Editing Passthrough SQL Query with Replace in Microsoft Access VBA - sql

In Access I have a SQL passthrough query that returns an entire table filtered by first name.
SELECT * FROM dbo.Original_Data
WHERE first_name = 'Mike';
I am trying to write some VBA that on click of a button takes the passthrough query and replaces 'Mike' with any name I put in (this will later be done by a combo box but that's another step).
I have this where TempPT is the name of the passthrough query.
Private Sub Command12_Click()
TempPT = Replace(TempPT, "Mike", "Sam")
DoCmd.OpenQuery "TempPT"
End Sub
This doesn't work.
Is there a way that whatever I type in where I have 'Sam' is what the passthrough query will filter by?
I am using passthrough because the DB is huge and clogs up Access.

You need to edit the SQL property of the query. Probably something like this:
With CurrentDb().QueryDefs("TempPT")
.SQL = Replace(.SQL, "Mike", "Sam")
End With
DoCmd.OpenQuery "TempPT"


MS Access using VBA and Form, build a query string and run it

I have a MS Access form where it will ask users to select or type in words that will be used in the where clause for the query.
When the button is clicked, it will build the string and use that to run the query. This will be a read only and to view the subset results from a link table in SQL Server. Nothing more. I tried it with DoCmd.RunSQL but that is only for action type like update, delete, etc.
On click button event, it will have similar query.
strSQL = "Select top 10 * Where ID = ''" + textbox1.value + "'' from linked_Table_Name;"
This did not work.
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
Firstly, and most importantly, never concatenate user-obtained data as part of a SQL statement. Any application which uses this technique is wide open to a SQL injection attack and will also fail if the user includes a string delimiter (such as a single quote) or other reserved character in the input they provide.
Instead, use parameters.
For your scenario, I might suggest creating a saved query with the SQL:
select top 10 t.*
from linked_Table_Name t
where t.ID = Forms![Your Form Name]![textbox1]
Where Your Form Name is the name of your form containing the control textbox1.
Then, your on-click event can simply call the OpenQuery method of the DoCmd object:
DoCmd.OpenQuery "YourSavedQuery"

Access Query by form that runs SQL Server view as a backend query

I have a Access DB with SQL Server as Backend DB, all the tables in Access are linked from SQL Server. I want to create a query by form for keyword search. I am planning to have a access form such as:
Step 1: Shows a dropdown that lists all the tables in the DB, once a table is selected
Step 2: another dorpdown shows up that lists all the column names in the selected table, once a column is selected
Step 3: then a text box appears where I enter a keyword that will run a select query on the selected table with the criteria on the selected column that is entered in the text box and gives the result.
Now I have a SQL Server query to list the column names of a given table.
WHERE (TABLE_NAME = 'table-name')
I want to use this query for the second step.
I cannot understand how to connect Access QBF to run a query in SQL Server.
Should I make a view or stored procedure in SQL Server?
Can someone please tell me how to get this done.
Thank You.
There is an easy way to do this using MS Access.
If you set the row source of table select combo to:
SELECT [name] FROM msysobjects WHERE type=4;
Then add a little code:
Private Sub cboTable_AfterUpdate()
Me.cboFields.RowSource = Me.cboTable
End Sub
And set the field selection combo Row Source Type to Fields, you should get what you want.
You can link views from SQL Server to MS Access.

Reference a field on a form within a query using SQL

I have an Access 2007 database that will be housing tables which refer to the bill of materials for multiple products. On the main form I want a user to be able to select one of the products - OK, easy. Now, I want two queries to run once they press a button after choosing their product from a dropdown. The first query is a simple delete query to delete all information on a table. The second query is where I'm having my issue with my SQL syntax. I want the information from a static table to be appended to the table where the delete query just removed everything from.
Now, each table that houses the bill of material for each product is labeled with the product's name. So I want the dropdown (combo0) to be the reference point for the table name in the FROM clause within the SQL string. Code is as follows:
INSERT INTO tblTempSassyInfo (Concat, TableName, AddressName, PartNumber, [L/R], FeederSize, QtyPerBoard, SASSYname, RawBoard)
SELECT TableName & AddressName & PartNumber, TableName, AddressName, PartNumber, [L/R], FeederSize, QtyPerBoard, SassyName, RawBoard
So you can see where I'm trying to reference the product name in the dropdown on the form as the table name. Please let me know if this is possible.
"... I'm trying to reference the product name in the dropdown on the form as the table name. Please let me know if this is possible."
It is not possible with Access SQL.
The db engine can only accept the actual table name --- it isn't equipped to reference a form control to find the table name nor to accept any other type of parameter to obtain the table name.
You could change the query to include your combo's value as the table name and then rewrite the SQL from the combo's after update event.
"SELECT * FROM [" & [FORMS]![DASHBOARD]![Combo0] & "]"
A similar approach could keep Access happy. But it may not be the best fit for your application.
So, the user essentially wants 2 queries to run. A DELETE * FROM Table query, and an Append query. The user wants to know what table to utilize for the Append query by using the Combobox (may just be my assumption/interpretation). That being said, why not use something along the lines of:
If IsNull(Me.[Combo0].Value) Then
MsgBox "Please select something."
Cancel = True
Select Case Me.Form!Combo0
Case 1
DoCmd.OpenQuery "DeleteMaterialsTableData" 'Query to delete appropriate table data dependent on Combobox selection'
DoCmd.OpenQuery "QueryNameMaterial1" 'Append records to appropriate table dependent on Combo0 selection'
Case 2
DoCmd.OpenQuery "DeleteMaterialsTableData" 'Query to delete appropriate table data dependent on Combobox selection'
DoCmd.OpenQuery "QueryNameMaterial2" 'Append records to appropriate table dependent on Combo0 selection'
This is just trying to use the users' combobox values to determine which table to run the queries against, instead of the user trying to use the Combobox's value as a table name.
You're pressing a button to do this. This implies that some VBA code is running behind the scene (the Click event of the button). In that case, the answer is a resounding Yes.
Dim strSQL as String
Dim strSQL2 as String
strSQL = "DELETE * FROM tblTempSassyInfo;"
DoCmd.RunSQL (strSQL)
strSQL2 = "INSERT INTO tblTempSassyInfo (Concat, TableName, AddressName, PartNumber, [L/R], FeederSize, QtyPerBoard, SASSYname, RawBoard)
SELECT TableName & AddressName & PartNumber, TableName, AddressName, PartNumber, [L/R], FeederSize, QtyPerBoard, SassyName, RawBoard
FROM " & [FORMS]![DASHBOARD]![Combo0].SelectedValue & ";"
DoCmd.RunSQL (strSQL2)
You may need to tweak that a bit, but it should get you pretty close.
You MAY need to use [FORMS]![DASHBOARD]![Combo0].Columns(0) or Columns(1) instead, I can't remember...
As was stated; Access (and just about any brand database) can definitely do append and delete queries.
The problem is the design. Specifically:
From clause must be a record set (table) not a call to a control on a form.
My suggestion is to first establish a Select query that has the correct data that you want to append. Save that with a name. You need to be able to do this first.
Once that is done - then create an Append query that uses that saved Select query as its starting record set.
You then just need to trigger the Append query (the Select query will automatically run) using vba behind your button click event:
Docmd.OpenQuery "Append Query Name"
This is 100% possible in MS Access 2010 onward based on my experience. I've not used 2007, but MS says it is possible (see link below). I'm using parametrized queries in a few databases.
PARAMETERS [forms].[dash].[dt_val] DateTime;
SELECT a.F3 AS AdEnt, [forms].[dash].[dt_val] AS Expr1...
The important thing I've found is using a form the user will be interacting with and setting the Date as "DateTime" within the parameter. Here is a video from Microsoft that shows how to and says that it applies to 2007.
Use Parameters in MS Access Queries
Additionally, if you want to do a delete or append, save it as a query then place a button on the form that executes the docmd.runquery for the name of that saved delete/append query.

MS Access query with dynamic from statements

Ok this is vexing me. I have a query I created with an in statement in the from clause. What I am looking to do is have a global variable populate that from statement. Example
Select *
Form query1 in <Global Variable filename>
What is going on is I link to a file that has hundreds of linked table and queries in it. My database only has a few select queries and link table to different database. I did not want to re-build all the queries and linked table is my database. The issue is the file with all the links changes name once a month. I just want to read a text file with the current name of the database in it so I do not have to keep changing my queries every time the database name changes. Also this has to a query since I have other queries using the externally linked query.
I have one suggestion, but its pretty kludgy.
Rewrite the query on the fly with VBA call
Private Sub update_qtest()
Dim db As Database
Dim qd As QueryDef
Set db = CurrentDb
Set qd = db.QueryDefs("qtest")
qd.SQL = "SELECT * from query1 in " & g_file_name
End Sub
As I said, it's kludgy, but I don't think there's a way to pass the from clause as a parameter.
Another way to do this would be to just use the same file name each month so you wouldn't have to change anything in your Access app at all. You could easily code copying the file to the standard name over top of the previous copy (you'd have to delete it before copying, of course), which would retain the history.

Viewing SQL in an access database?

I have an access database which has some sql queries loaded into it. I have no experience with microsoft access and need to know how I can see the sql queries it contains. My guess is they are somewhere in r_[sql name]?
What I mean specifically is to see the query itself, for example there is a form which generates an output based on various tables, my guess is there is an SQL query (like Select * from table;) doing this and I'd like to know how I can see it
You should also note that objects in Access that return recordsets (forms, reports, combo boxes, listboxes) can also have SQL properties. These cannot be seen except by examining the objects themselves (recordsource for forms/reports, rowsource for combo boxes/listboxes). So, just looking at the SQL of the stored QueryDefs is not going to show you all the SQL statements used in the app.
Additionally, if there's VBA code, there could also be SQL embedded in the code.
For each individual query, you can go to the 'View SQL', either using the button or choosing the menu option. (I only have a German access, but it should be something like View - View SQL or so).
It you are refering to view the query names and defs from VBA, the you can try
Private Sub Command0_Click()
Dim qd As queryDef
Dim queryName As String
Dim queryText As String
For Each qd In CurrentDb.QueryDefs
queryName = qd.Name
queryText = qd.SQL
Next qd
End Sub