mouse selection memory messed up ctrl-c after pacman -Syu - archlinux

I am using Endea Linux, just did twice in recent few days "pacman -Syu"
Just now i realized; the content of ctrl-c being over written by mouse selection.
Now, whatever i select / highlight with mouse, i can paste it with ctl-v.. no longer need middle mouse button.. this is messed up.
After this messed up, i can't use ctrl-c anymore.. because as long as i accidentally highlighted a character (hand glitch) , all my content in ctrl-c register is overwrittened, sick!
Anybody can help me solve this issue ?

*click on clipboard content > configure clipboard > general configuration > make sure both "ignore selection" and "Synchronize contents of the clipboard and the selection" options are set properly as default listed below.
Ignore selection (default: on)
Sets the clipboard mode. This option will prevent Klipper from including the contents of the selection in its clipboard history and from performing actions on the contents of the selection. See the section called “Clipboard/Selection Behavior”.
Synchronize contents of the clipboard and the selection (default: off)
Sets the clipboard mode. When an area of the screen is selected with mouse or keyboard, this is called the “selection”. If this option is selected, the selection and the clipboard is kept the same, so that anything in the selection is immediately available for pasting elsewhere using any method, including the traditional middle mouse button. Otherwise, the selection is recorded in the clipboard history, but the selection can only be pasted using the middle mouse button. Also see the Ignore selection option. See the section called “Clipboard/Selection Behavior”.
*Changing Clipboard/Selection Behavior
In order to change clipboard/selection behavior, select Configure Klipper... from the Klipper context menu, and in the dialog box that appears, select the General page.
*Unchecking "Synchronize contents of the clipboard and the selection" makes the "clipboard" and "selection" function as completely separate buffers as described above.
*With this option set, the option "Ignore selection" will prevent Klipper from including the contents of the "selection" in its clipboard.
Selecting "Synchronize contents of the clipboard and the selection" causes the clipboard and selection buffers to always be the same, meaning that text in the selection can be pasted with either the middle mouse button or the key combination Ctrl+V, and similarly for text in the clipboard buffer.


VBA button action issue on cell edit

I have an excel toolbar created by VBA macros. When cell is in edit mode, I'm unable to perform any toolbar actions, the event itself is not getting triggered. Button events are getting triggered when we come out of that editing cell.
Is there any way to handle this? I want to allow users to click on buttons even when cell is in editing mode.
VBA will never run if a cell is in edit mode. If you are typing inside a cell, VBA is halted. Infact, if you press ALT + F11 and bring up the VBA editor window, and then go to edit a cell in Excel, you'll find you cant ALT + TAB back to the editor, it's gone. You cant even get back to the editor whilst you are in edit mode. (Obviously when you click outside Excel, the cell is no longer in edit mode, so you can select it from the windows tray)
You may have to use a form to allow users to edit cells, this way VBA will still run whilst the form text box is being typed in. Then submit it to the cell when the text box is complete

How can I trigger a click event of an invisible control?

I have a background for my VBA project which contains pictures. These pictures I would like to make clickable, in the way that the click triggers a click event. I've tried adding pictureboxes, buttons and labels but I couldn't manage to make them invisible without making the click event not work (setting the Visible property to false causes this). Googling the problem, most solutions made the button look transparent by changing the color and borderstyle so the control appeared to be a part of the mono color background. I however have a specific picture that I would like to see beneath the button.
To add a macro manually
Right-click on the picture you want to assign the macro to.
Choose Assign Macro from the options.
Assign the macro that you want to run when the picture is clicked.
Click OK to finish.
To add a macro programmatically
If the macro is in the same workbook:
ActiveSheet.Shapes("Picture 1").OnAction = "ThisWorkbook.test"
If the macro is in a different workbook:
ActiveSheet.Shapes("Picture 1").OnAction = "'Book1'!test"
For more examples, look at this and this.

how restrict view in MS word 2010?

I have a word file containing many paragraph. I have a heading for each paragraph.Also listed all heading in a single page. What i want is, When user click on heading it can view only that paragraph only. he will not able to view other paragraph. To view other paragraph user need to comeback to the page where all headings are listed.
The way I would try to handle it is to put each paragraph into its own Continuous section and set all of the text as hidden. On the page where you have your headings, put a checkbox next to each one and in the checkbox properties, you can assign it to run a macro (remember to do this after you write your macros).
Now you just write a number of simple macros (one for each paragraph you have) that will change the font property of that paragraph by turning the hidden setting off, while changing the font properties of every other paragraph by turning the hidden settings on.
Now for your checkboxes, you'll need to set them up so that if one is selected, the rest of them are unselected. (You may be able to simply use a radio button instead of a checkbox, but I can't remember off the top of my head if radio buttons allow you to run a macro when selected.)
The thing you need to keep in mind is that some people may have their Word settings set up to always show hidden text, which would ruin the point of keeping stuff hidden. However, I believe you may get around that by adding another macro that turns that setting off as soon as the document is opened.

Excel Button Growing

I'm working on a workbook in Excel 2010 that someone else created (I don't know which version they were using) with a button in it that invokes a macro. There are a lot of macros defined, so I'm right-clicking on it to find out which one it calls, but the context menu doesn't appear. Instead, when I click off, the button gets larger. I can make this happen as many times in a row as I'd like. There is another button the same worksheet that has the same context menu problem, but instead of growing, the text shrinks each time. There is another button that functions normally when I do this.
Growing buttons in Excel is a fairly common issue, with several theories about why this happens, including the use of multiple monitors or using proportional fonts. I have yet to see a definitive answer about this, but there are several workarounds that may work for you.
Delete and re-create the buttons.
Programmatically set the height and width of the buttons when the workbook is opened and when a button is clicked.
Select the button with another object or two on the sheet and group them.
Don't use them at all.
My personal choice is #4. As an alternative to buttons, I either use hyperlinks or shapes with macros assigned to them.
I think you want to enter "Design Mode" in the work book:
You should be able to right-click on the button to see what it does after that.
I have this same issue. I have two Excel workbooks with similar buttons on each. This only happens on one of them, but it happens every time I open that file.
I have found a sort of work-around. I open a blank Excel document, then I open the affected one and the buttons do not change size any more. When I open the second one, I have to drag it into the window with the already-open file. If I double-click on it, it opens in a new window and the problem remains.
I have the same issue sometimes. In my case, I could replicate it 100% on one file but it was inconsistent on an virtually identical file. I also found the size error wasn't permanent -- I could save and reopen the file to restore the button's appearance. I could also create a new window and then discard the damaged window.
For me, the button resized when I accessed the sheet's HPageBreaks collection. I was able to avoid the problem by temporarily changing the window view as follows:
ActiveWindow.View = xlPageBreakPreview
' do pagination stuff using HPageBreaks
ActiveWindow.View = xlNormalView

Hide command button on word doc

I have a .doc with a command button (cmdStart) which opens a form.
After populating the form I click a button to close the form and populate the .doc.
I want to hide the initial cmdStart on the .doc as well when the form closes,
Ive tries document.shapes(1).visible=false and cmdStart.visible=false but none seems to work.
Any ideas?
(ps I cant just opne the form from the autonew, I need the cmdStart visible to begin with)
You have several options to deal with that. However, you won't be able to hide your command button but you will be able to remove it.
Removing a command button can be done by the following code:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub
(Note that usually you would be able to hide text in Word by setting the font hidden, e.g. by calling Selection.Font.Hidden. However, this does not affect controls.)
If you deleted the button and you need it later on again you will have to re-create it. In that case it might be a good idea to mark the position of the button with a bookmark.
Another option would be to use a MACRO button field. Such a field can be inserted from the Insert Field dialog and can be used to launch a macro.
If you really wanted to "hide" the button, you could set the Height and Width to 0.75 and it's virtually gone. Then resize back to "show". I've also seen people put them inside tags and hide the tag. Hope this helps