How to define multiple steps w/ the same expression but different implementations in WebDriverIO + Cucumber.js? - webdriver-io

We are building our automated end-to-end tests following the page object model approach using WebdriverIO and Cucumber.js. We have a number of features that have the same step expressions, like "Then I should see a 'Continue' button displayed". Each feature corresponds to a different page object so the implementation would be different.
Is there a way to scope a step definition function to a specific feature and/or scenario?
The work-around for this is ugly and means we have to add a bunch of superfluous words to the step expression to make each one globally unique.
We are using:
#wdio/cli 7.2.3
#wdio/cucumber-framework 6.11.1
react 16.14.0
typescript 4.2.3

Cucumber is meant to be a communication tool, not an implementation tool, and thus doesn't allow for ambiguous step definitions in this way
You ideally want a terse library of steps that cover scenarios in more generalised language so that you can drill down into the problems further down.
You should be aiming to describe Givens as prerequisites, Whens as user actions through the journey and Thens as what the user should expect to encounter as your journey completes, such as:
Given Jane logs into her account
When she completes the example form
Then she should see an example form confirmation page with the following information:
| status | closed |
| description | an example |
| name | Jane |
Which is something that is easily read by the business peoples, and clearly defines the intent of the test that you have written.
"I should see a continue button" seems like something that would be present in an integration test, rather than an end to end test, and would be better suited to a test in something akin to Mocha
If you wish to keep your language (however much I believe it shouldn't be within the Gherkin level), I'd recommend going through the text of the element and finding any button with the corresponding text that the step has provided, as it should be the only one on the page that has that text.
This can be achieved with xpath's contains:
//button[#class='confirmation'][contains(text(), buttonText)] where buttonText is the string captured by the step definition


Is there any way to use #after and #before in Karate? [duplicate]

I want to have an option on the cucumber report to mute/hide scenarios with a given tag from the results and numbers.
We have a bamboo build that runs our karate repository of features and scenarios. At the end it produces nice cucumber html reports. On the "overview-features.html" I would like to have an option added to the top right, which includes "Features", "Tags", "Steps" and "Failures", that says "Excluded Fails" or something like that. That when clicked provides the same exact information that the overview-features.html does, except that any scenario that's tagged with a special tag, for example #bug=abc-12345, is removed from the report and excluded from the numbers.
Why I need this. We have some existing scenarios that fail. They fail due to defects in our own software, that might not get fixed for 6 months to a year. We've tagged them with a specified tag, "#bug=abc-12345". I want them muted/excluded from the cucumber report that's produced at the end of the bamboo build for karate so I can quickly look at the number of passed features/scenarios and see if it's 100% or not. If it is, great that build is good. If not, I need to look into it further as we appear to have some regression. Without these scenarios that are expected to fail, and continue to fail until they're resolved, it is very tedious and time consuming to go through all the individual feature file reports and look at the failing scenarios and then look into why. I don't want them removed completely as when they start to pass I need to know so I can go back and remove the tag from the scenario.
Any ideas on how to accomplish this?
Karate 1.0 has overhauled the reporting system with the following key changes.
after the Runner completes you can massage the results and even re-try some tests
you can inject a custom HTML report renderer
This will require you to get into the details (some of this is not documented yet) and write some Java code. If that is not an option, you have to consider that what you are asking for is not supported by Karate.
If you are willing to go down that path, here are the links you need to get started.
a) Example of how to "post process" result-data before rendering a report: and also see
b) The code responsible for "pluggable" reports, where you can implement a new SuiteReports in theory. And in the Runner, there is a suiteReports() method you can call to provide your implementation.
Also note that there is an experimental "doc" keyword, by which you can inject custom HTML into a test-report:
Also see:

karate - How to change display name of a Feature file in the report [duplicate]

I want to have an option on the cucumber report to mute/hide scenarios with a given tag from the results and numbers.
We have a bamboo build that runs our karate repository of features and scenarios. At the end it produces nice cucumber html reports. On the "overview-features.html" I would like to have an option added to the top right, which includes "Features", "Tags", "Steps" and "Failures", that says "Excluded Fails" or something like that. That when clicked provides the same exact information that the overview-features.html does, except that any scenario that's tagged with a special tag, for example #bug=abc-12345, is removed from the report and excluded from the numbers.
Why I need this. We have some existing scenarios that fail. They fail due to defects in our own software, that might not get fixed for 6 months to a year. We've tagged them with a specified tag, "#bug=abc-12345". I want them muted/excluded from the cucumber report that's produced at the end of the bamboo build for karate so I can quickly look at the number of passed features/scenarios and see if it's 100% or not. If it is, great that build is good. If not, I need to look into it further as we appear to have some regression. Without these scenarios that are expected to fail, and continue to fail until they're resolved, it is very tedious and time consuming to go through all the individual feature file reports and look at the failing scenarios and then look into why. I don't want them removed completely as when they start to pass I need to know so I can go back and remove the tag from the scenario.
Any ideas on how to accomplish this?
Karate 1.0 has overhauled the reporting system with the following key changes.
after the Runner completes you can massage the results and even re-try some tests
you can inject a custom HTML report renderer
This will require you to get into the details (some of this is not documented yet) and write some Java code. If that is not an option, you have to consider that what you are asking for is not supported by Karate.
If you are willing to go down that path, here are the links you need to get started.
a) Example of how to "post process" result-data before rendering a report: and also see
b) The code responsible for "pluggable" reports, where you can implement a new SuiteReports in theory. And in the Runner, there is a suiteReports() method you can call to provide your implementation.
Also note that there is an experimental "doc" keyword, by which you can inject custom HTML into a test-report:
Also see:

Can Karate provide the total number of assertions in the report? [duplicate]

I want to have an option on the cucumber report to mute/hide scenarios with a given tag from the results and numbers.
We have a bamboo build that runs our karate repository of features and scenarios. At the end it produces nice cucumber html reports. On the "overview-features.html" I would like to have an option added to the top right, which includes "Features", "Tags", "Steps" and "Failures", that says "Excluded Fails" or something like that. That when clicked provides the same exact information that the overview-features.html does, except that any scenario that's tagged with a special tag, for example #bug=abc-12345, is removed from the report and excluded from the numbers.
Why I need this. We have some existing scenarios that fail. They fail due to defects in our own software, that might not get fixed for 6 months to a year. We've tagged them with a specified tag, "#bug=abc-12345". I want them muted/excluded from the cucumber report that's produced at the end of the bamboo build for karate so I can quickly look at the number of passed features/scenarios and see if it's 100% or not. If it is, great that build is good. If not, I need to look into it further as we appear to have some regression. Without these scenarios that are expected to fail, and continue to fail until they're resolved, it is very tedious and time consuming to go through all the individual feature file reports and look at the failing scenarios and then look into why. I don't want them removed completely as when they start to pass I need to know so I can go back and remove the tag from the scenario.
Any ideas on how to accomplish this?
Karate 1.0 has overhauled the reporting system with the following key changes.
after the Runner completes you can massage the results and even re-try some tests
you can inject a custom HTML report renderer
This will require you to get into the details (some of this is not documented yet) and write some Java code. If that is not an option, you have to consider that what you are asking for is not supported by Karate.
If you are willing to go down that path, here are the links you need to get started.
a) Example of how to "post process" result-data before rendering a report: and also see
b) The code responsible for "pluggable" reports, where you can implement a new SuiteReports in theory. And in the Runner, there is a suiteReports() method you can call to provide your implementation.
Also note that there is an experimental "doc" keyword, by which you can inject custom HTML into a test-report:
Also see:

How would you effectively test command line software, with many switches and arguments

A command line utility/software could potentially consist of many different switches and arguments.
Lets say your software is called CLI and lets say CLI has the following features:
The general syntax of CLI is:
CLI <data structures> <operation> <required arguments> [optional arguments]
<data structures> could be 'matrix', 'complex numbers', 'int', 'floating point', 'log'
<operation> could be 'add', 'subtract', 'multiply', 'divide'
I cant think of any required and optional arguments, but lets say your software does support it
Now you want to test this software. And you wish to test interface itself, not the logic. Essentially the interface must return the correct success codes and error codes.
Essentially a lot of real word software still present a Command Line interface with several options. I am curious if there is any formal testing methodology established for this. One idea i had was to construct a grammar (like EBNF) and describing the 'language' of the interface. But I fail to push this idea ahead. What good is a grammar for in this case? How does it enable the generation of many many combinations .
I am curious to learn more about any theoretical models which could be applied to such a problem or if anyone in here has actually done such testing with satisfying coverage
There is a command-line tool as part of a product i maintain, and i have a situation thats very similar to what you describe. What i did was employ a unit testing framework, and encode each combination of arguments as a test method.
The program is implemented in c#/.NET, so i use microsoft's testing framework that's builtin to Visual Studio, but the approach would work with any unit testing framework.
Each test invokes a utility function that starts the process and sends in the input and cole ts the output. Then, each test is responsible for verifying that the output from the CLI matches what was expected. In some cases, there's a family of test cases that can be performed by a single test method, wih a for loop in it. The logic needs to run the CLI and check the output for each iteration.
The set of tests i have does not cover every permutation of arguments, but it covers the 80% cases and i can add new tests if there are ever any defects.
Using a recursive grammar to generate switches is an interesting idea. If you where to try this then you would need to first write the grammar in such a way that all switches could be used, and then do a random walk of the grammar.
This provides an easy method of randomly walking a grammar and outputting the result.

What exactly is selenese html?

I have been using selenium IDE to do some web app testing. I have been encountering errors on trying to playback the user actions, but have not been able to fix them because I have no idea what makes up selenese html targets and commands. It does not look like normal html to me but I cannot figure it out. If someone would be so kind as to help me I would be very happy.
Thanks in advance
Selenese is a high level, cross-platform and language-independent convention for representing Selenium commands.
The term ''Selenese HTML'' is less to do with how you'd target elements in the HTML user interface of the application under test and is more a description of how the commands are formatted.
So, I use the term ''Selenese HTML'' to distinguish it from Selenese in other languages/formats such as Selenese PHP, Selenese Java etc.
There are up to 3 components to a Selenese command:
1st argument (required by some commands)
2nd argument (required by some commands)
Given this knowledge, we can write the command in HTML format as a row of an HTML table, where each cell of the row represents a component of the command
| commandName | 1st argument | 2nd argument |
Now that the command is written in HTML form, we could potentially share it on the World Wide Web so that both humans and machines can read and understand it.
It's just a table definition with three tds per tr, specifying the command and any other parameters needed.
Example from the docs:
The IDE also has a reference built into it. I suggest you peruse the documentation available on their site until you are comfortable with the way the IDE works -- it can be a little unintuitive if you haven't done so.
The Selenium Reference page would be a good place to start to learn about what all the various commands do and how to use them.