Sending Emails Securely - - api

Created a google project in Google Developer Console to have the necessary API credentials.
Configured OAuth2.0 API credentials in OAuth consent screen.
To get the Refresh token and Access token from
I got Authorization Error - 403 Access Denied when I tried to Authorize API
Authorization Error
Error 403: access_denied
The developer hasn’t given you access to this app. It’s currently being tested and it hasn’t been verified by Google. If you think you should have access, contact the developer (
Learn more
Any suggestions would be great.

Follow the following steps: -
Go to console screen
Select +Add Users
Enter your email in it.
Save it and you are good to go.


Spotify : 403 - User not registered in the Developer Dashboard

I'm making a react-native app with the Spotify API, I'm using the Authorization Code Flow & and I'm on Development mode with only one user added in "Users and access" on my Spotify dashboard: my tester, who is a part of my Spotify Premium Duo.
The app is working fine on my part, but my tester can't see anything related to her account. The /me endpoint is sending a 403 error with this message in the body : User not registered in the Developer Dashboard. Top Tracks / Top Artists endpoints are working fine with her Access Token.
I can't see any email on her Spotify account, but can't change anything because it is linked to her Facebook account. I'm also logged in with my Facebook but it's working fine, and I can see my details when fetching the /me endpoint with my access token.
If you ever stumbled upon this kind of error, any help will be appreciated !
Thank you in advance,
You can see your info using the /me endpoint because you're the owner of the app and automatically registered in the project's dashboard.
In order to use the /me endpoint on other Spotify accounts you have to register them in the dashboard of your project under "Users and access" in the top right corner.
Once the user is registered, the /me should return a 200 response containing all the user's info.
This is probably due to the fact that you're app is in development mode.
The mail to use if the user is logged on Spotify via Facebook, is the Facebook one I'd say.
NOTE: You have to provide the user's real name to grant access: it's case sensitive.

Google SDK API Error 403 when using complete API privileges

We have built a provisioning with google SDK API to create and update employees in google workspace.
We are using a service user without a role and authentication using one of the admin users.
There is an issue, when the admin account we are using is set with COMPLETE API Privileges and in the user payload we are sending “suspended”: true we are getting an error back from google “403 “Not Authorized to access this resource/api” “.
If we change the admin account to SUPER ADMIN its working correctly and we are not getting an error.
We have tried cloning the Super Admin permissions, and set the admin account with the cloned permission yet again we are getting the same error.
Can anyone assist with understanding why its happening or how to overcome this issue?

Permissions with posting messages to Teams via graph api

I'm getting a 403 when I try to post a message in teams via postman. It works via graph explorer with the same account. Clearly I have a permissions issue but I can't for the life of me find the right check box.
My app is registered and approved by admin. I got it approved by MS to make protected api calls as well for teams.
I can get a token on behalf of a user in postman, I can use that token to get the messages in a channel, but cannot post.
Here are the api permission:
Delegated Permissions

ServiceM8 Oauth Authentication not working

I am trying to set up an integration API between ServiceM8 and another 3rd party application. I need to create a webhook which requires Platform Services Authentication using Oauth.
I have created a developer account and a store item after which I got the APP ID and APP Secret which are required for the authenticatcation.
I initiated the authentication by redirecting the user to the url[App ID]&redirect_uri=[my redirect url]&scope=manage_jobs
The user was es expected directed to the login page.
However after logging in, instead of prompting the user to accept the required permissions and redirecting to the redirect_url the user is being redirected to the ServiceM8 dashboard page.
Can someone please help me.

Google Plus login with Javascript and Authenticating with PHP

While implementing the Facebook Connect to a web application , its possible to show Facebook Sign up page in a pop up and once logging in and Granting permissions are complete, its possible to Authenticate Again in PHP and to get the necessary details of the user, - id, email etc.
I believe, thats secure because, the User Insertion is not based on the Ajax Request Parameters.
Is it possible to do the same with Google Plus Login also ?
Means - Logging in to Google - Using Javascript SDK, asking permissions, Authenticating all done in a Pop Up Window. and then, Creating a new user with the Help of google-api-php-client ??
Yes, what you're trying to do is outlined with which includes some PHP code samples to help you do this. In general, the steps at authentication time are:
User clicks the "Sign in with Google" button which may pop-up a new window at Google prompting them to log in and authorize your webapp.
After they do so, a one-time code is sent to a JavaScript callback you specify.
Your Javascript method sends this code to your PHP server.
Your PHP server uses the client library to contact Google's server and exchange this one-time code for an access token and refresh token, which you keep and use to perform actions on the user's behalf.