kNN-DTW time complexity - time-complexity

I found from various online sources that the time complexity for DTW is quadratic. On the other hand, I also found that standard kNN has linear time complexity. However, when pairing them together, does kNN-DTW have quadratic or cubic time?
In essence, does the time complexity of kNN solely depend on the metric used? I have not found any clear answer for this.

You need to be careful here. Let's say you have n time series in your 'training' set (let's call it this, even though you are not really training with kNN) of length l. Computing the DTW between a pair of time series has a asymptotic complexity of O(l * m) where m is your maximum warping window. As m <= l also O(l^2) holds. (although there might be more efficient implementations, i don't think they are actually faster in practice in most cases, see here). Classifying a time series using kNN requires you to compute the distance between that time series and all time series in the training set which would mean n comparisons, linear with respect to n.
So your final complexity would be in O(l * m * n) or O(l^2 * n). In words: the complexity is quadratic with respect to time series length and linear with respect to the number of training examples.


computational complexity of higher order derivatives with AD in jax

Let f: R -> R be an infinitely differentiable function. What is the computational complexity of calculating the first n derivatives of f in Jax? Naive chain rule would suggest that each multiplication gives a factor of 2 increase, hence the nth derivative would require at least 2^n more operations. I imagine though that clever manipulation of formal series would reduce the number of required calculations and eliminate duplications, esspecially if the derivaives are Jax jitted? Is there a different between the Jax, Tensorflow and Torch implementations? discusses this topic, but doesn t provide a computational complexity.
What is the computational complexity of calculating the first n derivatives of f in Jax?
There's not much you can say in general about computational complexity of Nth derivatives. For example, with a function like jnp.sin, the Nth derivative is O[1], oscillating between negative and positive sin and cos calls as N grows. For an order-k polynomial, the Nth derivative is O[0] for N > k. Other functions may have complexity that is linear or polynomial or even exponential with N depending on the operations they contain.
I imagine though that clever manipulation of formal series would reduce the number of required calculations and eliminate duplications, esspecially if the derivaives are Jax jitted
You imagine correctly! One implementation of this idea is the jax.experimental.jet module, which is an experimental transform designed for computing higher-order derivatives efficiently and accurately. It doesn't cover all JAX functions, but it may be complete enough to do what you have in mind.

Time complexity of CVXOPT/MOSEK when the number of constraints is much greater than the number of variables

I have a convex quadratic programming problem:
min x^TPx+c^Tx
Ax \leq b
where P is a positive definite matrix. A is a m * n matrix and m is much greater than n, so the number of constraints is much greater than the number of variables.
My question is: 1. how to analyze the time complexity of this problem. 2. How the time complexity of the convex quadratic programming problem relates to the number of constraints.
I have tried to solve my problem using both cvxopt and mosek, the results of both show that the time complexity seems to be linear to the number of constraints.
However, when I tried to find the literature, I found that all the literatures I found only discussed how the time complexity relates to the number of variables, or assume A is a full rank matrix. I will appreciate it if you can recommend some related references. Thank you.

How do I determine "Big-oh" time complexity given an excel sheet showing various input size values VS their corresponding run time values

I have been given a list of input sizes and their corresponding runtime values for a given algorithm A. How should I go about computing the "Big-oh" time complexity of algorithm A given these values?
Try playing around with the numbers and see if they approximately fit one of the "standard" complexity functions, e.g. n, n^2, n^3, 2^n, log(n).
For example, if the ratio between value and input is nearly constant, it's likely O(n). If the ratio between value and input grows linearly (or doubling the input quadruples the value etc.), it is O(n^2). If it grows quadratically, it's O(n^3). If adding a constant to the input results in multiplicative change in its value, it's exponential. And if it's the reverse relationship, it's log(n).
If it's just slightly but consistently growing more quickly than a line, it's probably O(n log(n)).
You can also plot the graph of your values (input numbers vs runtime values) in Excel and overlay it with the graph of the function you guessed may fit, and then try to tweak the parameters (e.g. for O(n^2), plot a graph of a*x^2 + b, and tweak a and b).
To make it more precise (e.g. to calculate the uncertainty), you could apply regression analysis (search for non-linear regression analysis in Excel).

Computational complexity depending on two variables

I have an algorithm and it is mainly composed of k-NN , followed by a computation involving finding permutations, followed by some for loops. Line by line, my computational complexity is :
O(n) - for k-NN
O(2^k) - for a part that computes singlets, pairs, triplets, etc.
O(k!) - for a part that deals with combinatorics.
O(k*k!) - for the final part.
K here is a parameter that can be chosen by the user, in general it is somewhat small (10-100). n is the number of examples in my dataset, and this can get very large.
What is the overall complexity of my algorithm? Is it simply O(n) ?
As k <= 100, f(k) = O(1) for every function f.
In your case, there is a function f such that the overall time is O(n + f(k)), so it is O(n)

How Fast is Convolution Using FFT

I read that in order to compute the convolution of two signals x,y (1D for example), the naïve method takes O(NM).
However FFT is used to compute FFT^-1(FFT(x)FFT(y)), which takes O(N log(N)), in the case where N>M.
I wonder why is this complexity considered better than the former one, as M isn't necessarily bigger than log(N). Moreover, M is very often the length of a filter, which doesn't scale with the signal to be filtered, and will actually provide us with a complexity more similar to O(N) than to O(N^2).
Fast convolution in the frequency domain is typically more efficient than direct convolution when the size of the filter exceeds a particular threshold. So for relatively small filters direct convolution is more efficient, whereas for longer filters there comes a point at which FFT-based convolution is more efficient. The actual value of m for this "tipping point" depends on a lot of factors, but it's typically somewhere between 10 and 100.