TestCafe : How can i pass Authorization token in the base url - testing

In my application, when I am accessing the base url I need to pass in Authorization Token.
I have an Auth token generation endpoint that returns the Authorization token and then this token needs to be passed in the header of the base url of my tests.
Can someone please tell me or guide me on how this can be done? I read through the documentation and I am not able to use HTTP AUthentication as it does not supports passing in Authorization token.
Thanks !!

You can create a custom HTTP request hook by using the RequestHook API, which allows you to pass the authorization token. Please refer to the following help topic in the TestCafe documentation: https://devexpress.github.io/testcafe/documentation/guides/advanced-guides/intercept-http-requests.html#create-a-custom-request-hook
Also, you might want to take a look at this TestCafe example, which demonstrates how to set a custom referrer for the specified requests during tests.


What is the redirect URL for karate like the one we have in Postman?

As per Auth0 below are the prerequisite for Auth0
Register your app with Auth0. To learn more, read Register Regular Web Applications.
Select Regular Web App as the Application Type. (Done)
Add an Allowed Callback URL of https://YOUR_APP/callback. (This part I am not able to find and question is related to this that what is the call back URL in karate?)
Make sure your application's Grant Types include Authorization Code. To learn more, read Update Grant Types. (Done)
Below are the details how this Auth0 API will be authenticated.
Authorization API is called to generate code.
Token API is then called with the code generated at step 1 in order to exchange code for token.
Both of above APIs require a redirect URL of the calling application like we have in Postman as can be seen in below image. What is the redirect URL that can be provided in karate so once the token is generated it gets redirected to karate and token is shown there in response.

How to use the authorization code from auth0 with my API after redirect

I'm building a SaaS project that requires authentication (duh!) and for that I am using Auth0.
I've managed to the steps detailed here successfully.
Code from above link:
But I'm not sure what to do when I redirect to the redirect_url (here my dashboard url, e.g: dashboard.example.com). I mean I don't know how to use this code.
I get the code appended to url after redirect, so I think everything's working, but am not sure how to use it further to populate the dashboard with user details and retrieve content.
Do I use my API endpoint here instead of the dashboard url?
Hope my question is clear.
Any help would be wonderful!
Thanks in advance!
I am using Universal Login, not using any SDK as of now.
After you receive the code you will exchange it for tokens via the POST /oauth/token endpoint.
Here is an example code exchange request from the Authentication API docs
POST https://YOUR_DOMAIN/oauth/token
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Then, you can use the ID token to populate your user's info, and the access token to retrieve other data from your backend API.

How to integrate the AWS Cognito built-in UI?

I've been experimenting with Cognito for a few days, and I am now testing the Built-in signing UIs. I have managed to get it working, I am able to see the login page and successfully login with a User I have created. For my callback URL I'm using localhost:3000 as a testing ground, where I'm running a React SPA.
However, I am at a complete loss about what to do once I'm redirected. The documentation says I should get a URL with a JWT as a query parameter. Instead, I'm getting a URL of the form:
where # is an alphanumeric character. I don't recognize this code, I don't think it is a JWT. I would highly appreciated it anyone could:
explain what it is
direct me to any kind of documentation on how to use it?
After redirection, You are getting localhost:3000/?code=########-####-####-####-############
This means you have enabled code grant flow
This code is used to get the tokens from Amazon Cognito.
Request Type: POST
URL: https://mydomain.auth.us-east-1.amazoncognito.com/oauth2/token
Here you can see we are passing code in the payload with redirect url.
The response of this POST request will be your tokens ( If Successful authentication :) )
Sample Response:
You can save this token in your localstorage or sessionstorage for further custom authentication.
Please refer all the available endpoints of amazon cognito for more details.
Authorization Endpoint
Token Endpoint
I hope now it makes clear to you!

Okta: Failed to get authorization code through API call

I'm integrating Okta to my own IdP server by using Okta's API.
I'm implementing the Authorization code flow by following the steps below:
In my own server, use the /api/v1/authn endpoint to get the sessionToken.
Use the sessionToken to obtain the authorization by calling this endpoint: /oauth2/v1/authorize?client_id=" + clientId + "&sessionToken=" + sessionToken + "&response_type=code&response_mode=query&scope=openid&redirect_uri=" + redirectUrl + "&state=evanyang&nonce="
It's supposed to return a response with status code 302 and with the Location header containing the redirect url as well as the code value.
However, I keep getting a response with status code 200 and without the Location header, with a html body saying "You are using an unsupported browser." and "Javascript is disabled on your browser."
According to the API documentation: http://developer.okta.com/docs/api/resources/oidc.html#authentication-request, the sessionToken parameter is sufficient to do this: An Okta one-time sessionToken. This allows an API-based user login flow (rather than Okta login UI).
Am I missing any extra requirement for getting the authorization code through API? Please help.
Thanks in Advance :)
The Authorization Code grant type and the Authorization endpoint in there are meant to be access through a browser, not a non-browser client.
This issue is caused by obtaining session id between obtaining session token and authorization code. Once the session token is used to get session id, it becomes invalid, which means it cannot be used to get authorization code anymore.
According to Okta, the Authorization Code grant type and the Authorization endpoint and be used through a API-based web app too, as long as the session token is provided in the request: http://developer.okta.com/docs/api/resources/oidc.html#authentication-request. In fact, one can use this script(https://github.com/SohaibAjmal/Okta-OpenId-Scripts) to finish the flow.

google contact api PHP

I'm, trying to get content of this URL
but received error code 401 with description : There was an error in your request. That's all we know.
Two things to point.
A successful Oauth authentication needs to be implemented first before you are able to make a HTTP request. Be sure to use the correct scope that you need; In your case, you're using the read/write scope.
Refer to this LINK as an example on implementing OAuth on PHP.
Second, v and oauth_token are not valid URL parameters for HTTP requests. Check this Google Contacts API documentation for more information.
Hope this helps.