What is index do i need? - sql

I have problems with the performance of this query. If I remove Order by section all work well. But I really want it. I tried to use many indexes but have not any results. Can you help me pls?
FROM "refuel_request" AS "refuel_request"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "user" AS "user" ON "refuel_request"."user_id" = "user"."user_id"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "bill_qr" AS "bill_qr" ON "refuel_request"."bill_qr_id" = "bill_qr"."bill_qr_id"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "car" AS "order.car" ON "refuel_request"."car_id" = "order.car"."car_id"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "refuel_request_status" AS "refuel_request_status" ON "refuel_request"."refuel_request_status_id" = "refuel_request_status"."refuel_request_status_id"
refuel_request."refuel_request_status_id" IN ( '1', '2', '3')
ORDER BY "refuel_request".created_at desc
There is explain of this query
Primary Keys and/or Foreign Keys

All outer joind tables are 1:n related to refuel_request. This means your query is looking for the last ten created refuel requests with status 1 to 3.
You are outer joining the tables, because not every reful_request is related to a user, a bill_qr, a car, and a status. Or you outer join mistakenly. Anyway, none of the joins changes the number of retrieved rows; it's still one row per refuel request. In order to join the other tables' rows the DBMS just needs their primary key indexes. Nothing to worry about.
The only thing we must care about is finding the top reful_request rows for the statuses you are interested in as quickly as possible.
Use a partial index that only contains data for the statuses in question. The column you index is the created_at column, so as to get the top 10 immediately.
CREATE INDEX idx ON refuel_request (created_at DESC)
WHERE refuel_request_status_id IN (1, 2, 3);
Partial indexes are explained here: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/indexes-partial.html

You cannot have an index that supports both the WHERE condition and the ORDER BY, because you are using IN and not =.
The fastest option is to split the query into three parts, so that each part compares refuel_request.refuel_request_status_id with =. Combine these three queries with UNION ALL. Each of the queries has ORDER BY and LIMIT 10, and you wrap the whole thing in an outer query that has another ORDER BY and LIMIT 10.
Then you need these indexes:
CREATE INDEX ON refuel_request (refuel_request_status_id, created_at);
CREATE INDEX ON "user" (user_id);
CREATE INDEX ON bill_qr (bill_qr_id);
CREATE INDEX ON car (car_id);
CREATE INDEX ON refuel_request_status (refuel_request_status_id);

You need at least the indexes for the joins (do you really need LEFT joins?)
LEFT OUTER JOIN "user" AS "user" ON "refuel_request"."user_id" = "user"."user_id"
So, refuel_request.user_id must be in the index
LEFT OUTER JOIN "bill_qr" AS "bill_qr" ON "refuel_request"."bill_qr_id" =
LEFT OUTER JOIN "car" AS "order.car" ON "refuel_request"."car_id" =
bill_qr_id and car_id too
LEFT OUTER JOIN "refuel_request_status" AS "refuel_request_status" ON "refuel_request"."refuel_request_status_id" =
and refuel_request_status_id
refuel_request."refuel_request_status_id" IN ( '1', '2', '3')
refuel_request_status_id must be the first key in the index as we need it in the WHERE
ORDER BY "refuel_request".created_at desc
and then created_at since it's in the ORDER clause. This will not improve performances per se, but will allow to run the ORDER BY without requiring access to the table data, the same reason why we put the other non-WHERE columns in there. Of course a partial index is even better, we shift the WHERE in the partiality clause and use created_at for the rest (the LIMIT 10 now means that we can do without the extra columns in the index, since retrieving three 1:N rows costs very little; in a different situation we might find it useful to keep those extra columns).
So one index that contains, in this order:
refuel_request_status_id, created_at, bill_qr_id, car_id too, user_id
^ WHERE ^ ORDER ^ used by the JOINS
However, do you really need a SELECT *? I believe you'd get better performances if you only included the fields you're really going to use.

The most effective index for this query would be on refuel_request (refuel_request_status_id, created_at DESC) so that both the main filtering and the ordering can be done using the index. You also want indexes on the columns you're joining, but those tables are small and inconsequential at the moment. In any case, the index I suggest isn't actually going to help much with the performance pain points you're having right now. Here are some suggestions:
Don't use SELECT * unless you really need all of the columns from all of these tables you're joining. Specifying only the necessary columns means postgres can load less data into memory, and work over it faster.
Postgres is spending a lot of time on the joins, joining about a million rows each time, when you're really only interested in ten of those rows. We can encourage it do the order/limit first by rearranging the query somewhat:
WITH refuel_request_subset AS MATERIALIZED (
FROM refuel_request
WHERE refuel_request_status_id IN ('1', '2', '3')
ORDER BY created_at DESC
FROM refuel_request_subset AS refuel_request
LEFT OUTER JOIN user ON refuel_request.user_id = user.user_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN bill_qr ON refuel_request.bill_qr_id = bill_qr.bill_qr_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN car AS "order.car" ON refuel_request.car_id = "order.car".car_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN refuel_request_status ON refuel_request.refuel_request_status_id = refuel_request_status.refuel_request_status_id;
Note: This assumes that the LEFT JOINS will not add rows to the result set, as is the case with your current dataset.
This trick only really works if you have a fixed number of IDs, but you can do the refuel_request_subset query separately for each ID and then UNION the results, as opposed to using the IN operator. That would allow postgres to fully use the index mentioned above.


Speed up LEFT OUTER JOIN query in Firebird

The question is for Firebird 2.5. Let's assume we have the following query:
WHERE (TS BETWEEN '27.07.2021 00:00:00' AND '28.07.2021 10:34:08')
AND (OBJ_ID = 8973)
AND (DEV_CODE IN (0, 1234))
EVENTS has about 190 million records by now and this query takes too much time to complete. As I read here, the tables have to have indexes on all the columns that are used.
Here are the CREATE INDEX statements for the EVENTS table:
Here is the data from the PLAN analyzer:
As requested the speed of the execution:
without LEFT JOIN -> 138ms
with LEFT JOIN -> 338ms
Is there another way to speed up the execution of the query besides indexing the columns or maybe add another index?
If I add another index will the optimizer choose to use it?
You can only optimize the joins themselves by being sure that the keys are indexed in the second tables. These all look like primary keys, so they should have appropriate indexes.
For this WHERE clause:
WHERE TS BETWEEN '27.07.2021 00:00:00' AND '28.07.2021 10:34:08')
OBJ_ID = 8973 AND
DEV_CODE IN (0, 1234) AND
You probably want an index on (OBJ_ID, DEV_TYPE, PROT_TYPE, TS, DEV_CODE). The order of the first three keys is not particularly important because they are all equality comparisons. I am guessing that one day of data is fewer rows than two device codes.
First of all you want to find the table1 rows quickly. You are using several columns in your WHERE clause to get them. Provide an index on these columns. Which column is the most selective? I.e. which criteria narrows the result rows most? Let's say it's dt, so we put this first:
create index idx1 on table1 (dt, oid, pt, ts, dc);
I have put ts and dt last, because we are looking for more than one value in these columns. It may still be that putting ts or dsas the first column is a good choice. Sometimes we have to play around with this. I.e. provide several indexes with the column order changed and then see which one gets used by the DBMS.
Tables table2 and tabe4 get accessed by the primary key for which exists an index. But table3 gets accessed by t1id. So provide an index on that, too:
create index idx2 on table3 (t1id);

Best way to get distinct count from a query joining two tables

I have 2 tables, table A & table B.
Table A (has thousands of rows)
Table B (has a max of hundred rows)
I am trying to get the best join query to obtain a count with a WHERE clause. I need the count of distinct created_bys from table A with an org_name in Table B that contains 'myorg'. I currently have the below query (producing expected results) and wonder if this can be optimized further?
select count(distinct a.created_by)
from a left join
on a.org_id = b.org_id
where b.org_name like '%myorg%';
You don't need a left join:
select count(distinct a.created_by)
from a join
on a.org_id = b.org_id
where b.org_name like '%myorg%'
For this query, you want an index on b.org_id, which I assume that you have.
I would use exists for this:
select count(distinct a.created_by)
from a
where exists (select 1 from b where b.org_id = a.org_id and b.org_name like '%myorg%')
An index on b(org_id) would help. But in terms of performance, key points are:
searching using like with a wildcard on both sides is not good for performance (this cannot take advantage of an index); it would be far better to search for an exact match, or at least to not have a wildcard on the left side of the string.
count(distinct ...) is more expensive than a regular count(); if you don't really need distinct, then don't use it.
Your query looks good already. Use a plain [INNER] JOIN instead or LEFT [OUTER] JOIN, like Gordon suggested. But that won't change much.
You mention that table B has only ...
a max of hundred rows
while table A has ...
thousands of rows
If there are many rows per created_by (which I'd expect), then there is potential for an emulated index skip scan.
(The need to emulate it might go away in one of the coming Postgres versions.)
Essential ingredient is this multicolumn index:
CREATE INDEX ON a (org_id, created_by);
It can replace a simple index on just (org_id) and works for your simple query as well. See:
Is a composite index also good for queries on the first field?
There are two complications for your case:
0-n org_id resulting from org_name like '%myorg%'
So the optimization is harder to implement. But still possible with some fancy SQL:
SELECT count(DISTINCT created_by) -- does not count NULL (as desired)
( -- parentheses required
SELECT created_by
WHERE org_id = b.org_id
ORDER BY created_by
SELECT (SELECT created_by
WHERE org_id = b.org_id
AND created_by > t.created_by
ORDER BY created_by
WHERE t.created_by IS NOT NULL -- stop recursion
) a
WHERE b.org_name LIKE '%myorg%';
db<>fiddle here (Postgres 12, but works in Postgres 9.6 as well.)
That's a recursive CTE in a LATERAL subquery, using a correlated subquery.
It utilizes the multicolumn index from above to only retrieve a single row for every (org_id, created_by). With an index-only scans if the table is vacuumed enough.
The main objective of the sophisticated SQL is to completely avoid a sequential scan (or even a bitmap index scan) on the big table and only read very few fast index tuples.
Due to the added overhead it can be a bit slower for an unfavorable data distribution (many org_id and/or only few rows per created_by) But it's much faster for favorable conditions and is scales excellently, even for millions of rows. You'll have to test to find the sweet spot.
Optimize GROUP BY query to retrieve latest row per user
What is the difference between LATERAL and a subquery in PostgreSQL?
Is there a shortcut for SELECT * FROM?

Do I need to filter all subqueries before joining very large tables for optimization

I have three tables that I'm trying to join with over a billion rows per table. Each table has an index on the billing date column. If I just filter the left table and do the joins, will the query run efficiently or do I need to put the same date filter in each subquery?
I.E. will the first query run much slower than the second query?
select item, billing_dollars, IC_billing_dollars
from billing
left join IC_billing on billing.invoice_number = IC_billing.invoice_number
where billing.date = '2019-09-24'
select item, billing_dollars, IC_billing_dollars
from billing
left join (select * from IC_billing where IC_billing.date = '2019-09-24') on billing.invoice_number = IC_billing.invoice_number
where billing.date = '2019-09-24'
I don't want to run this without knowing whether the query will perform well as there aren't many safeguards for poor performing queries. Also, if I need to write the query in the second way, is there a way to only have the date filter in one location rather than having it show up multiple times in the query?
That depends.
Consider your query:
select b.item, b.billing_dollars, icb.IC_billing_dollars
from billing b left join
IC_billing icb
on b.invoice_number = icb.invoice_number
where b.date = '2019-09-24';
(Assuming I have the columns coming from the correct tables.)
The optimal strategy is an index on billing(date, invoice_number) -- perhaps also with item and billing_dollars to the index; and ic_billing(invoice_number) -- perhaps with IC_billing_dollars.
I can think of two situations where filtering on date in ic_billing would be useful.
First, if there is an index on (invoice_date, invoice_number), particularly a primary key definition. Then using this index is usually preferred, even if another index is available.
Second, if ic_billing is partitioned by invoice_date. In that case, you will want to specify the partition for performance.
Generally, though, the additional restriction on the invoice date does not help. In some databases, it might even hurt performance (particularly if the subquery is materialized and the outer query does not use an appropriate index).

How to optimize the Conditional select query that involve inner joins in it?

I have got an sql query that has lots of INNER JOINS between other tables.
I know that we can use Joins to optimize but as we can see, this query already involved Joins in it. I was thinking to add GROUP BY to this statement which gets more realistic and could run better. Do selecting more columns from one to other tables cause the query slow? If so, how could it work if we need to optimize? Below is my code:
s.group_seq_num AS grp_seq_num,
d.doc_ref_id AS doc_ref_id,
dm.doc_priority_num AS doc_priority,
s.doc_seq_num AS doc_seq_num,
s.case_num AS case_num,
dm.doc_title_name AS doc_title,
s.task_status_cd AS task_status_cd,
d.received_dt AS received_dt,
nvl(b.first_name,d.first_name) AS first_name,
nvl(b.mid_name,d.mid_name) AS mid_name,
nvl(b.last_name,d.last_name) AS last_name,
tg.content_tag_cd AS content_tag_cd,
d.app_num AS app_num,
e.head_of_household_sw AS head_of_household_sw,
f.user_id AS user_id
dm_task_status s
INNER JOIN dm_task_tag tg ON s.task_seq_num = tg.task_seq_num
INNER JOIN dm_doc_group g ON g.group_seq_num = s.group_seq_num
INNER JOIN dm_doc d ON d.doc_seq_num = s.doc_seq_num
INNER JOIN dm_doc_master dm ON dm.doc_ref_id = d.doc_ref_id
LEFT JOIN mo_employees f ON f.emp_id = s.emp_id
LEFT JOIN ( dc_case_individual e
INNER JOIN dc_indv b ON b.indv_id = e.indv_id
AND e.head_of_household_sw = 'Y' ) ON e.case_num = s.case_num
s.office_num =38
AND s.eff_end_tms IS NULL
AND d.delete_sw IS NULL
ORDER BY s.group_seq_num ASC;
Any ideas are appreciated
AND d.delete_sw IS NULL
should be up in the join and not in the WHERE clause. I don't THINK that matters for performance, but don't trust me on that one. But I do know that it's just good policy to only have the final WHERE clause constructed of the primary table itself.
Second, Since we don't know the data itself or the structure of the data, I would say on EACH join, ensure that you're using a table index wherever possible to prevent full table scans. It seems like something that might be insulting to suggest, but I've made the mistake in the past many times without realizing that there was in fact a place where I was NOT using an indexed field to limit the data scanned.
For example, are all of the fields I list below a part of the primary key of their respective tables? If so, are they the FULL primary key? If they are not the full primary key, is there any way that you can get the rest of the primary key values from the table(s) that you're "coming from"? SQL will try to do the best job it can to make the most efficient plan, but it can only go so far, we always have to try to ensure we're using indexed fields and preferably primary keys to ensure that the database doesn't have to work harder than it has to.
Fields in question:
I'm VERY suspicious of that second LEFT join, but I can't state much about that without knowing the tables. I'm also especially curious if the doc_ref_id is in fact the primary key of the dm_doc_master, or if you have a seq_num that you're missing...

SQL Server search filter and order by performance issues

We have a table value function that returns a list of people you may access, and we have a relation between a search and a person called search result.
What we want to do is that wan't to select all people from the search and present them.
The query looks like this
SELECT qm.PersonID, p.FullName
FROM QueryMembership qm
INNER JOIN dbo.GetPersonAccess(1) ON GetPersonAccess.PersonID = qm.PersonID
INNER JOIN Person p ON p.PersonID = qm.PersonID
WHERE qm.QueryID = 1234
There are only 25 rows with QueryID=1234 but there are almost 5 million rows total in the QueryMembership table. The person table has about 40K people in it.
QueryID is not a PK, but it is an index. The query plan tells me 97% of the total cost is spent doing "Key Lookup" witht the seek predicate.
QueryMembershipID = Scalar Operator (QueryMembership.QueryMembershipID as QM.QueryMembershipID)
Why is the PK in there when it's not used in the query at all? and why is it taking so long time?
The number of people total 25, with the index, this should be a table scan for all the QueryMembership rows that have QueryID=1234 and then a JOIN on the 25 people that exists in the table value function. Which btw only have to be evaluated once and completes in less than 1 second.
if you want to avoid "key lookup", use covered index
create index ix_QueryMembership_NameHere on QueryMembership (QueryID)
include (PersonID);
add more column names, that you gonna select in include arguments.
for the point that, why PK's "key lookup" working so slow, try DBCC FREEPROCCACHE, ALTER INDEX ALL ON QueryMembership REBUILD, ALTER INDEX ALL ON QueryMembership REORGANIZE
This may help if your PK's index is disabled, or cache keeps wrong plan.
You should define indexes on the tables you query. In particular on columns referenced in the WHERE and ORDER BY clauses.
Use the Database Tuning Advisor to see what SQL Server recommends.
For specifics, of course you would need to post your query and table design.
But I have to make a couple of points here:
You've already jumped to the conclusion that the slowness is a result of the ORDER BY clause. I doubt it. The real test is whether or not removing the ORDER BY speeds up the query, which you haven't done. Dollars to donuts, it won't make a difference.
You only get the "log n" in your big-O claim when the optimizer actually chooses to use the index you defined. That may not be happening because your index may not be selective enough. The thing that makes your temp table solution faster than the optimizer's solution is that you know something about the subset of data being returned that the optimizer does not (specifically, that it is a really small subset of data). If your indexes are not selective enough for your query, the optimizer can't always reasonably assume this, and it will choose a plan that avoids what it thinks could be a worst-case scenario of tons of index lookups, followed by tons of seeks and then a big sort. Oftentimes, it chooses to scan and hash instead. So what you did with the temp table is often a way to solve this problem. Often you can narrow down your indexes or create an indexed view on the subset of data you want to work against. It all depends on the specifics of your wuery.
You need indexes on your WHERE and ORDER BY clauses. I am not an expert but I would bet it is doing a table scan for each row. Since your speed issue is resolved by Removing the INNER JOIN or the ORDER BY I bet the issue is specifically with the join. I bet it is doing the table scan on your joined table because of the sort. By putting an index on the columns in your WHERE clause first you will be able to see if that is in fact the case.
Have you tried restructuring the query into a CTE to separate the TVF call? So, something like:
With QueryMembershipPerson
Select QM.PersonId, P.Fullname
From QueryMembership As qm
Join Person As P
On P.PersonId = QM.PersonId
Where QM.QueryId = 1234
Select PersonId, Fullname
From QueryMembershipPerson As QMP
Join dbo.GetPersonAccess(1) As PA
On PA.PersonId = QMP.PersonId
EDIT: Btw, I'm assuming that there is an index on PersonId in both the QueryMembership and the Person table.
EDIT What about two table expressions like so:
QueryMembershipPerson As
Select QM.PersonId, P.Fullname
From QueryMembership As qm
Join Person As P
On P.PersonId = QM.PersonId
Where QM.QueryId = 1234
, With PersonAccess As
Select PersonId
From dbo.GetPersonAccess(1)
Select PersonId, Fullname
From QueryMembershipPerson As QMP
Join PersonAccess As PA
On PA.PersonId = QMP.PersonId
Yet another solution would be a derived table like so:
Select ...
From (
Select QM.PersonId, P.Fullname
From QueryMembership As qm
Join Person As P
On P.PersonId = QM.PersonId
Where QM.QueryId = 1234
) As QueryMembershipPerson
Join dbo.GetPersonAccess(1) As PA
On PA.PersonId = QueryMembershipPerson.PersonId
If pushing some of the query into a temp table and then joining on that works, I'd be surprised that you couldn't combine that concept into a CTE or a query with a derived table.