ITunes lookup api doesn't work with language or country code? - app-store-connect

url = "
This only returns English results. I want to add a language or country code for China, but none of these worked:
url = "
url = "
It returned 0 results. I changed id to bundleId, but is the same.
However, search api worked with country=cn. So why doesn't lookup api doesn't work?

try this "",
and confirmed that your app sales areas contains China mainland.


Twitter Premium API Profile location operators profile_country: and profile_region: not working

I am using premium account (not sandbox) for data collection.
I want to collect:
All tweets in English that contain ‘china’ or ‘chinese’ that are user geolocated to US and not geolocated at tweet level, excluding all retweets
All tweets in English that contain ‘china’ or ‘chinese’ that are user geolocated to ‘Minnesota’ and not geolocated at tweet level, excluding all retweets
The code is as follows:
premium_search_args = load_credentials('twitter_API.yaml',
yaml_key ='search_tweets_premium_api', env_overwrite=False)
# keywords for the search
# key word 1
keywords = '(China OR Chinese) lang:en profile_country:US -place_country:US -is:retweet'
# key word 2
keywords = '(China OR Chinese) lang:en -place_country:US profile_region:"Minnesota" -is:retweet'
# define search rule
rule = gen_rule_payload(keywords,from_date='2019-12-01',
# create result stream and print before start
rs = ResultStream(rule_payload=rule, max_results=1250000,
My problems are that:
For the first one, a large portion of the results I get didn’t satisfy the query. First, some don’t have Profile Geo enrichment, i.e. user.derived.locations attribute is not in the user object. Second, if it is, a lot don’t have country code US, i.e. they are identified to other countries.
For the second one, the result I get from this method is a smaller subset of the results I can get from 1). That is, when I filter all tweets user geolocated to Minnesota (by user.derived.locations.region) from profile_country:US, it gives a larger sample than using profile_region:“Minnesota”. A considerable amount of data is missing using this method.
I have tried several times but it seems that user geolocation operators don’t work exactly what I want. Does anyone has any idea why this is the case? I would very much appreciate any answers/suggestions/comments.
Thank you!

Google map api returns Notfound result for valid postal-cod for distance calculation

We are using Google map api to find distance between two postalcodes. We can get the distance between any two postalcodes by using google map api Working Map API example. Some of the postal-code this api returns NotFound error when the postal-code is sent without any space, but for the same postal-code if we give space after 3 letters it works well and returns the distance correctly.
Example 1:
postal-code: H1A0C2,
api result : NotFound
Example 2:
url: 0C2&mode=driving&language=en-EN&sensor=false
postal-code: H1A 0C2,api
result : returns correct distance
Below are list of postal codes for which api returns NotFound if we give postal-code without space(but if we give space like 'H1A 0C2' it will return results)
below list postalcodes for which api returns the distance correctly if we give with/without space( like works well if we give 'H1C 0A7' and 'H1C0A7'.
Though it works with or without space for most of the postalcodes, for few it does not return values without spaces. What could be the reason?
I would suggest checking if the postal code exists in the Google database.
For example the postal code H1A0C2 seems to be missing
As you can see, the geocoder tool returns only postal code prefix HA1, but not the postal code itself.
For the postal code H1C0A9 geocoder returns a complete postal code:
I think the distance matrix cannot find distance for missing postal codes. However, when you add an empty space it can find a postal code prefix and calculates distance based on coordinates of postal code prefix. So the result might be not precise enough in this case.
You can report missing postal codes to Google as described in the following support doc:
Hope this helps!

How to get professions on world of warcraft vanilla's addon?

I'm creating an AddOn for a private server of World of Warcraft 1.12.1/Classic/Vanilla and I need to check the user's professions.
The information I got was the APIs GetProfessions() and GetProfessionInfo() but I can't find out how to use them.
I wanna have a variable for each profession.
It's something like this:
prof1, prof2, archaeology, fishing, cooking, firstAid = GetProfessions()
Profession1 = GetProfessionInfo(prof1)
Profession2 = GetProfessionInfo(prof2)
Profession3 = GetProfessionInfo(archaeology)
Profession4 = GetProfessionInfo(fishing)
Profession5 = GetProfessionInfo(cooking)
Profession6 = GetProfessionInfo(firstAid)
Quick glance shows there are no special tradeskill functions in API in 1.12.1. AFAIR professions were just regular entries in the spellbook back then. As such you can iterate over spellbook with GetSpellName and check that either first return matches name of known profession or second return matches name of a known profession rank.
Additional info on each profession can be retrieved with GetTradeSkillLine, but only when this profession is opened in tradeskill window (i.e. window where you see list of items to craft).
If I'm understanding this correctly, GetProfessions() returns a table. You could always try a different way around the problem, like so:
professions = GetProfessions()
Profession1 = GetProfessionInfo(professions[1])
Profession2 = GetProfessionInfo(professions[2])
Profession3 = GetProfessionInfo(professions[3])
Profession4 = GetProfessionInfo(professions[4])
Profession5 = GetProfessionInfo(professions[5])
Profession6 = GetProfessionInfo(professions[6])
I'm not sure if this will solve your problem, but I figured I could weigh in my opinion. I have never done anything with World of Warcraft.

VK API - return city names in latin

I am using VK API to get list of cities in specific country. Does anyone know how to show Russian cities (which are in Cyrilic) in Latin?
Example of JSON response:
I am trying to check if city exists, but if someone enter city name in latin, in some cases city check works, for example Vladivostok is Владивосток, but Moscow is Москва.
I found one solution that works for me: firstly get all cities ids by places.getCities (database.getCities) method and then use database.getCitiesById providing saved cities ids like following:
In request to this API method you can specify needed language by parameter "lang" (e.g. lang=en) and up to 1k comma-separated cities ids (e.g. city_ids=1,2,123,...).
database.getCitiesById official documentation
As an alternative, you can get the static list of Russian cities here. This JSON array contains the slug name of each city in English. It's a free list, so anyone can edit and add correct information for any localities.

Google custom search api - Limit results to 1 per domain

Is there any way to limit the results returned by the Google Custom Search API to 1 per domain?
Yes. If you're looking for the first result. Then you can try the following if you are familiar with Python.
res = service.cse().list(query,cx='YOURSEARCHENGINEIDHERE,).execute()
name = res['items'][0]['title'] #title of the first search result
url = res['items'][0]['link'] #url of the first search result