Trying to learn to write applications with Gtk2Hs I'm getting difficulties bridging the gap between the event driven Gtk2HS and the persistent state of my model. So to simplify, lets say that I have this simple application
module Main where
import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import Control.Monad.State
main = do
window <- windowNew
button <- buttonNew
set button [buttonLabel := "Press me"]
containerAdd window button
-- Events
onDestroy window mainQuit
onClicked button (putStrLn ---PUT MEANINGFUL CODE HERE---)
widgetShowAll window
and the state of my application is how many times the button has been pressed. Seeing other posts like this they rely on MVars or IORefs which do not seem satisfactory to me, because in the future maybe I will want to refactor the code so the state lives on its own context.
I think that the solution should use the State monad using a step function like:
State $ \s -> ((),s+1)
but I'm not sure about the implications, how to do that in the above code or even if that monad is the right solution to my problem.
There's basically two approaches:
Use a pointer of some kind. This is your IORef or MVar approach. You can hide this behind a MonadState-like interface if you like:
newtype GtkT s m a = GtkT { unGtkT :: ReaderT (IORef s) m a } deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO)
runGtkT = runReaderT . unGtkT
instance MonadIO m => MonadState s (GtkT s m) where
get = GtkT (ask >>= liftIO . readIORef)
put s = GtkT (ask >>= liftIO . flip writeIORef s)
Pull an "inversion of control" style trick. Write a callback that prints a number, then replaces itself with a new callback that prints a higher number.
If you try to use State or StateT directly, you're gonna have a bad time.
Give a grammar for the following language {0^n w 1^n | n>=0 w is in {0,1}* and |w|=n}
Attempt at solution:
S--> 0S1|R
R--> 0R|1R|empty
not sure how to guarantee the length of r is the same as the number of 0's or 1's.
Here goes nothing.
Every word should look like this: 0^n w 1^n. So if we have the rule S -> 0S1 we reach a state, where every sentential form we can generate from this looks like 0^n S 0^n.
Well... This is not quite what we want. isn't it?
We go a step further, we want some Variable V, involved in the rules V -> 0|1 (edit: this would have been our "goal", but things could go wrong, so we don't use these two rules), which gives us the possibility to use S -> 0SV1 instead of S-> 0S1. What's the change?
Now we get sentential forms like these: 0^n S (V1)^n. So, for example 000SV1V1V1 would be some such sentential form. One minor addition we definitely need now is the rule S -> empty
Still not quite there yet, though, after all we want it to look more like 0^nV^n1^n in the end. So we add a rule which swaps V and 1. So we add 1V -> V1 to the set of rules. What are the possibilites now? Given a sentential form like 000SV1V1V1 we can now move all the V's to the left and all the 1's to the right.
And now we become real grammar nazis. We don't want anything to go wrong, so we make some minor changes. We do a little swippidy swappidy. We swap every occurence of S we had so far with a T. So S -> 0SV1 becomes 0TV1 etcetera. Also, we add the rules S -> empty|T and we remove the rule T -> empty. What do we gain from this? Well... Nothing at first sight. BUT, now we can build a mechanism which assures that nothing can go wrong when we turn the V's into 1's and 0's.
We simply add the rules TV -> C and CV -> CC. Oh Jesus Christ, all these rules.
Now, given a sentential form 0^n T V^n 1^n, we can slowly transform it into 0^n C^n 1^n. What's the use?
Nothing can go wrong, if we might not have pushed all the V's to the left.
So: A sentential form like 0000CCC1V111 can do no harm to our cause, as we cannot do anything about the V, unless it's next to a C, also, we have no possibility of pushing the C's around, since there is no such rule. Also, since we're going to add the rules C -> 0|1, if we prematurely change them to 1's and 0's, we cannot finish our word if there is still a V floating around.
This might be not neccessary at all, I'm not sure about that, BUT it is part of our proof, that all the words we can create are in the set of words we want to specify with this grammar.
The rules are:
S -> empty | T
T -> 0TV1
1V -> V1
TV -> C
CV -> CC
C -> 0|1
This is a Type-0 Grammer, though.
With some changes, this can become an equivalent CSG, though:
S -> empty | T
T -> 0TV1 | 0C1
1V -> V1
CV -> CC
C -> 0 | 1
The main difference is, that we at some point can decide to stop adding 0TV1 to the sentential form, and instead finish up with 0C1, getting a form like 0^n C1 (V1) ^ (n-1). And again, if we prematurely transform all C's into 0's and 1's, we lose the possibility to remove all V's. So this should also generate the set we're looking for.
This is also my first answer to anything on stackoverflow, and since I kinda do like computer science theory, I hope my explanations are not wrong. If so, tell me.
When writing a function like factorial:
fac(Val) when is_integer(Val)->
Visit = fun (X, _F) when X < 2 ->
(X, F) ->
X * F(X -1, F)
Visit(Val, Visit).
one cannot help but notice that tail call optimization is not straight forward however writing it in continuation parsing style is:
fac_cps(Val) when is_integer(Val)->
Visit = fun (X, _F, K) when X < 2 ->
K (1);
(X, F, K) ->
F(X-1, F, fun (Y) -> K(X * Y) end)
Visit(Val, Visit, fun (X) -> X end).
Or perhaps even defunctionalized:
fac_cps_def_lambdas({lam0}, X) ->
fac_cps_def_lambdas({lam1, X, K}, Y) ->
fac_cps_def_lambdas(K, X*Y).
fac_cps_def(X) when is_integer(X) ->
fac_cps_def(X, {lam0}).
fac_cps_def(X, K) when X < 2 ->
fac_cps_def(X, K) ->
fac_cps_def(X-1, {lam1, X, K}).
Timing these three implementations I found that execution time is, as expected, the same.
My question is, is there a way to get more detailed knowledge than this?
How do I for instance get the memory usage of executing the function - am I avoiding any stack memory at all?
What are the standart tools for inspecting these sorts of things?
The questions are again, how do I mesure the stack heights of the functions, how do I determine the memory usage of a function call on each of them, and finally, which one is best?
My solution is to just inspect the code with my eyes. Over time, you learn to spot if the code is in tail-call style. Usually, I don't care too much about it, unless I know the size of the structure passing through that code to be huge.
It is just by intuition for me. You can inspect the stack size of a process with erlang:process_info/2. You can inspect the runtime with fprof. But I only do it as a last resort fix.
This doesn't answer your question, but why have you written the code like that? It is not very Erlangy. You generally don't use an explicit CPS unless there is a specific reason for it, it is normally not needed.
As #IGIVECRAPANSWERS says you soon learn to see tail-calls, and there are very few cases where you actually MUST use it.
EDIT: A comment to the comment. No there is no direct way of checking whether the compiler has used LCO or not. It does exactly what you tell it to and assumes you know what you are doing, and why. :-) However, you can be certain that it does when it can, but that it is about it. The only way to check is to look at the stack size of a process to see whether it is growing or not. Unfortunately if you got it wrong in the right place the process can grow very slowly and be hard to detect except over a long period of time.
But again there are very few places where you really need to get the LCO right.
P.S. You use the term LCO (Last Call Optimisation) which is what I learnt way back when. Now, however, "they" seem to use TCO (Tail Call Optimisation) instead. That's progress. :-)
I've been learning f# in the previous days, writing a small project which, at last, works (with the help of SO, of course).
I'm trying to learn to be as idiomatic as possible, which basically means that I try to not mutate my data structures. This is costing me a lot of effort :-)
In my search for idiomatic functional programming, I have been trying to use as much as possible lists, tuples and record, rather than objects. But then "praticality beats purity" and so I'm rewriting my small project using objects this time.
I thought that you could give me some advice, surely my idea of "good functional programming design" is not yet very well defined.
For instance I have to modify the nodes of a tree, modifying at the same time the states at two different levels (L and L+1). I've been able to do that without mutating data, but I needed a lot of "inner" and "helper" functions, with accumulators and so on. The nice feeling of being able to clearly express the algorithm was lost for me, due to the need to modify my data structure in an involved way. This is extremely easy in imperative languages, for instance: just dereference the pointers to the relevant nodes, modify their state and iterate over.
Surely I've not designed properly my structure, and for this reason I'm now trying the OOP approach.
I've looked at SICP, at How to design programs and have found a thesis by C. Okasaki ("Purely functional data structures") but the examples on SICP and HTDP are similar to what I did, or maybe I'm not able to understand them fully. The thesis on the other hand is a bit too hard for me at the moment :-)
What do you think about this "tension" which I am experiencing? Am I interpreting the "never mutate data" too strictly? Could you suggest me some resource?
Thanks in advance,
When it comes to 'tree update', I think you can always do it pretty elegantly
using catamorphisms (folds over trees). I have a long blog series about this,
and most of the example code below comes from part 4 of the series.
When first learning, I find it best to focus on a particular small, concrete
problem statement. Based on your description, I invented the following problem:
You have a binary tree, where each node contains a "name" and an "amount" (can
think of it like bank accounts or some such). And I want to write a function
which can tell someone to "steal" a certain amount from each of his direct
children. Here's a picture to describe what I mean:
alt text
On the left I have an original tree. The middle example shows the result I want if node
'D' is asked to steal '10' from each of his children. And the right example
shows what the desired result is if instead I asked 'F' to steal '30' in the original example.
Note that the tree structure I use will be immutable, and the red colors in the
diagram designate "new tree nodes" relative to the original tree. That is black
nodes are shared with the original tree structure (Object.ReferenceEquals to one
Now, assuming a typical tree structure like
type Tree<'T> = //'
| Node of 'T * Tree<'T> * Tree<'T> //'
| Leaf
we'd represent the original tree as
let origTree = Node(("D",1000),
and the "Steal" function is really easy to write, assuming you have the usual "fold"
// have 'stealerName' take 'amount' from each of its children and
// add it to its own value
let Steal stealerName amount tree =
let Subtract amount = function
| Node((name,value),l,r) -> amount, Node((name,value-amount),l,r)
| Leaf -> 0, Leaf
tree |> XFoldTree
(fun (name,value) left right ->
if name = stealerName then
let leftAmt, newLeft = Subtract amount left
let rightAmt, newRight = Subtract amount right
XNode((name,value), left, right))
// examples
let dSteals10 = Steal "D" 10 origTree
let fSteals30 = Steal "F" 30 origTree
That's it, you're done, you've written an algorithm that "updates" levels L and
L+1 of an immutable tree just by authoring the core logic. Rather than explain
it all here, you should go read my blog series (at least the start: parts one two three four).
Here's all the code (that drew the picture above):
// Tree boilerplate
// See!701679AD17B6D310!248.entry
type Tree<'T> =
| Node of 'T * Tree<'T> * Tree<'T>
| Leaf
let (===) x y = obj.ReferenceEquals(x,y)
let XFoldTree nodeF leafV tree =
let rec Loop t cont =
match t with
| Node(x,left,right) -> Loop left (fun lacc ->
Loop right (fun racc ->
cont (nodeF x lacc racc t)))
| Leaf -> cont (leafV t)
Loop tree (fun x -> x)
let XNode (x,l,r) (Node(xo,lo,ro) as orig) =
if xo = x && lo === l && ro === r then
let XLeaf (Leaf as orig) =
let FoldTree nodeF leafV tree =
XFoldTree (fun x l r _ -> nodeF x l r) (fun _ -> leafV) tree
// /////////////////////////////////////////
// stuff specific to this problem
let origTree = Node(("D",1000),
// have 'stealerName' take 'amount' from each of its children and
// add it to its own value
let Steal stealerName amount tree =
let Subtract amount = function
| Node((name,value),l,r) -> amount, Node((name,value-amount),l,r)
| Leaf -> 0, Leaf
tree |> XFoldTree
(fun (name,value) left right ->
if name = stealerName then
let leftAmt, newLeft = Subtract amount left
let rightAmt, newRight = Subtract amount right
XNode((name,value), left, right))
let dSteals10 = Steal "D" 10 origTree
let fSteals30 = Steal "F" 30 origTree
// /////////////////////////////////////////
// once again,
// see!701679AD17B6D310!248.entry
// DiffTree: Tree<'T> * Tree<'T> -> Tree<'T * bool>
// return second tree with extra bool
// the bool signifies whether the Node "ReferenceEquals" the first tree
let rec DiffTree(tree,tree2) =
XFoldTree (fun x l r t t2 ->
let (Node(x2,l2,r2)) = t2
Node((x2,t===t2), l l2, r r2)) (fun _ _ -> Leaf) tree tree2
open System.Windows
open System.Windows.Controls
open System.Windows.Input
open System.Windows.Media
open System.Windows.Shapes
// Handy functions to make multiple transforms be a more fluent interface
let IdentT() = new TransformGroup()
let AddT t (tg : TransformGroup) = tg.Children.Add(t); tg
let ScaleT x y (tg : TransformGroup) = tg.Children.Add(new ScaleTransform(x, y)); tg
let TranslateT x y (tg : TransformGroup) = tg.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform(x, y)); tg
// Draw: Canvas -> Tree<'T * bool> -> unit
let Draw (canvas : Canvas) tree =
// assumes canvas is normalized to 1.0 x 1.0
FoldTree (fun ((name,value),b) l r trans ->
// current node in top half, centered left-to-right
let tb = new TextBox(Width=100.0, Height=100.0, FontSize=30.0, Text=sprintf "%s:%d" name value,
// the tree is a "diff tree" where the bool represents
// "ReferenceEquals" differences, so color diffs Red
Foreground=(if b then Brushes.Black else Brushes.Red),
tb.RenderTransform <- IdentT() |> ScaleT 0.005 0.005 |> TranslateT 0.25 0.0 |> AddT trans
canvas.Children.Add(tb) |> ignore
// left child in bottom-left quadrant
l (IdentT() |> ScaleT 0.5 0.5 |> TranslateT 0.0 0.5 |> AddT trans)
// right child in bottom-right quadrant
r (IdentT() |> ScaleT 0.5 0.5 |> TranslateT 0.5 0.5 |> AddT trans)
) (fun _ -> ()) tree (IdentT())
let TreeToCanvas tree =
let canvas = new Canvas(Width=1.0, Height=1.0, Background = Brushes.Blue,
LayoutTransform=new ScaleTransform(400.0, 400.0))
Draw canvas tree
let TitledControl title control =
let grid = new Grid()
grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition())
grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition())
grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition())
let text = new TextBlock(Text = title, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center)
Grid.SetRow(text, 0)
Grid.SetColumn(text, 0)
grid.Children.Add(text) |> ignore
Grid.SetRow(control, 1)
Grid.SetColumn(control, 0)
grid.Children.Add(control) |> ignore
let HorizontalGrid (controls:_[]) =
let grid = new Grid()
grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition())
for i in 0..controls.Length-1 do
let c = controls.[i]
grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition())
Grid.SetRow(c, 0)
Grid.SetColumn(c, i)
grid.Children.Add(c) |> ignore
type MyWPFWindow(content, title) as this =
inherit Window()
this.Content <- content
this.Title <- title
this.SizeToContent <- SizeToContent.WidthAndHeight
let app = new Application()
let controls = [|
TitledControl "Original" (TreeToCanvas(DiffTree(origTree,origTree)))
TitledControl "D steals 10" (TreeToCanvas(DiffTree(origTree,dSteals10)))
TitledControl "F steals 30" (TreeToCanvas(DiffTree(origTree,fSteals30))) |]
app.Run(new MyWPFWindow(HorizontalGrid controls, "Fun with trees")) |> ignore
I guess if you start your sentence with " I have to modify the nodes of a tree, modifying at the same time the states at two different levels" then you're not really tackling your problem in a functional way. It's like writing a paper in a foreign language by first writing it in your mother tongue, then trying to translate. Doesn't really work. I know it hurts, but in my opinion it's better to immerse yourself completely. Don't worry about comparing the approaches just yet.
One way I've found to learn "the functional way" is to look at (and implement yourself!) some functional pearls. They're basically well document uber-functional elegant progams to solve a variety of problems. Start with the older ones, and don't be afraid to stop reading and try another one if you don't get it. Just come back to it later with renewed enthousiasm and more experience. It helps :)
What do you think about this "tension"
which I am experiencing? Am I
interpreting the "never mutate data"
too strictly? Could you suggest me
some resource?
In my opinion, if you're learning functional programming for the first time, its best to start out with zero mutable state. Otherwise, you'll only end up falling back on mutable state as your first resort, and all of your F# code will be C# with a little different syntax.
Regarding data structures, some are easier to express in a functional style than others. Could you provide a description of how you're trying to modify your tree?
For now, I would recommend F# Wikibook's page on data structures to see how data structures are written in a functional style.
I've looked at SICP, at How to design
programs and have found a thesis by C.
Okasaki ("Purely functional data
I personally found Okasaki's book more readable than the thesis online.
I have to modify nodes of a tree.
No you don't. That's your problem right there.
This is costing me a lot of effort
This is typical. It's not easy to learn to program with immutable data structures. And to most beginners, it seems unnatural at first. It's doubly difficult because HTDP and SICP don't give you good models to follow (see footnote).
I thought that you could give me some advice, surely my idea of "good functional programming design" is not yet very well defined.
We can, but you have to tell us what the problem is. Then many people on this forum can tell you if it is the sort of problem whose solution can be expressed in a clear way without resorting to mutation. Most tree problems can. But with the information you've given us, there's no way for us to tell.
Am I interpreting the "never mutate data" too strictly?
Not strictly enough, I'd say.
Please post a question indicating what problem you're trying to solve.
Footnote: both HTDP and SICP are done in Scheme, which lacks pattern matching. In this setting it is much harder to understand tree-manipulation code than it is using the pattern matching provided by F#. As far as I'm concerned, pattern matching is an essential feature for writing clear code in a purely functional style. For resources, you might consider Graham Hutton's new book on Programming in Haskell.
Take a look at the Zipper data structure.
For instance I have to modify the nodes of a tree, modifying at the same time the states at two different levels (L and L+1)
Why? In a functional language, you'd create a new tree instead. It can reuse the subtrees which don't need to be modified, and just plug them into a newly created root. "Don't mutate data" doesn't mean "try to mutate data without anyone noticing, and by adding so many helper methods that no one realize that this is what you're doing".
It means "don't mutate your data. Create new copies instead, which are initialized with the new, correct, values".