how to apply multiple addition in Splunk - splunk

Hi Have below data from below query ..
(index=abc OR index=def) |rex field=index "(?<Local_Market>[^cita]\w.*?)_" | chart count by blocked , Local_Market
blocked dub rat mil
0 10 20 21
1 02 03 09
2 9 2 1
Now i want the data as below
total bolocked(sumof 0 and sumof 2) dub rat mil total found(Sumof 1)
(10+20+21+9+2+1)=63 10 20 21 (02+03+09)=14

The question could be better formatted, but I think what you want is the addcoltotals command.

This run-anywhere example is ugly, but I believe it produces the desired results.
| makeresults
| eval _raw="blocked dub rat mil
0 10 20 21
1 02 03 09
2 9 2 1"
| multikv forceheader=1
| fields - _time _raw linecount
```Skip the above - it just creates test data```
```Compute the total_bolocked field for blocked=0 and blocked=2```
| eval total_bolocked=if(blocked!=1,dub+mil+rat,0)
```Compute the total_found field for blocked=1```
| eval total_found=if(blocked=1, dub+mil+rat,0)
```Add up the total_bolocked fields. This will include blocked=1, but we'll fix that below```
| eventstats sum(total_bolocked) as total_bolocked
```Set total_bolocked=0 if blocked is 1```
| eval total_bolocked=if(blocked=1,0, total_bolocked)


bit varying in Postgres to be queried by sub-string pattern

The following Postgres table contains some sample content where the binary data is stored as bit varying (
ID | Binary data
1 | 01110
2 | 0111
3 | 011
4 | 01
5 | 0
6 | 00011
7 | 0001
8 | 000
9 | 00
10 | 0
11 | 110
12 | 11
13 | 1
Q: Is there any query (either native SQL or as Postgres function) to return all rows where the binary data field is equal to all sub-strings of the target bit array. To make it more clear lets look at the example search value 01101:
01101 -> no result
0110 -> no result
011 -> 3
01 -> 4
0 -> 5, 10
The result returned should contain the rows: 3, 4, 5 and 10.
The working query is (thanks to Laurenz Albe):
SELECT * FROM table WHERE '01101' LIKE (table.binary_data::text || '%')
Furthermore I found this discussion about Postgres bit with fixed size vs bit varying helpful:
PostgreSQL Bitwise operators with bit varying "cannot AND bit strings of different sizes"
How about
WHERE '01101' LIKE (col2::text || '%')
I think you are looking for bitwise and:
where col2 & B'01101' = col2

Ignore missing values when creating dummy variable

How can I create a dummy variable in Stata that takes the value of 1 when the variable pax is above 100 and 0 otherwise?
Missing values should be labelled as 0.
My code is the following:
generate type = 0
replace type = 1 if pax > 100
The problem is that Stata labels all missing values as 1 instead of keeping them as 0.
This occurs because Stata views missing values as large positive values. As such, your variable type is set equal to 1 when you request this for all values of pax > 100 (which includes missings).
You can avoid this by explicitly indicating that you do not want missing values replaced as 1:
generate type = 0
replace type = 1 if pax > 100 & pax != .
Consider the toy example below:
input pax
The following syntax is in fact sufficient:
generate type1 = pax > 100 & pax < .
Alternatively, one can use the missing() function:
generate type2 = pax > 100 & !missing(pax)
Note the use of ! before the function, which tells Stata to focus on the non-missing values.
In both cases, the results are the same:
| pax type1 type2 |
1. | 20 0 0 |
2. | 30 0 0 |
3. | 40 0 0 |
4. | 100 0 0 |
5. | 110 1 1 |
6. | 130 1 1 |
7. | 150 1 1 |
8. | . 0 0 |
9. | . 0 0 |
10. | . 0 0 |

How do I compare rows of a table against all other rows of the table?

I would like to create a script that takes the rows of a table which have a specific mathematical difference in their ASCII sum and to add the rows to a separate table, or even to flag a different field when they have that difference.
For instance, I am looking to find when the ASCII sum of word A and the ASCII sum of word B, both stored in rows of a table, have a difference of 63 or 31.
I could probably use a loop to select these rows, but SQL is not my greatest virtue.
ItemID | asciiSum |ProperDiff
1 | 100 |
2 | 37 |
3 | 69 |
4 | 23 |
5 | 6 |
6 | 38 |
After running the code, the field ProperDiff will be updated to contain 'yes' for ItemID 1,2,3,5,6, since the AsciiSum for 1 and 2 (100-37) = 63 etc.
This will not be fast, but I think it does what you want:
update t
set ProperDiff = 'yes'
where exists (select 1
from t t2
where abs(t2.AsciiSum - t.AsciiSum) in (63, 31)
It should work okay on small tables.

Ransack search- select rows whose sum adds up to a given value

Im using ransack search with ruby on rails and trying to output random rows between 1-6, whose time adds up to a given value specified by the search.
For example search for rows whose time value adds up to 40. In this case id 12 and 14 will be returned. Any combination between 1-6 can be randomly outputted.
If a combination of 3 rows meet the criteria then 3 rows should be outputted. likewise 1,2,3,4,5,6. If no single row or combination can be found then the output should return nil
id | title | time
26 | example | 10
27 | example | 26
14 | example | 20
28 | example | 50
12 | example | 20
20 | example | 6
Note - Not sure if ransack search is the best to perform this type of query
Thanks in advance

Tabulate Command Stata

I don't know if Stata can do this but I use the tabulate command a lot in order to find frequencies. For instance, I have a success variable which takes on values 0 to 1 and I would like to know the success rate for a certain group of observations ie tab success if group==1. I was wondering if I can do sort of the inverse of this operation. That is, I would like to know if I can find a value of "group" for which the frequency is greater than or equal to 15% for example.
Is there a command that does this?
As an example
sysuse auto
gen success=mpg<29
Now I want to find the value of price such that the frequency of the success variable is greater than 75% for example.
According to #Nick:
ssc install groups
sysuse auto
#return list optional
local nobs=r(N) # r(N) gives total observation
groups rep78, sel(f >(0.15*`r(N)')) #gives the group for which freq >15 %
| rep78 Freq. Percent % <= |
| 3 30 43.48 57.97 |
| 4 18 26.09 84.06 |
groups rep78, sel(f >(0.10*`nobs'))# more than 10 %
| rep78 Freq. Percent % <= |
| 2 8 11.59 14.49 |
| 3 30 43.48 57.97 |
| 4 18 26.09 84.06 |
| 5 11 15.94 100.00 |
I'm not sure if I fully understand your question/situation, but I believe this might be useful. You can egen a variable that is equal to the mean of success, by group, and then see which observations have the value for mean(success) that you're looking for.
egen avgsuccess = mean(success), by(group)
tab group if avgsuccess >= 0.15
list group if avgsuccess >= 0.15
Does that accomplish what you want?