jdi light framework for JSF Primefaces selectone component - jdiframework

I have page for country selection as list box of SelectOneMenu of primefaces component. This page has other list items of same time.
Used the dropdown with JDropdown
#JDropdown(root = ".ui-selectonemenu", expand = ".ui-selectonemenu-trigger", list = "option",
value = ".ui-selectonemenu-label")
Dropdown country;
when executed it finds more than one and unable to select
Question - I don't see and id for the JDropdown annotation, so how do we get this working?
Appreciated your help.


How to identify individual controls within a search result using Selenium Webdriver?

I have a list of search results in the following link and would like to know on how can I identify the individual controls using dynamic xpath
I'm able to get the list of product names displayed using the below line
List<WebElement> productResults = browser.findElements(By.xpath("//*[contains(#id,'product')]/div[2]/span[2]/a"));
I'm able to print the product names displayed in Page 1 using the below code, but however the list size is not matching with the list of results displayed in Page 1 so which I see blank lines in between when printing
for(int i=0;i<productResults.size();i++){
Also I tried to locate the individual controls such as Qty text box, Add button in a similar like how I located the product names but the list count is not matching so which I cannot specify the quantity, add the required product to the cart.
Could you please help me with this one?
The first step is get only the visible itens (that is displayed), sou you can use this xpath:
Now, you need to return the main iten div, that allows you to acess other functions. You can get the tag parents in this way:
The elements that you recieve in this last XPath have all html itens that you want, as set quantity, select the dropdown etc. You can acess each using a findElement() in each IWebElement of the list. Example:
List<WebElement> productResults = browser.findElements(By.xpath("//*[contains(#id,'product')][not(contains(#style,'display:none'))]/div[2]/span[2]/a/../../.."));
for(WebElement element : productResults ){
IWebElement quantityInput = element.findElement(By.XPath("//input[contains(#id, '_qty')]"));
string quantityValue = quantityInput.getAttribute("value"); // if you want to know the current value. YOu can also parse it in an int
IWebElement addButton = element.findElement(By.XPath("//a[contains(#class, 'add-button')]"));
// etc to all elements inside element.
// Remember: Element is yout complete card of the item, that contains Value, name, image, buttons and all it.
Sorry for some Java syntax error. I am not a Java developer / tester. My piece of cake is C#.

How can I focus to a specific item which is in the bottom of the page in IDE

I am trying to select a specific item in a page which is at the bottom of the page. I want to verify that element is present and the same time I want to focus to that specific item.
How can I do this in the Selenium IDE?
I tried storeEval, but its specific co-ordinated which I don't want. I am looking for some dynamic command. I tried using css:.groupTile:contains("Concentrated") but the focus is not going to that particular item (Concentrated).
Can someone help me with Command, Target and value please?
CSS Selectors have many formats
i) Using id. Put this in Target: css=tag#id
tag = the HTML tag of the element being accessed,
id = the ID of the element being accessed
ii) Using class. Put this in Target: css=tag.class
tag = the HTML tag of the element being accessed,
class = the class of the element being accessed
In value you enter name of the item.

Not able to get tooltip text using Selenium WebDriver

I have 5 tooltips in page. Using WebDriver, I am trying to verify these tooltip text.
I am using following code sequentially to get the tooltip text of all 5 elements:
Actions builder = new Actions(WebDriver);
The issue is I get only the tooltip text of first element printed in console.
Is it because I need to refresh or reset the builder?
It's really weird when I delete the code for 1st element , then I can get tooltip text of 2nd element. So, basically it is getting tooltip text only once in single execution.
Verify tool tip by comparing "title" attribute of the web element and your expected tool tip text.
Tool tip text for input elements would be the title attributes and for images, alt attribute would be the tool tip.This is the standard for HTML 4, so I am not sure if you need to do hover and all.
I think, it needs to release from element as:
So, your code could be as below:
Actions builder = new Actions(WebDriver);
I am facing the same issue , i checked the view source page on running the test and it appears that the title attribute is displayed as data-original-title.Due to which it is unable to display the text.On replacing the title with data-original-title . I am able to obtain text.

EXTJS extract fields values from form.Panel

I created a form with nested container, fieldset and there a few checkbox on the form too.
as far as the form.getValues() can do it extract all values except the checkboxes so I want to extract the fields value manually. However the code sample I found so far
var values = {};
form.items.each( function(f) {
values[f.getName()] = f.getValue();
not work because the loop can get only the container, fieldset etc but not the actual field (textfield, combo etc). Could someone show me how to proper recursively extract all the field value?
It's because checkboxes dont hava a getSubmitData() which getValues() uses.
Try yourForm.getFieldValues() instead.
In ExtJs 4.0 you can use:
var fieldValues = Ext.getCmp('yourForm').form.getFieldValues();

Flex 3.5.0; Update ComboBox display list upon dataprovider change

I have two related ComboBoxes ( continents, and countries ). When the continents ComboBox changes I request a XML from a certain URL. When I receive that XML i change the DataProvider for the countries ComboBox, like this:
public function displayCountryArray( items:XMLList ):void
this.resellersCountryLoader.alpha = 0;
this.resellersCountry.dataProvider = items;
this.resellersCountry.dispatchEvent( new ListEvent( ListEvent.CHANGE ) );
I dispatch the ListEvent.CHANGE because I use it to change another ComboBox so please ignore that (and the 1st line ).
So, my problem is this: I select "ASIA" from the first continents, then the combobox DATA get's updated ( I can see that because the first ITEM is an item with the label '23 countries' ). I click the combo then I can see the countries.
NOW, I select "Africa", the first item is displayed, with the ComboBox being closed, then when I click it, the countries are still the ones from Asia. Anyway, if I click an Item in the list, then the list updates correctly, and also, it has the correct info ( as I said it affects other ComboBoxes ). SO the only problem is that the display list does not get updated.
In this function I tried these approaches
Converting XMLList to XMLCollection and even ArrayCollection
Adding this.resellersCountry.invalidateDisplayList();
Triggering events like DATA_CHANGE and UPDATE_COMPLETE
I know they don't make much sense, but I got a little desperate.
Please note that when I used 3.0.0 SDK this did not happen.
Sorry if I'm stupid, but the flex events are killing me.
Setting the dataprovider of the comboBox' dropdown seems to fix this problem.
this.resellersCountry.dataProvider = items;
this.resellersCountry.dropdown.dataProvider = items;
this.resellersCountry.dropdown.dataProvider = items;
works (Flex SDK 3.5)
Hope this bug fixed in 4.0
In addition to Christophe´s answer:
When you are using data binding in your ComboBox you need to use the BindingUtils to set the dropdown´s dataprovider:
<mx:ComboBox id="cb_fontFamily"
dataProvider="{ model.fontFamilies }" />
private function init():void
BindingUtils.bindSetter(updateFontFamilies, model, "fontFamilies");
private function updateFontFamilies(fontFamilies:ArrayCollection):void
if (cb_fontFamily != null) cb_fontFamily.dropdown.dataProvider = fontFamilies;
Thanks to Christophe for pointing in the right direction.
Another workaround, outlined in an Adobe Community forum post, is to avoid re-assigning a different ArrayCollection object to the ComboBox, and instead re-using (and re-populating) the original one instead:
for each (var item:* in newItems)