Access Compile error: Type mismatch on SQL Recordset Query - sql

I've been chasing my tail on this SQL query for a record set. If I comment the query out, I do not receive the type mismatch error, so I'm relatively confident it is in this query. The query also works just fine in the Query window in Access (sans the quotes for getting it into VBA). I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why I'm getting a Compile error: Type mismatch on this. It always goes to the last '&'. I think I posted all the relevant code below. Please help? I do intend to move this to a string variable in the end, but I want to get it working first.
edit: I can address the type mismatch by making the change noted below. However, now I get a 424 error. If I output this to a debug window and paste the output into an SQL query window in access, I get the result I expect, but VBA doesn't like it for some reason.
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim FileNumber As String
FileNumber = Me.txtFileNumber
Set rs = "SELECT tblParentRecord.FileNumber, tblChildRecord.CombinedName " _
& " FROM tblParentRecord INNER JOIN tblChildRecord ON tblParentRecord.FileNumber = tblChildRecord.FileNumber " _
Added: & " WHERE (((tblParentRecord.FileNumber)= " & """" & Me.FileNumber & """" & ")) "
Removed:& " WHERE (((tblParentRecord.FileNumber) LIKE'" & FileNumber & "*" & "'))')

Dim rs As Recordset
Dim db As Database
Dim FileNumber As String
Set db = CurrentDb
FileNumber = Me.txtFileNumber
strSql = "SELECT tblParentRecord.FileNumber, tblChildRecord.CombinedName " _
& " FROM tblParentRecord INNER JOIN tblChildRecord ON tblParentRecord.FileNumber = tblChildRecord.FileNumber " _
& " WHERE tblParentRecord.FileNumber Like '" & FileNumber & "' "
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSql)


Can't Update SQL on VBA Access - Getting a Mismatched Type Error on String

I need a SQL Update a Long Text (Memo) on a Table but it's giving me an Error 3464, but have confirmed that the text I'm updating the Remarks into are Long Text (Memo) and what I'm updating is a string
Table Design
Table Contents
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE aaTest1 SET aaTest1.test1Remarks = '" & CStr(Me.txtBox1) & "'WHERE ((aaTest1.testPrimK='" & CLng(PrimKNum) & "'));"
Error Message
As I comment, try below command-
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE aaTest1 SET aaTest1.test1Remarks = '" & CStr(Me.txtBox1) & "' WHERE aaTest1.testPrimK=" & CLng(Me.PrimKNum)
Hope you are aware about variable declaring. More precise and clearer code here.
Private Sub cmdRunSQL_Click()
Dim strRemarks As String
Dim lnPrimKNum As Long
strRemarks = Me.txtBox1
lnPrimKNum = Me.PrimKNum
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE aaTest1 SET test1Remarks = '" & strRemarks & "' WHERE testPrimK=" & lnPrimKNum
End Sub

How to fix this code from crashing access. I assume through some error with the loop

I got it to just make a list of everything, but I need to do some grouping. my idea was to get a list of addresses, then as I loop through those addresses, filter another query with the information I want to display. If I do that, I don't get an error, but it hangs the program. I'm assuming it's a problem with the loop, but I'm not sure how. Any suggestions?
Public Function getActionItems(strID As String, strType As String) As String
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim qdfAddress As DAO.QueryDef
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim rstAddress As DAO.Recordset
Dim s As String
Set dbs = CurrentDb
'Get the parameter query
Set qdf = dbs.QueryDefs("qryActionItems")
Set qdfAddress = dbs.QueryDefs("qryActionItemsAddresses")
'get all records
Set rst = qdf.OpenRecordset()
Set rstAddress = qdfAddress.OpenRecordset()
'get all records with the submisison number
rstAddress.filter = "submission_number=" & strID
Set rstAddressFiltered = rstAddress.OpenRecordset
'cycle through the addresses
If Not rstAddressFiltered.EOF Then
s = s + "<strong>" & rstAddressFiltered!Address & "</strong>" & vbLf & "<ol>"
'filter for the address
rst.filter = "submission_number=" & strID & "AND Address=" & """ & rstAddressFiltered!Address & """
Set rstFiltered = rst.OpenRecordset
'cycle through the records with the address
If Not rstFiltered.EOF Then
s = s + vbTab & "<li>" & rstFiltered!Address & " - " & rstFiltered!Notes & " - " & rstFiltered!Due_date & "</li>" & vbLf
Loop Until rstFiltered.EOF
End If
Loop Until rstAddressFiltered.EOF
s = s + "</ol>"
End If
End Function
Edit: I think it may be that I missed the .movenext, but I haven’t had a chance to try it.
The main query has
submission_number, type, address, notes
I'm trying to get something like
123 main st
Foo bar
Bar foo
126 main st
When I run the query I won't know what or how many addresses I have. So I thought I would use query1 to grab the addresses, then use the addresses in query1 to filter query2, printing those results.
If you see a better approach, I'm open!
Filter criteria has syntax errors. Need a space in front of AND. Quote mark delimiters are wrong. Use apostrophe instead of trying to double up quote mark.
rst.filter = "submission_number=" & strID & " AND Address='" & rstAddressFiltered!Address & "'"

Access Run-Time error 2465. Can't find the field '1' referred to in your expression

I need help with this code.
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub BTNSEARCHOnetoOne_Click()
Dim SQL As String
SQL = "SELECT [00_SheetList-Revit-UNION].PACKAGE, [00_SheetList-Revit-UNION].DRAWING, [00_SheetList-Revit-UNION].DISCIPLINE, Hillsboro_OR_xlsx.FileName_Hillsboro_OR, Hillsboro_OR_xlsx.FilePath_Hillsboro_OR FROM Hillsboro_OR_xlsx, WHERE(([00_SheetList-Revit-UNION].PACKAGE) Like '" & Me.TXTKeywordsPackage & "') AND ((Hillsboro_OR_xlsx.FileName_Hillsboro_OR) Like ('*" & ([00_SheetList-Revit-UNION].DRAWING) & "*')"
Me.SubONEtoONEInsideJoin.Form.RecordSource = SQL
End Sub
Private Sub Detail_Click()
End Sub
I narrowed it down to this part of the code.
"...((Hillsboro_OR_xlsx.FileName_Hillsboro_OR) Like ('*" & ([00_SheetList-Revit-UNION].DRAWING) & "*')"
As I can take this part out and it works. Is this just syntax?
Currently, your SQL has a number of syntax issues:
Comma before WHERE clause;
Unclosed parentheses in last WHERE condition;
Unknown alias ([00_SheetList-Revit-UNION]) not referenced in FROM or JOIN clauses. Possibly you meant to cross join this source with Hillsboro_OR_xlsx.
See issues with current code with line breaks for illustration:
SQL = "SELECT [00_SheetList-Revit-UNION].PACKAGE," _
& " [00_SheetList-Revit-UNION].DRAWING," _
& " [00_SheetList-Revit-UNION].DISCIPLINE," _
& " Hillsboro_OR_xlsx.FileName_Hillsboro_OR, " _
& " Hillsboro_OR_xlsx.FilePath_Hillsboro_OR " _
& " FROM Hillsboro_OR_xlsx, " _
& " WHERE(([00_SheetList-Revit-UNION].PACKAGE) " _
& " Like '" & Me.TXTKeywordsPackage & "') " _
& " AND " _
& " ((Hillsboro_OR_xlsx.FileName_Hillsboro_OR) " _
& " Like ('*" & ([00_SheetList-Revit-UNION].DRAWING) & "*')"
These issues can be mitigated with parameterized queries (an industry best practice when writing SQL in application code) which is supported in MS Access using QueryDef Parameters. Below are a few advantages and further below adjustment to your setup.
Saving a stored query instead of a VBA string query allows it is to be optimized by engine and the Access GUI will not allow query to be saved with syntax issues;
Abstract data from code, specifically VBA variables from SQL statement;
Readability and maintainability is enhanced.
SQL (with no VBA)
Save below as a stored Access query, using parameters and table aliases. Also, [00_SheetList-Revit-UNION] is cross joined (comma-separated in FROM clause) as assumed above.
PARAMETERS [PackageParam] Text;
h.FileName_Hillsboro_OR, h.FilePath_Hillsboro_OR
FROM Hillsboro_OR_xlsx h, [00_SheetList-Revit-UNION] o
WHERE ((o.PACKAGE) Like [PackageParam])
AND ((h.FileName_Hillsboro_OR) Like '*' & o.DRAWING & '*');
Private Sub BTNSEARCHOnetoOne_Click()
Dim qDef As QueryDef
Dim rst As Recordset
Set qDef = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("mySavedQuery")
qDef![PackageParam] = "*" & Me.TXTKeywordsPackage & "*"
Set rst = qDef.OpenRecordset()
Me.SubONEtoONEInsideJoin.Form.Recordset = rst
Set qDef = Nothing
End Sub
It looks like that you had something wrong here
you have written
Like '" & Me.TXTKeywordsPackage & "'
but it has to be like this
Like '*" & Me.TXTKeywordsPackage & "*'
you had this part wrong
check this below part
Like ('*" & ([00_SheetList-Revit-UNION].DRAWING) & "*')
Make sure that you are getting the value from textbox. It looks like you are calling table column.
Carefully count your parenthesis.
There should be an additional ) at the very end.

Too few parameters Expected 1, recordset issue

I'm having a problem getting a recordset to run from a query I created in an MS Access 2010 database. here is t he code I want to run:
Private Sub Command192_Click()
Dim recs As String
Dim param As Integer
Dim rs As Recordset
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("UnitRec_Qry", dbOpenDynaset)
With rs
While Not .EOF
recs = recs & vbNewLine & !Spara & " - " & !Rec
End With
MsgBox (recs)
End Sub
What this should output is a message box with a number of records from the query in a list. I do this so I can gather this and a number of other records into a text file for copying and pasting into a separate system. At the moment, I'm running this code so I can place it all into a string variable.
My problem is that I'm getting the dreaded "Too Few parameters expected 1" error.
The query works, I've saved it into the database and tested it and I get the expected results.
I tried running the recordset with SQL:
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT UnitRecommend_tbl.URecID, UnitRecommend_tbl.Spara," _
& " UnitRecommend_tbl.Rec, UnitRecommend_tbl.SvyID" _
& " FROM UnitRecommend_tbl" _
& " WHERE ((UnitRecommend_tbl.SvyID) = [Forms]![SurveyRegister_frm]![SurveyID])" _
& " ORDER BY UnitRecommend_tbl.Spara;", dbOpenDynaset)
I get the same error
I ran it again but removed the "WHERE" statement and the code ran just fine, but gave me every record in the table. Not what I wanted.
So, the fields are OK because the data runs. When I debug the text the parameter in the SQL does show up as the right parameter, in this case, the number 4 which is an integer.
So I'm at a loss here, I've searched through the other posts here and I have tried these possible solutions (unless I missed something).
I also tried using dbopensnapshot as well, still no joy. Wondering if I'm using the right code here now.
Any help would be great.
A parameter like [Forms]![SurveyRegister_frm]![SurveyID] doesn't get evaluated automatically if you open a recordset in VBA.
Use this function:
Public Sub Eval_Params(QD As DAO.QueryDef)
On Error GoTo Eval_Params_Err
Dim par As DAO.Parameter
For Each par In QD.Parameters
' This is the key line: Eval "evaluates" the form field and gets the value
par.Value = Eval(par.Name)
Next par
On Error Resume Next
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Runtime-Error " & Err.Number & " in Eval_Params"
Resume Eval_Params_Exit
End Sub
with a QueryDef object like this:
Dim QD As QueryDef
Dim RS As Recordset
Set QD = DB.QueryDefs("UnitRec_Qry")
Call EVal_Params(QD)
Set RS = QD.OpenRecordset(dbOpenDynaset)
Alternatively, you can run it with SQL in the VBA code by moving the parameter outside of the SQL string:
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT UnitRecommend_tbl.URecID, UnitRecommend_tbl.Spara," _
& " UnitRecommend_tbl.Rec, UnitRecommend_tbl.SvyID" _
& " FROM UnitRecommend_tbl" _
& " WHERE ((UnitRecommend_tbl.SvyID) = " & [Forms]![SurveyRegister_frm]![SurveyID] & ")" & _
& " ORDER BY UnitRecommend_tbl.Spara;", dbOpenDynaset)

Access VBA SQL where clause issue

I need some help. When i run the below query I get no results back if i include the Pkg number part of the where. When i run the query in Access it works fine.
example of vars
package number 1_282
Rptdt 201301
Dim db As Database 'generic database object
Dim rst As Recordset 'this is going to hold the query result
Set db = CurrentDb
Dim PKG As Double
Dim rptDT As Double
Dim wireDT As Date
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT Max(tbl_Revision.Revision_Number) as Revision_Number FROM tbl_Revision" & _
" where (tbl_Revision.RUN_YR_MO=" & rptDT & ")" & _
" and (tbl_Revision.Package_Number=" & PKG & ")")
getRevision = rst!Revision_Number + 1
The PKG cant be a Double if you want 1_282 to work. So make it a string.
Also you will have to add quotes :
" where (tbl_Revision.RUN_YR_MO='" & rptDT & "')" & _