call a component method from main vue app - vue.js

I'm super new to Vue and I'm trying to get into components.
Basically, I have the main script file with my new vue app (with a countdown function based on setInterval and in the same file a vue component( it's a stamina bar made with canvas) with width increasing and decreasing methods. Basically, I would like to decrease the bar width every second but I don't get how to call the methods declared in the component. I guess that when they are declared inside the component I could access them from everywhere, but I didn't find a proper solution ( I tried with $refs but it's not working)
Is there any way where I can call the addWidth() and subWidth() function from a method in my new Vue app?
thank you
this is the component
Vue.component('stamina', {
template: '<div><canvas ref="stamina" style="height:25px;width:300px;" /></div>',
return {
// vueCanvas: null
methods: {
// clear canvas
this.vueCanvas.clearRect(0, 0, 300, 50);
// draw rect
this.vueCanvas.rect(20,20, this.stamina_width, 100);
//colorize with gradient
var grd = this.vueCanvas.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 300, 0);
grd.addColorStop(0, "red");
grd.addColorStop(0.5, "orange");
grd.addColorStop(1, "green");
this.vueCanvas.fillStyle = grd;
//fill the rect with gradient
this.vueCanvas.fillRect(0, 10,this.stamina_width, 10);
addWidth() {
this.stamina_width += 20
subWidth() {
this.stamina_width -= 20
mounted () {
var ctx = this.$refs.stamina.getContext('2d');
this.vueCanvas = ctx;
var stam = this.stamina_width;
var grd = this.vueCanvas.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 300, 0);
grd.addColorStop(0, "red");
grd.addColorStop(0.5, "orange");
grd.addColorStop(1, "green");
this.vueCanvas.fillStyle = grd;
//fill the rect with gradient
and this is the main vue
var match = new Vue({
//call the methods from component stamina

yes you can call methods up/down of parent/child components. You may need to look at creating custom events and listen for them.
Another option I believe might be less complex is to consider using Vuex.
All of your addWidth and subWidth logic will reside in a centralized place this way. All of your components--no matter how nested can "subscribe" to these things (and modify them if needed).
Check out actions. You'll dispatch an action addWidth which sends it to Vuex. In your component that is responsible for rendering the stamina bar I would use a computed property to watch for updates. Something like this:
computed: {
barWidth() {
return this.$store.getters["bar/width"]; // 20
That is just a really rough example and will not likely be what you're looking for.
VueSchool has some nice (free) courses to help get you rolling with Vuex as well.


Access or modify petite-vue data outside app

I'm using petite-vue as I need to do very basic UI updates in a webpage and have been drawn to its filesize and simplicity. I'd like to control the UI's state of visible / invisible DOM elements and class names and styles of various elements.
I have multiple JavaScript files in my app, I'd like to be able to make these changes from any of them.
In Vue JS it was possible to do things like this...
const vueApp = new Vue({ el: "#vue-app", data(){
return { count: 1}
setTimeout(() => { vueApp.count = 2 }, 1000)
I'm trying the same with Petite Vue but it does nothing.
// Petite Vue
const petiteVueApp = PetiteVue.createApp({
count: 0,
setTimeout(() => { petiteVueApp.count = 2 }, 1000);
Logging the app gives just a directive and mount attribute, I can't find the count (nb if you log the above app it will show the count, because of that line petiteVueApp.count = 2, that isn't the data)
Can anyone shed any light on this?
There is an example which does exactly this in the docs which I overlooked.
It requires an import of the #vue/reactivity which can be imported from the petite-vue bundle.
import { createApp, reactive } from ''
setTimeout(() => { vueApp.count = 2 }, 1000)
const store = reactive({
count: 0,
inc() {
setTimeout(() => { store.count = 2 }, 1000);
Updated working example:
Interesting. Looking at the source code it seems that we would want it to return ctx.scope instead of return this.
Your workaround seems like the best choice if using petite-vue as given, or you could fork petite-vue and change that one line (I haven't tested this).

Vuejs - update array of an object which is in an array

I'm developing a helpdesk tool in which I have a kanban view.
I previously used nested serializers in my backend and I managed to have everything working with a single query but it's not scalable (and it was ugly) so I switched to another schema :
I query my helpdesk team ('test' in the screenshot)
I query the stages of that team ('new', 'in progress')
I query tickets for each stage in stages
So when I mount my component, I do the following :
async mounted () {
if (this.helpdeskTeamId) {
await this.getTeam(this.helpdeskTeamId)
if ( {
await this.getTeamStages(this.helpdeskTeamId)
if (this.stages) {
for (let stage of this.stages) {
await this.getStageTickets(stage)
where getTeam, getTeamStages and getStageTickets are :
async getTeam (teamId) { = await HelpdeskTeamService.getTeam(teamId)
async getTeamStages (teamId) {
this.stages = await HelpdeskTeamService.getTeamStages(teamId)
for (let stage of this.stages) {
this.$set(stage, 'tickets', [])
async getStageTickets (stage) {
const tickets = await HelpdeskTeamService.getTeamStageTickets(this.helpdeskTeamId,
// tried many things here below but nothing worked.
// =, 0, tickets)
// Even if I try to only put one :
// this.$set(this.stages[this.stages.indexOf(stage)].tickets, 0, tickets[0])
// I see it in the data but It doesn't appear in the view...
// Even replacing the whole stage with its tickets :
// = tickets
// this.stages.splice(this.stages.indexOf(stage), 1, stage)
In getTeamStages I add an attribute 'tickets' to every stage to an empty list. The problem is when I query all the tickets for every stage. I know how to insert a single object in an array with splice or how to delete one object from an array but I don't know how to assign a whole array to an attribute of an object that is in an array while triggering the Vue reactivity. Here I'd like to put all the tickets (which is a list), to
Is it possible to achieve this ?
If not, what is the correct design to achieve something similar ?
Thanks in advance !
It turns out that there was an error generated by the template part. I didn't think it was the root cause since a part of the view was rendered. I thought that it would have prevent the whole view from being rendered if it was the case. But finally, in my template I had a part doing which was working when using a single query to populate my view. When making my API more granular and querying tickets independently from stages, there is a moment when stage has no tickets attribute until I set it manually with this.$set(stage, 'tickets', []). Because of that, the template stops rendering and raises an issue. But the ways of updating my would have worked without that template issue.
I could update the stages reactively. Here is my full code; I used the push method of an array object and it works:
<li v-for="item in stages" :key="item.stageId">
{{ item }}
export default {
data() {
return {
stages: [],
methods: {
async getTeamStages() {
this.stages = [{ stageId: 1 }, { stageId: 2 }];
for (let stage of this.stages) {
this.$set(stage, "tickets", []);
for (let stage of this.stages) {
await this.getStageTickets(stage);
async getStageTickets(stage) {
const tickets = ["a", "b", "c"];
for (let ticket of tickets) {
mounted() {
It should be noted that I used the concat method of an array object and also works:
this.stages[this.stages.indexOf(stage)].tickets = this.stages[this.stages.indexOf(stage)].tickets.concat(tickets);
I tried your approaches some of them work correctly:
this.$set(this.stages[this.stages.indexOf(stage)].tickets, tickets)
this.$set(this.stages[this.stages.indexOf(stage)].tickets, 0, tickets[0]);
WORKED = tickets
this.stages.splice(this.stages.indexOf(stage), 1, stage)
I'm sure it is XY problem..
A possible solution would be to watch the selected team and load the values from there. You seem to be loading everything from the mounted() hook, and I suspect this won't actually load all the content on demand as you'd expect.
I managed to make it work here without needing to resort to $set magic, just the pure old traditional vue magic. Vue will notice the properties of new objects and automatically make then reactive, so if you assign to them later, everything will respond accordingly.
My setup was something like this (showing just the relevant parts) -- typing from memory here, beware of typos:
teams: [],
teamId: null,
team: null
methods: {
async refreshTeam(id){
let team = await fetchTeam(id)
if(!team) return
//here, vue will auomaticlly make reactive = {stages:[],}
let stages = await fetchStages(
if(!stages) return
//since is reactive, vue will update reactivelly
//turning the {tickets} property of each stage reactive also = => ({tickets:[], ...v}))
for(let stage of{
let tickets = await fetchTickets(
if(!tickets) continue
//since tickets is reactive, vue will update it accordingly = tickets
async mounted(){
this.teams = fetchTeams()
Notice that my 'fetchXXX' methods would just return the data retrieved from the server, without trying to actually set the component data
Edit: typos

l-rectangle component does not update

I am using the l-rectangle in a Vue leaflet project.
I am creating a rectangle like so:
<l-rectangle :bounds="rectangle"></l-rectangle>
which displays the rectangle on my map doing this in the .js-file:
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: function() {
return {
rectangle: [[69.81310023846743, 16.929931640625004],[69.11310023846743, 16.129931640625004]]
I have created a map click event, in this function I am changing the coordinates of the rectangle array in order to make the rectangle change size/shape. But nothing is happening (the function gets called but the rectangle does not change):
var point = [,event.latlng.lng];
this.rectangle[0] = this.rectangle[0];
this.rectangle[1] = point;
Thanks for any help and guidance!
As per Vue documentation, the reactivity for array will not work if you set value for a particular index, Instead you can use some array operation methods which are mentioned in Vue documentation
the following above methods makes the array reactive
The click event can be replaced with
var point = [,event.latlng.lng];
this.rectangle.splice(0, 1, this.rectangle[0]);
this.rectangle.splice(1, 1, point);

Solid guage refresh when receives new data (point value)

I am having issues with my solid gauge component using the highcharts-vue wrapper.
Basically every time it receives new data it re-draws the animation from 0. Please see sandbox link below for example:
The desired behavour im trying to achieve is shown here:
Where the gauge animates from old to new value smoothly.
From what i can tell it is not recommended to access the charts methods manually (for example to call the points.update method). (source:
Any ideas?
It occurs because of mutating data in Highcharts. Please use Point.update, instead of updating whole series, to make animation work. You can access whole Chart object by reference in your component, specifically this.children[0].chart. Here is the code:
watch: {
title(newValue) {
this.chartOptions.title.text = newValue;
points(newValue, oldValue) {
console.log("watch firing", newValue, oldValue);
this.$children[0].chart.series[0].data[0].update(oldValue += 1);
units(newValue) {
this.chartOptions.series[0].dataLabels.format =
'<div style="text-align:center"><span style="font-size:2rem;color: black">{y}</span><div>' +
newValue +
min(newValue) {
this.chartOptions.yAxis.min = newValue;
max(newValue) {
this.chartOptions.yAxis.max = newValue;
Don't worry about your data, Highcharts mutate it, so your points prop should be updated every time.
Live example:
Kind regards!

Updating a chart with new data in App SDK 2.0

I am using a chart to visualize data in a TimeboxScopedApp, and I want to update the data when scope changes. The more brute-force approach of using remove() then redrawing the chart as described here leaves me with an overlaid "Loading..." mask, but otherwise works. The natural approach of using the Highchart native redraw() method would be my preference, only I don't know how to access the actual Highchart object and not the App SDK wrapper.
Here's the relevant part of the code:
var chart = Ext.getCmp('componentQualityChart');
if (chart) {
var chartCfg = chart.getChartConfig();
chartCfg.xAxis.categories = components;
chart.redraw(); // this doesn't work with the wrapper object
} else { // draw chart for the first time
How do I go about redrawing the chart with the new data?
Assuming chart (componentQualityChart) is an instance of Rally.ui.chart.Chart, you can access the HighCharts instance like this:
var highcharts = chart.down('highchart').chart;
// Now you have access to the normal highcharts interface, so
// you could change the xAxis
highcharts.xAxis[0].setCategories([...], true);
// Or you could change the series data
highcharts.series[0].data.push({ ... }); //Add a new data point
// Or pretty much anything else highcharts lets you do
Using _unmask() removes the overlaid "Loading.." mask
if (this.down('#myChart')) {
xtype: 'rallychart',
height: 400,
itemId: 'myChart',
chartConfig: {
chartData: {
categories: scheduleStateGroups,
series: [