAdvisors() mock does not work because you pass different instances of AdvisorSearchOptions. First instance is created in _repositoryMock.Setup() statement and the second one is created in Search() method itself.
There are several ways to fix this problem:
1.If you don't care about verifying whether instance of AdvisorSearchOptions passed to repository is filled correctly, just use It.IsAny<AdvisorSearchOptions>() matcher in mock setup:
_repositoryMock.Setup(x => x.SearchAdvisors(filter.CID.Value, It.IsAny<AdvisorSearchOptions>()))
2.In previous case the test will not verify that AdvisorSearchOptions is filled correctly. To do this, you could override Object.Equals() method in AdvisorSearchOptions class so that mock call will match for different instances:
public class AdvisorSearchOptions
// ...
public override bool Equals(object obj)
var cmp = obj as AdvisorSearchOptions;
if (cmp == null)
return false;
return SearchKey == cmp.SearchKey && AdvisorId == cmp.AdvisorId &&
/* ... compare all other fields here */
3.Another way to verify object passed to mock is to save the instance via Mock callback and then compare required fields:
AdvisorSearchOptions passedSearchOptions = null;
.Setup(x => x.SearchAdvisors(filter.CID.Value, It.IsAny<AdvisorSearchOptions>()))
new SearchResults<Advisor>()
Count = 1,
Limit = 0,
Skip = 0,
ResultItems = new List<SearchResultItem<Advisor>>() {
//some initialize here
.Callback<int, AdvisorSearchOptions>((id, opt) => passedSearchOptions = opt);
// Action
// ...
Assert.AreEqual(filter.SearchKey, passedSearchOptions.SearchKey);
Assert.AreEqual(filter.AdvisorId, passedSearchOptions.AdvisorId);
// Check all other fields here
// ...

optimize a SQL query for a couchdb view

How to optimize this SQL query for a couchdb view ?
SELECT * FROM db WHERE user = '$userid' OR userFollowed = '$userid'
The couchdb database contains this structure of documents:
This because a user can follows another and viceversa and my scope is to get all followers of user A that this user which follows it turn, for example:
A follows B
B follows A
In this example I need to get B, enstabilishing that both users are followers... I know it's complex to explain and understand but I'll try with the things I'm doing with node.js and cradle.
The view map:
function (doc) {
emit(doc.user, doc.userFollowed)
The node.js code:
db.view("followers/getFollowers", function(err, resp) {
if (!err) {
var followers = [];
resp.forEach(function(key, value, id) {
var bothFollow = false;
if (key == userID) {
if (followers.indexOf(value) == -1) {
resp.forEach(function(key, value, id) {
if (value == userID)
bothFollow = true;
if (bothFollow)
} else if (value == userID) {
if (followers.indexOf(key) == -1) {
resp.forEach(function(key, value, id) {
if (key == userID)
bothFollow = true;
if (bothFollow)
So in the code first I check if the A or B values corrispondes to the other user, then check with another loop if there is a relationship putting the follower in the list
All this code works but I don't think that's the correct procedure and maybe I'm wrong anything :( can you help me please ?
It is easier to emit both users in the view function:
function (doc) {
emit(doc.user, null);
emit(doc.userFollowed, null);
Than you can just call the view and will get a plain list: