Where to store settings for public Shopify App - shopify

I am developing a public Shopify app.
Where should I store app custom settings? Does Shopify have some API to store custom settings?
In case I save settings in my custom database how can I load them in my embedded app?

Store your app settings in your database. The embedded app you're creating should handle authentication properly and your app should access the store settings and any other store data only when you're sure the app is loaded by the client that has the right to access this data.
Here are the links that might be useful:
Shopify App CLI
Authenticate with OAuth
Building embedded apps using session tokens
Build a Shopify App with Node and React Tutorial

You should store your app settings in the store metafields.


Pass Data From Shopify App To The Shopify Front-End

I am starting to create my first app using PHP laravel and osiset.
I have created a partner account and created an app as well. I have integrated the library also. Done with app installation and authorization.
Now I am stuck for the next step. I don't understand how can I link my code and settings implemented on my app to Shopify frontend. How can I link the app database to Shopify website?
I save all the customized data in the app and how can I link that data with Shopify website?
I am able to make a standalone app with PHP but don't understand how its data can be linked to Shopify website. How my app database can be used in shopify website?
I am new here. Any help is very much appreciated.
You have two main choices in 2022.
App Proxy
Theme App Extension
Also, Post-Purchase extensions, for checkout stuff, but I digress. You should have no trouble injecting your special content using #1 or #2.

Migrating a native app to a RN/Expo app: keep user authenticated

I want to migrate an existing Android+iOS native app to a react-native Expo app.
In current native app, we store an auth token. I'd like this auth token to be available through ReactNative AsyncStorage api out of the box, without requiring RN native code (ie, ejecting Expo).
Is this possible, in current native app, to start writing to the same place as AsyncStorage will read after the migration?
We aim for the smoothest transition from native app to RN app, and user should stay authenticated after the upgrade.
Depends on what you're current app is using for storage. I recently used this library (https://github.com/kevinresol/react-native-default-preference) to get the data from user defaults then move it into async storage. I only migrate the refresh token and auth token.
If they are using core data, then you'll need to setup the same models etc - https://github.com/realm/realm-js/issues/584
The other storage mechanisms you can easily find a native package to get the data.
if the app is under same app name scheme you may be able to access after upgrade i guess.

how to create a public app that can be integrated inside shopify's stores admin?

This is a general question I know. I read the documentation and I'm completely lost. I know how OAuth works and I know how to do basic access to the API. But my question is:
How to create a public app that users can install? How can the app be integrated with store's panel dashboard? Initially, I don't want my apps to listed, do I have to host my own app?
There are two kinds of Shopify apps: public and private apps. Public apps are listed in Shopify's App Store, where it's only place store owners can install apps. Private apps are built for specific stores so they aren't necessary listed anywhere.
You do need to host your apps, your apps are basically web applications.
Shopify provides an Embedded App SDK which you can use to integrate your app smoothly inside store owners' Admin panel. If you also use Shopify Polaris to build front-end with ReactJS then your apps' user interface is exactly same as Shopify's
I have created a sample Shopify app with NodeJS - hello-shopify - it's easy to start if you are familiar with NodeJS.

Shopify custom setting page for app

I tried searching up and down, but haven't found any thing that would even give a hint. My question is, If it is possible to create a custom setting page for a custom (public/private) app with Shopify?
What I want to achieve, is something like a custom setting page for my custom app.
Anyone have any clues?
Like all other apps from shopify app directory, You can also create settings page for your custom app (private/public).
You just need to develop the settings page for your app and allow its access to verified users.
If you want to show your app settings on Shopify store, then you have to develop a public app. You can't achieve this with the private app.
Except showing app setting on Shopify admin you can do all the things that you want in Shopify.
Please, check the Shopify tutorial to develop the public app

How Can I Launch The App-store App Directly from my Application

I want to place a button or a link in my app with which the user can start the app-store and buy my app if the app is in trial mode.
I can not find any relavant Information on this. How can I implement this?
MSDN documentation: Creating links with the Windows Store protocol. Alternatively, the URI for the app in the store can be accessed using the Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.CurrentApp.LinkUri property.
You can then open a link to your app in the store using Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync.