ANTRL4: Extracting expressions from languages - antlr

I have a programming language that has many constructs in it however I am only interested in extracting expressions from the language.
Is that possible to do without having to write the entire grammar?

Yes, its possible. You want what is called an "island parser". You might not actually
decide to do this, more below.
The essential idea is to provide detailed grammar rules for the part of the language ("islands") you care about, and sloppy rules for the rest ("water").
The detailed grammar rules... you write as would normally write them. This includes building a lexer and parser to parse the part you want.
The "water" part is implemented as much as you can by defining sloppy lexemes. You may need more than one, and you will likely have to handle nested structures e.g., things involving "("...")" "["..."] and "{" ... "}" and you will end up doing with explicit tokens for the boundaries of these structures, and recursive grammar rules that keep track of the nesting (because lexers being FSAs typically can't track this).
Not obvious when you start, but painfully obvious after you are deep into this mess is skipping over long comment bodies, and especially string literals with the various quotes allowed by the language (consider Python for an over the top set) and the escaped sequences inside. You'll get burned by languages that allow interpolated strings when you figure out that you have the lex the raw string content separately from the interpolated expressions, because these are also typically nested structures. PHP and C# allow arbitrary expressions in their interpolated strings.... including expressions which themselves can contain... more interpolated strings!
The upside is all of this isn't really hard technically, if you ignore the sweat labor to dream up and handle all the funny cases.
... but ... considering typical parsing goals, island grammars tend to fall apart when used for this purpose.
To process expressions, you usually need the language declarations that provide types for the identifiers. If you leave them in the "ocean" part... you don't get type declarations and now it is hard to reason about your expressions. If you are processing java, and you encounter (a+b), is that addition or string concatenation? Without type information you just don't know.
If you decide you need the type information, now you need the detailed grammar for the variable and type declarations. And suddenly you're a lot closer to a full parser. At some point, you bail and just build a full parser; then you don't have think about whether you've cheated properly.

You don’t mention your language, but there’s a good chance that there’s an ANTLR grammar for it here ANTLR Grammars
These grammars will parse the entire contents of the source (by doing this, you can avoid some “messiness” that can come with trying decide when to pop into, and out of, island grammars, which could be particularly messy for expressions since they can occur in so many places within a typical source file.)
Once you have the resulting ParseTree, ANTLR provides a Listener capability that allows you to call a method to walk the tree and call you back for only those parts you are interested in. In your case that would be expressions.
A quick search on ANTLR Listeners should turn up several resources on how to write a Listener for your needs. (This is a pretty short article that covers the basics (in this case, for when you’re only interested in methods, but expressions would be similar. There are certainly others).


Reorder token stream in XText lexer

I am trying to lex/parse an existing language by using XText. I have already decided I will use a custom ANTLRv3 lexer, as the language cannot be lexed in a context-free way. Fortunately, I do not need parser information; just the previously encountered tokens is enough to decide the lexing mode.
The target language has an InputSection that can be described as follows: InputSection: INPUT_SECTION A=ID B=ID;. However, it can be specified in two different ways.
; The canonical way
$InputSection Foo Bar
$SomeOtherSection Fonzie
; The haphazard way
$InputSection Foo
$SomeOtherSection Fonzie
$InputSection Bar
Could I use TokenStreamRewriter to reorder all tokens in the canonical way, before passing this on to the parser? Or will this generate issues in XText later?
After a lot of investigation, I have come to the conclusion that editor tools themselves are truly not fit for this type of problem.
If you would start typing on one rule, you would have to take into account the AST context from subsequent sections to know how to auto-complete. At the same time, this will be very confusing for the user.
In the end, I will therefore simply not support this obscure feature of the language. Instead, the AST will be constructed so that a section (reasonably) divided between two parts will still parse correctly.

General stategy for designing Flexible Language application using ANTLR4

I am trying to develop a language application using antlr4. The language in question is not important. The important thing is that the grammar is very vast (easily >2000 rules!!!). I want to do a number of operations
Extract bunch of informations. These can be call graphs, variable names. constant expressions etc.
Any number of transformations:
if a loop can be expanded, we go ahead and expand it
If we can eliminate dead code we might choose to do that
we might choose to rename all variable names to conform to some norms.
Each of these operations can be applied independent of each other. And after application of these steps I want the rewrite the input as close as possible to the original input.
e.g. So we might want to eliminate loops and rename the variable and then output the result in the original language format.
I see a need to build a custom Tree (read AST) for this. So that I can modify the tree with each of the transformations. However when I want to generate the output, I lose the nice abilities of the TokenStreamRewriter. I have to specify how to write each of the nodes of the tree and I lose the original input formatting for the places I didn't do any transformations. Does antlr4 provide a good way to get around this problem?
Is AST the best way to go? Or do I build my own object representation? If so how do I create that object efficiently? Creating object representation is very big pain for such a vast language. But may be better in the long run. Again how do I get back the original formatting?
Is it possible to work just on the parse tree?
Are there similar language applications which do the same thing? If so what strategy do they use?
Any input is welcome.
Thanks in advance.
In general, what you want is called a Program Transformation System (PTS).
PTSs generally have parsers, build ASTs, can prettyprint the ASTs to recover compilable source text. More importantly, they have standard ways to navigate/inspect/modify the ASTs so that you can change them programmatically.
Many offer these capabilities in the form of pattern-matching code fragments written in the surface syntax of the language being transformed; this avoids the need to forever having to know excruciatingly fine details about which nodes are in your AST and how they are related to children. This is incredibly useful when you big complex grammars, as most of our modern (and our legacy languages) all seem to have.
More sophisticated PTSs (very few) provide additional facilities for teasing out the semantics of the source code. It is pretty hard to analyze/transform most code without knowing what scopes individual symbols belong to, or their type, and many other details such as data flow. Full disclosure: I build one of these.

Generating random but still valid expressions based on yacc/bison/ANTLR grammar

Is it possible? Any tool available for this?
You can do this with any system that gives you access to base grammar. ANTLR and YACC compile your grammar away so you don't have them anymore. In ANTLR's case, the grammar has been turned into code; you're not going to get it back. In YACC's case, you end up with parser tables, which contain the essence of the grammar; you could walk such parse tables if you understood them well enough to do what I describe below as.
It is easy enough to traverse a set of explicitly represented grammar rules and randomly choose expansions/derivations. By definition this will get you valid syntax.
What it won't do is get you valid code. The problem here is that most languages really have context sensitive syntax; most programs aren't valid unless the declared identifiers are used in a way consistent with their declaration and scoping rules. That latter requires a full semantic check.
Our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit is used to parse code in arbitrary languages [using a grammar], build ASTs, lets you analyze and transform those trees, and finally prettyprint valid (syntactic) text. DMS provides direct access to the grammar rules, and tree building facilities, so it is pretty easy to generate random syntactic trees (and prettyprint). Making sure they are semantically valid is hard with DMS too; however, many of DMS's front ends can take a (random) tree and do semantic checking, so at least you'd know if the tree was semantically valid.
What you do if it says "no" is still an issue. Perhaps you can generate identifier names in way that guarantees at least not-inconsistent usage, but I suspect that would be langauge-dependent.
yacc and bison turn your grammar into a finite state machine. You should be able to traverse the state machine randomly to find valid inputs.
Basically, at each state you can either shift a new token on to the stack and move to a new state or reduce the top token in the stack based on a set of valid reductions. (See the Bison manual for details about how this works).
Your random generator will traverse the state machine making random but valid shifts or reductions at each state. Once you reach the terminal state you have a valid input.
For a human readable description of the states you can use the -v or --report=state option to bison.
I'm afraid I can't point you to any existing tools that can do this.

removing dead variables using antlr

I am currently servicing an old VBA (visual basic for applications) application. I've got a legacy tool which analyzes that application and prints out dead variables. As there are more than 2000 of them I do not want to do this by hand.
Therefore I had the idea to transform the separate codefiles which contain the dead variable according to the aforementioned tool to ASTs and remove them that way.
My question: Is there a recommended way to do this?
I do not want to use StringTemplate, as I would need to create templates for all rules and if I had a commend on the hidden channel, it would be lost, right?
Everything I need is to remove parts of that code and print out the rest as it was read in.
Any one has any recommendations, please?
Some theory
I assume that regular expressions are not enough to solve your task. That is you can't define the notion of a dead-code section in any regular language and expect to express it in a context-free language described by some antlr grammar.
The algorithm
The following algorithm can be suggested:
Tokenize source code with a lexer.
Since you want to preserve all the correct code -- don't skip or hide it's tokens. Make sure to define separate tokens for parts which may be removed or which will be used to determine the dead code, all other characters can be collected under a single token type. Here you can use output of your auxiliary tool in predicates to reduce the number of tokens generated. I guess antlr's tokenization (like any other tokenization) is expressed in a regular language so you can't remove all the dead code on this step.
Construct AST with a parser.
Here all the powers of a context-free language can be applied -- define dead-code sections in parser's rules and remove it from the AST being constructed.
Convert AST to source code. You can use some tree parser here, but I guess there is an easier way which can be found observing toString and similar methods of a tree type returned by the parser.

Should primitive datatypes be capitalized?

If you were to invent a new language, do you think primitive datatypes should be capitalized, like Int, Float, Double, String to be consistent with standard class naming conventions? Why or why not?
By "primitive" I don't mean that they can't be (or behave like) objects. I guess I should have said "basic" datatypes.
If I were to invent a new language, it wouldn't have primitive data types, just wrapper objects. I've done enough wrapper-to-primitive-to-wrapper conversions in Java to last me the rest of my life.
As for capitalization? I'd go with case-sensitive first letter capitalized, partly because it's a convention that's ingrained in my brain, and partly to convey the fact that hey, these are objects too.
Case insensitivity leads to some crazy internationalization stuff; think umlauts, tildes, etc. It makes the compiler harder and allows the programmer freedoms that don't result in better code. Seriously, you think there's enough arguments over where to put braces in C... just watch.
As far as primitives looking like classes... only if you can subclass primitives. Don't assume everyone capitalizes class names; the C++ standard libraries do not.
Personally, I'd like a language that has, for example, two integer types:
int: Whatever integer type is fastest on the platform, and
int(bits): An integer with the given number of bits.
You can typedef whatever you need from that. Then maybe I could get a fixed(w,f) type (number of bits to left and right of decimal, respectively) and a float(m,e). And uint and ufixed for unsigned. (Anyone who wants an unsigned float can beg.) And standardize how bit fields are packed into structures. If the compiler can't handle a particular number of bits, it should say so and abort.
Why, yes, I program embedded systems and got sick of int and long changing size every couple years, how could you tell? ^_-
(Warning: MASSIVE post. If you want my final answer to this question, skip to the bottom section, where I answer it. If you do, and you think I'm spouting a load of bull, please read the rest before trying to argue with my "bull.")
If I were to make a programming language, here are a few caveats:
The type system would be more or less Perl 6 (but I totally came up with the idea first :P) - dynamically and weakly typed, with a stronger (I'm thinking Haskellian) type system that can be imposed on top of it.
There would be a minimal number of language keywords. Everything else would be reassignable first-class objects (types, functions, so on).
It will be a very high level language, like Perl / Python / Ruby / Haskell / Lisp / whatever is fashionable today. It will probably be interpreted, but I won't rule out compilation.
If any of those (rather important) design decisions don't apply to your ideal language (and they may very well not), then my following (apparently controversial) decision won't work for you. If you're not me, it may not work for you either. I think it fits my language, because it's my language. You should think about your language and how you want your language to be so that you, like Dennis Ritchie or Guido van Rossum or Larry Wall, can grow up to make bad design decisions and defend them in retrospect with good arguments.
Now then, I would still maintain that, in my language, identifiers would be case insensitive, and this would include variables, functions (which would be variables), types (which would also be variables, both built-in/primitive (which would be subclass-able) and user-defined), you name it.
To address issues as they come:
Naming consistency is the best argument I've seen, but I disagree. First off, allowing two different types called int and Int is ridiculous. The fact that Java has int and Integer is almost as ridiculous as the fact that neither of them allow arbitrary-precision. (Disclaimer: I've become a big fan of the word "ridiculous" lately.)
Normally I would be a fan of allowing people to shoot themselves in the foot with things like two different objects called int and Int if they want to, but here it's an issue of laziness, and of the old multiple-word-variable-name argument.
My personal take on the issue of underscore_case vs. MixedCase vs. camelCase is that they're both ugly and less readable and if at all possible you should only use a single word. In an ideal world, all code should be stored in your source control in an agreed-upon format (the style that most of the team uses) and the team's dissenters should have hooks in their VCS to convert all checked out code from that style to their style and vice versa for checking back in, but we don't live in that world.
It bothers me for some reason when I have to continually write MixedCaseVariableOrClassNames a lot more than it bothers me to write underscore_separated_variable_or_class_names. Even TimeOfDay and time_of_day might be the same identifier because they're conceptually the same thing, but I'm a bit hesitant to make that leap, if only because it's an unusual rule (internal underscores are removed in variable names). On one hand, it could end the debate between the two styles, but on the other hand it could just annoy people.
So my final decision is based on two parts, which are both highly subjective:
If I make a name others must use that's likely to be exported to another namespace, I'll probably name it as simply and clearly as I can. I usually won't use many words, and I'll use as much lowercase as I can get away with. sizedint doesn't strike me as much better or worse than sized_int or SizedInt (which, as far as examples of camelCase go, looks particularly bad because of the dI IMHO), so I'd go with that. If you like camelCase (and many people do), you can use it. If you like underscores, you're out of luck, but if you really need to you can write sized_int = sizedint and go on with life.
If someone else wrote it, and wanted to use sized_int, I can live with that. If they wrote it and used SizedInt, I don't have to stick with their annoying-to-type camelCase and, in my code, can freely write it as sizedint.
Saying that consistency helps us remember what things mean is silly. Do you speak english or English? Both, because they're the same word, and you recognize them as the same word. I think e.e. cummings was on to something, and we probably shouldn't have different cases at all, but I can't exactly rewrite most human and computer languages out there on a whim. All I can do is say, "Why are you making such a fuss about case when it says the same thing either way?" and implement this attitude in my own language.
Throwaway variables in functions (i.e. Person person = /* something */) is a pretty good argument, but I disagree that people would do Person thePerson (or Person aPerson). I personally tend to just do Person p anyway.
I'm not much fond of capitalizing type names (or much of anything) in the first place, and if it's enough of a throwaway variable to declare it undescriptively as Person person, then you won't lose much information with Person p. And anyone who says "non-descriptive one-letter variable names are bad" shouldn't be using non-descriptive many-letter variable names either, like Person person.
Variables should follow sane scoping rules (like C and Perl, unlike Python - flame war starts here guys!), so conflicts in simple names used locally (like p) should never arise.
As to making the implementation barf if you use two variables with the same names differing only in case, that's a good idea, but no. If someone makes library X that defines the type XMLparser and someone else makes library Y that defines the type XMLParser, and I want to write an abstraction layer that provides the same interface for many XML parsers including the two types, I'm pretty boned. Even with namespaces, this still becomes prohibitively annoying to pull off.
Internationalization issues have been brought up. Distinguishing between capital and lowercase umlautted U's will be no easier in my interpreter/compiler (probably the former) than in my source code.
If a language has a string type (i.e. the language isn't C) and the string type supports Unicode (i.e. the language isn't Ruby - it's only a joke, don't crucify me), then the language already provides a way to convert Unicode strings to and from lowercase, like Perl's lc() function (sometimes) and Python's unicode.lower() method. This function must be built into the language somewhere and can handle Unicode.
Calling this function during an interpreter's compile-time rather than its runtime is simple. For a compiler it's only marginally harder, because you'll still have to implement this kind of functionality anyway, so including it in the compiler is no harder than including it in the runtime library. If you're writing the compiler in the language itself (and you should be), and the functionality is built into the language, you'll have no problems.
To answer your question, no. I don't think we should be capitalizing anything, period. It's annoying to type (to me) and allowing case differences creates (or allows) unnecessary confusion between capitalized and lowercased things, or camelCased and under_scored things, or other sets of semantically-distinct-but-conceptually-identical things. If the distinction is entirely semantic, let's not bother with it at all.