Is there any way to supress the default size shown by WiX bootstraper setup in control panel - wix

I am trying to install a WiX managed bootstrapper setup .I have written a custom logic to calculate the size occupied .Is there any way to supress the default size shown by WiX in control panel entry.

You can use the ARPSIZE property to set your preferred install size in case Windows is computing this value incorrectly.
<Property Id='ARPSIZE'>app size in kilobytes</Property>
ARPSIZE seems to be superfluous at first sight. However, testing shows that Programs and Features reports a completely bogus value (over 4 GB) for very small packages. In this case, providing the package size manually can help overcome this annoying but harmless nuisance.
More info about ARPSIZE:


Issues with IntelliJ on a 4K screen

I splurged and bought one of those high definition 4K screens. More specifically, the Dell UltraSharp 4k UP3216Q 31.5", combined with a new PC running Windows 10.
When the computer occasionally reboots, it goes into a mode where when I load IntelliJ, it shows the following error message:
8:16 PM You may need to manually configure the HiDPI mode to prevent UI scaling issues. See the troubleshooting guide.
The interesting thing is that when it's running in this mode, I actually like the way IntelliJ looks. I like it because it's running in true sharp 4K mode, and at the same time, all the fonts are large enough to be legible, and not require a magnetic resonance microscope or a monocle to make out the letters.
However, other times, when the system boots up, I do not get that error, meaning everything is functioning normally, but in that case, all the fonts are so tiny as to be illegible. It literally hurts my eyes to look at it, and the only alternatives I have left at that point is to either drop down from 3840x2160 into 1920x1080, or to go into the settings, and start increasing the font sizes, which is annoying. Not to mention that if I drop down into 1920x1080 mode, then the quality of what I am looking at degrades, everything starts looking pixelated...
Is there anything that can be done to stabilize the situation on these new 4K screens so that IntelliJ looks normal?
Try this:
Help > Edit Custom VM Options:
More information can be found here:
If that does not help create a ticket in the JetBrains issue tracker:
They are usually very responsive.
Another possibility is that you have the Windows UI scaling value for the screen set to a non-integral value in display settings. This messed me up, I had the setting to 175%, while the default is 200%. Intellij (and many other applications) will not scale properly if that is set to a non-integral scaling value.
As soon as I switch this back to 200% Intellij scales perfectly.
I fix this problem after setted env variable IDEA_JDK_64 to jdk path in windows 10

How to set Uninstall Successful message in WixStdBA

In WiX 3.9 and earlier, there was no way to customize the message that WixStdBA shows when the operation completed. I see that bugs 4149 and 4604 have been resolved as fixed. Which version of WiX are these fixes available in, and how do I use this new functionality?
In WiX v3.10.0.1403, support was added for specifying different strings for success/failure of install/repair/uninstall. If you're using the builtin theme and localization file, then you get the new strings automatically. Otherwise, look at the pull request to see what was added to the builtin themes and localization files and put them in your customized files.
In WiX v4.0.2603.0, breaking changes were made to the schema of theme files. As part of that change, the Text element was renamed to Label and the new Text element allows conditionally setting the text of a control. In WiX v4.0.2926.0, the builtin themes and localization files were updated to show the same text as v3.10 does. Take a look at that commit to see how that functionality was added.

WiX Minimal UI shows first lines empty with Arabic text

I'm using WiX 3.7 I managed to get WiX Minimal UI to work properly following the instructions from
When I used Arabic Licence file is shown incorrectly (first lines are blank), unless user scrolls the text area in which case the text starts to look as expected.
I already tried the advice from the page
Open your RTF file in WordPad and save it from there in order to remove the complex RTF content from the file. After saving it, rebuild your MSI.
My current approach is to write a Custom EULA Dialog, but I would prefer to stay with WiX UI Minimal builtin Dialog... Have you experienced this problem? Do you know how to overcome it?

Can I change all my installer dialogs' dimensions in one spot, using WiX?

I'm building an installer using WiX and I want all my installer's dialogs to be larger than the default dimensions. Is there a central spot where I can set a width and height for all dialogs in my installer? If not, is there at least a way to change the built-in dialogs' dimensions?
In WiX v3.6 you can use localization files to change size and location of dialogs and controls. See my blog post for details. It's still a lot of work to change everything.

MSI installer, Wix and dialog size value

I've noticed that the articles, tutorials and samples of creating the custom dialogs in Wix always use the same dialog size - Width="370" Height="270"(in the installer units) which corresponds to 494px * 360px for 96DPI. The example is
Moreover, a lot of MSI installers use exactly this size for the dialogs. I wonder where this size value came from? Is there any guideline about the installer dialog size?
These standard values for MSI UI dialogs come from Windows SDK, the uisample.msi file.
This size is close to the standard wizard Wizard interface, and MSI “Wizards” mimic Wizard '97 UI. See Wizard '97 sample image, the size of the image is 513 × 397 px.
If there's anything special about it, it likely hails from a size that looked good on a default Windows 95 or so taskbar configuration with a screen resolution of 640x480 pixels. Realistically you can use other sizes, such as Visual Studio's installation which is much larger.