Import Bulk users from Azure Active Directory to sql database using ASP.NET MVC - sql

Import Bulk users from Azure Active Directory to SQL database using ASP.NET MVC.
If a new user added means, it should reflect in SQL database also.

You can use SCIM, an open standard for this scenario. This is taken from the microsoft docs that describes using SCIM with Azure AD
As an application developer, you can use the System for Cross-Domain Identity Management (SCIM) user management API to enable automatic provisioning of users and groups between your application and Azure AD. This article describes how to build a SCIM endpoint and integrate with the Azure AD provisioning service. The SCIM specification provides a common user schema for provisioning. When used in conjunction with federation standards like SAML or OpenID Connect, SCIM gives administrators an end-to-end, standards-based solution for access management.
Basically you have to implement some well defined endpoints in your MVC app and Azure AD will take care of the syncing (it will call those endpoints).In your implementation you can access your database to store the user data.
Here is a reference implementation using an in memory datastore.


How to add AzureAd authentication to .net core web app using identity framework

I have an asp .net core 3.1 web application that uses the MS Identity (for users) and Entity (codefirst) framework to authenticate users stored in database.
All user rights/groups etc. are stored locally and used to allow/deny access to different areas of the application.
So what I think I need is a way to allow users in my web-app to choose to authenticate using AzureAD account, and when the authentication is done, the wep-app will sign-in the local-user somehow linked to the Azure user
Is this how to do this, or can you guide me to how to do this the correct way
To achieve the above requirements, You can use Azure AD authentication & external login in your application by implementing the code in your appsettings and controller as mentioned here .
As you wanted to implement the application ,
Consider other options before storing users of your Web applications in a local database. Instead of managing users in a local database, it's best practice to store and manage user information outside of the application, such as with Azure Active Directory or Azure Active Directory B2C. Consider Identity Server if the authentication service must run on-premises. Identity Server is a member of the.NET Foundation and is OpenID certified.
To implement from scratch you can refer this blog.
Please refer the below links for the similar discussion & Documentation to get started with :-
MICROSOFT DOCUMENTATION|Secure a hosted ASP.NET Core Blazor WebAssembly app with Identity Server
SO THREAD|Implement both Individual User Accounts and Azure AD Authentication & .NET Core Identity Server 4 Authentication VS Identity Authentication
BLOG| Integrating with External identity Providers

Multitenant webform application

I have a webforms app running on .net 4.7.2, currently being hosted on Azure as a SaaS. It is a single software for multiple clients, each one with its own database.
Currently the user authentication is manually handled by us, but we are trying to implement a multi tenant strategy, using the AzureAD and OWIN tools.
The app service has an Identity Provider configured, from a test AAD. We can login with the provided credentials, but I can only configure a single microsoft identity provider.
I'm not sure where to go from here... After hours reading the multiple docs from microsoft, i'm still stuck.
By default, web app/API registrations in Azure AD are single tenant. You can make your registration multi-tenant by finding the Supported account types switch on the Authentication pane of your application registration in the Azure portal and setting it to Accounts in any organizational directory. So that people from other azure ad tenants will login.
multi-tenant SaaS web application sample
If in case if you want to use other identity providers, You can federate with IdPs that use the SAML protocol. SAML/WS-Fed IdP federation allows external users to redeem invitations from you by signing into your apps with their existing social or enterprise accounts. Federation with SAML/WS-Fed identity providers
And we have azure ADB2C, Azure Active Directory B2C provides business-to-customer identity as a service. Your customers use their preferred social, enterprise, or local account identities to get single sign-on access to your applications and APIs.
Reference Docs:
Sign in any Azure Active Directory user using the multi-tenant application pattern
Azure Active Directory B2C

Row Level Security using Azure Active Directory Authentication - WEB API

I'm designing a Single Page Application in React + .NET Core and now I'm facing with the concept of visibility related to the application profiles (for example Admin will see all data, Team Leader will see all the data related to his team and so on...).
My solution involves Row Level Security in Azure SQL Server using Azure Active Directory authentication (a AD group containing all the application users), however in this way a smart user can directly connect to the database doing what he prefers (because using this type of connection I must provide Read/Write permissions to the group). I want to avoid this!
So, there is a way to avoid direct connection to the database and limit AAD authentication only through web app? Or I must choose a different approach (using SESSION_CONTEXT for example)?
You can configure firewall rules of the Azure SQL to allow only the single page application (web app) to connect.
The steps are mentioned in the below stack overflow post:
Configure Azure SQL Database Firewall for just my Web App

Adding Applications programmatically in Azure AD using Client Credentials Flow

For use with the Azure API Management, I am trying to add Applications to an Azure Active Directory (AAD) programmatically, in my case by using the Graph API.
My scenario is the following: In order to secure a Web API I want to manage with Azure API Management, I want to leverage AAD's OAuth functionality to do the heavy lifting regarding authentication and issuing JWT Tokens, and then just use the validate-jwt policy to verify everything is okay in Azure API Management. This has the advantage I can more or less omit authentication in my backend service.
This works fine, as long as I have created an application in the Azure AD for the consuming web application, but this has to be done manually from the Azure Portal; Azure APIm does not do it automatically.
Now for what I am trying to do to get the done automatically: I wanted to delegate the subscription to APIs in APIm to some other web app I am writing, and from there I want to leverage the Graph API to create an Application in the Azure AD and grant permissions to the Application of the API.
The first thing I tried to do was to have a third application (my service application) to have full application permissions to the Windows Azure Active Directory application in the Azure AD; this lets my application access AAD using the Graph REST API. I manage to get an Access Token using the client_credentials grant (from, but this Token does not let me do a POST on AAD ID)/applications?api-version=1.5:
"odata.error": {
"code": "Authorization_RequestDenied",
"message": {
"lang": "en",
"value": "Insufficient privileges to complete the operation."
I found ( that even if I grant the Directory.ReadWrite.All permission, the application (app-only) will not be able to create or update Applications:
Note: Specifically excludes create or update for entities not listed above.
This includes: Application, Oauth2PermissionGrant, AppRoleAssignment, Device,
ServicePrincipal, TenantDetail, domains, etc.
The next thing I tried was the Resource Owner Password Grant (grant_type=password), passing my own credentials additionally, so that I can impersonate myself in the Graph API. Now, my POST to the applications end point succeeds.
My bottom-of-the-line question is: Can I grant sufficient permissions to my application so that I can add applications programmatically using the client credentials flow, and not any flow which acts on behalf of a user? And if so, how is it done?
Sorry Don. We don't currently have any permission scopes for the client credential flow (app-only) that can be used to create applications or service principals or create any oauth2 permission grants (or any of the other entities that you mentioned above through the Directory.ReadWrite.All permission). We are working on additional app-only permissions that will enable you to light up this scenario, but I don't have an ETA that I can give you.
This operation should be possible if you use the app+user (code flow) and grant the app the Directory.AccessAsUser.All permission - as long as there is a user using your app AND that they are a tenant admin. Not sure if this is an acceptable workaround for you (and I guess is similar to what you are using with the password flow - although I would recommend you use the code flow here).
UPDATE: There are a couple of new app only permissions we added for AAD Graph. Application.ReadWrite.OwnedBy (which allows an app to create/own another app - but only update the apps it created - it won't be able to touch any other apps it doesn't own) AND Application.ReadWrite.All (which allows an app to create/manage ALL apps in a tenant). Seems like the first one would be appropriate. You can see these show in the Azure Portal for the AAD Graph resource.

Use multiple authentication mechanisms in Azure

I am new to windows azure development.
I am developing an application for hosting online tests.
This application needs to have multiple authentication options like Windows live ID, Facebook etc.
It also needs to have default form based authentication fed by the database in back end (simple User name and Password match).
Based on the authentication mechanism different permissions will be available to the user.
Can anyone please suggest how i should proceed on this?
Do you really need forms authentication, or do you just need an application specific store where people can use a credential specific to your app?
I'd suggest researching Windows Azure Active Directory and Windows Azure Access Control Services together. You may create either an AD tenant for your application store and use it as an Identity Provider for ACS or you could host your own Secure Token Service and Identity Provider which uses your backend database as the user store also registered with ACS. This means that all of your authentication goes through the same process and allows for you to have your own user store, plus the social Identity Provider capability.
The key here is that you want try to avoid having forms authentication AND Social, but rather a mechanism where multiple Identity Providers can be used, including one of your own.
As Gaurav stated there are a ton of resources out there for this:
Understand the difference between WAAD and ACS.
Provisioning an Azure AD Tenant as a Identity Provider in ACS
Windows Azure Identity
There are also many blogs and MSDN documents talking about how to set these up.
If you start with the default " MVC4 Web Application" template in Visual Studio you get a web application mini-sample with an AccountController that supports local and 'social' accounts out of the box. See documentation here. It is based on DotNetOpenAuth (a fantastic lib with terrible documentation) and a Microsoft implementation of an special MembershipProvider which lives in WebMatrix.WebData.
Regarding the Azure Access Control Service 2.0: I have no idea what the status of this service is but it looks to me as if MS itself tries to discourage developers form using this service since it was to deeply hidden somewhere under Windows Azure Active Directory in the documentation.