How do I enable clicking default POI markers in mapkit js - mapkit

I am using mapkit js.
var map = new mapkit.Map('mymap',
center: center,
cameraDistance: 300,
showsZoomControl: true,
showsPointsOfInterest: true,
And after map initialized it come with some default POIs with icons like Apple map result.
I want to get the POI info when clicking POI icons. For example, POI name, coordinates, address, ..., etc.
How should I do that? I tried addEventListener, but with no luck. What object will be returned when clicking POI icons?


IBM Worklight 6.0 - Does WL.BusyIndicator support text wrapping for iOS?

Attached is the code for we have implemented for the busy indicator on iOS. But this does not wrap the busyText on iOS.
$.r.setBusyIndicator(new WL.BusyIndicator('content', {
opacity : 0.65,
fullScreen : false,
text : busyText
Wrapping is not available.
You can use a different busy indicator altogether: a native busy implementation by you, or an indicator provided by a 3rd party library (jQuery Mobile, ...), etc.
Otherwise, you need to use the boxLength property which controls the height and width of the busy square holding the text, like this:
var busy = new WL.BusyIndicator(null, {
text: "Ouverture de session",
boxLength: 170 // Play with this value.
Related question: IBM Worklight 6.1 - How to customize WL.BusyIndicator's height and width?

Leaflet markers do not open popup on click

I just started using Leaflet and Marker Clusterer to organize the markers.
Problem #1: When an unclustered marker is clicked, no popup appears.
Problem #2: When a cluster is clicked several times, all the markers within that cluster appears, and when one of this marker is clicked, its popup appears! However, after closing the popup by clicking on the map, clicking on any of these clustered markers do not open any popups!
If I only have 3 unclustered markers, the popup works fine. However, as more markers are added, once a cluster forms, clicking on the marker within any cluster will not cause the popup to open!
Initializing markerclusterer
markers = new L.MarkerClusterGroup();
All markers added to markercluster markers
A loop calls on the render function to create the marker and add it to the markerclusterer's array markers. (ignore the backbone.js code)
ListingMarkerView = Backbone.View.extend({
template: _.template( $('#tpl_ListingMarkerView').html() ),
render: function() {
// Create marker
var content = this.template( this.model.toJSON() );
var marker = new L.marker(
[this.model.get('lat'), this.model.get('lng')],
{content: content});
// Add to markerclusterer
Without markerclusterer
If I add the marker directly to map instead of the markerclusterer array markers, the popups work fine, so I guess the problem has something to do with markerclusterer.
Did I do something wrong that resulted in such behavior of the popups? All help appreciated, thanks!
From what little I know of the cluster marker group, you should do this:
var markerGroup = new L.MarkerClusterGroup();
markerGroup.on('click', function(ev) {
// Current marker is ev.layer
// Do stuff
To add an event handler to the cluster layer instead, do this:
markerGroup.on('clusterclick', function(ev) {
// Current cluster is ev.layer
// Child markers for this cluster are a.layer.getAllChildMarkers()
// Do stuff
Oh, and read the github README carefully, it's all in there...
Make sure you have the right versions of everything in your Leaflet + Clusterer stack (Js and Css). Compare against the examples in the Clusterer Github repo.

Titanium: Tab's icon image not working

I am trying to change icons of my tab group's tab, but it doesn't show the image.
For iOS
I've used below code:
var win1 = Titanium.UI.createWindow
var tab1 = Titanium.UI.createTab
// create controls tab and root window
var win2 = Titanium.UI.createWindow
var tab2 = Titanium.UI.createTab
I am having 4 tabs. Image's size is 81x51 . It shows me only blue rectangle instead of original image.
Also I've tried <property name="" type="bool">false</property>
Whats wrong with the code ?
Assuming that your image does exist at the locations specified my first guess would be that your images are not created properly so that when the get masked all you see is a blue rectangle. I would suggest grabbing some other icon images from to see if it may be that your images are not created properly (I do not have any affiliation with that except I have used their icons in my projects and they are top-notch).
Also you may want to check out the Human Interface Guidelines as it sets forth specified sizes.
Solved by making images Transparent.
Also found : - Icon needs to be fileld with a color for visible pixels and transparent for the invisible part. The os will apply the blue glowing stuff, so if icon does not have transparent pixels you will only see a rectangle.

Google maps api user can select area

I want to create a local map for my city where people can cover area with polygons and get their latitude and longitude
For Example there is a world map and someone come and he wanted to cover us then he can simply cover it and get its latitude and longitude of corners or borders
Is there any way or example i searched about it on google and Site both but didn't get Anything
Sorry I've no Codes i want idea, code or something helpful.
A simple search yielded and you can find a lot more samples at
Unfortunately the above demo is a minified js. But the essential part of drawing a polygon (area) on google maps is to
1. load the map
2. trap the click events and the position (lat/lon)
3. draw lines
4. Finally when a double click is received, close the polygon
I unfortunately do not have a ready made sample in hand.
The answers here are quite outdated.
Google Maps now have a drawing library, This library allows the user to insert markers, circles, polygons and other types as well.
You can find an example on it here. And the library reference here.
And the documentation here.
It seems there is a simpler solution now. From the same demo gallery link that Muthu shared earlier look for user editable shapes. Below is a sample code from this link that draws a rectangle and allows user to edit the shape further
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
center: {lat: 44.5452, lng: -78.5389},
zoom: 9
var bounds = {
north: 44.599,
south: 44.490,
east: -78.443,
west: -78.649
// Define a rectangle and set its editable property to true.
var rectangle = new google.maps.Rectangle({
bounds: bounds,
editable: true
Also here is an example on jsfiddle that extends above to generalized polygon and below is the code from the link
var editablePolygon = new google.maps.Polygon({
paths: coords,
strokeColor: '#FF0000',
strokeOpacity: 0.8,
strokeWeight: 2,
fillColor: '#FF0000',
fillOpacity: 0.35,
editable: true });
Attached is a screenshot (after dragging one midpoint node in the triangle)
I think you need to use GeoChart It can cover certain regions or areas

Google Maps zoom gets overridden, when using a kml file

How do I specify zoom level for google maps in a kml file or why is it that my zoom level gets over ridden when I load this file. My question is actually how do I control zoom of a map for the following link:
By default, the map is centered and zoomed to the bounding box of the contents of the kml layer.
You can change the default behaviour with preserveViewport property of google.maps.KmlLayerOptions object. If you set it to true the map isn't centered and zoomed.
In the example, use:
var nyLayer = new google.maps.KmlLayer(
suppressInfoWindows: true,
map: map,
preserveViewport: true
If you want to center and zoom to the contents of the kml layer later, use:
var bounds = nyLayer.getDefaultViewport();
If you want the map to be always centered (but not zoomed) when the kml layer is loaded, utilize defaultviewport_changed event of the google.maps.KmlLayer object. You have to set the map center to the center of the kml layer default viewport. The event is triggered when the contents of the kml layer are loaded and its default viewport is computed.
google.maps.event.addListener(nyLayer, 'defaultviewport_changed', function() {
var bounds = nyLayer.getDefaultViewport();