F# and ILNumerics - optimization

I have just downloaded the last version of ILNumerics, to be used in my F# project. Is it possible to leverage on this library in F#? I have tried simple computations and it seems very cumbersome (in F#).
I would like to set up a constrained (or even unconstrained) optimization problem. The usual Rosenbrock function would do and then I will use my own function. I am having hard times in having even an Array being defined. The only kind of array I could define was a RetArray, for example with this code
let vector = ILMath.vector<float>(1.0, 2.0)
The compiler signals that vector is a RetArray; I think this is due to the fact that it is returning from a function (i.e.: ILMath.vector). If I define another similar vector, I can -e.g.- sum vectors, simply writing, for example
let a = ILMath.vector<float>(1.0, 2.0)
let b = ILMath.vector<float>(3.2,2.2)
let c = a + b
and I get
RetArray<float> = seq [4.2; 4.2]
but if I try to retrieve the value of c, again, writing, for example in FSI,
I get
Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
What is the suggested way of using ILNumerics in F#? Is it possible to use the library natively in F# or I am forced to call my F# code from a C# library to use the whole ILNumerics library? Other than with the problem cited, I have problems in understanding the very basic logic of ILNumerics, when ported in F#.
For example, what would be the F# equivalent of the C# using scope as in the example code, as in:
using (ILScope.Enter(inData)) { ...

Just to elaborate a bit on brianberns' answer, there are a couple of things you could do to make it easier for yourself.
I would personally not go the route of defining a custom operator - especially one that overrides an existing one. Instead, perhaps you should consider using a computation expression to work with the ILMath types. This will allow you to hide a lot of the uglyness, that comes when working with libraries making use of non-F# standards (e.g. implicit type conversions).
I don't have access to ILMath, so I have just implemented these dummy alternatives, in order to get my code to compile. I suspect you should be able to just not copy that in, and the rest of the code will work as intended
module ILMath =
type RetArray<'t> = { Values: 't seq }
and Array<'t> = { OtherValues: 't seq } with
static member op_Implicit(x: RetArray<_>) = { OtherValues = x.Values }
static member inline (+) (x1, x2) = { Values = (x1.OtherValues, x2.OtherValues) ||> Seq.map2 (+) }
type ILMath =
static member vector<'t>([<ParamArray>] vs : 't []) = { ILMath.Values = vs }
If you have never seen or implemented a computation expression before, you should check the documentation I referenced. Basically, it adds some nice, syntactic sugar on top of some uglyness, in a way that you decide. My sample implementation adds just the let! (desugars to Bind) and return (desugars to Return, duh) key words.
type ILMathBuilder() =
member __.Bind(x: ILMath.RetArray<'t>, f) =
member __.Return(x: ILMath.RetArray<'t>) =
let ilmath = ILMathBuilder()
This should be defined and instantiated (the ilmath variable) at the top level. This allows you to write
let c = ilmath {
let! a = vector(1.0, 2.0)
let! b = vector(3.2, 2.2)
return a + b
Of course, this implementation adds only support for very few things, and requires, for instance, that a value of type RetArray<'t> is always returned. Extending the ILMathBuilder type according to the documentation is the way to go from here.

The reason that the second access of c fails is that ILNumerics is doing some very unusual memory management, which automatically releases the vector's memory when you might not expect it. In C#, this is managed via implicit conversion from vector to Array:
// C#
var A = vector<int>(1, 2, 3); // bad!
Array<int> A = vector<int>(1, 2, 3); // good
F# doesn't have implicit type conversions, but you can invoke the op_Implicit member manually, like this:
open ILNumerics
open type ILMath // open static class - new feature in F# 5
let inline (!) (x : RetArray<'t>) =
let main argv =
let a = !vector<float>(1.0, 2.0)
let b = !vector<float>(3.2,2.2)
let c = !(a + b)
printfn "%A" c
printfn "%A" c
Note that I've created an inline helper function called ! to make this easier. Every time you create an ILNumerics vector in F#, you must call this function to convert it to an array. (It's ugly, I know, but I don't see an easier alternative.)
To answer your last question, the equivalent F# code is:
use _scope = Scope.Enter(inData)


Why does `EffectScope.shift` need the type parameter `B`?

The move to the new continuations API in Arrow brought with it a handy new function: shift, in theory letting me get rid of ensure(false) { NewError() } or NewError().left().bind() constructs.
But I'm not sure how to properly use it. The documentation states that it is intended to short-circuit the continuation, and there are no conditionals, so it should always take the parameter, and (in either parlance) "make it a left value", and exit the scope.
So what is the type parameter B intended to be used for? It determines the return type of shift, but shift will not return. Given no more context, B can not be inferred, leading to this kind of code:
val res = either {
val intermediate = mayReturnNull()
if (intermediate == null) {
Note the <Nothing> (and ignore the contrived example, the main point is that shifts return type can not be inferred – the actual type parameter does not even matter).
I could wrap shift like this:
suspend fun <L> EffectScope<L>.fail(left: L): Nothing = shift(left)
But I feel like that is missing the point. Any explanations/hints would be greatly appreciated.
That is a great question!
This is more a matter of style, ideally we'd have both but they conflict so we cannot have both APIs available.
So shift always returns Nothing in its implementation, and so the B parameter is completely artificial.
This is something that is true for a lot of other things in Kotlin, such as object EmptyList : List<Nothing>. The Kotlin Std however exposes it as fun <A> emptyList(): List<A> = EmptyList.
For Arrow to stay consistent with APIs found in Kotlin Std, and to remain as Kotlin idiomatic as possible we also require a type argument just like emptyList. This has been up for discussion multiple times, and the Kotlin languages authors have stated that it was decided too explicitly require A for emptyList since that results in the best and most consistent ergonomics in Kotlin.
In the example you shared I would however recommend using ensureNotNull which will also smart-cast intermediate to non-null.
Arrow attempts to build the DSL so that you don't need to rely on shift in most cases, and you should prefer ensure and ensureNotNull when possible.
val res = either {
val intermediate = mayReturnNull()
ensureNotNull(intermediate) { IntermediateWasNull() }
process(intermediate) // <-- smart casted to non-null

F# equivalent to Kotlin's ?. operator

I just started my first F# project and coming from the JVM world, I really like Kotlin's nullability syntax and was wondering how I could achieve similarily compact syntax in F#.
Here's an example:
class MyClass {
fun doSomething() {
// ...
// At some other place in the code:
val myNullableValue: MyClass? = null
What this does:
If myNullableValue is not null, i.e. there is some data, doSomething() is called on that object.
If myNullableValue is null (like in the code above), nothing happens.
As far as I see, the F# equivalent would be:
type MyClass =
member this.doSomething() = ()
type CallingCode() =
let callingCode() =
let myOptionalValue: MyClass option = None
match myOptionalValue with
|Some(x) -> x.doSomething()
|None -> ()
A stamement that is 1 line long in Kotlin is 3 lines long in F#. My question is therefore whether there's a shorter syntax that acomplishes the same thing.
There is no built-in operator for doing this in F# at the moment. I suspect that the reason is that working with undefined values is just less frequent in F#. For example, you would never define a variable, initialize it to null and then have some code that may or may not set it to a value in F#, so the usual way of writing F# eliminates many of the needs for such operator.
You still need to do this sometimes, for example when using option to represent something that can legitimately be missing, but I think this is less frequent than in other languages. You also may need something like this when interacting with .NET, but then it's probably good practice to handle nulls first, before doing anything else.
Aside from pattern matching, you can use Option.map or an F# computation expression (there is no standard one, but it's easy to use a library or define one - see for example). Then you can write:
let myOptionalValue: MyClass option = None
// Option #1: Using the `opt` computation expression
opt { let! v = myOptionalValue
return v.doSomething() }
// Option #2: Using the `Option.map` function
myOptionalValue |> Option.map (fun v -> v.doSomething() )
For reference, my definition of opt is:
type OptionBuilder() =
member x.Bind(v,f) = Option.bind f v
member x.Return v = Some v
member x.ReturnFrom o = o
member x.Zero () = None
let opt = OptionBuilder()
The ?. operator has been suggested to be added to F#.
Some day it will be added, I hope soon.

Accessing Variables by Reference

I am trying to figure out the basic way to reference a simple type in Swift.
In C, it's no issue:
int a = 42;
int* refA = &a;
*refA = 43;
// At this point, a is 43
In Swift, it seems that I can't do this.
var a:Int = 42
println ( a )
// var aRef:Int = &a // Nope.
// var aRef:Int& = &a // Nah.
// inout var:Int aRef = &a // Nyet
// var inout:Int aRef = &a // Non
// var aRef:Int* = &a // What are you, stupid, or stubborn?
// aRef = 43 // If any of the above worked, I could do this.
println ( a ) // How can I get this to print "43"?
I can't find anything in the docs that say I can do this. I know about inout as a function parameter modifier, but I'd like to be able to do this outside of functions.
There's some basic reasons that I'd like to do this. Declaring classes of everything introduces some overhead (mostly planning and writing, as opposed to execution time).
Values cannot be passed by reference in Swift (except for inout parameters), this is one of the things that makes it "Objective-C without the C". You might have to rethink your approach with the possibilities and restrictions of the language in mind.
In general, trying to use Language A as if it were Language B on a feature-for-feature basis is a good way to get yourself into round-peg-square-hole issues. Instead, step back a bit -- what problems do you solve using Feature X in Language B? Language A might have different (and even perhaps more elegant) ways to address those problems.
Not being able to create a pointer (or C++-style reference) to any arbitrary value is probably part of Swift's type/memory safety. Adding that level of indirection makes it harder for a compiler to make reasoned deductions about code (in particular, the ownership of memory addresses), opening all kinds of possibilities for undefined behavior (read: bugs, security holes).
Swift is designed to eat bugs. By using carefully-designed semantics for values vs. references, augmented with inout for specific uses, Swift can more carefully control memory ownership and help you write more reliable code. Without any loss in expressivity, really -- that expressivity just takes different forms. :)
If you really want to put a round peg into a square hole, you can cut down your "planning and writing" overhead with a single generic implementation that wraps any value in a reference. Something like this, maybe:
class Handle<T> {
var val: T
init(_ val: T) {
self.val = val
Note that with this, you still need to plan ahead -- since you can't create pointers/references to arbitrary things that already exist, you'll have to create something through a Handle when you want to be able to treat it like a reference type later.
And with some custom operator definitions, you might even be able to make it look a little bit like C/C++. (Maybe post on Terrible Swift Ideas if you do.)
For the record, your desired behavior is not all the difficult to achieve:
1> func inc (inout x: Int) { x = x + 1 }
2> var val:Int = 10
val: Int = 10
3> inc(&val)
4> val
$R0: Int = 11
What you loose is the 'performance' of a builtin binary operation; but what you gain by using functional abstraction well out weighs any non-builtin issue.
func incrementor (by: Int) (inout _ x: Int) { x = x + by } #Bug in Swift prevents this '_'
var incBy10 = incrementor (10)

Why would a programming language need such way to declare variables?

I'm learning C and I kinda know how to program on Mathematica.
On Mathematica, I can declare a variable simply by writing:
And it seems that Mathematica understands naturally what kind of variable is this by simply reading and finding some kind of pattern on it. (Int, char, float). I guess Python has the same feature.
While on C, I must say what it is first:
int num;
char ch;
float f;
I'm aware that this extends to other languanges. So my question is: Why would a programming languange need this kind of variable declaration?
References on the topic are going to be very useful.
Mathematica, Python, and other "dynamically typed" languages have variables that consist of a value and a type, whereas "statically typed" languages like C have variables that just consist of a value. Not only does this mean that less memory is needed for storing variables, but dynamically typed languages have to set and examine the variable type at runtime to know what type of value the variable contains, whereas with statically typed languages the type, and thus what operations can be/need to be performed on it, are known at compile time. As a result, statically typed languages are considerably faster.
In addition, modern statically typed languages (such as C# and C++11) have type inference, which often makes it unnecessary to mention the type. In some very advanced statically typed languages with type inference like Haskell, large programs can be written without ever specifying a type, providing the efficiency of statically typed languages with the terseness and convenience of dynamically typed languages.
Declarations are necessary for C to be compiled into an efficient binary. Basically, it's a big part of why C is much faster than Mathematica.
In contrast to what most other answers seem to suggest, this has little to do with types, which could easily be inferred (let alone efficiency). It is all about unambiguous semantics of scoping.
In a language that allows non-trivial nesting of language constructs it is important to have clear rules about where a variable belongs, and which identifiers refer to the same variable. For that, every variable needs an unambiguous scope that defines where it is visible. Without explicit declarations of variables (whether with or without type annotations) that is not possible in the general case.
Consider a simple function (you can construct similar examples with other forms of nested scope):
function f() {
i = 0
while (i < 10) {
i = i + 1
function g() {
i = 0
while (i < 20) {
i = i + 1
What happens? To tell, you need to know where i will be bound: in the global scope or in the local function scopes? The latter implies that the variables in both functions are completely separate, whereas the former will make them share -- and this particular example loop forever (although the global scope may be what is intended in other examples).
Contrast the above with
function f() {
var i = 0
while (i < 10) {
i = i + 1
function g() {
var i = 0
while (i < 20) {
i = i + 1
var i
function f() {
i = 0
while (i < 10) {
i = i + 1
function g() {
i = 0
while (i < 20) {
i = i + 1
which makes the different possible meanings perfectly clear.
In general, there are no good rules that are able to (1) guess what the programmer really meant, and (2) are sufficiently stable under program extensions or refactorings. It gets nastier the bigger and more complex programs get.
The only way to avoid hairy ambiguities and surprising errors is to require explicit declarations of variables -- which is what all reasonable languages do. (This is language design 101 and has been for 50 years, which, unfortunately, doesn't prevent new generations of language "designers" from repeating the same old mistake over and over again, especially in so-called scripting languages. Until they learn the lesson the hard way and correct the mistake, e.g. JavaScript in ES6.)
Variable types are necessary for the compiler to be able to verify that correct value types are assigned to a variable. The underlying needs vary from language to language.
This doesn't have anything to do with types. Consider JavaScript, which has variable declarations without types:
var x = 8;
y = 8;
The reason is that JavaScript needs to know whether you are referring to an old name, or creating a new one. The above code would leave any existing xs untouched, but would destroy the old contents of an existing y in a surrounding scope.
For a more extensive example, see this answer.
Fundamentally you are comparing two types of languages, ones that are being interpreted by high level virtual machines or interpreters (python, Mathematica ...) and others that are being compiled down to native binaries (C, C++ ...) being executed on a physical machine, obviously if you can define your own virtual machine this gives you amazing flexibility to how dynamic and powerful your language is vs a physical machine which is quite limited, with very limited number of structures and basic instruction set and so on ....
While its true that some languages that are compiled down to virtual machines or interpreted, still require types to be declared (java, C#), this simply done for performance, imagine having to deduce the type at run time or having to use base type for every possible type, this would consume quite a bit of resources not to mention make it quite hard to implement JIT (just in time compiler) that would run some things natively.

How to mock for testing in Haskell?

Suppose I am defining a Haskell function f (either pure or an action) and somewhere within f I call function g. For example:
f = ...
g someParms
How do I replace function g with a mock version for unit testing?
If I were working in Java, g would be a method on class SomeServiceImpl that implements interface SomeService. Then, I'd use dependency injection to tell f to either use SomeServiceImpl or MockSomeServiceImpl. I'm not sure how to do this in Haskell.
Is the best way to do it to introduce a type class SomeService:
class SomeService a where
g :: a -> typeOfSomeParms -> gReturnType
data SomeServiceImpl = SomeServiceImpl
data MockSomeServiceImpl = MockSomeServiceImpl
instance SomeService SomeServiceImpl where
g _ someParms = ... -- real implementation of g
instance SomeService MockSomeServiceImpl where
g _ someParms = ... -- mock implementation of g
Then, redefine f as follows:
f someService ... = ...
g someService someParms
It seems like this would work, but I'm just learning Haskell and wondering if this is the best way to do this? More generally, I like the idea of dependency injection not just for mocking, but also to make code more customizable and reusable. Generally, I like the idea of not being locked into a single implementation for any of the services that a piece of code uses. Would it be considered a good idea to use the above trick extensively in code to get the benefits of dependency injection?
Let's take this one step further. Suppose I have a series of functions a, b, c, d, e, and f in a module that all need to be able to reference functions g, h, i, and j from a different module. And suppose I want to be able to mock functions g, h, i, and j. I could clearly pass the 4 functions in as parameters to a-f, but that's a bit of a pain to add the 4 parameters to all the functions. Plus, if I ever needed to change the implementation of any of a-f to call yet another method, I'd need to change its signature, which could create a nasty refactoring exercise.
Any tricks to making this type of situation work easily? For example, in Java, I could construct an object with all of its external services. The constructor would store the services off in member variables. Then, any of the methods could access those services via the member variables. So, as methods are added to services, none of the method signatures change. And if new services are needed, only the constructor method signature changes.
Why use unit testing when you can have Automated Specification-Based Testing? The QuickCheck library does this for you. It can generate arbitrary (mock) functions and data using the Arbitrary type-class.
"Dependency Injection" is a degenerate form of implicit parameter passing. In Haskell, you can use Reader, or Free to achieve the same thing in a more Haskelly way.
Another alternative:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, RankNTypes #-}
import Control.Monad.RWS
data (Monad m) => ServiceImplementation m = ServiceImplementation
{ serviceHello :: m ()
, serviceGetLine :: m String
, servicePutLine :: String -> m ()
serviceHelloBase :: (Monad m) => ServiceImplementation m -> m ()
serviceHelloBase impl = do
name <- serviceGetLine impl
servicePutLine impl $ "Hello, " ++ name
realImpl :: ServiceImplementation IO
realImpl = ServiceImplementation
{ serviceHello = serviceHelloBase realImpl
, serviceGetLine = getLine
, servicePutLine = putStrLn
mockImpl :: (Monad m, MonadReader String m, MonadWriter String m) =>
ServiceImplementation m
mockImpl = ServiceImplementation
{ serviceHello = serviceHelloBase mockImpl
, serviceGetLine = ask
, servicePutLine = tell
main = serviceHello realImpl
test = case runRWS (serviceHello mockImpl) "Dave" () of
(_, _, "Hello, Dave") -> True; _ -> False
This is actually one of the many ways to create OO-styled code in Haskell.
To follow up on the edit asking about multiple functions, one option is to just put them in a record type and pass the record in. Then you can add new ones just by updating the record type. For example:
data FunctionGroup t = FunctionGroup { g :: Int -> Int, h :: t -> Int }
a grp ... = ... g grp someThing ... h grp someThingElse ...
Another option that might be viable in some cases is to use type classes. For example:
class HasFunctionGroup t where
g :: Int -> t
h :: t -> Int
a :: HasFunctionGroup t => <some type involving t>
a ... = ... g someThing ... h someThingElse
This only works if you can find a type (or multiple types if you use multi-parameter type classes) that the functions have in common, but in cases where it is appropriate it will give you nice idiomatic Haskell.
Couldn't you just pass a function named g to f? As long as g satisfies the interface typeOfSomeParms -> gReturnType, then you should be able to pass in the real function or a mock function.
f g = do
g someParams
I have not used dependency injection in Java myself, but the texts I have read made it sound a lot like passing higher-order functions, so maybe this will do what you want.
Response to edit: ephemient's answer is better if you need to solve the problem in an enterprisey way, because you define a type containing multiple functions. The prototyping way I propose would just pass a tuple of functions without defining a containing type. But then I hardly ever write type annotations, so refactoring that is not very hard.
A simple solution would be to change your
f x = ...
f2 g x = ...
and then
f = f2 g
ftest = f2 gtest
If the functions you depend on are in another module then you could play games with visible module configurations so that either the real module or a mock module is imported.
However I'd like to ask why you feel the need to use mock functions for unit testing anyway. You simply want to demonstrate that the module you are working on does its job. So first prove that your lower level module (the one you want to mock) works, and then build your new module on top of it and demonstrate that works too.
Of course this assumes that you aren't working with monadic values, so it doesn't matter what gets called or with what parameters. In that case you probably need to demonstrate that the right side effects are being invoked at the right time, so monitoring what gets called when is necessary.
Or are you just working to a corporate standard that demands that unit tests only exercise a single module with the whole rest of the system being mocked? That is a very poor way of testing. Far better to build your modules from the bottom up, demonstrating at each level that the modules meet their specs before proceeding to the next level. Quickcheck is your friend here.
You could just have your two function implementations with different names, and g would be a variable that is either defined to be one or the other as you need.
g :: typeOfSomeParms -> gReturnType
g = g_mock -- change this to "g_real" when you need to
g_mock someParms = ... -- mock implementation of g
g_real someParms = ... -- real implementation of g