Prestashop price edit on checkout - prestashop

I'm not a Prestashop expert but a customer asked me if there is a way to change the price of individual products during checkout (he has a private ecommerce reserved only for his resellers so all the thing would be under control). I wanted to ask someone more experienced then me if this is at least feasible, if Prestashop (1.7) allows such a change; I tried to search for good among the modules on the store but I did not find any. Thank you.

There are specific prices on prestashop which allow you to define personalized prices for the product according to certain parameters.
Nothing to do with the webservice, but the doc is not very complete and they are not explained on the webservice doc, but you can find them from your back office.


Is there a way to get shipping information and available shipping methods on the Product Detail Page in Shopify?

We implemented a new shipping method in our shop. This method isn't available for all Products. Now we want to create a notification on the product detail pages(pdp), where the shipping method is available. Is it possible to get the available shipping methods on the pdp?
It should look something like this:
if shippingMethods contains newShippingMethod
<div class="notifivcation">
Shipping details have nothing to do with products from a Shopify perspective. If you have come up with a way to assign shipping methods to products, then that is excellent for you! Obviously, if you figured that out, then figuring out how to display shipping methods with products would be a lesser challenge.
Mostly, shipping methods are the domain of checkout in Shopify parlance. Only in checkout would shipping methods be available, and even then, if you wanted to show/hide them based on the product, you could really only hope to do that with Plus.
Unless you know more, and Shopify has really adopted a per product shipping methodology (feel free to post a link if true), you're not going to go anywhere with that unless you use Plus and script the checkout.

How to add new field tab in prestashop product backoffice?

I want to add new field in prestashop product backoffice . This tab is same description tab.Please find attached screenshot what I need .
Prestashop overrides their core (all their code files) every time you use the one-click-update in order to prevent developers to mess with their core.
Any modification on this page will be overridden on your next update unless you are willing to update the files manually with FTP and the database via PHPMyAdmin (or with MySQL workbench via remote connection) without overriding anything related to this interface.
I strongly advise you against this as you'll most certainly face incompatibility between your version and Prestashop core pretty quickly.
If you think your request is good for the whole community, you might try to pull a suggestion here:
Do not put to much hope on this as Prestashop team is quite busy.
If it's something specific to your shop, you'll need to hire a freelancer to as suggested by Raghubendra Singh in his comment. I'll add to his comment that it will need to be in a custom module. You might try to pull a proposal on this website:
If you do so, make sure that the developer you hire have a good experience both with PHP/MySQL and Prestashop itself (as it is a complex system). Even if you hire a developer from Filipino or India, you'll probably need to invest at least a thousand US dollars in order to have something sharp.
Also, please note that you'll need to hire the developer once more at least for every major update (by example 1.7.X => 1.8.X) to fix the incompatibility with Prestashop core.
the simplest way is to use an addon. For instance, this one.
It allows adding an unlimited number of tabs, some of them have a predefined structure (contact form or attachments). Others are changeable. So it's possible to add any content you need: additional pictures, video, text, etc.

How do I create a custom payment module on Prestashop without a credit card?

This is the first time I've asked a question on here so I'm sure I'll be off on the question I'm trying to ask, but here's what I'm dealing with:
I'm using prestashop on my website that will only accept payment from people within our Bartering service group. So the only information needed for them to place an order is their contact information and their personal ID from the Bartering group so that we can accept the order and make sure they apply that. So I want to change the checkout to not actually charge anything, but rather send an email to the sales team and to the customer containing the product they ordered and their personal information. I've already done a couple of overrides with prestashop, but I haven't been able to find what all modules/classes need overridden for this particular issue.
Any advice even a basic list of what modules and classes to look at would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
Edit: Thanks for the advice folks. I think the module should be pretty straight forward. It does not have to charge any balance or anything, just send an email with the order details and customer info to both us and the customer.

Could Prestashop be used to build a craigslist clone?

I'm not so much interested in actually doing this as knowing if Prestashop has the power to allow members to create their own products, classifieds, etc. I've read some articles on Prestashop and played around with it a bit and it looks like the shop owner has to do all the creating and the users consume.
To make client add there own products etc. using prestashop you need to promote all of them at least to managers and grant access to back-office.
But prestashop is just framework as all CMS are. If you have plenty amount of time it is possible to make everything using prestashop source code...
... question is: is it worth?
Especially with the addition of the Webservice in Prestashop 1.4 onwards there's no reason why you couldn't write your own simple "control panel" to give ordinary users some capabilities for creating and managing their own "products".
Obviously you would need to add your own permission scheme (including "ownership") for the products they created, as well as creating the actual product create/edit front end for them.
Definitely possible but non-trivial.

Applying a discount code to a specific product in Shopify

I've been working on setting up a Shopify store. One major feature they don't have built in is being able to provide a discount to a specific product, even though it looks like people have been requesting it since 2008!
Does anyone have any idea how this could be accomplished with their API?
Shopify allows you to offer product-specific discounts. On your Shopify Admin / Dashboard go to Discounts. Click on Add a discount:
On the Discount type section make sure to choose the Specific product from the dropdown:
Click on Save and you're all set. On your discounts list you'll see the generated discount with the conditions along with the product name:
Unfortunately, the Shopify API doesn’t offer product-specific discounts yet. It’s definitely in the pipe, but the feature is not available yet.