IGFS replacement for storing files in Apache Ignite - ignite

I have been searching for a way where I can store my csv files in apache ignite and found IGFS and then discovered it was not in the version I am using currently. I wanted to ask is there a similar way to store files?


Hive to read encrypted Parquet files

I have an encrypted parquet file that I would like to read in Hive through an external table. If the file is not encrypted, I can read without any problem.
Per PARQUET-1817, I should set parquet.crypto.factory.class to my implementation of the DecryptionPropertiesFactory interface, but I'm not quite sure where to put this setting. I tried a couple of places, but none of them is working. The example in PARQUET-1817 is using Spark. I tested this example and it's working without any issue in Spark, so my implementation of the DecryptionPropertiesFactory interface must be ok.
So now, I'm wondering if Hive supports PARQUET-1817. If so, how should I config it? I'm using Hive 3.1.3 with Hive Standalone Metastore 3.0.0.

Apache static data file caching

I have a VPS with Centos 7 and Apache 2.4. This server acts as a backend data source for a mobile app. Periodically new data files with unique file names are generated, after which they are never changed. I am looking for the best way to get Apache to cache these data files in memory without restarting the server each time a datafile is generated. Thank you in advance for your help.
In apache 2.4 you could use the mod_cache module. More infos about this on the official apache website:
Not sure I understand the "without restarting the server each time a data file is generated" part!

Storing and retrieving files stored separately from codebase coldfusion

We currently have a site running cold fusion 11. In an effort to improve some aspects of security we would like to store all files uploaded by our users on a server separate from our codebase and DB servers.
I'm pretty much starting from scratch here as I wasn't able to find much in my searches so far. What's the best practice for doing this and what cold fusion functions would work for storing and retrieving files from an external source?
I could use some more information to be more helpful. But let's say you have a separate server that stores all your user files on a Windows network. I would use CFContent to serve those files with the file being retrieved over a UNC path.
I'd recommend reading this blog entry of mine on Securely Serving Files via CFContent. Wil, also from CF Webtools, posts one here: Serving File Downloads with ColdFusion
We had a similar issue when we migrated to a Unix platform. Our solution was to mount a file server to the webserver. It's accessed programmatically by ColdFusion as if it's on the same server, but it's inaccessible from the web root (browser). It's worked very smoothly for us.

host solr after creating a new collection

I tried the example provided by the Apache Solr package.
I was trying to create a new data collection for my own schema and configurations.
There how should I start running Solr? When I was running the example, there was a start.jar in example directory to start it. Will the same jar work for my case?
If not, how to create a executable for it?
The first line on the solr install page says : "Solr already includes a working demo server in the example directory that you may use as a template" . http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrInstall#Setup .
Even if the recomended server is tomcat i have a feeling jetty will work just as well for you. Having the index production ready is more about knowing your fields and query patterns really well, as well as optimising the index through the schema and config for speed according to those patterns

POST new schema to SOLR

Is there any way of POSTing a new schema to Solr (eg. is there a handler for managing schema updates) instead of manually placing the new schema.xml in Solr home directory?
Unfortunately that's an open issue as of this writing, and there doesn't seem to be much interest to implement it.
As suggested in the comments you can work around this by setting up some external connection like WebDAV, FTP, SFTP, SCP.