How to use v-bind:height? - vue.js

How do I dynamically set a height of an element?
I have a v-carousel but it takes way too much space on the screen.
So I need something like:
v-bind:height="{ '300' : $vuetify.breakpoint.mdAndDown}"
But it doesn't work.
I also though 'well maybe it's a string, so let's try a number'
:height="{ 300 : $vuetify.breakpoint.mdAndDown }"
And it didn't work either. tried also 300px and '300px' and none of it works.

The right syntax is to bind the height to a computed property like :
<v-carousel v-model="model" :height="customHeight">
and :
return this.$vuetify.breakpoint.mdAndDown?300:500;


Remove v-steppers-step icon

I am trying to use vuetify v-stepper but I want to remove the icon in v-stepper-step. How do I remove the icon in v-stepper-step? I have tried adding. I have tried doing a combination of adding edit-icon, append-icon, and even selecting it in style scoped with a property of display: none.
Code that I tried is something like this:
:step="index + 1"
You can add this to your styling:
.v-stepper__step__step {
display: none
I have solved it. I put a color="transparent" prop in v-stepper-step
You can still inspect the icon though. For my case, it's enough.

Positioning based on size of rendered component

I have a Vue component which generates a part of an SVG.
Since text handling in SVG is a pain, I decided to use a foreignObject tag inside it in order to let the HTML and CSS inside it handle the layout.
The template part basically looks like this:
<g class="port">
<foreignObject ref="html">
<div class="port__wrapper" ref="wrapper">
<div class="port__label">{{ label }}</div>
<div class="port__content">{{ content }}</div>
Everything works fine until I try to position the part, based on its computed size. The size of my foreignObject has to be set manually. In order to do that, I need the computed size of my port__wrapper element.
Here is my current approach:
export default {
methods: {
calculateAndSetSize() {
const frame = this.$refs.html;
const wrapper = this.$refs.wrapper;
frame.setAttribute('width', `${wrapper.clientWidth}px`);
frame.setAttribute('height', `${wrapper.clientHeight}px`);
created() {
window.setTimeout(() => {
// also some positioning stuff
}, 0);
I use the created lifecycle hook to ensure the component is created and use the setTimeout to move the calculation to the end of the render queue.
This works fine when I just move around inside my app, but if I refresh the page it only works 5/6 of the time. The calculation seems to be done just before the final render.
An example from Safari (even though it happens in all browsers):
I captured this, while my system was super slow. This usually happens in a fraction of a second
Before the component is fully rendered, this part is visible:
The component takes up a little bit less than double the size of the end-result. The calculation and positioning have happened and everything is aligned as expected (right side and vertically centered to the cross in the middle).
Almost correct, but then there is the final paint, which looks like this:
As you can see the positioning is totally off, since the element is way smaller and the calculations already happened.
The foreignObject sill has the wrong size:
(the last screenshot is from another build and looks a little different, but the problem stays the same)
I figured the problem might be the font loading and tried the execute the calculations after the document.fonts.ready promise, but that is even less consistent than the setTimeout approach.
Any hint what could cause this and how to work around it would be greatly appreciated.

LESSCSS: Assign a value to a property taken from another one's

In some cases is common to use same values in different properties, for example (is just an example to show purpose) the following nested rule:
The idea is that to vertically center button text line-height and height should be equal.
Is there a way in LESS to "assign a value taken from a diffent property"?
I know that I should use a LESS #variable but in this case is not the same thing and need extra code. Instead should very interesting and useful if I should edit only button's height and then LESS will replaced the same value to line-height
Another example could be the following:
In which "hover" status should invert color and background-color comparing to default state.
This is possible starting with v3 of LESS! Here is the documentation on it.
The example use case they provide ends up with the background-color getting the same value as the color property when compiled:
.widget {
color: #efefef;
background-color: $color;
You can´t :(. What i usually do is:
#buttom-height = 100px;
#a-link-height: #buttom-height;
and use that variables in your less declarations. Its a dummy example, i know, but imagine calculated data values from other variables or complex dependencies, proportional paddings/margins... that´s the way i learnt from Bootstrap LESS code.

Dojo (Dijit) bordercontainer does not show correctly (programatically)

I tried to do a layout using dijit in dojo (1.7.2), but the result did not looks like the way I intended.
My first attempted is trying a declarative style from some example (here, which worked fine. Then I tried to convert it to programatic style (here ), but it only showed the layout that created last.
Did I do misunderstanding how the dijit's layout works or just some minimal overlook here ?
You must add CSS styles:
html, body {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
and for BorderContainer:
style="height:100%; width:100%"
EDIT: ok I got it. I guess I cannot use new ContentPane but instead, new dijit.layout.ContentPane (So here the finalize version The weird, "show only last layout" cause by my weird CSS stuff.
One thing that puzzled me is that why new ContentPane did not work ? As far as I recall, some example did like this
require(["dijit/layout/BorderContainer", "dijit/layout/TabContainer",
"dijit/layout/ContentPane"], function(BorderContainer) {new BorderContainer //STUFF//}
I see the problem here..
In your pastebin code you are missing do declare the function paramter like the below example...
Your modified code:
require(["dijit/layout/BorderContainer", "dijit/layout/TabContainer",
"dijit/layout/ContentPane"], function(BorderContainer, TabContainer, ContentPane ) {
var appLayout = new BorderContainer({"design": "headline"}, 'appLayout');
Also the order of the require paramters should match inside the function parameters also ..
Waseem Ahmed V

set the color of a blueprint div

Is there a way to set the background colour of a div in blueprint?
I noticed that class=error will set the colour to pink (notify/success are similar):
<div class="error">
But I want to know if there is a way to set the div to some arbitrary color?
EDIT: I don't actually care about error/notify/success. I just want to be able to set the color of a div in a similar way that they do, but using a color of my choice.
Time to state the obvious - why can't you just override the div.error rule with your own?
div.error { background:black; color:#fff; } .. or are you not trying to break some sort of weird convention? If so you can use a different classname.
Just... define your own CSS class and set the background and/or (for font color) color properties to color values; then set a div to have that as one of its classes?
Yes, you can easily over-ride the CSS by specifying a rule for error in your main CSS file.
That should ideally over-ride the default colors. Else, just ensure that you use a higher specificity in your rule, something like: div.container div.error { color: red; }
You can set any color on this particular div by adding an id attribute:
<div class="error" id="myblueprint">
Then add in your CSS file:
#myblueprint { background:blue; }