OpenIddict: Share authentication between ASP.NET Core application and WEB.API Application -

I have an core web application that using OpenIddict. It works fine and users can login.
Now I want to add web.api hosted on separate subdomain, but because the user is already authenticated I want to somehow share that authentication.
Is it possible? How can I do it? I see in the examples for OpenIddict user have to authenticate again, but I do not want that.
My Setup:
ASP.NET Core Web App:
OpenIddict server:
Web API .net Core App: (that is new requirement)
My web application has views that display data from controllers, I want to add extra javascript logic, and I can have web.api as part of the core domain:
in that case, it works, the authenticated shared between web application and API,
but my goal is to have web.api on a separate subdomain:
I know I have to create a Bearer token, but it is not clear how to do it without authenticating the user again. So I want somehow share ASP.NET Core web application authentication to access
Can you please point me in the right direction? Where to start looking?


How can I use Azure AD B2C to authenticate users on the server before serving a hosted Blazor WebAssembly app?

I have a Blazor WebAssembly app. It's self contained and doesn't use any web API calls. I'd like to add authentication using my existing Azure AD B2C tenant so that only registered users can access the app.
Microsoft says that:
In Blazor WebAssembly apps, authorization checks can be bypassed because all client-side code can be modified by users.
So rather than host my Blazor app statically (the standalone model), I'd like to use the ASP.NET Core hosted model (so an ASP.NET Core app serves the Blazor app to clients). That way I can do the authentication/authorization on the server - if the user is registered and is allowed access to the app, the ASP.NET Core app serves them the Blazor app. If they aren't, they can be shown an error page or be redirected.
The issue is that I'm not sure how to implement this.
When I create a new Blazor WebAssembly Hosted app from the template in Visual Studio 2019, it creates three projects. A shared project, the Blazor project, and a Server project. The Server project has a reference to the Blazor project. This line appears at the end of the Configure method of Startup.cs:
This seems to be the thing that makes it serve the Blazor app to the client. I'm not sure how I can add authentication/authorization to this. I tried modifying this line to look like this:
But the app still loads without redirecting to a login screen first.
There is some Microsoft documentation called "Secure an ASP.NET Core Blazor WebAssembly hosted app with Azure Active Directory B2C" which sounds like it's what I need, but it's actually still doing the authentication in the Client app while also securing API calls to the Server app (which I don't need).
Is there any way to accomplish what I'm trying to do - authenticating the user on the server before serving the Blazor app, rather than doing that authentication in the Blazor app itself?
The answer was really simple. Actually, the RequireAuthorization() call does work. If you're already logged in to B2C you won't be redirected to the login page first (and, in Edge at least, it doesn't even visibly redirect to B2C first before redirecting back to the app, hence the confusion). But if I load the page in a private browser window I am redirected to the B2C login page - so it must be working as intended.
For future reference, the answer to the title question is:
Add auth to the ASP.NET Core Server app if you haven't already.
In the Server app, add a project reference to the Blazor app.
Add the following line to the UseEndpoints call inside the Configure method in Startup.cs:

Integrate Membership Provider with AspNet Core Identity

I have two ASP.NET web applications.
A legacy web forms application built using .Net Framework 4.6.1 with a Membership Provider
An AspNet Core application that uses Core Identity 2.1
The two web applications comprise the overall web application.
The plan is to have both applications hosted in IIS and allow the Core web application to manage authentication/authorization for both web apps.
I have already implemented cookie sharing between the two applications using an OWIN startup class in the web forms app and corresponding middle-ware in the Core app.
The flow is as follows:
The requests coming into the webforms application will be intercepted by a Http moudule which will redirect to the AspNet Core login form if the user is not authenticated.
Once the user enters their credentials in the Core Login form, they are redirected back to the Web forms application Home page or whatever other page as if they had logged into the app directly.
The issue I am currently having is that I haven't been able to find a programmatic way of authenticating the user as though they had submitted the Login form in the web forms app.
Is there a way to programmatically authenticate a user by using the Membership Provider via Core Identity?

How can I use Windows Authentication with Blazor WebAssembly and ASP.NET Core server?

There seem to be plenty of tutorials on how to use third-party authentication providers for Blazor WebAssembly, but there doesn't seem to be a documented process for using Windows Authentication (on-site Active Directory domain) from an ASP.NET Core hosted server.
Is this actually possible? I would like the Core server to authenticate the user with the roles and policies, and for this information to be accessible from the WebAssembly client also. I understand that the Client can only use authentication to show/hide UI elements, and that any actual securing should be done on the Server, but is there a way to access the Windows authentication/authorization from both sides of the application?

ASP.Net Core Windows Auth - Cache Claims in Cookies

I'm porting a web application from ASP.Net to ASP.Net Core and need to support both Windows Integrated Authentication and Cookie Authentication with users stored in the apps database (the app is self-hosted by customers and different customers use different authentication methods and sometime migrate from one to the other).
In order to share as much code as possible between the authentication methods I'm using a ClaimsTranformer to add claims to the Windows Auth Users that match those that Cookie Auth (using ASP.Net Core Identity) gives me. However, I would like these claims to be stored in a cookie (in a secure way, like Identity does for the cookie auth) so that I don't have to be hitting the database on every request. Is there a way to do this?
In ASP.Net, I used to look up the user details for the Windows user on the first request and then SignIn with ASP.Net Identity cookie auth; The app would then just use cookie auth the same as if the user had been authenticated with user/password. Unfortunately in Core, it seems that as soon as I call services.AddIdentity in Startup.ConfigureServices, it disables Windows Integrated Authentication.
I'm using ASP.Net Core 2.1 on .Net Framework 4.7 (although we have plans to migrate to .Net Core in a future version, when we can remove some dependencies). core Identity and Token Based Authetication

I have following scenario. I write core web api which will be used by mobile and web ( core mvc web app) apps.
I authenticate user using core identity framework class SignInManager (add account controller and related classes manually) and then generate oauth token which will be used by client applications. By doing so I have 2 identities associated with the user. one is created by after I login using SignInManager.PasswordSignInAsync and second is created by generating oauth JWT token.
Is this correct approach or not?
that might shed some light on what direction to go. there is also another blog post about using IdentityServer4 (3rd party) works well.