Play GLTF animation using OGL JS - ogl

Does anyone know how to load a "GLTF" file and play the animation? Using OGL JS?
I already can load the GLTF file but I can find an example of playing the animation, only this one:
But that is loading 2 JSON files, one of them for the animation.

ok, Looking more in detail the code examples, I found this: and that actually plays animations, so now I just need to make a web component with typescript using this solution as a base.


Animation of electrons on a path Adobe Animate CC create JS

I want to create a motion of electrons moving along a wire in create js Adobe animate, have tried some other Js providers but it either too complicated for my needs or a bit costly for a small project.The code I am using is below:
Using a Motion Guide
createjs.Tween.get(target2&target1).to({guide:{ path:[0,0, 0,400,400,400, 600,100,0,0] }},7000);
// Visualizing the line
This works fine for one object but to do many like electrons following a wire path does not seem to work,as it only allows one target on the path. Is there another way I can accomplish this, I am using Adobe animate CC HTML 5
Thanks all for your time

Why does JS code render faster on website than react-native?

This is a bit of a general question, but perhaps someone can guide me in the right direction.
I'm using a JS library called Vexflow to render music notes. I uploaded some script to my website AND used the same code to build a React Native app.
When comparing both on the same device (Xiaomi A3), the code renders much faster on my website.
Any ideas why?

React native video as GL texture

It seems it’s not possible to use a video as a texture with expo-gl (texImage2D is not able to take any video params, cf. context definition and API documentation). This feature is currently requested on the canny.
I'm looking to convert an expo-av video to an ArrayBuffer with pixel data or any way to pass a video as a texture to a shader.
I made some research but I didn't find any solution for the moment:
gl-react: video processing:
react-native-gpuimage (react-native-video is not working inside GL.Node):
Actually, this could be interesting: This library purpose is to edit, trim and compress videos, but there's actually no way to pass custom shaders.
A lot of issues has been open on Github (even on the expo org expo-three package) but there's no answer yet. I'm looking for resources or any advice to accomplish this. For the moment, the best solution I can see is to do a sprite sheet.

Importing new Animations to a Existing Character from Blender to Unreal Engine

So I'm building a game and I've run into this problem.
I built a character from scratch in Blender with 5 animations.
I successfully exported the .fbx file and implemented it in Unreal engine.
There are no errors and the game works fine, all 5 animations working.
I now need to add more animations to the character. It's here I'm a bit confused.
I built 5 additional animations in Blender saved the .fbx file but when I try to import it to unreal I get a message saying successful reimport, but the new animations don't show up in the unreal engine file browser.
I am trying to avoid having to rebuild the animation blueprint from scratch. Is there any way I can add animation to unreal and use them with the same character.
I've looked up animation retargeting but is doesn't seem to be working in my case. I have not tried everything but i'm looking for solutions online and keep running into dead ends. Can anyone please help or point me to the correct direction i will be greatful.
The entire project was built in blueprints. There is no Custom C++ Code.
When you import the animation fbx files there should be a dialog box asking you which skeleton you want to apply the animation to, in most cases this should be enough for targeting the animation to the specified skeleton. You just want to make sure all of your skeletal meshes are targeting the same skeleton.
To answer my own question, you simply ensure the Root bone in Blender is named something other than "Armature" and export it as .fbx file. Import it in Unreal using your existing Skeletal Mesh.

Reading contents from current EPUB rendition view in React-Native

I'm trying to do some stuff using react-native and epubjs-rn but I'm facing some problems.
After loading the book on the app, I want to get the text or xhtml that's being currently displayed on the view. In AngularJS with the usual epubjs I could do it using the renditions.view() method.
But, from what I understand right now, I can't get whats on the rendition like that with epubjs-rn, since there's no view() method. Is there any way possible to get the contents of a view/ebook as some sort of xhtml/html structurer?
Right now I really don't know if it's possible in react-native.
Here's the github page for the epub library I'm trying to use:
Thanks in Advance