I'm working on the tabs component in vue similar to the vertical navbar on the left and tab content on the right. My tabs titles have icons and I'm trying to use <slot> to put different icons in each tab title.
Blade template:
<tab name="one" :selected="true">
<svg>icon 1</svg>
<tab name="two">
<svg>icon 2</svg>
<tab name="three">
<svg>icon 3</svg>
<ul class="my-class" role="tablist">
<li v-for="(tab, index) in tabs" :key="index">
// here I want to place my icon defined in my blade view
<slot></slot> // this doesn't work and it is showing 0 items in tab array
<span>{{ tab.name }}</span>
// if placed here it works and it is showing 3 items in tab array
// but icon's are placed under all 3 li elemets
I have already tried a lot of different combinations, but no one worked and it is hard to know what's going on as there are no error messages. I'm not experienced in vue and I'm trying to check vue documentations but there must be something that escapes me or something that I'm not getting.
Could someone advise me where is the error or how should I rewrite my code?
While I was reviewing headlessui's menu component, I saw the use of 2 components that are nested like the following: (see: https://headlessui.dev/vue/menu)
<MenuItem v-slot="{ active }">
// some content
So as you may see, there is a MenuItem component inside of the MenuItems component. And I need something similar to that so I can use a template and put another component's result into that template.
Here the example of what I am trying to do:
<!-- HeadingComponent.vue -->
<div class="group">
<div class="head">
{{ title }} <button>Create New</button>
<div class="content">
<!-- I want to put some component's rendered content here -->
And this is, let's say, a page where I want to use the common component.
<!-- Blog.vue -->
<HeadingComponent :title="Posts">
<BlogPostsComponent :post="someArray"/> <!-- Some other component which may vary -->
The question
What kind of changes do I need to do in the component HeadingComponent.vue so it works as I expected?
Slots are a good way to add a component to another or even simple html
docs : https://fr.vuejs.org/v2/guide/components-slots.html
<h1>Vue JS Slots Application</h1>
<div id="app">
<template slot="slotA"><pre>Slot A Content from parent.</pre></template>
<template><i>Parent Component Content.</i></template>
<template slot="slotB">Replace Slot B Default Content</template>
<template><b>Replace Default Slot Content.</b></template>
<template id="aside">
<h3>My Slots App</h3>
<slot>Default Slot Content</slot><br>
<slot name="slotA"></slot><br>
<slot name="slotB"></slot><br>
Example of codepen :
Just in a short time, I found something like slots in VueJS which is definitely what I was looking for.
Here is the guide page:
What I did in my problem is that I put <slot></slot> tags inside div whose class is content, and then the last sample I gave (Blog.vue) has worked.
<!-- HeadingComponent.vue -->
<div class="group">
<div class="head">
{{ title }} <button>Create New</button>
<div class="content">
<!-- I want to put some component's rendered content here -->
I want to animate a block with posts that can be filtered.
Some filters trigger a computed method filteredPosts and they are assigned to a component liek that <block-article :posts="filteredPosts" />
In my <block-article> component I have something like that :
<div class="posts">
<div v-for="post in posts" :key="post.id"></div>
I want div .posts animate like a translation bottom/fade out on disappear and translation top/ fade in on appear.
I tried that :
<transition name="slide-fade">
<div class="posts">
<div v-for="post in posts" :key="post.id"></div>
with corresponding css classes but it doesn't work.
I tried that :
<div class="posts">
<transition-group name="slide-fade">
<div v-for="post in posts" :key="post.id"></div>
but my class .posts is a grid and here I lost the grid behavior.
THE AIM is to animate the entire div .posts rather than each elements of the v-for.
Any idea ?
Thanks all,
I finally achieve this with :
<transition name="slide-fade">
<div :key="posts.length" class="posts"></div>
Nothe the :key="posts.length"
The problem is when posts.length doesn't change but it works in a lots of case. I will search how to fix this exception.
If you animate entire div, you should use transition, but in this case all inner elements not animated. If you want to animate all inner elements. You should use transition-group
In your case I think, need use all this method with build-in tag attribute.
Becouse in dock you can read
Unlike transition, it renders an actual element: a span by default. You can change the element that’s rendered with the tag attribute.
So you can write like this(its not full code, you must add name, key and other attrs)
<transition-group tag="div" class="posts">
<div v-for="post in posts"></div>
I've created a card using VueJS & tailwind. There are some buttons on the card like edit & delete. I want to add a router-link on this Card Component, so that when a user clicks on the card, it opens up, but then the edit and delete buttons don't work any more and clicking on them, redirects the page too.
How can I solve this problem?
Here is my code:
<router-link to="somewhere">
<card-component :data="products"></card-component>
Card Component:
<div :key="id" v-for="(row, id) in data">
<img alt="Product Image"
class="vs-images-hover-zoom rounded-lg p-0 h-24 w-32 object-center object-cover"/>
<p class="product-name font-medium">{{ row.name }}</p>
<div class="whitespace-no-wrap">
<feather-icon icon="EditIcon" svgClasses="w-5 h-5 hover:text-primary stroke-current" #click="editPopup = true"/>
<feather-icon icon="TrashIcon" svgClasses="w-5 h-5 hover:text-danger stroke-current" class="ml-2" #click="deletePopup = true"/>
Seems like you're having trouble with event handling because button's clicks are being caught by router-link. You can do one of them:
Use #click.stop in your buttons inside the Card component (it will stop event propagation);
Don't use router-link wrapping the whole card and put it just on image and title elements, for example;
Don't use router-link at all and get the #click event in right peaces of card, using this.$router.push to handle it.
I have what I think is a basic question for Vue, but I'm trying to run a method on click while also running a v-for loop on a component.
I'm not sure why but I can't get anything to run on that click handler but I see nothing in the Vue documentation saying that this isn't possible. Right now I'd settle for getting my console log running.
v-for="step in steps"
Here is the template for IconBox.vue:
<div class="icon-box">
:style="{ backgroundImage: 'url(' + step.image + ')' }"
<div class="text">
<div class="inner">
<h5>{{ step.name }}</h5>
<p v-if="step.description">{{ step.description }}</p>
{{ isSelected }}
I could run the click in the component itself but I need the parent well aware of what's happening to handle a selected boolean.
To use native events in component tags you should add .native modifier
<IconBox #click.native="yourMethod"/>
Check this guide.
To check it I suggest you to create a method and add console.log() inside it.
I have been playing around with Vue lately, and here's how I solved a similar problem in my project
v-for="step in steps"
Changes to
<template v-for="step in steps">
I have a vue2 app (called 'renderer-app') with a component as its child (called 'section-renderer'), which in turn has a child component. In the parent component (section-renderer) I have a template option in which the multiple components are added to the parent component:
<component v-for="(item, index) in layoutArray" :is="item.template" :cardObj="item.cardObj" :key="item.id"></component>
<!--the above component gets rendered as it should, but the rest of the template is not rendered-->
<div class="parallax-container">
<div class="parallax">
<img src="./images/banner2.jpg">
<div class="advertisement-text-box">
<p class="advertisement-header">some header</p>
<p class="advertisement-text">some text</p>
As I have shown above in the comment line, the child component gets rendered multiple times as it should, but the rest of the template which should be rendered once per parent component does not render.
Strangely enough, if I insert a div with text in it between the two, the rest of the template renders too. So this works (of course with an unwanted line):
<component v-for="(item, index) in layoutArray" :is="item.template" :cardObj="item.cardObj" :key="item.id"></component>
<div>extra</div> <!--the extra div with text-->
<div class="parallax-container">
<div class="parallax"><img src="./images/banner2.jpg"></div>
<div class="advertisement-text-box">
<p class="advertisement-header">some header</p>
<p class="advertisement-text">some text</p>
I tried various positioning of the div around the child component and the rest of the template, but none seemed to work. Any help would be appreciated.