Google oauth is responding with redirect_uri_mismatch error - google-oauth

My site is already live, example - (with https)
I always get back this error
For some reason it is using HTTP although in the credentials i use https.
Btw this google API is already in production.
I'm not sure how to debug this. i tried http://localhost:3000 and it works perfectly for local development.
I'm using with node.js

It works after i added a slash at the end
I'm not sure though, but hope that this will help other people


Mikrotic SSL Https Error

I'm trying to build an hotspot with mikrotik to allow the internet to my clients! So, the problem starts when i'm trying to access sites with Https sercurity like facebook, before the user authenticates.
With normal http connection the hotspot works fine, but when i put https, i'm getting this error: error
Can someone please help me? I have read all the docs in the mikrotik forum, nothing worked!
it's good news that nothing worked because it's the purpose of HTTPS: ensure that the site you want is the site you get. Hotspot does exactly the reverse: you ask for a website and you get another one (hotspot landing page): error.
There is no workaround without installing your certificate on each client, which is not doable on a hotspot environment.
Hopefully, problem has been handled with CNAs (Captive Network Assistants) which detect hotspot presence and launch an automatic HTTP request before the user has time to launch its own browser and navigate to Facebook. Latest iOS/Android/Windows versions do that automatically.

Instagram realtime api https

I'm coding an app in PHP and I've had issues starting a tag subscription when I don't use HTTPS, I've tested both ways and would prefer to use HTTP if possible.
Has anyone else run into this and know of a solution?
Their documentation doesn't show the need for https. When I use HTTP I get the error
Unable to reach callback URL "http://...
My issue wasn't https vs http. It was my function that curls the post data. I rebuilt it and it works now.
A note for future people trying to use the Realtime API it returns zero data about the Instagram post which I find odd, why note include a post id at the very least. All it currently does is ping your server with data about your subscription effected. Its also worth noting to see that data you have to use this command in PHP
$igdata = file_get_contents("php://input");

Heroku: Python Flask app - automatically redirecting from https to http

I'm writing an app for Facebook, which needs to be secure. The initial page,, loads perfectly fine.
However when I click a link to, Chrome complains that the app is trying to load from an insecure source. I get the following message in the console:
"[blocked] The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from '': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS."
Now the link is an absolute URL with the https prefix, yet apparently the page is trying to load from the http version.
I visited the domain itself and checked the Network tab in the Chrome console to see what was happening. The following happens:
The GET to is a 301, moved permanently.
This then redirects to
As far as I can tell, there is nothing in my python code to make this happen, so I suspect some feature of Heroku is causing this, but I haven't been able to find anyone else with this problem.
As a side note, I used Flask-SSLify to add a redirect back to the https version. This redirect works, but Chrome still blocks the page because it passes through the insecure version.
I feel so stupid for working this out five minutes after posting the question, but it is a little obscure.
It turns out the problem was that the page I was attempting to reach was "" with the trailing slash.
"" redirects to "".
I don't know why the protocol isn't preserved by this redirect, it may be either Flask or Heroku, though I suspect it is Flask. Regardless it seems like a bug.
Hope this winds up helping somebody else.

google weather api links need human authentication

I developed a weather app using google weather API
but from today it stopped working.
When I tried to access the weather API using location through browser it asks for human authentication.
How can my app work when it is like this? Is there a way to bypass the authentication process?
It's very odd behavior...I wonder if it has something to do with headers that are passed along as when I try loading the API url in Chrome, Unsupported API...or if I do same URL in Firefox, works just fine.
It's also worth noting that I tried setting up an Apache Proxy to Google's weather service by placing the following two lines in a separate Web Server's apache config and referenced the API via and it still that's my workaround for now:
ProxyPassReverse /weather/
ProxyPass /weather/
Try to change domain, ex: . It works (for now :D).
Looks like it is out of use from now on
Even using .CA it returns Unsupported API randomly.
Yeah, interesting, Google seems to send back random "Unsupported API" responses if the request is missing the cookies that the browsers (tested with Chrome and Firefox) are including with requests to the inofficial weather URL.
I've fixed my application by copying the entire "Cookie:" header I found when I ran the request in Firefox with Firebug's "Net" tab enabled.
Not sure where on the browser got the cookies from yet, I presume from using a personalized service like gmail.
if you are looking for a weather API that works right now, I have a suggestion…
Try Metwit Weather API, it's new but sounds very cool…
This api is really simple to use because it use standards that are available nowadays, like JSON and REST.
you can use this new api this has the same xml structure of google weather api

ASP.NET web service does not work in Safari

I have a WebForms page (.aspx) that accepts parameters via get / post and returns XML. This works in all browsers except for Safari where I get this gem:
Safari can’t open the page [URL]. The error was: “unknown error”
(CFURLErrorDomain:303) Please choose Report Bugs to Apple from the Help menu,
note the error number, and describe what you did before you saw this message.
Anyone see this before or know what it means?
The web service is working for the http:// protocol, but fails under https://
Thank you, this did the trick for us.
context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", FilInfo.Length.ToString())
I had the same problem. Worked via HTTP, didn't via HTTPS. Adding the Content-Length header fixed it for me:
Context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", result.Length)
Is it really Safari or is it Webkit? That is have you tried it with Chrome and/or Konquerer? It's possible that may give you an additional clue.