return tensor how to make it bytes or string - tensorflow

I'm struggling with this for a while. I searched stack and check tf2
doc a bunch of times. There is one solution indicated, but
I don't understand why my solution doesn't work.
In my case, I store a binary string (i.e., bytes) in tfrecords.
if I iterate over dataset via as_numpy_list or directly call numpy()
on each item, I can get back binary string.
while iterating the dataset, it does work.
I'm not sure what exactly map() passes to test_callback.
I see doesn't have a method nor property numpy, and the same about type return. (it is Tensor, but it has no numpy as well)
Essentially I need to take a binary string, parse it via my
x = decoder.FromString(y) and then pass it my encoder
that will transform x binary string to tensor.
def test_callback(example_proto):
# I tried to figure out. can I use bytes?decode
# directly and what is the most optimal solution.
parsed_features =, out_type=tf.uint8)
# returns tensor with N bytes.
x = creator.FromString(parsed_features.numpy)
encoded_seq = midi_encoder.encode(x)
return encoded_seq
raw_dataset =["main.tfrecord"])
raw_dataset =
Thank you, folks.

I found one solution but I would love to see more suggestions.
def test_callback(example_proto):
from_string = creator.FromString(example_proto.numpy())
encoded_seq = encoder.encoder(from_string)
return encoded_seq
raw_dataset =["main.tfrecord"])
raw_dataset = x: tf.py_function(test_callback, [x], [tf.int64]))
My understanding that tf.py_function has a penalty on performance.
Thank you


Dataset API 'flat_map' method producing error for same code which works with 'map' method

I am trying to create a create a pipeline to read multiple CSV files using TensorFlow Dataset API and Pandas. However, using the flat_map method is producing errors. However, if I am using map method I am able to build the code and run it in session. This is the code I am using. I already opened #17415 issue in TensorFlow Github repository. But apparently, it is not an error and they asked me to post here.
folder_name = './data/power_data/'
file_names = os.listdir(folder_name)
def _get_data_for_dataset(file_name,rows=100):#
df_input=pd.read_csv(os.path.join(folder_name, file_name.decode()),
usecols =['Wind_MWh','Actual_Load_MWh'],nrows = rows)
X_data = df_input.as_matrix()
X_data.astype('float32', copy=False)
return X_data
dataset =
dataset = dataset.flat_map(lambda file_name: tf.py_func(_get_data_for_dataset,
[file_name], tf.float64))
dataset= dataset.batch(2)
fiter = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator()
get_batch = iter.get_next()
I get the following error: map_func must return a Dataset object. The pipeline works without error when I use map but it doesn't give the output I want. For example, if Pandas is reading N rows from each of my CSV files I want the pipeline to concatenate data from B files and give me an array with shape (N*B, 2). Instead, it is giving me (B, N,2) where B is the Batch size. map is adding another axis instead of concatenating on the existing axis. From what I understood in the documentation flat_map is supposed to give a flatted output. In the documentation, both map and flat_map returns type Dataset. So how is my code working with map and not with flat_map?
It would also great if you could point me towards code where Dataset API has been used with Pandas module.
As mikkola points out in the comments, the and Dataset.flat_map() expect functions with different signatures: takes a function that maps a single element of the input dataset to a single new element, whereas Dataset.flat_map() takes a function that maps a single element of the input dataset to a Dataset of elements.
If you want each row of the array returned by _get_data_for_dataset() to
become a separate element, you should use Dataset.flat_map() and convert the output of tf.py_func() to a Dataset, using Dataset.from_tensor_slices():
folder_name = './data/power_data/'
file_names = os.listdir(folder_name)
def _get_data_for_dataset(file_name, rows=100):
df_input=pd.read_csv(os.path.join(folder_name, file_name.decode()),
usecols=['Wind_MWh', 'Actual_Load_MWh'], nrows=rows)
X_data = df_input.as_matrix()
return X_data.astype('float32', copy=False)
dataset =
# Use `Dataset.from_tensor_slices()` to make a `Dataset` from the output of
# the `tf.py_func()` op.
dataset = dataset.flat_map(lambda file_name:
tf.py_func(_get_data_for_dataset, [file_name], tf.float32)))
dataset = dataset.batch(2)
iter = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator()
get_batch = iter.get_next()

tf.train.shuffle_batch() ValueError: Cannot infer Tensor's rank: Tensor("PyFunc:0", dtype=uint8)

I am trying to feed my image data from my TFRecord files into tf.train.shuffle_batch(). I have a load_img_file() function that reads the TFRecord files, does preprocessing, and returns the images and one-hot labels in the format [[array of images, np.uint8 format], [array of labels, np.uint8 format]]. I made the op
load_img_file_op = tf.py_func(self.load_img_file, [], [np.uint8, np.uint8])
which converts that function into an op. I have verified that that op works by doing
data = tf.Session().run(load_img_file_op)
for n in range(50): #go through images
print data[1][n] #print one-hot label
self.image_set.display_img(data[0][n]) #display image
which successfully prints the one-hot labels and displays the corresponding images.
However, when I try to do something like
self.batch = tf.train.shuffle_batch(load_img_file_op, batch_size=self.batch_size, capacity=q_capacity, min_after_dequeue=10000)
I get the error
raise ValueError("Cannot infer Tensor's rank: %s" % tl[i])
ValueError: Cannot infer Tensor's rank: Tensor("PyFunc:0", dtype=uint8)"
I have tried many variations to try to match what the guide does:
Instead of self.batch =, I have tried example_batch, label_batch = (trying to get two values instead of one)
setting enqueue_many to True
having my load_image_file() function and load_img_file_op return two separate values: images and labels. And then inputting them like tf.train.shuffle_batch([images, labels],...)
returning/inputting just one image and label at a time into tf.train.shuffle_batch()
using tf.train.shuffle_batch_join()
Nothing seems to work, but I feel like I am following the format of the guide and various other tutorials I have seen. What am I doing wrong? I apologize if my mistake is stupid or trivial (searches for this error do not seem to return anything relevant to me). Thank you for your help and time!
The link in the comments helped a lot; thank you! (The answer is that you have to give the shape when using py_func.) Since I had to figure out a little bit more on top of that I will post the complete solution:
I had to make my function return two separate values so that they would be two different tensors and could be shaped separately:
return images, labels
Then, proceeding as in the question above, but shaping:
load_img_file_op = tf.py_func(self.load_img_file, [], [np.uint8, np.uint8]) # turn the function into an op
images, labels = load_img_file_op
images.set_shape([imgs_per_file, height * width])
labels.set_shape([imgs_per_file, num_classes])
self.batch = tf.train.shuffle_batch([images, labels], batch_size=self.batch_size, capacity=q_capacity, min_after_dequeue=1000, enqueue_many = True)
The enqueue_many is important so that the images will enter the queue individually.

Convert string tensor to lower case

Is there any way to convert a string tensor to lower case, without evaluating in the session ? Some sort of tf.string_to_lower op ?
More specifically, I am reading data from tfrecords files, so my data is made of tensors. I then want to use tf.contrib.lookup.index_table_from_* to lookup indices for words in the data, and I need this to be case-insensitive. Lowering the data before writing it to tfrecords is not an option, as it needs to be kept in original format. One option would be to store both original and lowered, but I'd like to avoid this if possible.
Here's an implementation with tensorflow ops:
def lowercase(s):
ucons = tf.constant_initializer([chr(i) for i in range(65, 91)])
lcons = tf.constant_initializer([chr(i) for i in range(97, 123)])
upchars = tf.constant(ucons, dtype=tf.string)
lchars = tf.constant(lcons, dtype=tf.string)
upcharslut = tf.contrib.lookup.index_table_from_tensor(mapping=upchars, num_oov_buckets=1, default_value=-1)
splitchars = tf.string_split(tf.reshape(s, [-1]), delimiter="").values
upcharinds = upcharslut.lookup(splitchars)
return tf.reduce_join(tf.map_fn(lambda x: tf.cond(x[0] > 25, lambda: x[1], lambda: lchars[x[0]]), (upcharinds, splitchars), dtype=tf.string))
if __name__ == "__main__":
s = "komoDO DragoN "
sess = tf.Session()
x = lowercase(s)
returns [b'komodo dragon ']
You can use tf.py_func to use a python function that manipulates your string and it's executed withing the graph.
You can do something like:
# I suppose your string tensor is tensorA
lower = tf.py_func(lambda x: x.lower(), [tensorA], tf.string, stateful=False)
# Starting from TF 2.0 `tf.py_func` is deprecated so correct code will be
lower = tf.py_function(lambda x: x.numpy().lower(), [tensorA], tf.string)
Unfortunately, tf.py_func doesn't work in all cases as serving or TFT. The following snippet is a simple in-graph TF solution.
import tensorflow as tf
def to_lower_case(text):
chars = tf.strings.unicode_decode(text, input_encoding='UTF-8')
capital_mask = tf.logical_and(tf.greater_equal(chars, 65), tf.less(chars, 91))
chars = chars + tf.cast(capital_mask, tf.int32) * 32
return tf.strings.unicode_encode(chars, output_encoding='UTF-8')
with tf.Session() as sess:
In Tensorflow 1.14, a lower op has been added. A short code snippet (in eager execution mode) looks like the following:
astring = tf.constant('A String', dtype=tf.string)
<tf.Tensor: id=79, shape=(), dtype=string, numpy=b'a string'>
If the characters your are using are limited to ASCII characters, I have a working solution for that (in graph). The idea is:
Create a lookup table with keys whose values are in [32, 127), while values the same, except those in [65, 91) replaced with [97, 123). Method: tf.contrib.lookup.HashTable.
Split the string into characters. Method: tf.string_split
Using lookup to map upper case characters to lower case characters. Method: case_table.lookup (if the HashTable was called case_table).
Join the characters back into the string. Method: tf.reduce_join.
A concrete example can be found here:
This approach should be able to be expanded to other character sets. Notice that if you were trying to convert only those characters that need to be changed (such as 26 English uppercase characters), that would be harder (not sure doable or not) as you will have to use tf.cond method and check if the character is in the key set or not, and would be less efficient too.

TensorFlow example, MemoryError while run

I'm trying to run for learning, but I get an error message:
File "C:\Users\natlun\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\contrib\learn\python\learn\datasets\", line 72, in load_csv_without_header
data = np.array(data)
I use CPU installation of TensorFlow and Python 3.5. Any ideas how to solve the problem?? Other scripts using a csv-file for input work fine.
I was having the same issue. And after many hours of reading and googling (and seeing your unanswered question), and just comparing the example with other examples that do run, I noticed that
dbpedia = tf.contrib.learn.datasets.load_dataset(
'dbpedia', test_with_fake_data=FLAGS.test_with_fake_data, size='large')
should just be
dbpedia = tf.contrib.learn.datasets.load_dataset(
'dbpedia', test_with_fake_data=FLAGS.test_with_fake_data)
Based off of what I've read about numpy, I'd bet the "size='large'" parameter causes an over allocation to a numpy array (which throws the memory error).
Or, when you don't set that parameter perhaps the input data is truncated.
Or some other thing. Anyway, I hope this helps others attempting to run this useful example!
--- Update ---
Without "size='large'" the load_dataset functions appears to create smaller training and test data sets (like 1/1000 the size).
After playing around with the example I realized I could manually load and use the whole data set without getting the memory error (assume it is saving the whole data set as it appears).
# Prepare training and testing data
##This was the provided method for setting up the data.
# dbpedia = tf.contrib.learn.datasets.load_dataset(
# 'dbpedia', test_with_fake_data=FLAGS.test_with_fake_data)
# x_trainz = pandas.DataFrame([1]
# y_trainz = pandas.Series(
# x_testz = pandas.DataFrame([1]
# y_testz = pandas.Series(
##And this is my replacement.
x_train = []
y_train = []
x_test = []
y_test = []
with open("dbpedia_data/dbpedia_csv/train.csv", encoding='utf-8') as filex:
reader = csv.reader(filex)
for row in reader:
with open("dbpedia_data/dbpedia_csv/test.csv", encoding='utf-8') as filex:
reader = csv.reader(filex)
for row in reader:
x_train = pandas.Series(x_train)
y_train = pandas.Series(y_train)
x_test = pandas.Series(x_test)
y_test = pandas.Series(y_test)
The example seems to now be evaluating the whole training data set. But, the original code will probably need to be run once to get/put the data in the correct sub-folders. Also, even while evaluating the whole data set little memory is used (just a few hundred MB). Which, makes me think that the load_dataset function is broken in some way.

How to read data from numpy files in TensorFlow? [duplicate]

I have read the CNN Tutorial on the TensorFlow and I am trying to use the same model for my project.
The problem is now in data reading. I have around 25000 images for training and around 5000 for testing and validation each. The files are in png format and I can read them and convert them into the numpy.ndarray.
The CNN example in the tutorials use a queue to fetch the records from the file list provided. I tried to create my own such binary file by reshaping my images into 1-D array and attaching a label value in the front of it. So my data looks like this
The single row of the above array is of length 22501 size where the first element is the label.
I dumped the file to using pickle and the tried to read from the file using the
tf.FixedLengthRecordReader to read from the file as demonstrated in example
I am doing the same things as given in the to read the binary file and putting them into the record object.
Now when I read from the files the labels and the image values are different. I can understand the reason for this to be that pickle dumps the extra information of braces and brackets also in the binary file and they change the fixed length record size.
The above example uses the filenames and pass it to a queue to fetch the files and then the queue to read a single record from the file.
I want to know if I can pass the numpy array as defined above instead of the filenames to some reader and it can fetch records one by one from that array instead of the files.
Probably the easiest way to make your data work with the CNN example code is to make a modified version of read_cifar10() and use it instead:
Write out a binary file containing the contents of your numpy array.
import numpy as np
images_and_labels_array = np.array([[...], ...], # [[1,12,34,24,53,...,102],
# [12,112,43,24,52,...,98],
# ...]
This file is similar to the format used in CIFAR10 datafiles. You might want to generate multiple files in order to get read parallelism. Note that ndarray.tofile() writes binary data in row-major order with no other metadata; pickling the array will add Python-specific metadata that TensorFlow's parsing routines do not understand.
Write a modified version of read_cifar10() that handles your record format.
def read_my_data(filename_queue):
class ImageRecord(object):
result = ImageRecord()
# Dimensions of the images in the dataset.
label_bytes = 1
# Set the following constants as appropriate.
result.height = IMAGE_HEIGHT
result.width = IMAGE_WIDTH
result.depth = IMAGE_DEPTH
image_bytes = result.height * result.width * result.depth
# Every record consists of a label followed by the image, with a
# fixed number of bytes for each.
record_bytes = label_bytes + image_bytes
assert record_bytes == 22501 # Based on your question.
# Read a record, getting filenames from the filename_queue. No
# header or footer in the binary, so we leave header_bytes
# and footer_bytes at their default of 0.
reader = tf.FixedLengthRecordReader(record_bytes=record_bytes)
result.key, value =
# Convert from a string to a vector of uint8 that is record_bytes long.
record_bytes = tf.decode_raw(value, tf.uint8)
# The first bytes represent the label, which we convert from uint8->int32.
result.label = tf.cast(
tf.slice(record_bytes, [0], [label_bytes]), tf.int32)
# The remaining bytes after the label represent the image, which we reshape
# from [depth * height * width] to [depth, height, width].
depth_major = tf.reshape(tf.slice(record_bytes, [label_bytes], [image_bytes]),
[result.depth, result.height, result.width])
# Convert from [depth, height, width] to [height, width, depth].
result.uint8image = tf.transpose(depth_major, [1, 2, 0])
return result
Modify distorted_inputs() to use your new dataset:
def distorted_inputs(data_dir, batch_size):
filenames = ["/tmp/images.bin"] # Or a list of filenames if you
# generated multiple files in step 1.
for f in filenames:
if not gfile.Exists(f):
raise ValueError('Failed to find file: ' + f)
# Create a queue that produces the filenames to read.
filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(filenames)
# Read examples from files in the filename queue.
read_input = read_my_data(filename_queue)
reshaped_image = tf.cast(read_input.uint8image, tf.float32)
# [...] (Maybe modify other parameters in here depending on your problem.)
This is intended to be a minimal set of steps, given your starting point. It may be more efficient to do the PNG decoding using TensorFlow ops, but that would be a larger change.
In your question, you specifically asked:
I want to know if I can pass the numpy array as defined above instead of the filenames to some reader and it can fetch records one by one from that array instead of the files.
You can feed the numpy array to a queue directly, but it will be a more invasive change to the code than my other answer suggests.
As before, let's assume you have the following array from your question:
import numpy as np
images_and_labels_array = np.array([[...], ...], # [[1,12,34,24,53,...,102],
# [12,112,43,24,52,...,98],
# ...]
You can then define a queue that contains the entire data as follows:
q = tf.FIFOQueue([tf.uint8, tf.uint8], shapes=[[], [22500]])
enqueue_op = q.enqueue_many([image_and_labels_array[:, 0], image_and_labels_array[:, 1:]])
...then call to populate the queue.
Another—more efficient—approach would be to feed records to the queue, which you could do from a parallel thread (see this answer for more details on how this would work):
# [With q as defined above.]
label_input = tf.placeholder(tf.uint8, shape=[])
image_input = tf.placeholder(tf.uint8, shape=[22500])
enqueue_single_from_feed_op = q.enqueue([label_input, image_input])
# Then, to enqueue a single example `i` from the array.,
feed_dict={label_input: image_and_labels_array[i, 0],
image_input: image_and_labels_array[i, 1:]})
Alternatively, to enqueue a batch at a time, which will be more efficient:
label_batch_input = tf.placeholder(tf.uint8, shape=[None])
image_batch_input = tf.placeholder(tf.uint8, shape=[None, 22500])
enqueue_batch_from_feed_op = q.enqueue([label_batch_input, image_batch_input])
# Then, to enqueue a batch examples `i` through `j-1` from the array.,
feed_dict={label_input: image_and_labels_array[i:j, 0],
image_input: image_and_labels_array[i:j, 1:]})
I want to know if I can pass the numpy array as defined above instead
of the filenames to some reader and it can fetch records one by one
from that array instead of the files.
tf.py_func, that wraps a python function and uses it as a TensorFlow operator, might help. Here's an example.
However, since you've mentioned that your images are stored in png files, I think the simplest solution would be to replace this:
reader = tf.FixedLengthRecordReader(record_bytes=record_bytes)
result.key, value =
with this:
result.key, value = tf.WholeFileReader().read(filename_queue))
value = tf.image.decode_jpeg(value)