SDWebImage Throwing 'Too Many Arguments' Error - objective-c

When I run the app on simulator, it runs perfect. When I try to Archive to upload to AppStore I get error messages on SDWebImageManager that says SDWebImageManager.m:244:22: Too many arguments to function call, expected 0, have 5
I have gone into both the Project and Target and turned OFF the enable strict checking of objc_msgSend Calls but it still does this. I'm at a loss.


expo-in-app-purchases `connectAsync` not resolving for App Store reviewers

We have a react-native app to which we have just added in-app purchases using the expo-in-app-purchases package. Everything seems to be working when testing development builds and TestFlight-distributed release builds on our own devices.
However, we find that the app is consistently not working when reviewed by App Store reviewers.
In the latest review, via our error logging mechanism we discovered that the following error was thrown:
"Must wait for promise to resolve before recalling function."
This was thrown because during review the reviewer caused the following code to be executed twice, 7 minutes apart:
import { getProductsAsync } from 'expo-in-app-purchases';
const { responseCode, results } = await getProductsAsync(iOSProductIdArray));
It turns out the initial call to getProductsAsync never resolved, meaning when we called it again, some logic in expo-in-app-purchases (linked above) threw an error.
But what we don't know is why that method doesn't resolve when Apple reviewers use our app, when it always works when we do. The reviewers are signing in to the iTunes Store using the same sandbox credentials we use, and using the same build that we use, but are never able to load product details, which means they can never view purchase options in-app.
Is there something special about the review environment that prevents this function from working? We have theorised that InAppPurchases.connectAsync(), which we call when the app first boots, is failing for reviewers, but we have no idea how or why. Does anyone know how the review environment or process could cause this?

Strange SyncServices / iSync console messages when saving ABAddressBook

I'm displaying and editing an ABPerson with an ABPersonView. I do this like so:
ABPerson *person = (ABPerson *)[_addressBook recordForUniqueId:[curDict valueForKey:#"id"]];
[_personView setPerson:person];
[_personView setEditing:YES];
Where _personView is my ABPersonView. When I edit the ABPerson with the ABPersonView and I save the AddressBook:
[ABAddressBook addressBook] save];
It does save and in the AddressBook application I can see its value has changed, but I get these error messages in Xcode and Console:
I first get this:
sandboxd: ([3082]) AddressBookSync(3082) deny file-read-data /Users/xcodeuser/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/CompanyName-asdxadsafadfqmwqxaagdsfgafguge/Build/Products/Debug
Followed by a lot of this:
sandboxd: ([3035]) AddressBookSync(3035) deny mach-lookup
And it ends with this:
AddressBookSync[3035:707] [0x10011ba50] |ISyncManager|Warning| SyncServer is unavailable: timed out trying to connect
AddressBookSync[3035:707] AddressBookSync (client id: error: Exception running AddressBookSync: Timed out waiting for the sync server
AddressBookSync exited with 2
My application is sandboxed and I integrated iCloud.
I have searched but could not find anyone having the same kind of problems, I have tried this:
Using [[ABAddressBook] sharedAddressBook] instead of [[ABAddressBook] addressBook] but I then get an error from the ABPersonView saying the use of sharedAddressBook is deprecated with the ABPersonView.
I added SyncServices framework, didn't help
The code does work though, at least with my iCloud account. Anyone got a clue to why I'm getting these errors? Is it worth a shot trying it with Xcode 4.3 and 10.8? I'm currently running 4.2.1 with Lion.
I've seen exactly this same problem. I believe you are seeing a bug in the Apple frameework.

FxCop analysis error: Key needs to be greater than 0

I am currently trying to setup code analysis for a legacy WPF application. As part of this I am running FxCop 10.0 but I'm receiving errors for some of my DLLs, all of which build successfully.
The error that I'm getting is:
When I get this it is usually on a get or set property, there doesn't seem to be anything obvious as to why this is happening. I can't seem to be able to recreate this in a sample application. An example of a section of code causing this error within a set is:
Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, new Action(() =>
In the above code, if I remove the Dispatcher code FxCop successfully analyses the code, however leaving it in causes an error to be thrown. There are other instances of similar code working fine. Does anyone have any idea as to what could be causing this error?

Writing many files at once with Cordova / Phonegap 1.6.1 on iOS

When I write many files at once (batched or not) with an average size of 100KB, I get the following message in the output console:
void SendDelegateMessage(NSInvocation*): delegate
failed to return after waiting 10 seconds.
main run loop mode: kCFRunLoopDefaultMode
This is using the Cordova fileWriter:
What's the cause of this error and what's the best way to prevent it?
I'm having a similar problem. Found the cause, but no solution yet.
So far I've found that web view returns an error if a script runs for more than 10 seconds, stopping the user from interacting with the app. If you are using alert(), then the duration of the alertbox (until you press ok) may be counted in these 10 seconds.

Data Formatters temporarily Unavailable, will re-try after a continue

I am working on Objective C to develop an app in I Pad. When I run the program its getting executed in Simulator of IPad. When I do the same connecting the device then I am facing an Error as GDB:Data Formatters temporarily unavailable,will re-try after a 'continue'.
Someone guide how to solve this issue.
This can be because of several reasons:
Memory issue. Try running your app with instruments to check
When it is unable to find a linked in shared library at launch time.
Also you can try running in a different target xcode and check if that works
Check all you breakpoints. In the Debugger window, click on "Show Breakpoints" and see if there are any unusually placed breakpoints
I also got the same problem in cocoa application.
Take a look at Data Formatters temporarily unavailable, will re-try after a 'continue'.
"Data Formatters temporarily unavailable, will re-try after a
'continue'." means that something has gone so horribly wrong in your
code that even the debugger bailed. As dragyn said, this usually
involves some form of rapid object creation or recursion calling. Add
a few NSLog lines into your code to help you see how far your code is
getting and where it might be looping/calling itself.