How to get ID Token in Firebase Cloud Functions - firebase-authentication

I need to access user.getIdToken() from firebase cloud functions. I am creating a user like so:
exports.addUser = functions.auth
.onCreate((user: admin.auth.UserRecord) =>
.setCustomUserClaims(user.uid, {
"custom_claims": {
.then(async () => {
// get token
const token = user.getIdToken();
// run fetch
Obviously user.getIdToken() does not work here, as that is a client method.
createCustomToken does not seem to be the same thing, as it does not contain all the same information (hence it is a custom token), and it adds a claims object instead of inserting the object directly.
How can I get a regular token for a header to run a fetch?


Get a JSON file from an AppScript backend, using an AppScript front end, without getting a CORS error?

I'm trying to build a an API-driven front end in Google AppsScript that calls a REST API hosted on AppScript to make some database queries.
I am currently simply trying to retrieve a JSON file with a GET request.
Everything I try, I get "CORS Missing Allow Origin".
My understand of CORS is that I might experience this with POST request (but maybe there's some people who have phrased their requests to get work this?)
I have a sense that the situation has changed over time, and what has worked in previous SO threads, doesn't seem to work for me now.
Sigh. I feel like Google's Documentation Team would benefit from a dedicated article to explaining how this is supposed to work.
If anyone can shed light on how I can get this to work, I've be most grateful:
client side code:
useEffect(() => {
fetch('', {
redirect: "follow",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "text/plain",
.then(result => result.json())
.then(rowData => setRowData(rowData))
}, []);
Server side code:
export function doGet(e) {
if (e.pathInfo.startsWith('get/all')) {
return getAllRecords(e);
else if (e.pathInfo.startsWith('get')) {
return getRecord(e);
else {
return getAllRecords(e);
//return HtmlService.createHtmlOutput('Error: invalid path- ' + e.pathInfo + '\n\n' + e.parameter + e);
function getAllRecords(e) {
// Connect to the MySQL database using the JDBC connector
const conn = Jdbc.getConnection(url, username, password);
// Construct the SELECT statement
const sql = `SELECT * FROM cars LIMIT 100`;
// Execute the INSERT statement
const stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
const results = stmt.executeQuery();
// Return the inserted record with the generated id
const records = [];
while ( {
const record = {
id: results.getInt('id'),
name: results.getString('name'),
make: results.getString('make'),
price: results.getInt('price')
return ContentService.createTextOutput(JSON.stringify(records)).setMimeType(ContentService.MimeType.TEXT);
// return ContentService.createTextOutput(JSON.stringify(records)).setMimeType(ContentService.MimeType.JAVASCRIPT);
I've tried various combination of MIME Type, and request headers and I'll try any combinations people suggest.
In order to use pathInfo, in this case, it is required to use the access token. I thought that this might be the reason for your current issue. But, when the access token is used, I'm worried that is might not be useful for your actual situation. So, in this answer, I would like to propose the following 2 patterns.
Pattern 1:
In this pattern, your script is modified using the access token. In this case, please modify your Javascript as follows.
fetch('', {
redirect: "follow",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "text/plain",
.then(result => result.json())
.then(rowData => setRowData(rowData))
const accessToken = "###"; // Please set your access token.
fetch('' + accessToken)
.then(result => result.json())
.then(rowData => setRowData(rowData))
When you use the access token, please include the scopes of Drive API. Please be careful about this.
Pattern 2:
In this pattern, I would like to propose the modification without using the access token. When the access token cannot be used, unfortunately, pathInfo cannot be used. So, in this pattern, the query parameter is used instead of pathInfo.
Please modify your Javascript as follows.
fetch('', {
redirect: "follow",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "text/plain",
.then(result => result.json())
.then(rowData => setRowData(rowData))
fetch('') // or ?value=get
.then(result => result.json())
.then(rowData => setRowData(rowData))
And also, please modify doGet of your Google Apps Script as follows.
Modified script:
function doGet(e) {
if (e.parameter.value == "get/all") {
return getAllRecords(e);
} else if (e.parameter.value = "get") {
return getRecord(e);
} else {
return getAllRecords(e);
In this modification, it supposes that your getAllRecords(e) works fine. Please be careful about this.
And, in this modification, it supposes that your Web Apps is deployed as Execute as: Me and Who has access to the app: Anyone. Please be careful about this.
When you modified the Google Apps Script of Web Apps, please modify the deployment as a new version. By this, the modified script is reflected in Web Apps. Please be careful about this.
You can see the detail of this in my report "Redeploying Web Apps without Changing URL of Web Apps for new IDE (Author: me)".
Thit is a sample modification. So, please modify this for your actual situation.
Taking advantage of Web Apps with Google Apps Script (Author: me)

Google Identity Services : How to refresh access_token for Google API after one hour?

I have implemented the new Google Identity Services to get an access_token to call the Youtube API.
I try to use this on an Angular app.
this.tokenClient = google.accounts.oauth2.initTokenClient({
client_id: googleApiClientId,
scope: '',
callback: (tokenResponse) => {
this.accessToken = tokenResponse.access_token;
When I call this.tokenClient.requestAccessToken(), I can get an access token and use the Youtube API, that works.
But after one hour, this token expires. I have this error : "Request had invalid authentication credentials."
How can I get the newly refreshed access_token transparently for the user ?
There are two authorization flows for the Google Identity Services (GIS) library:
The implicit flow, which is client-side only and uses .requestAccessToken()
The authorization code flow, which requires a backend (server-side) as well and uses .requestCode()
With the implicit flow (which is what you are using), there are no refresh tokens. It is up to the client to detect tokens aging out and to re-run the token request flow. Here is some sample code from google's examples for how to handle this:
// initialize the client
tokenClient = google.accounts.oauth2.initTokenClient({
client_id: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
scope: '',
prompt: 'consent',
callback: '', // defined at request time in await/promise scope.
// handler for when token expires
async function getToken(err) {
if (err.result.error.code == 401 || (err.result.error.code == 403) &&
(err.result.error.status == "PERMISSION_DENIED")) {
// The access token is missing, invalid, or expired, prompt for user consent to obtain one.
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
// Settle this promise in the response callback for requestAccessToken()
tokenClient.callback = (resp) => {
if (resp.error !== undefined) {
// GIS has automatically updated gapi.client with the newly issued access token.
console.log('gapi.client access token: ' + JSON.stringify(gapi.client.getToken()));
} catch (err) {
} else {
// Errors unrelated to authorization: server errors, exceeding quota, bad requests, and so on.
throw new Error(err);
// make the request
function showEvents() {
// Try to fetch a list of Calendar events. If a valid access token is needed,
// prompt to obtain one and then retry the original request.{ 'calendarId': 'primary' })
.then(calendarAPIResponse => console.log(JSON.stringify(calendarAPIResponse)))
.catch(err => getToken(err)) // for authorization errors obtain an access token
.then(retry =>{ 'calendarId': 'primary' }))
.then(calendarAPIResponse => console.log(JSON.stringify(calendarAPIResponse)))
.catch(err => console.log(err)); // cancelled by user, timeout, etc.
Unfortunately GIS doesn't handle any of the token refreshing for you the way that GAPI did, so you will probably want to wrap your access in some common retry logic.
The important bits are that the status code will be a 401 or 403 and the status will be PERMISSION_DENIED.
You can see the details of this example here, toggle to the async/await tab to see the full code.
To refresh the access token in a transparent way for the end-user you have to use the Refresh Token, This token will also come in the response to your call.
With this token, you can do a POST call to the URL: with the following request body
client_id: <YOUR_CLIENT_ID>
client_secret: <YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET>
grant_type: refresh_token
refresh token never expires so you can use it any number of times. The response will be a JSON like this:
"access_token": "your refreshed access token",
"expires_in": 3599,
"scope": "Set of scope which you have given",
"token_type": "Bearer"
#victor-navarro's answer is correct, but I think the URL is wrong.
I made a POST call to with a body like this and it worked for me:
client_id: <YOUR_CLIENT_ID>
client_secret: <YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET>
grant_type: refresh_token

PassportJS OAuth2Strategy: authenticate returns 400 instead of redirecting

I'm trying to setup discord oauth2 pkce using passportjs and the passport-oauth2
const discordStrategy = new OAuth2Strategy({
authorizationURL: '',
tokenURL: '',
state: true,
pkce: true,
scope: ['identity', 'scope'],
passReqToCallback: true,
(req: Request, accessToken: string, refreshToken: string, profile: DiscordUserProfile, cb: any) => {
prisma.user.findUnique({ where: { email: ?? '' }}).then(foundUser => {
if (foundUser === null) {
// Create a new user with oauth identity.
} else {
cb(null, foundUser)
}).catch(error => {
cb(error, null);
I've been following the google example as well as some others, these examples indicate that, I should be able to use:
passport.use('discord', discordStrategy);
authRouter.get('/discord', passport.authenticate('discord'));
and this should redirect to the OAuth2 providers login page, but instead, I get a 400 Bad Request "The request cannot be fulfilled due to bad syntax." The response body contains an object:
{"scope": ["0"]}
Why is this happening instead of the expected redirect?
My intention is that, once the user logs in, I should get a code, then I can post that code and the code verifier to get an access token, then once the access token is obtained, the actual authenticate call can be made
Edit: I put breakpoints in the passport.authenticate function and I stepped through it. It does actually get through everything and it calls the redirect. The parsed URL it generates, even if I copy it and manually navigate to the URL, it gives me the same, just gives:
{"scope": ["0"]}
and no login page, why?
If you add a version number to the base api url, e.g. /v9 it gives a full error message.
It turned out I had typo'd the scopes, I had 'identity' instead of 'identify' - now this part of the process is working as expected.

Using node-spotify-web-api to grant user access and fetch data

So I'm new to using OAuth and I honestly got quite lost trying to make this work. I looked up the documentation for Spotify's Authorization code and also found a wrapper for node which I used.
I want to be able to log in a user through spotify and from there do API calls to the Spotify API.
Looking through an example, I ended up with this code for the /callback route which is hit after the user is granted access and Spotify Accounts services redirects you there:
app.get('/callback', (req, res) => {
const { code, state } = req.query;
const storedState = req.cookies ? req.cookies[STATE_KEY] : null;
if (state === null || state !== storedState) {
res.redirect('/#/error/state mismatch');
} else {
spotifyApi.authorizationCodeGrant(code).then(data => {
const { expires_in, access_token, refresh_token } = data.body;
// Set the access token on the API object to use it in later calls
// use the access token to access the Spotify Web API
spotifyApi.getMe().then(({ body }) => {
}).catch(err => {
res.redirect('/#/error/invalid token');
So above, at the end of the request the token is passed to the browser to make requests from there: res.redirect('/#/user/${access_token}/${refresh_token}');
What if insted of redirecting there, I want to redirect a user to a form where he can search for artists. Do I need so somehow pass the token around the params at all time? How would I redirect a user there? I tried simply rendering a new page and passing params there but it didn't work.
you could store the tokens in a variety of places, including the query parameters or cookies - but I'd recommend using localstorage. When your frontend loads the /#/user/${access_token}/${refresh_token} route, you could grab the values and store them in localstorage (e.g. localstorage.set('accessToken', accessToken)) and retrieve them later when you need to make calls to the API.

How to store the data in local device using JSONStore in worklight?

I'm doing Login Page in worklight using JavaScript and jquery, the username and password should validate the data getting from JSONstore?
How to store the data locally using JSONStore in worklight and how does i get the data from JSONStore while validating the username and password?
In below code where my data will store and get, if the username and password has typed where it validate:
var collections = {
people : {
searchFields : {name: 'string'}
orders : {
searchFields: {name: 'string'}
.then(function () {
return WL.JSONStore.init(collections);
.then(function () {
return WL.JSONStore.init(collections);
.then(function () {
alert('Multiple inits worked');
.fail(function (err) {
lert('Multiple inits failed' + err.toString());
How to solve the issue?
You really should never ever store username and password locally in the device. That does not sound very secure...
Additionally, where is the username and password coming from? How should the logic be able to validate the credentials? It needs to compare whatever is inputted with something, to know that it is correct. An implementation cannot be done without otherwise, so you need to provide the answer to this...
In the meanwhile, you can take a look at the following tutorial: Offline Authentication.
The included sample application assumes you have first authenticated with a backend system, and later allows for authenticating locally, "offline", in case an Internet connection is not available. For this it uses JSONStore to securely authenticate.
The tutorial include a thorough implementation example, be sure to follow it, and to provide the missing information in your question.
This tutorial explains how to use the JSONStore API, including the Add method:
var collectionName = 'people';
var options = {};
var data = {name: 'yoel', age: 23};
WL.JSONStore.get(collectionName).add(data, options).then(function () {
// handle success
}).fail(function (error) {
// handle failure