Creating a dynamic .htaccess for a Vue app - vue.js

I am currently building a Vue app which requires a .htaccess which includes the subdirectory (publicPath) that the app will be installed in.
Is there a 'builtin' way to create .htaccess in public/ or assets/ that is updated to include publicPath?
I've looked at the HtmlWebpackPlugin template handling of index.html, but this doesn't seem to have the option to modify other files.
Otherwise I guess I can run some custom JS as part of the build process.


How to include an .htaccess file wit Nuxt?

I have a Nuxt.js app with an .htaccess file.
The problem is that when I execute nuxt generate in the terminal, my .htaccess file disappears. What can I do to include my .htaccess file when I execute nuxt generate?
You could put your .htaccess file into the /static directory, more info on that in the doc.
That way, you will have direct access to it once pushed to production.
Otherwise, you can also use this approach if you need something more customizable.

In VueJS is there a way to read environmental variables or config values into a static/ file during build step

Using VueJS, specifically in regards to PWA template
There is a build step npm run build which bundles the project and transpiles any Vue into a distribution browser JS.
The files in /static/ are "static" and just copied into dist, but I am wondering if it's possible to template it at all, or read in some dynamic values.
Is it possible to have static files that servce under /static in the url, but also during build can accept dynamic values?
More context:
The problem is Vue compiles everything into the dist directory.
All non-static assets are cached and get a unique url each build, whereas static files (I know this is configurable, but you arguably want your non-static assets to have caching) have absolute paths.
Server Routing to map a file in /static/ to a cached dynamic file is outside of Vue. The question pertains to needing to host some "absolute pathed files" (static), but some files might have internally 1-2 urls that need to change in the files depending on what config is used, dev, prod, staging.. just as an example of the use case.
The solution I found was to use CopyWebpackPlugin which comes natively inside build/
This is the plugin that copies files from static into dist/static.
You can use the process.env.NODE_ENV to allow you to copy specific files from static into dist.
I decided just to keep environment specific copies of the files with values changed, but you could easily add code to that file to parse and copy over whatever specific files you want.
I think most people put dynamic configuration values in a file under public/ then use javascript fetch to load those values in Vue components. Webpack will copy the files in public/ to the web root (dist/) and it will avoid compiling those config values into the minified javascript. If you put files in static/ and use import or require to load them into Vue components then webpack will resolve those during build time and compiling them into the minified Javascript - which is probably not what you want.

Load Vue Component from ouside src directory

I have a project started with the vue-cli, and i'd love to include a component from a different local folder. I'm not that great at webpack config, so I'm not sure if it's just as simple as adding another path to some config setting. I've looked around in the docs, but everything I'm finding shows me the awesome auto scaffolding that vue init project gives us.
Any ideas?
Here's what the project structure looks like:
-other PHP classes/
-global-components/ (<- this is where i'd like to put some generic .vue components)
-app1/ (<- this was created by vue-cli and is where i'd like to build a specific vue app for a specific wordpress page/post)
-app2/ (<- this was created by vue-cli and is where i'd like to build a different app for a specific wordpress page/post)
So, you can see there's a bunch of things going on in this repo, and I'd like to be able to reference both the src folder inside app1 and app2, but also have each app reference the global-components folder. I'm not sure that the client would like to push their custom components up to npm, and I don't think they want to build out their own private npm source, so I was hoping for a way to build multiple vue.js applications without copying these components to each individual app.
Any thoughts?

Run Aurelia CLI app from a directory

I would like to deploy my app to a virtual directory. I have been unable to figure out the correct configuration needed to run the app locally with a similar structure. For example, I'd like to run it from:
I have tried every combination of adding "demos" to publicPath and contentBase in my webpack config. The errors just between 404's on static assets and router errors from Aurelia.
It is documented by Aurelia router, you can add base tag to index.html header, <base href="/demos">, and set router root config.options.root = "/demos"; in configureRouter().
In addition, if your bundled js files are indeed served from directory, you need to modified baseDir in 2 places of aurelia.json: platform.baseDir and build.targets[0].baseDir.

aurelia bundle - serve from a single directory

Trying to use the aurelia cli bundling facility.
Is it possible to serve all app files (i.e. index.html, app-bundle.html, app-bundle.js, etc) from a single directory or index.html must be at the top (./) directory and the other files in a child (./dist) directory?
Under the covers the cli is using JSPM / System.js's bundling functionality. This works by looking at your config.js paths on where to find the files both for the bundle and when serving. If your paths are set up to serve from the root directory this should work as expected. The problem will be that if you are trying to bundle root it will try to grab all .js files in there which could be bad if you don't exclude them.