How to create folder structure for modules in angular10 - angular8

I have two modules like education and transport. I want to create modules and components for these. How to create a perfect folder structure for these. If anyone knows please help.
--> 1std component
--> 2std component
--> 3std component
--> arts component
--> engg component
--> diploma component
--> small component
--> medium component
--> large component
--> pulsar component
--> honda component
--> hundai component

May be following folder structure would be useful for you!
-education.component.ts // this component should act like a container
-transport.component.ts // this component should act like a container
Above folder structure gives a kind of micro-service architecture as well where each module having its own services/dependencies.


Vue.js SFC conditionally include template elements at compile time

Our product has multiple customers, and each have their own customer-specific modifications.
Is there a way in a Vue2 template of an SFC to conditionally include or exclude other components at the time it's built, based on a build environment variable?
It looks like I can use something like webpack-conditional-loader to conditionally include/exclude JavaScript code at build-time, but is there an equivalent for the template code?
eg. something like this:
<##if process.env === 'CustomerA'>
<##if process.env === 'CustomerB'>
you can use the following library which can allow conditional preprocessing for html/vue template code:
Hope it helps!

Listen to all child component emitted events in Vue

I have a child component that wraps a 3rd party video component. How do I listen to all events emitted from this child component?
... this could many more lines ...
an event could look like this { type: "play", time: 28, ... }
Currently I have this
<event-emitter v-on:emitter-events="handleEvent"></event-emitter>
Inside the <event-emitter> I consolidate all the emitted events as single event, with a type property. There's a draw back now because the handleEvent function is likely to become long switch statement. Is there a means to be more declarative?
In the end I just wrote it all inside the parent component, where the <parent> acted as a controller to the rest app. Not declarative as I would hoped — and definitely doesn't answer the question though. I don't think it's possible as described.
That event bus link that #Gander provided, is still useful though.
<parent> <-- I handle the EmitterEvents
<somthing-else />
<event-emitter v-bind:emitter-events="handleEmitterEvents" />
<another-component />

How does a single file component pass

I loop functional components in the transition-group, and because I didn't pass a key reference to the root element of the tag component to the tag component.
But how does a single file component pass the
The sample link
The <tag> component needs a key to use as its child <span>'s id.
Since <tag> is a functional component, you will have to access to the data via the data. prefix.
So, since you are using <tag v-for="item in list" :key="item"></tag>, inside the <tag>'s template, you can access the key (of automatically using data.key:
Add :key="data.key" in tag.vue:
<template functional>
<span :key="data.key">tag content</span>
Demo CodeSandbox:

Accessing nested child components in VueJS

Using v2.2.2. I have the following structure in my VueJS app. How can I access all of the Account components from a method on my Post component? The number of Accounts is dynamic - I want to grab all of the loaded Account components and iterate over them.
I know it's got something to do with $refs and $children, I just can't seem to figure out the right path.
<Account ref="anAccount"></Account>
<Account ref="anAccount"></Account>
<Account ref="anAccount"></Account>
Despite the existence of props and events, sometimes you might still need to directly access a child component in JavaScript. To achieve this you have to assign a reference ID to the child component using ref. For example:
<div id="parent">
<user-profile ref="profile"></user-profile>
var parent = new Vue({ el: '#parent' })
// access child component instance
var child = parent.$refs.profile
When ref is used together with v-for, the ref you get will be an array
or an object containing the child components mirroring the data
Basically inside AccountSelector.vue you can do this.$ => doThingToAccount(account))
The above answer is for accessing a direct child.
Currently there is no way to access a non direct parent / child component with $refs. The best way to get access to their data would be through events or by using Vuex (Which i would recommend).
Non direct parent - child communication is very tricky without 1 of these 2 methods.
You can access nested components data using $refs and if you want to access the refs inside of it you first have to target the first element of the first refs ([0])
example: parent.$refs[0].$refs.anAccount

Registering a Template within an intellij Plugin

I have created my Apache Velocity template under /resources/fileTemplates/internal/myTemplateClass.vm and would like to use it through:
final JavaDirectoryServiceImpl javaDirectoryService = new JavaDirectoryServiceImpl();
So I added the following in my plugin.xml:
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.intellij">
<!-- Add your extensions here -->
<internalFileTemplate name="myTemplateClass"/>
However when I run my plugin it claims that it did not find a template with the name "myTemplateClass". I assume it is cause I haven't linked to the file perse. Where should I link this?
If you have an <internalFileTemplate> with the name of "myTemplateClass" and you want to use it to create a Java class, the template needs to be stored as fileTemplates/internal/ So you need to change the extension of your file.