How to make sure, that my apps support short-lived Dropbox access tokens? - dropbox

I have added Dropbox support to my apps a while ago and never touched the implementation since. It is still running fine. However, a few month ago Dropbox updated the way permissions are handled which may require code changed in my apps. As explained by Dropbox I have to check if my apps work with short-lived access tokens.
The Dropbox docs describe the necessary changes when using their API directly but I use different versions of their official SDK in my apps:
iOS: ObjectiveDropboxOfficial 3.1.2
macOS: ObjectiveDropboxOfficial 2.0.6
Android: dropbox-core-sdk 3.0.6
As said, I have not changed or updated the Dropbox code in my Apps for a while. Newer versions of the SDKs are available and I will update them soon. However, I am not sure how to test, if the existing versions of my apps, using these SDK version support short-lived access tokens or not. How can I test this?
I have only configured the SDK code (provided the API key, etc.) and all API calls, tokens, etc. are handled by the SDK. How do I find out, if these SDK version work correctly work with the updated API?

The official Dropbox SDKs have been updated to support short-lived access tokens, as of v5.0.2 for the Dropbox Objective-C SDK, and v3.1.0 for the Dropbox Java SDK.
You should update to the latest versions and then update your code to use the latest methods for the authorization flow as covered here for the Objective-C SDK and here for using the Java SDK in an Android app.
Once you've done so, you should test the full app authorization flow by signing out and signing back in again, in each version of the app, along with whatever other testing you would normally do.


Is it required to migrate to GIS when you're using google-oauth2?

This link says
Your full suite of apps and platforms may be using different methods of authentication and authorization from Google. The following are NOT affected by this deprecation announcement:
Android or iOS native app SDKs,
Backend platforms directly calling Google’s OAuth 2.0 or OpenID services.
I'm currently trying to understand our huge legacy code which might be affected by the GIS migration. Currently, we just redirect to to start the oauth2 process, once the user clicks the "Sign in with google" button. I've seen this link in the example of the old way from the migration document here: however I'm not sure if it is required to migrate to GIS or not.
From what I understand, only the frontend related libraries should be worried, but I'm dumb so maybe I'm misunderstanding. Can anyone help enlighten me?
You do not need to migrate if you are directly making calls to the Google's OAuth 2.0 endpoints.
The guide you reference recommends using the library with the note use the Google Identity Services library to support a less intrusive popup UX mode and to avoid having to manage complex OAuth 2.0 requests and responses. The intent there is to simplify your implementation not to force a migration.

How to integrate Sagepay iOS SDK

According to my application requirement, I need to integrate the Sagepay ios SDK, but on the Sagepay website, they don't provide any official document or flow also.
I try and get some code in the objective-c mode in here
Please refer to me any SDK example codes in Swift or already existing links.
That looks like a third party project I reckon that's not an official SagePay supported SDK.
If app integration is extremely important to you, don't use SagePay and instead use modern providers like Stripe/Braintree/Adyen who generally provide SDKs and have better documentation / examples.
The support for mobile payments from SagePay is painful. We asked them for a ApplePay / GooglePay integration back in 2017 and they said then that they "are working on it". We've since gone with a different provider for those types of payments, and we're quite glad we did otherwise we'd still be waiting 2.5 years later.
At the moment for classic card payments we submit payment details to SagePay and then go to a WebView for 3-D Secure, which we've had to manage in our apps. There is unfortunately no nice SDK to use. For iOS there is this which helps somewhat with that.

Is Live SDK deprecated?

As I have understand - Live SDK has supporting 2 main features:
OneDrive and Microsoft account
Now with release OneDrive SDK all OneDrive features are coud be found in it.
But if you want to access Microsoft Account you still can use only Live SDK.
Seems that now we have 2 branches - Live SDK and OneDrive SDK.
One for account and another for files.
I am asking because sometimes it's not clearly written and looks like live SDk is depricated.
They are deprecated according to this:
The Live Connect APIs are deprecated. We recommend that you use the
Outlook REST APIs to build your solutions. This will extend your reach
to users and Office 365 enterprise customers. Although the
Live Connect APIs will be supported in for the short term,
existing Live Connect API solutions might stop working without
advanced notice. If your app is using IMAP with OAuth 2.0, it will
continue to work, but our REST APIs are the primary APIs for building
apps that connect to and Office 365. Read the article on
how you can take advantage of the Outlook REST APIs.

How to query or access JSONStore data from native code in IBM Worklight?

My app (iOS) will have a browser built in native code and the rest in Javascript using Worklight and there's a requirement to have a shared persistent database with encryption capability for both.
JSONStore seems to have all the functionality I need, but it's only available with Javascript. Is there any way I can access it in the native code?
Correct, JSONStore is only available in the hybrid (JavaScript) API. I am unable to commit to any features in upcoming releases, but I can say that have been a large number of people asking for pure native support in JSONStore. I will make sure your request gets capture as well.
The feature will be available in worklight 6.2, which is out now...

Implementing dropbox api on older versions of ipad

I read the dropbox ios api documentation and one of the first things that is mentioned is that dropbox api support is for ios 4.2+
I want my app to support older versions of ios as well (3.2 onwards) -
I thought of implementing REST api but i have very little knowledge of OAuth and the rest api in general
I went through googles GTM - OAuth and had a hard time implementing it for dropbox and im not even sure its possible
What i would like to know is that if what is the best approach and what would be appropriate libraries or frameworks i can use to do this in the simplest way possible