Cupy error: module 'cupy' has no attribute 'gradient' - cupy

I'm a bit new to GPU programming, but I saw on the Cupy documentation that cupy.gradient exists as a function, but whenever I try using it, I get the following error - AttributeError: module 'cupy' has no attribute 'gradient'. Not sure if this is a bug or if I'm using it incorrectly, but would love to know if someone else is having this issue too. Is there a different way to calculate the gradient using Cupy?


React Native Formik - Error at passing Object to HandleChange

I'm trying to save an Object on form.values to work with it later on a Query.
The problem is, even I have used it on another project, this time it gives this error:
Does anyone have some clue about this?
The specific line I'm inputting this is this one:
I'm not sure, but I think it is not finding the '_eventOrTextValue' function...
I have tried passing integers, objects, arrays, but the only kind of value it accepts is string...
Oddly I used this same mirrored function on another project the same way...

Problem with type FreeRV while adding new distribution

I'm trying to add a new discrete distribution to PyMC3 (a Wallenius non-central hypergeometric) by wrapping Agner Fogs c++ version of it (
I have successfully put the relevant functions in a c++ extension and added broadcasting so that it behaves as scipy's distributions. (For now broadcasting is done in Python. .. will later try the xtensor-python bindings for more performant vectorization in c++.)
I'm running into the following problem: when I instantiate an RV of the new distribution in a model context, I'm getting a "TypeError: an integer is required (got type FreeRV)" from where "value" is passed to the logp() function of the new distribution.
I understand that PyMC3 might need to connect RVs to the functions, but I find no way to cast them into something my new functions can work with.
Any hints on how to resolve this or general info on adding new distributions to PyMC3 or the internal workings of distributions would be extremely helpful.
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: I noticed that FreeRV inherits from theanos TensorVariable, so I tried calling .eval(). This leads to another error along the lines that no input is connected. (I don't have the exact error message right now).
One thing which puzzles me is why logp is called at instantiation of the variable when setting up the model ...

Load Julia modules on demand

I I have a very simple question. Is it possible to load modules on demand in Julia. That is, can the modules be loaded when they are actually needed instead of being loaded at "parse-time" at the top level.
The use case scenario I have in mind is that I have some set of code that is able to do some plotting using PyPlot, but code is far from always executed.
At the moment this means that I have at top level a statement like using PyPlot, which takes quite a load of time to load.
(Yes i know: One should not restart Julia to often, bla bla bla... but nevertheless this is a point of annoyance)
Is there a way to ensure that PyPlot is only loaded is if is actually needed?
The simplest idea would have been to include the using PyPlot inside the function that actually do the plotting
function my_plot()
using PyPlot
but this results in a syntax error:
ERROR: syntax: "using" expression not at top level
So, is there another way to achieve this?
The "using" statement runs when the line of code is encountered, and does not have to be at the top of the file. It does need to be in global scope, which means that the variables in the module loaded with "using" will be available to all functions in your program after the "using" statement is executed, not just a single function as might happen in the local scope of a function.
If you call the using statement as an expression within a Julia eval statement, all code executed within the "eval" statement in Julia is automatically done so in global scope, even if the eval is syntactically called within a function's local scope. So if you use the macro #eval
function my_plot()
#eval using PyPlot # or without the macro, as eval(:(using PyPlot))
this acts as if the using PyPlot is done outside a function, and so avoids the syntax error.

PHP function written in 5.5 throws error when upgraded to 7.0

here is the function that worked prior to upgrading to 7.0
function set_session_vars() {
for($i=0;$i<$nb_args;$i++) {
global $$arg_list[$i];
$_SESSION[$arg_list[$i]] = $$arg_list[$i];
now it causer error that says:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[', expecting ',' or ';' in /home/mvyc1956/public_html/members/includes/functions.php on line 322
I believe its related to non backward compatable changes to GLOBAL and the use of $$ and arrays, but my PHP is not good enough to figure it out.
Is there someone who is familiar with why this line :
global $$arg_list[$i];
which is line 322 that is being reported as the cause of the error, would be failing now, and what would you recommend I change the code to in order to have it work with PHP 7?
I did some googling and found this page but again, im not understanding what needs to be changed.
says syntax error so some of the code in the function is no longer valid, but it would take a php 7 expert to see it.
I removed the word GLOBAL from the above code and the app "seems" to be now working fine so I will now ask:
Does anyone know specifically, why Global was the non compatibility issue? and is my fix of simply removing it a solid one or will is there a better practice or will this removal come back to haunt me?
Backward incompatible changes:
global only accepts simple variables
Variable variables can no longer be used with the global keyword. The curly brace syntax can be used to emulate the previous behaviour if required:
// Valid in PHP 5 only.
global $$foo->bar;
// Valid in PHP 5 and 7.
global ${$foo->bar};
So in your case it should become:
global ${$arg_list[$i]};
The global keyword tells PHP to access a global variable (per launch of the script) instead of a local variable (per function). For example,
global $foo;
means that future uses of the variable $foo in that function refer to the global variable with that name, rather than a variable within the function itself.
What this is trying to do is look up a variable by arbitrary name in the global namespace. That's entirely the wrong way to do things. Instead, you should have a global array and use keys in the array. In fact, $$ is arguably a bad idea in general.
But that's neither here nor there. The problem is that the parsing rules changed in PHP 7.0 in a non-backwards-compatible way (because they're using a more traditional parser now, and thus had to make their associativity rules self-consistent).
More details here:
To make a long story short, you need to rewrite that as:
global ${$arg_list[$i]};
and then your code will work correctly on both PHP 7 and PHP 5.
Incidentally, the function only appears to work without the global keyword. In fact, it is always getting empty values for those variables.

JPype: how to convert the boolean value from python to java

I want to run java class in my python code and I use the tool JPype.
I have a java method with a boolean argument.
It works in java code but when I call it in python, I get the error message:
RuntimeError: No matching overloads found. at src/native/common/jp_method.cpp:121
I even use the jpype wrapper JBoolean, but it still fails.
For example, the code in java is:
and I have tried to convert it in python as:
but all of above get the same error message.
Could anyone help me to convert the boolean argument from python to java??
thank you!!
Is the argument of your Java method defined as a boolean or a java.lang.Boolean?
If it is boolean, then all the possibilities you have tried should work (if not there might be something wrong with the way you import the Class in your Python code). However, if it's a java.lang.Boolean, then you have to call your method as such: