How to create textbox on figure using first row in geodataframe? - matplotlib

I am looking to plot a textbox on a figure displaying the 5-Day NHC forecast cone for a tropical cyclone, in this case Hurricane Dorian. I have the four shapefiles (track line, cone, points, and watches/warnings). On the figure I want to display the following from the first row of points_gdf (yellow circles in the image; the two commented out lines near the bottom of the code is what I tried initially):
Latest Tracking Information: (regular string; below are variables from points_gdf)
track_line_gdf = geopandas.read_file('nhc/al052019_5day_037/al052019-037_5day_lin.shp')
cone_gdf = geopandas.read_file('nhc/al052019_5day_037/al052019-037_5day_pgn.shp')
points_gdf = geopandas.read_file('nhc/al052019_5day_037/al052019-037_5day_pts.shp')
ww_gdf = geopandas.read_file('nhc/al052019_5day_037/al052019-037_ww_wwlin.shp')
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,12))
ax = plt.subplot(1,1,1, projection=map_crs)
ax.add_geometries(cone_gdf['geometry'], crs=data_crs, facecolor='white',
edgecolor='black', linewidth=0.25, alpha=0.4)
ax.add_geometries(track_line_gdf['geometry'], crs=data_crs, facecolor='none',
edgecolor='black', linewidth=2)
sc = ax.scatter(points_gdf['LON'], points_gdf['LAT'], transform=data_crs,
zorder=10, c=points_gdf['MAXWIND'], cmap='jet')
ww_colors = {'Tropical Storm Watch': 'gold',
'Hurricane Watch': 'pink',
'Tropical Storm Warning': 'tab:blue',
'Hurricane Warning': 'tab:red'}
for ww_type in ww_colors.keys():
ww_subset = ww_gdf[ww_gdf['TCWW']==ww_type]
ax.add_geometries(ww_subset['geometry'], facecolor='none',
edgecolor=ww_colors[ww_type], crs=data_crs,
markers = [plt.Line2D([0,0],[0,0],color=color, marker='o', linestyle='') for color in ww_colors.values()]
Name = ww_gdf['STORMNAME'][0]
Storm = ww_gdf['STORMTYPE'][0]
AdvDate = ww_gdf['ADVDATE'][0]
AdvNum = ww_gdf['ADVISNUM'][0]
props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='wheat', alpha=0.5)
plt.colorbar(sc, label='Wind Speed (mph)')
plt.title(Storm + ' ' + Name + ' - ' + AdvDate + ' Advisory', fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')
plt.legend(markers, ww_colors.keys())
plt.text(0.05, 0.95, 'Testing', transform=ax.transAxes, va='top', bbox=props)

It would help to know either what error you're running into, or what exactly isn't behaving how you want. I can slightly tweak your code to make this:
import as ccrs
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,12))
ax = plt.subplot(1,1,1, projection=ccrs.LambertConformal())
plt.title('Storm Advisory', fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')
points_gds = pd.DataFrame(dict(GUST=[165.0], LAT=[26.8],
LON=[-78.3], MSLP=[930.2]))
storminfo = f'''Max Wind Gusts: {points_gds.iloc[0]['GUST']:.0f} mph
Current Latitude: {points_gds.iloc[0]['LAT']:.1f}
Current Longitude: {points_gds.iloc[0]['LON']:.1f}
Central Pressure: {points_gds.iloc[0]['MSLP']:.2f} mb'''
props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='wheat', alpha=0.5)
plt.text(0.05, 0.95, 'Testing', transform=ax.transAxes, va='top', bbox=props)
which produces this image:
To make that work I needed to change round (which is a Python built-in function) to the string 'round'. The text is formatted using f-strings ("formatted string literals"), and enclosed as a triple-quoted string to avoid needing to manually put in the newline ('\n') characters. Python's docs can tell you more about how to control the formatting of individual items.


How to include a matplotlib graph for an interactive dashboard?

I want to include a line chart (constructed with matplotlib) in an interactive dashboard. My graph describes the evolution for one year of the frequency of the word "France" in 7 media for Central Africa. The database is called: "df_france_pivot".
What I've seen so far is that first of all I have to transform my plot into an object with the go.figure function. So I tried this code:
`app = dash.Dash()
def update_graph():'seaborn-darkgrid')
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_prop_cycle(color=['304558', 'FE9235', '526683', 'FE574B', 'FFD104', '6BDF9C'])
for column in df_france_pivot.drop('month_year', axis=1):
plt.plot(df_france_pivot['month_year'], df_france_pivot[column], marker='',
linewidth=1, alpha=0.9, label=column)
plt.legend(loc=0, prop={'size': 9},bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1.0), title='Media in South Africa')
plt.title("Frequency of the word 'France' in the media ", loc='left', fontsize=12, fontweight=0, color='orange')
figure = go.Figure(fig)
return figure
app.layout = html.Div(id = 'parent', children = [
html.H1(id = 'H1', children = 'Styling using html components', style = {'textAlign':'center',\
dcc.Graph(id = 'line_plot', figure = update_graph())
When running it I got this response: Output exceeds the size limit. Open the full output data in a text editor. Is it because my linechart is more complex i.e. with 7 lines?
Thank you in advance!

ggplot2: add title changes point colors <-> scale_color_manual removes ggtitle

I am facing a silly point color in a dot plot with ggplot 2. I have a whole table of data of which i take relevant rows to make a dot plot. With scale_color_manual my points get colored according to the named palette and factor genotype specified in aes() and when i simply want to add a title specifying the cell line used, the points get colored back to automatic yellow and purple. Adding the title first and setting scale_color_manual as the last layer changes the points colors and removes the title.
What is wrong in there? I don't get it and it is a bit frustrating
thanks for your help!
Here's reproducible code to get my whole df and the subset for the plots:
# df of data to plot
exp <- c(rep(284, times = 6), rep(285, times = 12))
geno <- c(rep(rep(c("WT", "KO"), each =3), times = 6))
line <- c(rep(5, times = 6),rep(8, times= 12), rep(5, times =12), rep(8, times = 6))
ttt <- c(rep(c(0, 10, 60), times = 10), rep(c("ZAc60", "Cu60", "Cu200"), times = 2))
rep <- c(rep(1, times = 12), rep(2, times = 6), rep(c(1,2), times = 6), rep(1, times = 6))
rel_expr <- c(0.20688185, 0.21576131, 0.94046028, 0.30327675, 0.22865200,
0.92941881, 0.13787508, 0.13325281, 0.22114990, 0.95591724,
1.03239718, 0.83339248, 0.15332420, 0.17558160, 0.22475604,
1.02356351, 0.77882000, 0.69214403, 0.16874097, 0.15548158,
0.45207943, 0.28123760, 0.23500083, 0.51588856, 0.1399634,
0.14610184, 1.06716713, 0.16517801, 0.34736164, 0.64773650,
0.18334429, 0.05924757, 0.01803593, 0.86685230, 0.39554685,
df_all <- data.frame(exp, geno, line, ttt, rep, rel_expr)
names(df_all) <- c("EXP", "Geno", "Line", "TTT", "Rep", "Rel_Expr")
# make Geno an ordered factor
df_all$Geno <- ordered(df_all$Geno, levels = c("WT", "KO"))
# select set of whole dataset for current plot
df_ions <- df_all[df_all$Line == 8 & !df_all$TTT %in% c(10, 60),]
# add a treatment as factor columns fTTT
df_ions$fTTT <- ordered(df_ions$TTT, levels = c("0", "ZAc60", "Cu60", "Cu200"))
# plot rel_exp vs factor treatment, color points by geno
# with named color palette
col_palette <- c("#000000", "#1356BC")
names(col_palette) <- c("WT", "KO")
plt <- ggplot(df_ions, aes(x = fTTT, y = Rel_Expr, color = Geno)) +
geom_jitter(width = 0.1)
plt # intermediate_plt_1.png
plt + scale_color_manual(values = col_palette) # intermediate_plt_2.png
plt + ggtitle("mRPTEC8") # final_plot.png

Altering the X-axis in Altair

I'd like to fill the charts with selectors like the example below. Any tips on how to get this to work in a faceted chart?
source = pd.DataFrame(np.cumsum(np.random.rand(8, 4), 0).round(2),
columns=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'], index=pd.RangeIndex(8, name='x'))
source = source.reset_index().melt('x', var_name='category', value_name='y')
xRange= pd.DataFrame(np.linspace(min(source['x']), max(source['x']), num=100), columns=['x'])
pts = alt.selection_multi(fields=['x'], nearest=True, on='click',empty='none')
# The basic line
main = alt.Chart(source).mark_line(interpolate='basis').encode(
alt.FieldEqualPredicate(field='category', equal='A')
line = alt.Chart(source).mark_line(color='Maroon').encode(
alt.FieldEqualPredicate(field='category', equal='B')
# Transparent selectors across the chart. This is what tells us
# the x-value of the cursor
selectors = alt.Chart(xRange).mark_rule(size=2).encode(
opacity = alt.condition(pts, alt.value(1.0), alt.value(0.2))
position = alt.Chart(xRange).mark_text(
align='right', dy=140, dx=-8, fontSize=14).encode(
main + selectors + position,
line + selectors + position
But ideally using facet, however i have not found a way around that you can only use a single DataFrame/source. Is there a way to use alt.sequence of impute to generate additional points on the x-axis?
pts = alt.selection_multi(fields=['x'], nearest=True, on='click',empty='none')
# The basic line
line = alt.Chart().mark_line(interpolate='basis').encode(
# Transparent rules across the chart.
rules = alt.Chart().mark_rule(size=2).encode(
opacity = alt.condition(pts, alt.value(1.0), alt.value(0.3))
text = alt.Chart().mark_text(
align='right', dy=140, dx=-8, fontSize=14).encode(
alt.layer(line, rules, text, data=source).facet(
You can use the sequence generator. It is almost the same to what you had already:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import altair as alt
source = pd.DataFrame(np.cumsum(np.random.rand(8, 4), 0).round(2),
columns=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'], index=pd.RangeIndex(8, name='x'))
source = source.reset_index().melt('x', var_name='category', value_name='y')
# xRange= pd.DataFrame(np.linspace(min(source['x']), max(source['x']), num=100), columns=['x'])
xRange = alt.sequence(0, 7.1, 0.1, as_='x')
pts = alt.selection_multi(fields=['x'], nearest=True, on='mouseover',empty='none')
# The basic line
line = alt.Chart().mark_line(interpolate='linear').encode(
# Transparent rules across the chart.
rules = alt.Chart(xRange).mark_rule(size=2).encode(
opacity = alt.condition(pts, alt.value(1.0), alt.value(0.3))
text = alt.Chart(xRange).mark_text(
align='right', dy=140, dx=-8, fontSize=14).encode(
alt.layer(line, rules, text, data=source).facet(

How can I make the line appear besides the dots?

I tried to plot my data but I can only get the points, if I put "linetype" with geom:line it does not appear. Besides, I have other columns in my data set, called SD, SD.1 and SD.2, which are standard deviation values I calculated previously that appear at the bottom. I would like to remove them from the plot and put them like error bars in the lines.
long_data <- tidyr::pivot_longer(
ggplot(long_data, aes(x=Days, y=OD, color=Strain)) +
geom_line() + geom_point(shape=16, size=1.5) +
scale_color_manual(values=c("Wildtype"="darkorange2", "Winter"="cadetblue3", "Flagella_less"="olivedrab3"))+
labs(title="Growth curve",x="Days",y="OD750",color="Legend")+
plot.title=element_text(hjust=0.5, size=13,face = "bold",margin = margin(t=0, r=10,b=10,l=10)),
axis.title.y =element_text(size=10, margin=margin(t=0,r=10,b=0,l=0)),
axis.title.x =element_text(size=10, margin=margin(t=10,r=10,b=0,l=0)),
axis.line = element_line(size = 0.5, linetype = "solid",colour = "black"))

How to use hover events in mpl_connect in matplotlib

I'm working on line plotting a metric for a course module as well as each of its questions within a Jupyter Notebook using %matplotlib notebook. That part is no problem. A module has typically 20-35 questions, so it results in a lot of lines on a chart. Therefore, I am plotting the metric for each question in a low alpha and I want to change the alpha and display the question name when I hover over the line, then reverse those when no longer hovering over the line.
The thing is, I've tried every test version of interactivity from the matplotlib documentation on event handling, as well as those in this question. It seems like the mpl_connect event is never firing, whether I use click or hover.
Here's a test version with a reduced dataset using the solution to the question linked above. Am I missing something necessary to get events to fire?
def update_annot(ind):
x,y = line.get_data()
annot.xy = (x[ind["ind"][0]], y[ind["ind"][0]])
text = "{}, {}".format(" ".join(list(map(str,ind["ind"]))),
" ".join([names[n] for n in ind["ind"]]))
def hover(event):
vis = annot.get_visible()
if event.inaxes == ax:
cont, ind = line.contains(event)
if cont:
if vis:
module = 'bd2bc472-ee0d-466f-8557-788cc6de3018'
module_metrics[module] = {
'q_count': 31,
'sequence_pks': [0.5274546300604932,0.5262044653349001,0.5360993905297703,0.5292329279700655,0.5268691588785047,0.5319099014547161,0.5305164319248826,0.5268235294117647,0.573648805381582,0.5647933116581514,0.5669839795681448,0.5646591970121382,0.5663157894736842,0.5646976090014064,0.5659005628517824,0.5693634879925391,0.5728268468888371,0.5668834184858337,0.5687237026647967,0.5795640965549567,0.5877684407096172,0.585690904839841,0.5766899766899767,0.5971341320178529,0.6059972105997211,0.6055516678329834,0.6209865053513262,0.6203121360354065,0.6153666510976179,0.6236909471724459,0.6387654898293196],
'q_pks': {
'0da04f02-4aad-4ac8-91a5-214862b5c0d0': [0.6686046511627907,0.6282051282051282,0.76,0.6746987951807228,0.7092198581560284,0.71875,0.6585365853658537,0.7070063694267515,0.7171052631578947,0.7346938775510204,0.7737226277372263,0.7380952380952381,0.6774193548387096,0.7142857142857143,0.7,0.6962962962962963,0.723404255319149,0.6737588652482269,0.7232704402515723,0.7142857142857143,0.7164179104477612,0.7317073170731707,0.6333333333333333,0.75,0.7217391304347827,0.7017543859649122,0.7333333333333333,0.7641509433962265,0.6869565217391305,0.75,0.794392523364486],
'10bd29aa-3a26-49e6-bc2c-50fd503d7ab5': [0.64375,0.6014492753623188,0.5968992248062015,0.5059523809523809,0.5637583892617449,0.5389221556886228,0.5576923076923077,0.51875,0.4931506849315068,0.5579710144927537,0.577922077922078,0.5467625899280576,0.5362318840579711,0.6095890410958904,0.5793103448275863,0.5159235668789809,0.6196319018404908,0.6143790849673203,0.5035971223021583,0.5897435897435898,0.5857142857142857,0.5851851851851851,0.6164383561643836,0.6054421768707483,0.5714285714285714,0.627906976744186,0.5826771653543307,0.6504065040650406,0.5864661654135338,0.6333333333333333,0.6851851851851852]
suptitle_size = 24
title_size = 18
tick_size = 12
axis_label_size = 15
legend_size = 14
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,8))
fig.suptitle('PK by Sequence Order', fontsize=suptitle_size)
module_name = 'Test'
q_count = module_metrics[module]['q_count']
y_ticks = [0.0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1.0]
x_ticks = np.array([x for x in range(0,q_count)])
x_labels = x_ticks + 1
# Plot it
ax.set_title(module_name, fontsize=title_size)
ax.set_xticklabels(x_labels, fontsize=tick_size)
ax.set_yticklabels(y_ticks, fontsize=tick_size)
ax.set_xlabel('Sequence', fontsize=axis_label_size)
# Output module PK by sequence
# Output PK by sequence for each question
for qid in module_metrics[module]['q_pks']:
ax.plot(module_metrics[module]['q_pks'][qid], alpha=0.15, label=qid)
annot = ax.annotate("", xy=(0,0), xytext=(-20,20),textcoords="offset points", bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc="w"), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->"))
mpl_id = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', hover)
Since there are dozens of modules, I created an ipywidgets dropdown to select the module, which then runs a function to output the chart. Nonetheless, whether running it hardcoded as here or from within the function, mpl_connect never seems to fire.
Here's what this one looks like when run