AWK script ignore first line - awk

I am iterating through a csv file with awk using the command gawk -f script.awk example.csv.
script.awk is a file containing my commands:
pattern {command}
pattern {command}
END{print output}
If I wanted to skip the first line of the csv file, where would I put the NR>1 command in script.awk?

I suggest:
NR==1 {next}
pattern {command}
pattern {command}
END{print output}
From man awk:
next: Stop processing the current input record. Read the next input record and start processing over with the first pattern in the AWK program. Upon reaching the end of the input data, execute any END rule(s).


awk to extract days from line

I have the following csv file
238013750030646-2;;"Default";"2020-10-01 00:40:36";;"opening";0;3591911;283940640
238013750030646-2;;"Default";"2020-10-03 00:40:36";;"closing line";0;89320;283940640
238013750030646-2;;"something-else";"2020-10-04 00:40:36";;"started";0;0;283940640
238013750030646-2;;"default else";"2020-10-08 05:42:06";;"opening";0;2410;283940640
Im trying to store each line in a specific file matching the date from each line, with the date being in the 4th column of each line, so first line ("2020-10-01 00:40:36") should be in output-01.csv, second line in output-03.csv etc
This awk command
awk -F";|-" -vOFS='\t' '{print > "output-"$7".csv"}' testing.csv
half works but fails on line 3 because of the - in the 3rd column, and line 4 because of the in the 3rd column - this produces output-10.csv
Is there a way to run the awk command twice ? then i could extract the date using the ; separator and then split using -
Using gawk takes care of unsorted file too :
awk 'match($0,/([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})/,arr){
print >file;
print >>file;
}' infile
awk 'match($0,/([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})/,arr){ # match for regex
file=sprintf("output-%s.csv",arr[3]); # file variable using array arr value, 3rd index
if(!seen[file]++){ # if not seen file name before in array seen
print >file; # print content to file
next # go to next line
print >>file; # append content to file
close(file); # close file
}' infile
Try this:
$ awk -F';' -v OFS='\t' '{split($4,a,/[- ]/); file = "output-"a[3]".csv";
$1=$1; print > file; close(file)}' testing.csv
split($4,a,/[- ]/) this will split 4th field further based on space or - characters, saved in array a
file = "output-"a[3]".csv" output filename
$1=$1 since there's no other command changing contents of input line, this is needed to rebuild input line, otherwise OFS will not be applied
print > file print input line to required file
close(file) calling close, useful if there are too many file names
You can also use file = "output-" substr($4,10,2) ".csv" instead of split if the 4th column is consistent as shown in the sample.
With your shown samples, please try following, written and tested in GNU awk.
awk '
print >> (outputFile)
' Input_file
Explanation: Adding detailed explanation for above.
awk ' ##Starting awk program from here.
match($0,/[0-9]{4}(-[0-9]{2}){2}/){ ##using match function to match yyyy-mm-dd here in line.
outputFile=substr($0,RSTART+8,RLENGTH-8)".csv" ##Getting matched regex sub-string into outputFile here.
print >> (outputFile) ##Printing current line into outputFile here.
close(outputFile) ##Closing output file to avoid too many files opened error.
' Input_file ##Mentioning Input_file name here.
To do this efficiently you should sort on the key field first:
awk -F';' '{print $4, NR, $0}' file |
sort -k1,1 -k3,3n |
awk '
{ curr=$1; sub(/([^ ]+ ){2}/,"") }
curr != prev { close(out); out="output-" (++c) ".csv"; prev=curr }
{ print > out }
$ head output*.csv
==> output-1.csv <==
238013750030646-2;;"Default";"2020-10-01 00:40:36";;"opening";0;3591911;283940640
==> output-2.csv <==
238013750030646-2;;"Default";"2020-10-03 00:40:36";;"closing line";0;89320;283940640
==> output-3.csv <==
238013750030646-2;;"something-else";"2020-10-04 00:40:36";;"started";0;0;283940640
==> output-4.csv <==
238013750030646-2;;"default else";"2020-10-08 05:42:06";;"opening";0;2410;283940640
The above will work using any awk+sort in any shell on every Unix box. See the many similar examples on this site for an explanation.

Count field separators on each line of input file and if missing/exceeding, output filename to error file

I have to validate the input file, Input.txt, for proper number of field separators on each row and if even one row including the header is missing or exceeding the correct number of field separators then print the name of the file to errorfiles.txt and exit.
I have another file to use as reference for the correct number of field separators, valid.txt, then compare the number of field separators on each row of the input file with the number of field separators in the valid.txt file.
awk -F '|' '{ print NF-1; exit }' valid.txt > fscount
awk -F '|' '(NF-1) != "cat fscount" { print FILENAME>"errorfiles.txt"; exit}' Input.txt
This is not working.
awk -F '|' '{ print NF-1; exit }' valid.txt > fscount
awk -F '|' '(NF-1) != "cat fscount" { print FILENAME>"errorfiles.txt"; exit}' Input.txt
It is not fully clear what your requirement is, to print the FILENAME on just a single input file provided, perhaps you wanted to loop over a list of files on a directory running this command?
Anyway, to use the content of the file in the context of awk, just use its -v switch and use input re-direction on the file
awk -F '|' -v count="$(<fscount)" -v fname="errorfiles.txt" '(NF-1) != (count+0) { print FILENAME > fname; close(fname); exit}' Input.txt
Notice the use of close(filename) here, which is generally required when you are manipulating files inside awk constructs. The close() call just closes the file descriptor associated with opening the file pointed by filename explicitly, instead of letting the OS do it.
GNU awk solution:
awk -F '|' 'ARGIND==1{aimNF=NF; nextfile} ARGIND==2{if (NF!=aimNF) {print FILENAME > "errorfiles.txt"; exit}}' valid.txt Input.txt
You can do it with just one command,
-- use awk to read two files, store NF number of 1st file, and compare it in the second file.
For other awk you can replace ARGIND==1 with FILENAME==ARGV[1], and so on.
Or if you are sure first file won't be empty, use NR==FNR and NR>FNR instead.

Why does awk not filter the first column in the first line of my files?

I've got a file with following records:
When I execute following oneliner awk:
cat lignes_en_erreur.txt | awk 'FS=";"{ if(NR==1){print $1}}END {}'
the output is not the expected:
While I am suppose get only the frist column:
If I run it through all the records:
cat lignes_en_erreur.txt | awk 'FS=";"{ if(NR>0){print $1}}END {}'
then it will start filtering only after the second line and I get the following output:
Does anybody knows why awk is skiping the first line only.
I tried deleting first record but the behaviour is the same, it will skip the first line.
First, it should be
awk 'BEGIN{FS=";"}{ if(NR==1){print $1}}END {}' filename
You can omit the END block if it is empty:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=";"}{ if(NR==1){print $1}}' filename
You can use the -F command line argument to set the field delimiter:
awk -F';' '{if(NR==1){print $1}}' filename
Furthermore, awk programs consist of a sequence of CONDITION [{ACTIONS}] elements, you can omit the if:
awk -F';' 'NR==1 {print $1}' filename
You need to specify delimiter in either BEGIN block or as a command-line option:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=";"}{ if(NR==1){print $1}}'
awk -F ';' '{ if(NR==1){print $1}}'
cut might be better suited here, for all lines
$ cut -d';' -f1 file
to skip the first line
$ sed 1d file | cut -d';' -f1
to get the first line only
$ sed 1q file | cut -d';' -f1
however at this point it's better to switch to awk
if you have a large file and only interested in the first line, it's better to exit early
$ awk -F';' '{print $1; exit}' file

find match, print first occurrence and continue until the end of the file - awk

I have a pretty large file from which I'd like to extract only the first line of those containing my match and then continuing doing that until the end of the file. Example of input and desired output below
The match in my lines is S, which usually comes after a line that starts with either E or C. What I'm struggling with is to tell awk to print only the first line after those with E or C. Another way would be to print the first of the bunch of lines containing S. Any idea??
does this one-liner help?
awk '/^S/&&!i{print;i=!i}!/^S/{i=!i}' file
or more "readable":
awk -v p=1 '/^S/&&p{print;p=0}!/^S/{p=1}' file
You can use sed, like this:
sed -rn '/^(E|C)/{:a;n;/^S/!ba;p}' file
here's a multi liner to enter in a file (e.g. u.awk)
/^[CE]/ {ON=1; next}
/^S/ {if (ON) print}
then run : "awk -f u.awk inputdatafile"
awk to the rescue!
$ awk '/^[CE]/{p=1} /^S/&&p{p=0;print}' file
$ awk '/^S/{if (!f) print; f=1; next} {print; f=0}' file

Combine grep -f and awk

I am using two commands:
awk '{ print $2 }' SomeFile.txt > Pattern.txt
grep -f Pattern.txt File.txt
With the first command I create a list of desirable patterns. With the second command I extract all lines in File.txt that match the lines in the Pattern.txt
My question is, is there a way to combine awk and grep in a pipeline so that I don't have to generate the intermediate Pattern.txt file?
You can do this all in one invocation of awk:
awk 'NR==FNR{a[$2];next}{for(i in a)if($0~i)print}' Somefile.txt File.txt
Populate keys in the array a from the second column of the first file. NR==FNR identifies the first file (total record number is equal to this file's record number). next skips the second block for the first file.
In the second block, loop through all the keys in the array and if the line matches any of them, print it. To avoid printing the line more than once if it matches more than one pattern, you could add a next here too, i.e. {for(i in a)if($0~i){print;next}}.
If the "patterns" are actually fixed strings, it is even simpler:
awk 'NR==FNR{a[$2];next}$0 in a' Somefile.txt File.txt
If your shell supports it, you can use process substitution:
grep -f <(awk '{ print $2 }' SomeFile.txt) File.txt
bash and zsh will support that, others will probably too, didn't tested.
Simpler as the above and supported by all shells would be to use a pipe:
awk '{ print $2 }' SomeFile.txt | grep -f - File.txt
- is used as the argument to -f. - has a special meaning here and stands for stdin. Thanks to Tom Fenech for mentioning that!