SQL Server : multiple small tables vs one large table for searching - sql

I have 25 tables with the same structure, but different data. Each table has 7 millions rows. To find a record I have to go through each table one by one i.e. search table 1, if the record is found then show it and exit otherwise search table 2 and so on until table 25.
The structure is:
Name, Cell Number, ID Card Number, Address
In performance perspective:
Is it ok or should I merge all tables to on large table.
At what extent I can combine the tables. (How many rows are good to be in one table and then another table should be created).
Note: I have only search query on Cell Number and ID card number

In general, it is better to store all rows in a single table rather than in multiple tables. To speed queries, you should use facilities such as indexes and partitions.
Normally, when this question comes up, the issue is small tables (think dozens of rows) versus "large" tables (think thousands or millions of rows). In that extreme case, the decision is more cut-and-dry:
There is overhead to executing searches on multiple tables. Preparing and running queries takes some effort.
There is overhead in data storage. Tables store rows on data pages and the pages are not shared with other tables. If these pages are half-filled, then the I/O time is wasted.
Any improvements on performance, such as indexes, are either wasted on small tables or need to be repeated ad infinitum.
In your case, with a handful of large tables, these considerations are weaker. There is overhead for searching tables. But then again, it takes some time to run a query against 7 million rows -- and if the query requires scanning the table, the compile time is much less than the execution time. Such large tables have minuscule amount of wasted overhead in terms of half-filled "last" pages.
What I would say instead is that storing entities across multiple tables just makes managing the database trickier, so why bother? If i had to guess, you have 25 months of history (24 months of history plus the current month). I would recommend that you store such data in a single table, perhaps partitioned by month.


Querying large table with filter vs small table in database - any performance gain?

I have a large table with 10 million records and is used for one of our existing applications. we are working on a new application wherein it requires only filtered result set of large table with 7000 records.
My question is will there be any performance gain going for a smaller table with 7000 records vs querying large table with filter condition(and it will joined to few other tables in the schema which are completely independant from existing application)? or should I avoid redundancy maintaining all the data in one table? This is the design in data warehouse. Please suggest!
Thank you!
For almost any database, using a sample table will be noticeably faster. This is because reading the records will require loading fewer data pages.
In addition, if the base table is being updated, then a "snapshot" is isolated from page, table, and row locks that occur on the main table. This is good from a performance perspective, but it means that the versions can get out-of-synch, which may be bad.
And, from a querying perspective, the statistics on the sample would be more accurate. This helps the optimizer choose the best query plans.
I can think of two cases where performance might not improve significantly. The first is if your database supports clustered indexes and the rows that you want are defined by a range of index keys (or a single key). These will be "adjacent", so the clustered index would scan about the same number of pages. There is a slight overhead for the actual index structure.
Similarly, if your records were so large that there was one record per data page, then the advantage of a second table would be less. It would eliminate the index access overhead, but not reduce the number of reads.
None of these considerations say whether or not you should use a separate table. You should test in your environment. The overhead of managing a separate table (and there is a cost to creating and deleting it both in terms of performance and application complexity) may outweigh small performance gains.

How to partition 10 billion row SQL tables quickly using AWS?

I have a SQL database of data delivered in a normalized format with several tables that have several billions of rows of data. I have decided to partition the large tables into separate tables by itemId since when I query the data I only care about 1 item at a time. I would end up having 5000+ tables at the end after partitioning the data. The problem is, partitioning the data takes about 25 minutes to build a single table for 1 item.
5000 items x 25 minutes = 86.8 days
It would take over 86 days to fully partition my entire SQL database. My entire database is about 2.5TB.
Is this something I can leverage AWS for to parallelize on an item level? Can I use AWS database migration services to host the database in its current form and then use AWS process to churn through all of the 5000 queries to partition the big tables into 5000 smaller tables with 2M rows each?
If not, is this something I just have to throw more hardware at to make it run faster (CPU or RAM)?
Thanks in advance.
This doesn't seem like a good strategy. For one thing, simple arithmetic is that 10,000,000,000 rows with 5,000 rows per item results in 2,000,000 partitions in the table.
The limit in Redshift (by default) is 1,000,000 partition per table:
Amazon Redshift Spectrum has the following quotas when using the
Athena or AWS Glue data catalog:
A maximum of 10,000 databases per account.
A maximum of 100,000 tables per database.
A maximum of 1,000,000 partitions per table.
A maximum of 10,000,000 partitions per account.
You should re-think your partitioning strategy. Or perhaps your problem is not suitable for Redshift. There may be other database strategies more suitable for your use-case. (This is not the forum for recommending specific software solutions, however.)
Use the itemid as sortkey and distkey. if the table is vacummed properly and you select one itemid this should have good results, where access time is almost as good as a single table. distkey is used to distribute the data between shards, which means each itemid's blocks would be stored together on the same shard making retrieving all of them faster. Having the itemid also be sortkey means that for itemid's with small row numbers that all exist on the same shard, finding the rows within the table's blocks on a shard would be as fast as possible.
Creating a separate table for each item, where every other attribute of the table remains the same, doesn't seem logical. If the data format is the same, then keep the data in the same table unless there is a particular problem to overcome.
If you set the itemId as the SORTKEY on a Redshift table, then Redshift will be able to skip-over the blocks that do not contain a desired value (when using WHERE itemId = 'xxx'). This will be highly efficient.
Admittedly, trying to keep such a large table sorted would probably be too hard to VACUUM. It would still work reasonably well without the SORTKEY since blocks can still be skipped, but not as efficiently because the data for that itemId would be spread over more blocks.

Hard limit on number of tables in a BQ project

I've got some highly partitionable data that I'd like to store in BigQuery, where each partition would get its own table. My question is if BQ will support the number of tables I'll need.
With my data set, I'd be creating approximately 2,000 new tables daily. All tables would have a 390 day (13 month) expiration, so eventually there'd be a constant count of ~ 2,000 tables * 390 days = ~780,000 tables in this particular project.
I'd test this myself, but BQ only supports a max of 10,000 load jobs per project per day.
Does anyone have experience with this sort of table count? Is there any official table limit provided by Google?
There are projects with that number of distinct tables today. There is not currently a hard cap on the number of distinct tables.
Some related considerations that come to mind when you're contemplating representations that use that many tables:
A query (including referenced views) can currently only reference 1000 tables.
Datasets with large numbers of tables may exhibit problematic behavior when using table wildcard functions.
You may be oversharding. Rather than lots of individual tables, you may simply want to use a wider schema and fewer tables.
If you're heavily dependent on time intervals as a sharding consideration, you may also want to look at table decorators as a way of limiting the scope of data scans.
You may also want to collapse data over time into fewer, larger tables as they age and are less frequently accessed. For example, copy jobs can append multiple source tables into a single destination table.
Most limits can be raised in BigQuery, as long as you are using BigQuery right - the limits are there to prevent abuse and misuse.
A critical question here - how much data will each table handle? Having 780,000 tables with 10 rows isn't a good idea.
How many tables do you want to handle per query? There's a hard limit of 1,000 tables per query.
If you have an interesting use case that requires higher limits, getting a support contract and their advice is the best way of having default limits raised.

Correlation between amount of rows and amount columns in database performance

Is there a correlation between the amount of rows/number of columns used and it's impact within the (MS)SQL database?
A little more background:
We have to store lots of data from measurement devices. These devices ping a string with data back to us around 100 times a day. These strings contains +- 300 fields. Assume we have 100 devices in operation that means we get 10000 records back every day. At our back-end we split these data strings and have to put these into the database. When these data strings are fixed that means we add each days around 10000 new rows into the database. No big deal.
Whatsoever, the contents of these data strings may change during time. There are two options we are considering:
Using vertical tables to store the data dynamically
Using horizontal tables and add a new column now and then when it's needed.
From the perspective of ease we'd like to choose for the first approach. Whatsoever, that means we're adding 100*100*300=3000000 rows each day. Data has to be stored 1 year and a month (395 days) so then we're around 1.2 billion rows. Not calculated the expected growth.
Is it from a performance perspective smarter to use a 'vertical' or a 'horizontal' approach?
When choosing for the 'vertical' solution, how can we actual optimize performance by using PK's/FK's wisely?
When choosing for the 'horizontal' solution, are there recommendations for adding columns to the table?
I have a vertical DB with 275 million rows in the "values" table. We took this approach because we couldn't accurately define the schema at the outset either. Inserts are fantastic. Selects suck. Too be fair we throw in a couple of extra doohickies the typical vertical schema doesn't have to deal with.
Have a search for EAV aka Entity Attribute Value models. You'll find a lot of heat on both sides of the debate. Too good articles on making it work are
What is so bad about EAV, anyway?
dave’s guide to the eav
My guess is these sensors don't just start sending you extra fields. You have to release new sensors or sensor code for this to happen. That's your chance to do change control on your schema and add the extra columns. If external parties can connect sensors without notifying you this argument is null and void and you may be stuck with an EAV.
For the horizontal option you can split tables putting the frequently-used columns in one table and the less-used in a second; both tables have the same primary key values so you can link less-used to more-used columns. Also you can use RDBMS's built-in partitioning functionality to split each day's (or week's or month's) data for the others'.
Generally, you can tune a table more for inserts (or any DML) or for queries. Improving one side comes at the expense of the other. Usually, it's a balancing act.
First of all, 10K inserts a day is not really a large number. Sure, it's not insignificant, but it doesn't even come close to what would be considered "large" nowadays So, while we don't want to make inserts downright sluggish, this gives you some wiggle room.
Creating an index on the device id and/or entry timestamp will do some logical partitioning of the data for you. The exact makeup of your index(es) will depend on your queries. Are you looking for all entries for a given date or date range? Then index the timestamp column. Are you looking for all entries received from a particular device? Then index the device id column. Are you looking for entries from a particular device on a particular date or date range or sorted by the date? Then create an index on both columns.
So if you ask for the entries for device x on date y, then you are going out to the table and looking only at the rows you need. The fact that the table is much larger than the small subset you query is incidental. It's as if the rest of the table doesn't even exist. The total size of the table need not be intimidating.
Another option: As it looks like the data is written to the table and never altered after that, then you may want to create a data warehouse schema for the data. New entries can be moved to the warehouse every day or several times a day. The point is, the warehouse schema can have the data sliced, diced, quartered and cubed to make queries much more efficient. So you can have the existing table tuned for more efficient inserts and the warehouse tuned for more efficient queries. That is, after all, what data warehouses are for.
You also imply that some of each entry is (or can be) duplicated from one entry to the next. See if you can segment the data into three types:
Type 1: Data that never changes (the device id, for example)
Type 2: Data that rarely changes
Type 3: Data that changes often
Now all you have is a normalization problem, something a lot easier to solve. Let's say the row is equally split between the types. So you have one table with 100 rows of 33 columns. That's it. It never changes. Linked to that is a table with at least 100 rows of 33 columns but maybe several new rows are added each day. Finally, linked to the second table a table with rows of 33 columns that possibly grows by the full 10K every day.
This minimizes the grow-space required by the online database. The warehouse could then denormalize back to one huge table for ease of querying.

What is a good size (# of rows) to partition a table to really benefit?

I.E. if we have got a table with 4 million rows.
Which has got a STATUS field that can assume the following value: TO_WORK, BLOCKED or WORKED_CORRECTLY.
Would you partition on a field which will change just one time (most of times from to_work to worked_correctly)? How many partitions would you create?
The absolute number of rows in a partition is not the most useful metric. What you really want is a column which is stable as the table grows, and which delivers on the potential benefits of partitioning. These are: availability, tablespace management and performance.
For instance, your example column has three values. That means you can have three partitions, which means you can have three tablespaces. So if a tablespace becomes corrupt you lose one third of your data. Has partitioning made your table more available? Not really.
Adding or dropping a partition makes it easier to manage large volumes of data. But are you ever likely to drop all the rows with a status of WORKED_CORRECTLY? Highly unlikely. Has partitioning made your table more manageable? Not really.
The performance benefits of partitioning come from query pruning, where the optimizer can discount chunks of the table immediately. Now each partition has 1.3 million rows. So even if you query on STATUS='WORKED_CORRECTLY' you still have a huge number of records to winnow. And the chances are, any query which doesn't involve STATUS will perform worse than it did against the unpartitioned table. Has partitioning made your table more performant? Probably not.
So far, I have been assuming that your partitions are evenly distributed. But your final question indicates that this is not the case. Most rows - if not all - rows will end up in the WORKED_CORRECTLY. So that partition will become enormous compared to the others, and the chances of benefits from partitioning become even more remote.
Finally, your proposed scheme is not elastic. As the current volume each partition would have 1.3 million rows. When your table grows to forty million rows in total, each partition will hold 13.3 million rows. This is bad.
So, what makes a good candidate for a partition key? One which produces lots of partitions, one where the partitions are roughly equal in size, one where the value of the key is unlikely to change and one where the value has some meaning in the life-cycle of the underlying object, and finally one which is useful in the bulk of queries run against the table.
This is why something like DATE_CREATED is such a popular choice for partitioning of fact tables in data warehouses. It generates a sensible number of partitions across a range of granularities (day, month, or year are the usual choices). We get roughly the same number of records created in a given time span. Data loading and data archiving are usually done on the basis of age (i.e. creation date). BI queries almost invariably include the TIME dimension.
The number of rows in a table isn't generally a great metric to use to determine whether and how to partition the table.
What problem are you trying to solve? Are you trying to improve query performance? Performance of data loads? Performance of purging your data?
Assuming you are trying to improve query performance? Do all your queries have predicates on the STATUS column? Are they doing single row lookups of rows? Or would you want your queries to scan an entire partition?