myapp on wildfly-10 used keycloak-6 for authencation for 2 years without any issue. The SSL certificate expired and I have reinstall a new SSL and update to wildfly-21 and keycloak-12.
I am getting a Connection refused error.
Here is the list of different steps:
I installed Sectigo Essential Wildcard SSL for keycloak-12 as the following:
I issued a certificat from
I received 3 files: _mydomain_net.crt, AAA_Certificate_Services.crt and USERTrust_RSA_Certification_Authority.crt
openssl pkcs12 -export -in _mydomain.crt -inkey -out -name default -CAfile AAA_Certificate_Services.crt -caname root
keytool -importkeystore -destkeystore -srckeystore -srcstoretype PKCS12 -alias default
cp keycloak-12.0.4/standalone/configuration/
I configured keycloak standalone.xml as the following:
<security-realm name="UndertowRealm">
<keystore path="" relative-to="jboss.server.config.dir" keystore-password="mypass" />
<https-listener name="https" socket-binding="https" security-realm="UndertowRealm" enable-http2="true"/>
<host name="default-host" alias="localhost">
<location name="/" handler="welcome-content"/>
<http-invoker security-realm="UndertowRealm"/>
<spi name="truststore">
<provider name="file" enabled="true">
<property name="file" value="${jboss.server.config.dir}/"/>
<property name="password" value="mypass"/>
<property name="hostname-verification-policy" value="WILDCARD"/>
<property name="disabled" value="false"/>
I added the certificated to the jvm
cp _mydomain_net.cert to /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/security/
keytool -import -alias ca -file -keystore cacerts -storepass mypass
At this level I can access my keycloak installation via https without any issue.
I configured wildfly-21.0.2 as the following:
cp standalone/configuration/
I added a certificated to the jvm of my wildfly-21.0.2 server
cp _mydomain_net.cert to /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/security/
keytool -import -alias ca -file _mydomain_net.crt -keystore cacerts -storepass mypass
my web.xml
I can't connect myapp from wildfly-21 to keycloak-12, the error:
[org.keycloak.adapters.KeycloakDeployment] (default task-1) Failed to load URLs from Connection refused (Connection refused)
I am working on this issue for three days without any success and I have no idea on how to solve this problem. Thanks in advance for any idea/suggestion.
https port was missing.
change to
We are trying to migrate Wildfly from 8.1.0.Final to 26.0.1.Final. Currently Wildfly is running in standalone mode hence standalone.xml is in used for configurations and no domain configuration so far.
Everything is working that includes, management console, package deployments etc but requesting URL with https gives us "This site can't be reached". It appears there is something wrong with SSL configuration in Wildfly 26.0.1.Final because same SSL certificate have been used in version 8.1.0.Final.
Here is SSL/TLS configuration we are using:
<key-store name="abc-keystore">
<credential-reference clear-text="clearpasswordonetwothree"/>
<implementation type="JKS"/>
<file path="abc-keystore.jks" relative-to="jboss.server.config.dir"/>
<key-manager name="applicationKM" key-store="abc-keystore">
<credential-reference clear-text="clearpasswordonetwothree"/>
<server-ssl-context name="applicationSSC" key-manager="applicationKM"/>
We've removed generate-self-signed-certificate-host="localhsot" from configuration because certificate is not self-signed in our case.
Like I mentioned before, same SSL certificate have been used in version 8.1.0.
Please be noted that this is specifically related to version 26.0.1.Final and I have no idea if any more configuration is required apart from the above.
Any help is highly appreciated.
This is how I sorted out with the help of Wildfly support. In my case it's standalone mode.
TLS Block:
<key-store name="applicationKS">
<credential-reference clear-text="password"/>
<implementation type="JKS"/>
<file path="C:\wildfly26\application.keystore.jks"/>
<key-manager name="applicationKM" key-store="applicationKS" generate-self-signed-certificate-host="localhost">
<credential-reference clear-text="password"/>
<server-ssl-context name="applicationSSC" protocols="TLSv1.2" key-manager="applicationKM"/>
Reference SSL context in https-listener
<https-listener name="https" socket-binding="https" ssl-context="applicationSSC" enable-http2="true"/>
Socket Binding under socket-binding-group
Change port from 8443 to 443
<socket-binding name="https" port="${jboss.https.port:443}"/>
Configure Interface
<interface name="management">
<inet-address value="${}"/>
<interface name="public">
<inet-address value="${jboss.bind.address:}"/>
I ran into the same problem since they removed the security realms. I used the top part of this manual:
My setup was that I had a .cer certificate and key, I had to re-create the keystore using these two answers: How to create an empty java trust store? and How to import an existing X.509 certificate and private key in Java keystore to use in SSL?
create keystore with dummy certificate: keytool -genkeypair -alias boguscert -storepass changeit -keypass changeit -keystore server.keystore -dname "CN=Developer, OU=Department, O=Company, L=City, ST=State, C=CA"
delete dummy certificate from keystore: keytool -delete -alias boguscert -storepass changeit -keystore server.keystore
Create pkcs12 certificate from key and .crt file openssl pkcs12 -export -in <SERVERNAME>.crt -inkey <SERVERNAME>.key -out server.p12 -name server
import pkcs12 certificate into empty keystore: keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass changeit -destkeypass changeit -destkeystore server.keystore -srckeystore server.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass changeit -alias server
I then followed the top part of jboss documentation I linked above above using the the wildfly-cli located in the bin directory. This writes the needed xml into the standalone.xml so make sure you use the vanilla one that ships with wildfly 26.0.1. After that I had to enable the ssl redirection using this: Redirect http requests to https in wildfly 10
Hope it helps
Here is how my Widfly (20) is configured regarding SSL.
Assuming you have already setup a Java keystore whose entry named 'server' is containing your certificate/key, you have to tell Wildfly to look for that particular alias ('server') in your keystore:
<security-realm name="ApplicationRealm">
<keystore path="application.keystore" relative-to="jboss.server.config.dir" keystore-password="..." alias="server" key-password="..." generate-self-signed-certificate-host="localhost"/>
It drives me nuts now.
I have created sym links to the PEM files. I made the PEM files readable for the tomcat user. I set the server.xml to use SSL. And the connector fails to start.
<Connector port="8443"
<SSLHostConfig hostName="" protocols="+TLSv1,+TLSv1.1,+TLSv1.2">
I did try to change the type to RSA, to no avail. All I see in the log is:
02-Jan-2021 17:40:54.398 INFO [main] org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.init Initializing ProtocolHandler ["https-openssl-nio-8443"]
02-Jan-2021 17:40:54.466 SEVERE [main] org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.handleSubClassException Failed to initialize component [Connector[HTTP/1.1-8443]]
org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: Protocol handler initialization failed
at org.apache.catalina.connector.Connector.initInternal(
... some lines removed
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
... some lines are removed
at org.apache.catalina.connector.Connector.initInternal(
... 13 more
Caused by:
... 20 more
I've checked the code (tomcat 9.0.33):
if (certificate.getCertificateFile() == null) {
throw new IOException(sm.getString("jsse.noCertFile"));
I did try to copy the files instead of using sym links. No avail. Removed the comments from the cert files. No avail. It seems tomcat cannot find the files I've specified in the server.xml.
What do I miss?
Whenever you use one of the deprecated properties on a connector, Tomcat creates an <SSLHostConfig> element with hostName="_default_" and a <Connector> element inside it. The error is caused by the lack of the certificateFile on this particular element.
Remove the deprecated attributes (clientAuth, sslProtocol) from the <Connector> element and everything should work.
<Connector port="8443"
<SSLHostConfig hostName="" protocols="TLSv1+TLSv1.1+TLSv1.2">
Remark: the sslProtocol attribute is a characteristic of JSSE and should always be left at the default value (TLS).
I had the same issue with Ubuntu 20.04 and Tomcat 9.0.52.
Tomcat - server.xml - certificateKeyFile
<Connector port="443" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol"
maxThreads="150" SSLEnabled="true" >
<UpgradeProtocol className="org.apache.coyote.http2.Http2Protocol" />
<Certificate certificateKeyFile="conf/localhost-rsa-key.pem"
type="RSA" />
I also tried everything that you described above and I also was not able to make the Tomcat Connector with certificateKeyFile to work.
Note, on RedHat Linux 7/8 it works fine though!!! I only got this issue in Ubuntu 20.04.
The good news is it works fine in Ubuntu 20.04 if you use a keystore instead of the certificateKeyFile.
You will need to create the keystore as the user that runs tomcat, in my case the user named "tomcat", then created the CSR using the keystore, issue the certificate, and imported the certificate into the keystore.
--Create the keystore folder and grant the proper permissions:
su - root
mkdir /rhdata/sslcert
chown -R tomcat:tomcat /rhdata/sslcert
su - tomcat
cd /rhdata/sslcert
--Create the PKCS12 keystore (must do the previous step):
su - tomcat
/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -storetype PKCS12 -keyalg RSA -keystore /rhdata/sslcert/.keystore
$ /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -storetype PKCS12 -keyalg RSA -validity 3600 -keysize 2048 -keystore /rhdata/sslcert/.keystore
Enter keystore password: key$tom#2021
$ /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/keytool --list --keystore /rhdata/sslcert/.keystore -storepass 'key$tom#2021'
--Create the CSR:
su - tomcat
$ /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -alias tomcat -file /rhdata/sslcert/keytool_cert/certreq.csr -keystore /rhdata/sslcert/.keystore -storepass 'key$tom#2021'
--Create the new certificate from the certificate authority using the CSR
--Import the new certificate into the keystore:
su - tomcat
$ /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/keytool -import -alias tomcat -keystore /rhdata/sslcert/.keystore -storepass 'key$tom#2021' -file /rhdata/sslcert/keytool_cert/certnew.p7b
$ /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/keytool -import -alias tomcat -keystore /rhdata/sslcert/.keystore -storepass 'key$tom#2021' -file /rhdata/sslcert/keytool_cert/certnew.cer
--This is the new Tomcat connector:
Tomcat - server.xml - keystore
port="8443" maxThreads="200"
scheme="https" secure="true" SSLEnabled="true"
keystoreFile="/rhdata/sslcert/.keystore" keystorePass="key$tom#2021"
clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS"/>
--Verify the new Tomcat server.xml file
su - tomcat
cd /usr/local/tomcat9/conf
--Then, stop/start Tomcat.
su - root
systemctl stop tomcat.service
systemctl start tomcat.service
systemctl status tomcat.service
vi /usr/local/tomcat9/logs/catalina.out <-- shall not have any errors!!!
I'm trying to enable SSL on my wildfly 11 application server, i bought an ssl certificate in godaddy and downloaded a zip file with this inside:
1. 22c8728db3996008.crt
2. 22c8728db3996008.pem
3. gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt
I follow this steps to install, with this commands:
1. keytool -genkey -alias myalias -keyalg RSA -keystore keystore.jks
2. keytool -import -alias root -keystore keystore.jks -trustcacerts -file C:\path\to\cert\22c8728db3996008.crt
3. keytool -import -alias intermed -keystore keystore.jks -trustcacerts -file C:\path\to\cert\gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt
Then copy the keystore.jks file on the standalone/configuration directory
And modify standalone.xml file:
<security-realm name="ApplicationRealm">
<keystore path="keystore.jks" relative-to="jboss.server.config.dir" keystore-password="mypassword" alias="myalias" key-password="mypassword"/>
<local default-user="$local" allowed-users="*" skip-group-loading="true"/>
<properties path="" relative-to="jboss.server.config.dir"/>
<properties path="" relative-to="jboss.server.config.dir"/>
<https-listener name="default-ssl" socket-binding="https" security-realm="SslRealm"/>
Then restart the server but booting appears this error:
ERROR [] (MSC service thread 1-7) MSC000001: Failed to start service org.jboss.msc.service.StartException in service Failed to start service
at org.jboss.msc//org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceControllerImpl$
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at java.base/
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: org.jboss.msc.service.StartException in anonymous service: WFLYDM0086: The KeyStore can not be found at keystore.jks
at org.jboss.msc//org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceControllerImpl$StartTask.startService(
at org.jboss.msc//org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceControllerImpl$
... 3 more
Caused by: org.jboss.msc.service.StartException in anonymous service: WFLYDM0086: The KeyStore can not be found at keystore.jks
... 7 more
How can i install and use my ssl certificate?
After many tries, I was able to solve it.
First to create a keystore file (.keystore), install KeyStore Explorer and follow this steps.
Second for add the keytore file to Wildfly follow this steps.
To redirect all traffic from the server to HTTPS do with this.
And that's it, the SSL certificate works ok.
Hope this help to someone.
I checked Wildfly docs and also other sources, but I just can't get SSL to work in Wildfly.
I exported my keystore file:
openssl pkcs12 -export -out output_cert.pfx -inkey domain.key -in domain.crt -certfile ../ca.crt
keytool -v -importkeystore -srckeystore output_cert.pfx -srcstoretype PKCS12 -destkeystore output_store.jks -deststoretype JKS
I got no errors in the commands above.
Then I configured standalone.xml.
<security-realm name="ssl-realm">
<keystore path="SSL/output_store.jks" relative-to="jboss.server.config.dir" keystore-password="mypassword" alias="1" key-password="mypassword"/>
And I added this to the default-server.
<https-listener name="https" security-realm="ssl-realm" socket-binding="https"/>
I started Wildfly, no errors appeared in the log and I found this line:
10:17:58,475 INFO [org.wildfly.extension.undertow] (MSC service thread 1-1) WFLYUT0006: Undertow HTTPS listener https listening on my_ip:8443
Then I deployed an application to the root (/) web context and tried to access it through my_ip:8443, https://my_ip, my_domain:8443, https://my_domain.
However I always get a page with the message "The connection was reset". If I change the URL to my_ip:8080, the application can be found through http.
Anyone have any idea what I might be doing wrong?
It was a really silly mistake.
I had to try to access https://my_domain:8443.
I had tried all combinations, except the correct one.
I am working on Central Authentication System ( to implementing Single Sign On featute
for my intranet web application. I have two tomcat instance running in my same machine(windows).
Both tomcat instance have been configured to use SSL and have used self-signed sertificate (created using java keytool).
Cas Server.
<Connector port="8443" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192" SSLEnabled="true"
maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75"
enableLookups="false" disableUploadTimeout="true"
acceptCount="100" scheme="https" secure="true"
clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS"
truststoreFile="C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_20/jre/lib/security/cacerts" />
myWebApp(using spring security)
<Connector port="8663" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192" SSLEnabled="true"
maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75"
enableLookups="false" disableUploadTimeout="true"
acceptCount="100" scheme="https" secure="true"
clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" />
below is the applicationContext-security.xml file of the myWebApp
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns:security=""
Enable security, let the casAuthenticationEntryPoint handle all intercepted urls.
The CAS_FILTER needs to be in the right position within the filter chain.
<security:http entry-point-ref="casProcessingFilterEntryPoint" auto-config="true">
<security:intercept-url pattern="/protected/**" access="IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY" />
Required for the casProcessingFilter, so define it explicitly set and
specify an Id Even though the authenticationManager is created by
default when namespace based config is used.
<security:authentication-manager alias="authenticationManager" />
This section is used to configure CAS. The service is the
actual redirect Client URL that will be triggered after the CAS login sequence.
<bean id="serviceProperties" class="">
<property name="service" value=""/>
<property name="sendRenew" value="false"/>
The customUserDetailsService provides ROLE & other Details and
create an object of UserDetail for this application.
<bean id="customUserDetailsService"
The CasProcessingFilter has very similar properties to the
AuthenticationProcessingFilter (used for form-based logins).
The CAS Processing filter handles the redirect from the CAS server
and starts the ticket validation.
<bean id="casProcessingFilter" class="">
<security:custom-filter after="CAS_PROCESSING_FILTER"/>
<property name="authenticationManager" ref="authenticationManager"/>
<property name="authenticationFailureUrl" value="/casfailed.jsp"/>
<property name="defaultTargetUrl" value="/"/>
The entryPoint intercepts all the CAS authentication requests.
It redirects to the CAS loginUrl for the CAS login page.
<bean id="casProcessingFilterEntryPoint"
<property name="loginUrl" value=""/>
<property name="serviceProperties" ref="serviceProperties"/>
Handles the CAS ticket processing.
<bean id="casAuthenticationProvider"
<security:custom-authentication-provider />
<property name="userDetailsService" ref="customUserDetailsService" />
<property name="serviceProperties" ref="serviceProperties" />
<property name="ticketValidator">
<bean class="org.jasig.cas.client.validation.Cas20ServiceTicketValidator">
<constructor-arg index="0" value="" />
<property name="key" value="an_id_for_this_auth_provider_only"/>
To access request.getRemoteUser() from client application
<bean id="wrappingFilter" class="org.jasig.cas.client.util.HttpServletRequestWrapperFilter" />
The issue I am facing is the below exception:
java.lang.RuntimeException: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
Steps to replicate the above exception:
1) I tried accessing myWebApp using
2) It is getting redirected to cas server i.e. and after providing username/password
Here the exception caught once myWebApp again send the request to cas server to validate the generated Token.
Any suggestion/help would be highly appriciated.
Your Spring-CAS configuration looks fine.
The one and only reason SSLHandshakeException appears is due to the improper import of the SSL key into the created keystore or the JVM keystore.
During key creation have you followed the following
Note : the alias name that is the CN (here it is cas) should be same name as the machine's hostname.
to find the machine's host name, in console or command promt just type "hostname" without quotes.
Create a directory under root named app
[root#localhost app]# keytool -genkey -alias cas -keyalg RSA -keystore
.cas -storepass caspasswd
What is your first and last name? [Unknown]: cas What is the name
of your organizational unit? [Unknown]: MYCOMPANY What is the name
of your organization? [Unknown]: MYCOMPANY What is the name of your
City or Locality? [Unknown]: Bangalore What is the name of your
State or Province? [Unknown]: Karnataka What is the two-letter
country code for this unit? [Unknown]: IN Is CN=cas, OU=MYCOMPANY,
O=MYCOMPANY, L=Bangalore, ST=Karnataka, C=IN correct? [no]: yes
Enter key password for (give the password mentioned above -- i.e
caspasswd in this case)
(RETURN if same as keystore password): Re-enter new password:
[root#localhost app]# keytool -exportcert -alias cas -file cas.crt
-keystore .cas Enter keystore password: Certificate stored in file
[root#localhost app]# ls cas.crt softwares test.class
[root#localhost app]# keytool -import -alias cas -file cas.crt
-keystore /app/softwares/jdk1.6.0_27/jre/lib/security/cacerts Enter keystore password: Owner: CN=cas, OU=MYCOMPANY, O=MYCOMPANY,
L=Bangalore, ST=Karnataka, C=IN Issuer: CN=cas, OU=MYCOMPANY,
O=MYCOMPANY, L=Bangalore, ST=Karnataka, C=IN Serial number: 510a6a63
Valid from: Thu Jan 31 18:28:11 IST 2013 until: Wed May 01 18:28:11
IST 2013 Certificate fingerprints:
MD5: 52:8E:2E:74:C6:57:CD:B3:B0:B6:6C:17:D9:0D:77:F3
SHA1: 1F:AA:4C:22:B9:16:DC:AA:D4:87:07:CF:DD:B2:11:A6:AE:36:9A:DB
Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA
Version: 3 Trust this certificate? [no]: yes Certificate was added to keystore
[root#localhost app]# keytool -list -keystore
/app/softwares/jdk1.6.0_27/jre/lib/security/cacerts -alias cas Enter
keystore password: cas, Jan 31, 2013, trustedCertEntry, Certificate
fingerprint (MD5): 52:8E:2E:74:C6:57:CD:B3:B0:B6:6C:17:D9:0D:77:F3
[root#localhost app]#
And Inside your tomcat server.xml you also use the https connector as following
<Connector port="8443" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol" SSLEnabled="true"
maxThreads="150" scheme="https" keystoreFile="/app/.cas" keystorePass="mykeypassword"
secure="true" connectionTimeout="240000"
clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" allowUnsafeLegacyRenegotiation="true" />
<!-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 -->
<Connector port="8069" protocol="AJP/1.3" redirectPort="8443" />
The above key was for CAS Server.
You can create your own seperate key for the application.
But both key should be imported to the JVM cacerts keystore (How to : is mentioned below)
Now the most important part :
suppose your CAS Server alias name is cas
and your application Server alias name is myapp
keep both the keys cas.crt and myapp.crt in both servers to import into JVM
Do the following in both server :
1) keytool -import -alias cas -file /app/cas.crt -keystore
2) keytool -import -alias myapp -file /app/cas.crt -keystore
To verify use the following commands --
1) keytool -list -v -keystore
/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_22/jre/lib/security/cacerts -alias cas
2) keytool -list -v -keystore
/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_22/jre/lib/security/cacerts -alias myapp
Be sure about the Java--JRE--LIB--SECURITY--CACERTS file if using mutiple versions of java
This will remove your error.
Note :
If after giving proper user credential browser is showing blank white page,
modify the system's host file (/etc/hosts in linux and c:\windows\system32\driver\etc\hosts in windows)
add the cas server ip there
eg. myapp cas
Any doubt can be clarified.
You can refer the following :