MS Access refresh form and keep position on screen [duplicate] - vba

This should be an easy one. This form is filtered by [Dismissed] = "N". When the user clicks the "Dismiss" button, the [Dismissed] field changes to "Y". After the requery, the form should then return to the same row where the user was previously at.
Private Sub DismissButton_Click()
Me!Dismissed = "Y"
MsgBox "Dismissed!", vbOKOnly
Dim GoBackToThisRecord As Integer
GobacktothisRecord = Me.CurrentRecord
Set Me.CurrentRecord=GoBackToThisRecord
End Sub
However, even though the built-in help files say that CurrentRecord is a read/write property, I get an "Invalid use of property" error message on this last line.
After setting the [Dismiss]="Y", and requerying the form, how do I get the user back to his/her previous location in the form?

I don't understand how your solution can work if the form is filtered to a value that the edited record no longer matches -- if you're filtered on [Dismissed] = "N" then changing the current record's Dismissed field to Y should cause the requeried form to exclude the record you've just updated.
That aside, I would never do it the way you've done it, as Me.CurrentRecord returns a number representing the position in the record. Since a requery can cause the number of records to change (e.g., somebody else edits or adds or deletes a record causing it to be included/excluded from the form's recordset) and the position of the sought-for record to change, I would use the PK instead.
Dim lngPK as Long
lngPK = Me!MyPKID
With Me.RecordsetClone
.FindFirst "[MyPKID]=" & lngPK
If Not .NoMatch Then
If Me.Dirty Then
Me.Dirty = False
End If
Me.Bookmark = .Bookmark
End If
End With
That won't deal with the filter issue, but I leave that aside, since it didn't seem to be the issue that I thought it would be from the description of the original problem.

Nevermind. Fixed it myself. The last line is now:
Me.Recordset.Move GoBackToThisRecord

The right way to move to the previous record, whether it is a new one or not, is
Me.Recordset.Move GoBackToThisRecord -1

I use this function:
Public Sub RequeryFormAndKeepCurrentlySelectedRecord(f As Form)
Dim Position As Long
Position = f.CurrentRecord
If Position > 1 Then
f.Recordset.move Position - 1
End If
End Sub


Detect if combobox has been modified in the last Xs [duplicate]

Good morning!
I have a "fancy" search function in Microsoft Access where the list of possible options shrinks as you type in the search field. Unfortunately the computer and server can't keep up with these rapid requeries of the data.
Currently the command to requery with the field in the 'onchange' function of the search box. I'd like to add a delay so it only runs the requery when the search box has not changed for a second. Thus if someone types in a 8 letter word, it isn't running 8 requeries.
The current idea I have for it, which I know there must be something better, is..
"On change, set search box value to X and wait 1 second. After 1 second, if X = search box value, run the requery. An issue is that it would be rapidly rewriting the X value and have a 'wait' command floating for each letter.
Hopefully there's a way to write an event trigger of "When field X has changed, but not changed for the past second."
Thank you!
As requested, here is my current code
'Create a string (text) variable
Dim vSearchString As String
'Populate the string variable with the text entered in the Text Box SearchFor
vSearchString = SearchFor.Text
'Pass the value contained in the string variable to the hidden text box SrchText,
'that is used as the sear4ch criteria for the Query QRY_SearchAll
SrchText = vSearchString
'Requery the List Box to show the latest results for the text entered in Text Box SearchFor
'Tests for a trailing space and exits the sub routine at this point
'so as to preserve the trailing space, which would be lost if focus was shifted from Text Box SearchFor
If Len(Me.SrchText) <> 0 And InStr(Len(SrchText), SrchText, " ", vbTextCompare) Then
'Set the focus on the first item in the list box
Me.SearchResults = Me.SearchResults.ItemData(1)
'Requery the form to refresh the content of any unbound text box that might be feeding off the record source of the List Box
'Returns the cursor to the the end of the text in Text Box SearchFor,
'and restores trailing space lost when focus is shifted to the list box
Me.SearchFor = vSearchString
Me.SearchFor.SelStart = Me.SearchFor.SelLength
Exit Sub
End If
'Set the focus on the first item in the list box
' Me.SearchResults = Me.SearchResults.ItemData(1)
'Requery the form to refresh the content of any unbound text box that might be feeding off the record source of the List Box
'Returns the cursor to the the end of the text in Text Box SearchFor
If Not IsNull(Len(Me.SearchFor)) Then
Me.SearchFor.SelStart = Len(Me.SearchFor)
End If
Obviously this is not MY code, it's from somewhere on the interweb. It works fantastic for databases stored locally, but everything is moving to our Sharepoint server which is running on a 386 in a moldy basement powered by a narcoleptic gerbil.
You can simply use the Timer of the current form. No need for a separate form or anything.
Private Sub DoSearch()
' Your current code
' but you should look into removing as many "Requery" from there as possible!
End Sub
Private Sub SearchFor_Change()
' Wait for x Milliseconds until the search is started.
' Each new change restarts the timer interval.
' Use 1000 (1 s) for slow typists or a really slow server
' 200 ms feels right for a normal typist
Me.TimerInterval = 200
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Timer()
' Disable timer (will be enabled by the next SearchFor_Change)
Me.TimerInterval = 0
' Now run the search
End Sub
Note: you may need to move some of the cursor-handling code from DoSearch() to SearchFor_Change(), specifically:
Me.SearchFor.SelStart = Len(Me.SearchFor)
Assign a shortcut key like (Ctrl+ J) to the logic in on change event and call it on demand once you have finished typing search keyword.
Remove on change event.
Create other procedure which has the logic of on change event and assign a shortcut key
Press shortcut to get search suggestion
Other approach
Add below validation to Change event which will check for length of string and will trigger only if length of string is >=8
Private Sub txtSearch_Change()
If Len(Nz(txtSearch.Text, 0)) >= 8 Then
End If
End Sub
I'm going a little outside my comfort area, since I hardly use MS Access forms, but why are you bothering the Server/Database so much? In my experience, each query costs the same amount of time, whether it returns 1 record or 100,000 records.
So even before the user types anything, why don't you just do a single query to return a sorted list. After that, it takes almost no time to use VBA to process the results and find everything in the list that starts with whatever the user types in (it's sorted after all).
Except for the initial load, users who are local to the database or on the other side of the world will experience the same snappy response from your interface.
Like I said, I haven't messed with Access Forms a lot, so this is more of a strict VBA solution. Maybe there is a better way to do it without going outside the Access Forms box that someone could enlighten us with.
You should basically just call LoadItemList when you load the form, or whenever you need to.
Public dbConn As ADODB.Connection
Private ItemList As Variant
Private RecordCount As Long
Sub LoadItemList()
Dim SQL As String
Dim RS As New ADODB.Recordset
SQL = "SELECT T.Name FROM Table T"
Set RS = dbConn.Execute(SQL)
If Not RS.EOF Then
ItemList = RS.GetRows
RecordCount = UBound(ItemList, 2) - LBound(ItemList, 2) + 1
End If
End Sub
Then replace DoCmd.Requery with AddItemtoCombobox SearchResults, SearchFor.Text
Sub AddItemtoCombobox(Control As ComboBox, Filter As String)
Dim Index As Long
If Not IsEmpty(ItemList) Then
For Index = 0 To RecordCount - 1
If ItemList(Index) Like Filter Then Control.AddItem ItemList(Index)
End If
End Sub
Again, maybe there is a better way that is built into Access...
The technical term that you're looking for is debounce.
What you can do is on your on change event, keep track of the current search string
in terms of pseudocode.
sub onChange()
Form.timerinterval = 0
form.timerinterval = delay
So in terms of the explanation, if your on change is called, disable the timer. Update your search string, then reset the timer to fire after a certain amount of time. The form should be a hidden form that contains the code that you want to execute

Having a check box update fields in a table

frustrated by vba...
I am trying to have user click a check box on a form which indicates whether a support ticket as been resolved, along with the date resolved and which user clicks the check box.
I have used WScript.UserName to get the network ID in a variable GetUserName.
I have two fields in my table:
I want both these fields filled in with appropriate data when the check box is True, and if the check box is False then I want the data removed.
Here is the code I have used:
Dim GetUserName As String
GetUserName = CreateObject("WScript.Network").UserName
Text45.Text = GetUserName
End Sub
Note the Text45 is a visual on the form which displays the user name (this is showing blank) and shows me a message about not being able to reference a property unless it has focus. That is problem 2.
Additional code for the check box looks like this:
Dim GetUserName As String
If Resolved = 1 Then
ResolvedDate.Text = Now()
ResolvedBy.Text = GetUserName
End If
End Sub
Nothing works here at all. I have also tried changing the code to
Dim GetUserName As String
If Resolved = 1 Then
ResolvedDate.Text = Now()
ResolvedBy.Text = text45.Text
End If
End Sub
Because the GetUserName() is private in the Form_Onload() event I have also duplicated it on the check box AfterUpdate() event but it still didn't work. (I know - not efficient coding)
I cannot fathom out what to do to hold data in a value after it has lost focus to use it somewhere else, and I cannot get these fields to complete.
Can someone please help? Thank you.

MS Access: Action "onchange" event after a delay?

Good morning!
I have a "fancy" search function in Microsoft Access where the list of possible options shrinks as you type in the search field. Unfortunately the computer and server can't keep up with these rapid requeries of the data.
Currently the command to requery with the field in the 'onchange' function of the search box. I'd like to add a delay so it only runs the requery when the search box has not changed for a second. Thus if someone types in a 8 letter word, it isn't running 8 requeries.
The current idea I have for it, which I know there must be something better, is..
"On change, set search box value to X and wait 1 second. After 1 second, if X = search box value, run the requery. An issue is that it would be rapidly rewriting the X value and have a 'wait' command floating for each letter.
Hopefully there's a way to write an event trigger of "When field X has changed, but not changed for the past second."
Thank you!
As requested, here is my current code
'Create a string (text) variable
Dim vSearchString As String
'Populate the string variable with the text entered in the Text Box SearchFor
vSearchString = SearchFor.Text
'Pass the value contained in the string variable to the hidden text box SrchText,
'that is used as the sear4ch criteria for the Query QRY_SearchAll
SrchText = vSearchString
'Requery the List Box to show the latest results for the text entered in Text Box SearchFor
'Tests for a trailing space and exits the sub routine at this point
'so as to preserve the trailing space, which would be lost if focus was shifted from Text Box SearchFor
If Len(Me.SrchText) <> 0 And InStr(Len(SrchText), SrchText, " ", vbTextCompare) Then
'Set the focus on the first item in the list box
Me.SearchResults = Me.SearchResults.ItemData(1)
'Requery the form to refresh the content of any unbound text box that might be feeding off the record source of the List Box
'Returns the cursor to the the end of the text in Text Box SearchFor,
'and restores trailing space lost when focus is shifted to the list box
Me.SearchFor = vSearchString
Me.SearchFor.SelStart = Me.SearchFor.SelLength
Exit Sub
End If
'Set the focus on the first item in the list box
' Me.SearchResults = Me.SearchResults.ItemData(1)
'Requery the form to refresh the content of any unbound text box that might be feeding off the record source of the List Box
'Returns the cursor to the the end of the text in Text Box SearchFor
If Not IsNull(Len(Me.SearchFor)) Then
Me.SearchFor.SelStart = Len(Me.SearchFor)
End If
Obviously this is not MY code, it's from somewhere on the interweb. It works fantastic for databases stored locally, but everything is moving to our Sharepoint server which is running on a 386 in a moldy basement powered by a narcoleptic gerbil.
You can simply use the Timer of the current form. No need for a separate form or anything.
Private Sub DoSearch()
' Your current code
' but you should look into removing as many "Requery" from there as possible!
End Sub
Private Sub SearchFor_Change()
' Wait for x Milliseconds until the search is started.
' Each new change restarts the timer interval.
' Use 1000 (1 s) for slow typists or a really slow server
' 200 ms feels right for a normal typist
Me.TimerInterval = 200
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Timer()
' Disable timer (will be enabled by the next SearchFor_Change)
Me.TimerInterval = 0
' Now run the search
End Sub
Note: you may need to move some of the cursor-handling code from DoSearch() to SearchFor_Change(), specifically:
Me.SearchFor.SelStart = Len(Me.SearchFor)
Assign a shortcut key like (Ctrl+ J) to the logic in on change event and call it on demand once you have finished typing search keyword.
Remove on change event.
Create other procedure which has the logic of on change event and assign a shortcut key
Press shortcut to get search suggestion
Other approach
Add below validation to Change event which will check for length of string and will trigger only if length of string is >=8
Private Sub txtSearch_Change()
If Len(Nz(txtSearch.Text, 0)) >= 8 Then
End If
End Sub
I'm going a little outside my comfort area, since I hardly use MS Access forms, but why are you bothering the Server/Database so much? In my experience, each query costs the same amount of time, whether it returns 1 record or 100,000 records.
So even before the user types anything, why don't you just do a single query to return a sorted list. After that, it takes almost no time to use VBA to process the results and find everything in the list that starts with whatever the user types in (it's sorted after all).
Except for the initial load, users who are local to the database or on the other side of the world will experience the same snappy response from your interface.
Like I said, I haven't messed with Access Forms a lot, so this is more of a strict VBA solution. Maybe there is a better way to do it without going outside the Access Forms box that someone could enlighten us with.
You should basically just call LoadItemList when you load the form, or whenever you need to.
Public dbConn As ADODB.Connection
Private ItemList As Variant
Private RecordCount As Long
Sub LoadItemList()
Dim SQL As String
Dim RS As New ADODB.Recordset
SQL = "SELECT T.Name FROM Table T"
Set RS = dbConn.Execute(SQL)
If Not RS.EOF Then
ItemList = RS.GetRows
RecordCount = UBound(ItemList, 2) - LBound(ItemList, 2) + 1
End If
End Sub
Then replace DoCmd.Requery with AddItemtoCombobox SearchResults, SearchFor.Text
Sub AddItemtoCombobox(Control As ComboBox, Filter As String)
Dim Index As Long
If Not IsEmpty(ItemList) Then
For Index = 0 To RecordCount - 1
If ItemList(Index) Like Filter Then Control.AddItem ItemList(Index)
End If
End Sub
Again, maybe there is a better way that is built into Access...
The technical term that you're looking for is debounce.
What you can do is on your on change event, keep track of the current search string
in terms of pseudocode.
sub onChange()
Form.timerinterval = 0
form.timerinterval = delay
So in terms of the explanation, if your on change is called, disable the timer. Update your search string, then reset the timer to fire after a certain amount of time. The form should be a hidden form that contains the code that you want to execute

Access 2013 - Set a field value based on value of another field

I have a combo box (Status) which includes the following:
I also have 5 other date fields which are as follows:
However I want this status to be populated automatically based on what data has been entered in my previous fields.
For example, once shortage_date has been populated with a valid date (00/00/0000) I want the "status" to change to "shortage".
Once allocated_date has been populated with a valid date (00/00/0000) I want the "status" to change to "allocated".
I saw this bit of code online but I'm totally confused:
Private Sub Textbox1_AfterUpdate()
If Textbox1.Value = "1" Then
Textbox2.Value = "10"
End If
End Sub
I believe mine should look something like this but I dont know what I need to make sure it validates the date.
Private Sub shortage_date_AfterUpdate()
If shortage_date.Value = "(I want to valididate the date here)" Then
Status.Value = "Status"
End If
End Sub
Hope I make sense!
Firstly, I would set up an Input Mask on the field itself. You can do that by putting the form into design view, then select the field, then go the Property Sheet which isAlt+Enter if it isn't open, then select the Data tab and set up a Input Mask. That will handle your validation part so you don't have to in code.
Then you should be able to just use the code:
Private Sub shortage_date_AfterUpdate()
If Nz(shortage_date.Value, "") <> "" Then
Status.Value = "Status"
End If
End Sub
The If statement is just to make sure that it doesn't reset the value back to the original every time the date is changed. Also here is link where you can read about Input Masks:
Update: Changed to Input Mask instead of Validation Rule

Changing Textbox.DefaultValue in Access

I would like to be able to change the Textbox.DefaultValue during the 'On Load' event of a form such that each time the form is loaded the user is prompted with an InputBox to change a specific TextBox.Default value which in my case the TextBox control on the table is called Stream. I have tried the following code but each time it gives me a
'RunTime Error 3422 Cannot modify table structure. Another user has
the table open'.
Private Sub Form_Load()
CurrentDb.TableDefs("Class 1 Students (C1)").Fields("Stream").DefaultValue = InputBox("Enter Stream Letter:")
End Sub
I am using Microsoft Access
As Doug Glancy said in a comment, don't change the field's default value in table design. Instead change the text box's default value.
This is a critical point in a multi-user database application --- you wouldn't want one user stomping on another's default value choice. But, even if this will always be a single-user application, changing the table design means you can't have the table open in the record source of your form.
Changing the text box default value is easy. I added an unbound text box, txtDefaultStream, to my form's header. And, in its after update event, I change Me.txtStream.DefaultValue. The code is below.
Here is a screenshot of that form in action. I had A as the default when entering the first 2 rows. Then entered B in the default stream text box. Notice the new record has B in its Stream text box.
Private Sub txtDefaultStream_AfterUpdate()
Dim strDefault As String
If Len(Trim(Me.txtDefaultStream & vbNullString)) > 0 Then
strDefault = """" & Me.txtDefaultStream.value & """"
Me.txtStream.DefaultValue = strDefault
Me.txtStream.DefaultValue = vbNullString
End If
End Sub
As Doug Glancy said, use the textbox, so you should try
Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.AText.DefaultValue = "='S'"
End Sub