Get all API fields definitions from Podio application - api

Responses from Podio API returns an JSON array of items with a fields property. Each field carries its values and its config.
For example a category field for the Gender:
"type": "category",
"field_id": 219922852,
"label": "Gender",
"values": [
"value": {
"status": "active",
"text": "Prefer not to say",
"id": 3,
"color": "F7F0C5"
"config": {
"settings": {
"multiple": true,
"options": [
"status": "active",
"text": "Male",
"id": 1,
"color": "DCEBD8"
"status": "active",
"text": "Female",
"id": 2,
"color": "F7F0C5"
"status": "active",
"text": "Prefer not to say",
"id": 3,
"color": "F7F0C5"
"display": "inline"
"mapping": null,
"label": "Gender"
"external_id": "gender"
How can I fetch the config without having to query a specific item?
Is there a way to get every field in the response? Because if the queried item does not have a field value set, Podio doesn't return it in the response.
I would like to get the field config for ALL the fields. If possible, with a single API request. In particular I am interested in all the possible values (in case of Category or Relationship fields) so that I could match them with local values I have.
This way I can use the field structure to programmatically map some local values to the format required by the Podio API; and then generate a fields payload that to update/create Podio items via an API calls.

You can request the Podio Get App method to get the app configuration.
Podio Doc Ref:


Adobe Analytics - how to get report API 2.0 to get multi-level breakdown data using Java

I need help in getting adobe-analytics data when multiple IDs are passed for multi-level breakdown using API 2.0.
I am getting first level data for V124 ----
"metricContainer": {
"metrics": [
"columnId": "0",
"id": "metrics/event113",
"sort": "desc"
"dimension": "variables/evar124",
but i want to use IDs returned in above call response to in second level breakdown of v124 to get v125 as---
"metricContainer": {
"metrics": [
"columnId": "0",
"id": "metrics/event113",
"sort": "desc",
"filters": [
"metricFilters": [
"id": "0",
"type": "breakdown",
"dimension": "variables/evar124",
"itemId": "2629267831"
"id": "1",
"type": "breakdown",
"dimension": "variables/evar124",
"itemId": "2629267832"
"dimension": "variables/evar125",
This always returns data only for 2629267831 ID and not 2629267832.
I want to get data for thousands of IDs (returned from first API call) in a single API call. What am i doing wrong?

Querying using query parameters in Postman

As a beginner to Postman, I am trying to use Query Parameters to search via filtering by keys. COnsider the following content of a certain endpoint.
"id": 1,
"name": "The Russian",
"type": "fiction",
"available": true
"id": 2,
"name": "Just as I Am",
"type": "non-fiction",
"available": false
1st scenario :
Doing a GET on the endpoint with the syntax {{baseURL}}/books?type=fiction, I get
"id": 1,
"name": "The Russian",
"type": "fiction",
"available": true
which is correct.
2nd scenario :
Doing a GET on the endpoint with the syntax {{baseURL}}/books?id=1, I get
"id": 1,
"name": "The Russian",
"type": "fiction",
"available": true
"id": 2,
"name": "Just as I Am",
"type": "non-fiction",
"available": false
which is not filtering by id = 1. It display id = 2 item as well. I was expecting it to show item base on id = 1 only.
AM I missing anything in understanding on how to use the query parameters ?

How to omit fields in Objection.js dynamically

Is there a way to omit or change the json of a model dynamically for different cases,
Though by overriding the $formatJson method on the Model does give the ability to do that,
but it affect every model instance.
I want to be able to omit some fields for some request and get the full data for other request.
// GET /cars
"id": 1,
"name": "honda",
"year": "1999",
"image": "full-view.jpg"
// GET /car
"id": 1,
"name": "honda",
"year": "1999",
"image": "full-view.jpg",
"manufacturer": "Honda Motor Company, Ltd.",
"country": "Japanese",
"createdAt": "2022-08-15 10:42:36",
"updatedAt": "2022-08-15 10:42:36",
Please is there any way to do this in Objection.js?
Any solution will appreciated, Thanks

BigCommerce customer attributes from client/store

Can I retrieve the customer's
There is a current-customer API -, but it only returns the following bits about a customer.
"customer": {
"id": 4927,
"email": "",
"group_id": "6"
I'd really to have the ability to get all the data from as a property of the payload for current-customer-api
"customer": {
"id": 4927,
"email": "",
"group_id": "6"
"attributes": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Age",
"type": "string",
"date_created": "2018-11-13T21:42:06Z",
"date_modified": "2018-11-14T16:46:23Z"
"id": 2,
"name": "Shoe Size",
"type": "number",
"date_created": "2018-11-14T16:34:57Z",
"date_modified": "2018-11-14T16:34:57Z"
"id": 3,
"name": "Date Joined",
"type": "date",
"date_created": "2019-02-19T19:13:21Z",
"date_modified": "2019-02-19T19:13:21Z"
This is an interesting feature request. The purpose of the current customer API is to verify the identity of a logged in customer in a secure way, which is why the payload is so minimal (with the understanding that you would likely be making a request for the full customer record based on the id returned).
We are planning to surface customer attribute data on the storefront though, which sounds like it would solve for your use case. We'll be adding Handlebars support soon, and we've got a storefront GraphQL API in the works as well. You can read more in our blog post here:

Add Account (POST) Endpoint No Longer Working in new Yodlee API

I am not sure what happened, as I have not touched my code that interacts with the Add Account endpoint in Yodlee (POST /{cobrandName}/v1/providers/{providerId}), but it has become broken (it was working as of Thursday). I am now getting this reply:
{ errorCode: 'Y400',
errorMessage: 'Null argument specified',
referenceCode: 'RB_134ae91e-4c80-4ad5-aac5-243ca428421d' }
I have the appropriate route params inserted into this POST /{cobrandName}/v1/providers/{providerId} and am passing a stringified JSON object as the request body (per the documentation) that looks like this:
"provider": [{
"id": 492,
"name": "Fidelity Investments",
"loginUrl": "",
"baseUrl": "",
"favicon": "",
"logo": "",
"status": "Supported",
"mfaType": "Multiple levels of strong authentication.",
"oAuthSite": false,
"lastModified": "2016-03-31T10:39:36Z",
"forgetPasswordUrl": "",
"containerNames": ["tax", "investment"],
"loginForm": {
"id": 172,
"forgetPasswordURL": "",
"formType": "login",
"row": [{
"id": 4140,
"label": "Username",
"form": "0001",
"fieldRowChoice": "0001",
"field": [{
"id": 358,
"name": "LOGIN",
"maxLength": 15,
"type": "text",
"value": "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",
"isOptional": false,
"valueEditable": true
}, {
"id": 4139,
"label": "Password",
"form": "0001",
"fieldRowChoice": "0002",
"field": [{
"id": 357,
"name": "PASSWORD",
"maxLength": 20,
"type": "password",
"value": "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",
"isOptional": false,
"valueEditable": true
The form values are encrypted via PKI as per the documentation, using the key provided by the appropriate API endpoint, and I have both a cobrand session token and a yodlee user session token in the authentication headers ('Authorization': 'cobSession={appToken}, userSession={token}'). I was previously receiving back the expected 'refresh info' response using the same exact structure and process. I'm trying to understand what the 'null argument' referenced in the error is.