Get access to Electron API from Java and Webdriver - selenium

I'm writing automation tests for Electron application using Java->Selenide (Selenium)->chromedriver 83.
I can successfully get access to visual elements of the app using xpath locators. But currently I need to check that window of my app is minimized after pressing "Minimize" UI button.
I can't find any easy ways to check that window is minimized from chromedriver.
May I use Electron API to get property win.isVisible or something like that? Or maybe any other ways to check that window of the Electron app is minimized?


Playwright: how to minimize electron app, change focus to another and re-open the electron app?

I am new to the Playwright, trying to minimize the electron app, then change focus to some other app and click on minimized app to open.
Is this even possible using Playwright? trying to get this run on Mac/Windows.
Any help is highly appreciated.

Can WinAppDriver work with desktop applications that aren't windows native?

I'm looking into automation testing for an AutoCAD-like program for desktops. I went through a tutorial and got a script working for the calculator app, but I'm unable to find & locate elements in other applications that aren't native to Windows 10. Is this possible & it's potentially an issue with how I'm locating elements or will it just not work at all? If so, is there any similar solution for desktop apps that use selenium?

Automate iOS application with amCharts element using Appium or Perfecto

Is it possible to automate iOS native application with amCharts elements using Appium or Perfecto ? [Sample amChart]
Perfecto is just mobile device cloud provider, where you can use Appium: so does not affect the possibility.
It may be tricky to parse amCharts for Appium just as it may be tricky to do so for XCUITest (that Appium use for iOS interactions). Since its Objective C wrapper chances are pretty good, but still you will be able to get only numbers and element position in best case.
I suggest to install appium-desktop, start session with your app and make screen snapshot. If appium won't parse it, you may try do it directly in XCode with XCUITest and maybe you need to add some attributes for parsing via Appium

Appium: How to get current window?

I have Appium 1.4.13
IOSDriver<MobileElement> driver = new IOSDriver<MobileElement>(appiumUrl, desiredCapabilities);
How do I get current window (UIAWindow)? How do I get all elements on that window?
hi Artem appium tool only automates the app not android functionalities so you cant retrieve like home, settings window just like selenium does browser automation not the windows system (for that we use external tools like AutoIt and Sikuli), To retrieve app handles we use getcontextHandles() method to know we are in native app or Web view... hope this helps

Problems with testing Bootstrap modal windows with Codeception

I'm having a little trouble testing the appearance of modal windows with a website I'm helping to build. These modal windows are used to fill out forms and I'm writing tests to test if they appear and later to fill them in and test the submit functionality.
I'm using Codeception with the WebDriver module to test and frequently there are errors when trying to waitForElement with the modal. It doesn't always result in an error though, sometimes Codeception seems to see the modal and other times it doesn't.
I'm wondering if there is a better automated testing framework for testing Twitter Bootstrap modal windows or if I'm just not doing something right.