I am developing a utility to upload and connect a series of up to 20 Photos using the following process:
1. For each Photo:
- call photo.startUpload method
- upload Photo
- call photo.create method
- store received PhotoId
2. Create updatePhotosRequest:
- Photos are connected in the sequence:
* PhotoId(1) <=> PhotoId(2) <=> ... <=> PhotoId(n-1) <=> PhotoId(n)
- Targets are PhotoIds received in step 1
- updateMask = "connections"
3. Create connections:
- call photos.batchUpdate method
I found that Step 3 would sometimes fail with an error that some of the Photos had not finished processing. So I added a step before the photos.batchUpdate.
1. For each Photo:
- call photo.startUpload method
- upload the Photo
- call photo.create method
- store received PhotoId
2. Create updatePhotosRequest:
- Photos are connection in sequence:
* PhotoId(1) <=> PhotoId(2) <=> ... <=> PhotoId(n-1) <=> PhotoId(n)
- Targets are PhotoIds received in step 1
- updateMask = "connections"
3. Check for Photo(n) completion:
- call photo.get method for PhotoId(n)
- if photo.get returns an error, wait 5 secs and retry
- if photo.get returns success, continue to next step
4. Create connections:
- call photos.batchUpdate method
I found that it typically would require five (5) 5-sec retries (total of 25 secs) in step 3 before the photo.get would succeed. However, Step 4 will still sometimes fail with an error that Photo(n) does not exist.
If I delete the Photos and repeat the test sometimes it would succeed and sometimes it would fail.
What is causing the photos.batchUpdate to intermittently fail and what method can I use in step 3 to ensure that all Photos have finished initial processing and can be updated successfully in step 4?
Thank you
Google requires some time to process the photos, something between 0 and 30 seconds. There is a way to check if an image is already available using
if available it will return 200, if not will throw an error returning 503.
You have to pass a param called view. you can set view: "BASIC"
I'm trying to get an increase in delay/pause and load over time in jmeter load testing while keeping the sequence constant. For example -
Initially - 10 samples (of 2 get requests - a,b,a,b,a,b...)
Then after 10 samples, a delay/pause of 10 secs and then 20 samples (a,b,a,b,a,b...)
After the 20 samples, another delay/pause of 20 secs; then 30 samples (a,b,a,b,a,b...)
And so on.
Constraints here being -
Getting exact number of samples
Getting the desired delay
The order of requests should be maintained
The critical section controller helps with maintaining the order of threads but only in a normal thread group. So if I try the ultimate thread group to get the desired variable delay and load, the order and number of samples go haywire.
I've tried the following-
Run test group consecutively
Flow control action
Throughput controller
Module controller
Interleave controller
Synchronizing timer (with and without flow control)
Add think times to children
Is there any way to get this output in jMeter? Or should I just opt for scripting?
Add User Defined Variables and set the following variables there:
Add Thread Group and specify the required number of threads and iterations
Add Loop Controller under the Thread Group and set "Loop Count" to ${samples}. Put your requests under the Loop Controller
Add JSR223 Sampler and put the following code into Script area:
def delay = vars.get('delay') as long
sleep(delay * 1000)
def new_delay = delay + 10
vars.put('delay', new_delay as String)
def samples = vars.get('samples') as int
def new_samples = samples + 10
vars.put('samples', new_samples as String)
I have 4 transaction controllers named
__Http Request
__Http Request
__Http Request
__Http Request
that contain Http Requests, However when I run my test plan, I want them to run in numerical order but then they run randomly. How do I fix the order to it runs from 1-4?
Each JMeter thread (virtual user) runs Samplers upside down so you don't need to do anything, your requests are executed from top to bottom already. If you run your test with 1 user - you will see that requests are being executed sequentially.
If you're seeing some "mess" most probably it's caused by concurrency, like
1st user starts 1st request
2st user starts 2nd request
2nd user starts 1st request
1st user starts 3rd request
You can see this yourself if you add ${__threadNum} function as the prefix or postfix for your request (or transaction controller) label and eventually ${__groovy(vars.getIteration(),)} function to display the current loop number
With 1 user:
With 2 users:
With 2 users and 2 iterations:
As it evidenced by the above images each users executes samplers sequentially on each iteration, these "inconsistencies" are misleadingly interpreted due to concurrency
See Apache JMeter Functions - An Introduction article to get familiarized with JMeter Functions concept
I have a transformation where i call a REST client to post to an API. The API is expected to return a Reference number, which i use to log and use it for other functionalities.
An exception occurred and i received a status code 200 but the response was "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." which is not a number. The next step after Rest client expects a number but since the response is a text fails. (Rest client 2 to Modified Javascript 2 in the image)
In this scenario is it possible to have an intermediate step which checks if the response is a number else should not allow to go to next step?
Also, a related question. this transformation is run for each record from previous transformation. If the if condition fails, then it should continue with the next record.
There are multiple options.
One of the simplest ones is to insert a Select Values step to convert the field to a number and then add a Error handling hop connected to a Dummy step.
Rows that fail the data type conversion cause errors and are then sent through the error handling hop to the dummy step and will not be sent to the javascript step.
Currently I wait for an element to appear like this:
let populated = GREYCondition(name: "Wait for UICollectionView to populate", block: { _ in
var errorOrNil: NSError?
.assertWithMatcher(grey_notNil(), error: &errorOrNil)
let success = (errorOrNil == nil)
return success
GREYAssertTrue(populated, reason: "Failed to populate UICollectionView in 20 seconds")
Which polls constantly for 20 seconds for collection view to populate. Is there a better, non-polling way of achieving this?
EarlGrey recommends using its synchronization for waiting for elements rather than using sleeps or conditional checks like waits wherever possible.
EarlGrey has a variable kGREYConfigKeyInteractionTimeoutDuration value in GREYConfiguration that is set to 30 seconds and states -
* Configuration that holds timeout duration (in seconds) for action and assertions. Actions or
* assertions that are not scheduled within this time will fail due to timeout.
Since you're waiting for 20 seconds for your check, you can instead simply change it to -
.assertWithMatcher(grey_notNil(), error: &errorOrNil)
and it'll be populated without a timeout.
I like to connect Earl Grey with basic XCTest and I've come up with this simple solution to problem of waiting for elements:
app.webViews.buttons["logout()"].waitForExistence(timeout: 5)
I am trying to send an HTTP request via JMeter. I have created a thread group with a loop count of 25. I have a ramp up period of 120 and number of threads set to 30. Within the thread group, I have 20 HTTP Requests. I am a little confused as to how JMeter runs these requests. Do each of the 20 requests within a thread group run in a single thread, and each loop over a thread group runs concurrently on a different thread? Or do each of the 20 requests run in different threads as and when they are available.
My other question is, Over each loop, I want to vary the body of the post data that is being sent via the HTTP request. Is it possible to pass the post data body via a file instead of inserting the data into the JMeter Body Data Tab as show below:
However, instead of doing that, I want to define some kind of variable that picks a file based on iteration of the threadgroup that is running, for example, if it is looping over the thread group the second time, i want to call test2.txt, if the third time test3.txt etc and these text files will contain different post data. Could anyone tell me if this is possible with JMeter please and if so, how would I go about doing this.
Point 1 - JMeter concurrency
JMeter starts with 1 thread and spawns more threads as per ramp-up set. In your case (30 threads and 120 seconds ramp-up) another thread is being added each 4 seconds. Each thread executes 20 requests and if there is another loop - starts over, if there is no loop - the threads shuts down. To control load and concurrency JMeter provides 2 options:
Synchronizing Timer - pause all threads till specified threshold is reached and then release all of them at the same time
Constant Throughput Timer - to specify the load in requests per minute.
Point 2 - Send file instead of text
You can replace your request body with __fileToString function. If you want to parametrize it you can use nested function to provide current iteration - see below.
Point 3 - adding iteration as a parameter
JMeter provides 2 options on how you can increment a counter each loop
Counter config element - starts from specified value and gets incremented by specified value each time it's called.
__counter function - start from 1 and gets incremented by 1 each time it's being called. Can be "per-user" or "global"
See How to Use JMeter Functions post series for comprehensive information on above and more JMeter functions.