Question about usage of express-validator with nested object - express

I am trying to verify whether the title of the board is not empty. If my request is sent in the format of {title: ""} I am able to do check("title").not().isEmpty(), and it works just fine.
However, if I am sending the request like this:
board: {
"title": "Something
Then the check from the above doesn't work as I am always getting the title to be undefined. How can I test for the title being not empty in this case using express-validator?
Thank you!

Figured it out. It should be check("board.title").not().isEmpty()


Google Vision Text Detection returns too much unnecesary data

When using Google Vision to run text detection on a menu, the response from their API is way too large and returns way too much data that I don't need. I just want the text from the menu, not all the coordinates that come with the response. I can't find anything about narrowing down the response in any documentation i've read. Does someone know how to specify what fields get returned in the response?
Heres my request:
"requests": [
"image": {
"content": "...base64-encoded-image-content..."
"features": [
I figured it out. I could not find any documentation on how to do this, I had to just guess for like half an hour. If someone knows of any documentation on this let me know.
Anyway you can use the "fields" parameter to narrow down the response like so:
This will only return the menu text from the Google Vision text detection API

Office UI Fabric - PeoplePicker: Cannot get createGenericItem to work

Perhaps it's just a misunderstanding on my side, but I thought the callback for createGenericItem in the PeoplePicker ( was used to handle input, that cannot be matched to any of the available items, and then give the possibility to create an adhoc item for this. But, whatever I tried, the callback is never called.
I made a simple pen here for the issue:
In the example, there are two items, Peter and Maria. If you type something different (and hit enter, tab, space, whatever) I'd expect the createGenericItem callback to be called, but it isn't.
What am I doing wrong? Or is there a misunderstanding of the purpose of this callback? I'm unable to find an example anywhere.
but I thought the callback for createGenericItem in the PeoplePicker
was used to handle input
that's correct. In order to trigger IBasePickerProps.createGenericItem function, IBasePickerProps.onValidateInput function needs to be provided with ValidationState.valid as a return value, for example:
private handleValidateInput(input: string) {
return ValidationState.valid;
private createGenericItem(input: string, validationState: ValidationState) {
return { text: "Unknown person", state: validationState };
This demo demonstrates it, once tab or enter key is clicked and value cannot be resolved to any of the available items, Unknown person item is getting displayed

How to change keys lable of yii2 advanced API response

I have created API module in my yii2 advanced application and also added HttpBearerAuth in controller file and it is working.
On Unauthorized I'm getting below response :
{"name":"Unauthorized","message":"Your request was made with invalid credentials.","code":0,"status":401,"type":"yii\\web\\UnauthorizedHttpException"}
I want to change key label of this response like below :
{"error":"Unauthorized","errorMessage":"Your request was made with invalid credentials.","code":0,"status":401}
How do I update these keys?
Attach an event handler to yii\web\Response::EVENT_BEFORE_SEND and examine the $data attribute of the yii\web\Response class. Not sure, but guess you'll find an array where the keys are exactly those that you want to change.
You just need to filter out the responses you want to handle (eg everything except status codes 200 & 201).
Maybe something like this... probably bugs included :-)
Event::on(yii\web\Response::className(), yii\web\Response::EVENT_BEFORE_SEND, function ($event) {
if (Yii::$app->response->getStatusCode() > 201) {
if (isset(Yii::$app->response->data['name']) {
Yii::$app->response->data['error'] = Yii::$app->response->data['name'];

Generate Url from virtual field or from value of another field

I would like to generate a Url in a list in keystoneJS. I prefer that the url not be stored in mongo.
Virtual field: works, but will not generate raw HTML for the href.
Types.Url: I get the href format, but I need a value from another field in my model, so it generates the url with undefined.. Example:
{ type: Types.Url, label: "Link", default: "[][1]" + this._id }
Any help on how to pull this off would be much appreciated.
For your second point, this._id is not available when adding fields to the model, hence why you're getting undefined.
Instead, try using a pre-save hook on your model:
yourModel.pre('save', function(next) { = "[][1]" + this._id;
I'm not quite sure if you're trying to just generate a link in this way every time, or if the user should also be able to add their own link. If the later, you'll need to check if the link has been filled in in the pre-save hook.
I hope that helps and sorry it took so long to get an answer on this!

safari visibleContentsAsDataURL() is undefined

My goal is to take screenshot of a webpage using safari 6 via an extension. I am using this in my extension global page:
function handle_message(event) {"handle_message",
On the receiving end the event message.image is undefined. Is there anything I need to do different. I can successfully send other tab properties such as url, just not the screenshot data image url. Any idea?
I found it myself, the method needs a callback (of course)
//do something with image_url