How can I fix this 'Liquid Warning: Liquid syntax error: Expected id but found open_square in' - syntax-error

I just started running my blog using Github pages.
I chose 'minimal mistakes' theme and encountered a problem while customizing.
{% assign posts = site.categories.['Effective Java'] %}
The reason why I used square bracket is because of the blank between 'Effective' and 'Java'.
It actually works well without any problems, but I don't want to see the Liquid Warning any more.
Is there a better way to deal with the blank?


How To Enable Block Inside Fifty Different Sections Without Copying Meta Code?

I am developing a Shopify Theme. The structure I have now is (excerpt):
Custom message snippet uses settings that are in the custom-message-section, that is:
a) message
b) header text
I'd like for users to be able to add custom-message-snippet to welcome-page-a and welcome-page-b in a way that settings for both are different.
I can not render section 'custom-message-section" inside welcome pages because it is not possible (and a workaround is nasty).
There are fifty welcome pages. Every welcome page is totally different.
My question is:
How to allow users to use custom-message-snippet in all welcome pages without copying and pasting custom-message-page setting schema to each and every welcome page?
combine custom-message-section to custom-message-snippet
combine welcome-page-\w+-template to welcome-page-template, you only need to have one template and schema set, the user will control the sections in schema selection.
in template, use schema to select the page-content; this, defined by a bunch of if-else /switch statement.
{% section "welcome-page-custom-message-section" %}
{% section "welcome-page-content" %}
in welcome-page-custom-message-section
{% render "custom-message-snippet" with "string from welcome-page-section schema " %}
create checkbox select schema for custom message to appear or not.
Short: You can't.
Long: Using storefront 2.0, you end you having blocks, which can be added manually to any template.
It is possible if you have a little knowledge of Node.js and you're using the Shopify CLI.
Check the solution here: Shopify Section / Block Schema In A Separate File. It is possible 

Symfony form dummy errors

In a Symfony form, how could I add some dummy errors to test how errors are printed ?
I would like to test all errors : global ({{ form_errors(form) }}) and widget-specific ({{ form_row(form.tags) }})
I've searched throught all these documentation links and didn't find anything.
I also looked about validators but nothing seems to match.
here you are (in your controller):
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormError;
$form->get('yourAttribute')->addError( new FormError('your error message'));

Get variables in Sphinx templates

I can't figure out how to get variables into Sphinx documents via a template. I am certainly making an elementary mistake, but while there is lots of documentation for using Jinja/Flask templates for web service and some documentation for Sphinx using it, I am having trouble doing the following. Maybe it's not possible and I'm barking up the wrong tree, but then this is fairly different from how variables work in general in web (as opposed to doc) templates?
I am working within a much larger project. Suppose in my project's I make a variable, say
LANGS = ['en', 'de', 'cn']
I know that this works because if I do the docbuild (we have a custom docbuild but I don't think it does anything really crazy other than a customized logger and eating a bunch of 'chatter') with the following line in
print len(LANGS)
it shows up during the docbuild.
But now of course I want to access this variable in my template. As far as I can tell, we override index.rst with templates/index.html, which inherits from the basic layout.html for Sphinx. And if I do
<p>We have {{ LANGS|len }} languages</p>
I get
We have 0 languages
Now, this is weird, because sometimes I can cause an error in the build by referring to variables not defined (though not consistently), so that somehow it 'knows' that the variable is defined but thinks it has length zero. Or does a "null" variable have length zero automatically?
How do I get this variable defined - or is it not possible?
What I want to do is then do something for each language in the list (make an outside link, in particular), but I figure there is no point in trying {% for %}/{% endfor %} or whatever if I can't get this working. Maybe Sphinx implements only a subset of Jinja?
Anyway, please help!
There are at least two ways to pass variables to a template:
Via html_context:
A dictionary of values to pass into the template engine’s context for all pages. Single values can also be put in this dictionary using the -A command-line option of sphinx-build.
html_context = {'num_langs': len(LANGS)}
<!-- template: -->
<p>We have {{ num_langs }} languages</p>
Via the html_theme_options. This requires adding an option to theme.conf (you can create a theme by inheriting from a standard one):
num_langs = 1
Then you can set num_langs in via html_theme_options:
html_theme_options = {'num_langs': len(LANGS)}
and use it in a template:
<p>We have {{ theme_num_langs }} languages</p>

Django SQL query for each include/extends

I'm using Django to realize a engineering management system. I've made something really wrong somewhere, and my SQL query count is very high on some pages.
For example, I got 95 to 98 SQL queries in a single page, a simple ListView. All the queries are the same :
SELECT * FROM "syncoor_codification" LIMIT 21
They always return the same object. I suspect the queries to be triggered by my model's get_queryset() function.
If I use Django Debug Toolbar, I can see that the queries are triggered inside the template, by lines like :
{% extends 'syncoor/base.html' %}
{% extends 'syncoor/docs/base.html' %}
{% extends 'syncoor/docs/codifications/base.html' %}
{% include 'syncoor/js/jsp.js' %}
How could I get rid of this extra overhead ?
Edit : here's a screenshot :
In the picture you posted, the stack trace shows 2 things of note.
The SQL calls are being performed inside a signal handler associated with django-debug-toolbar, specifically the TEMPLATE panel.
The SQL call has it's limit clause set to REPR_OUTPUT_SIZE, Indicating that the template panel is trying to render a representation of a queryset.
This leads me to believe that you have passed a function or lazy object that returns a new queryset into the context at some point and it is this object that is being evaluated by the template panel. See if you can spot a bunch of Entity Objects in the context in the templates panel.
To confirm, try setting your settings like this.
# 'debug_toolbar.panels.template.TemplateDebugPanel',
It looks like there are loops running in your base.html templates that are hitting the database. That's why inheriting from those templates is generating queries. Without seeing the templates themselves it's hard to say what the exact problem is, but that's certainly where you'll find the answer.

Did liquid array accessors in shopify templates change recently?

For some reason this bit of liquid just stopped working in a site I did some months back:
{% assign packs = collections.packs.all_products %}
{{ packs[0].title }}
Accessing the array items in a for loop still works, but I am unable to access the items directly using an index value. Is this a recent change to the template system or is something else going on?
this should work again. A change in liquid that caused this was reverted last week.